Biden to double the size of the IRS

They want to arm the IRS. What does that tell you?
That tax dodging criminals should be worried? Or is the only time the wealthy worshiping, sycophant salad tossers on the right okay with defunding the police when they're tasked with going after the elites?
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That tax dodging criminals should be worried? Or is the only time the wealthy worshiping, sycophant salad tossers on the right only okay with defunding the police when their tasked with going after the elites?
STFU fascist.
It does. If you want to lower inflation you can either increase the available supply of goods or lower the amount of dollars available to purchase those goods. Taxing the wealthy reins in the amount of money circulating the market and it could even be coupled with subsidies to poor and working families and so long as it was offset by enough taxes on the rich it would still lower inflation.

No it doesn't. Govt blowing out the treasury ie endless printing and pumping 10 trillion dollars into the public is what's causing inflation. This is exactly how germany went down after ww1....print print print.
You know who’s not worried about this? People who pay their taxes.
No it doesn't. Govt blowing out the treasury ie endless printing and pumping 10 trillion dollars into the public is what's causing inflation. This is exactly how germany went down after ww1....print print print.
It can contribute inflation and probably has but they were printing money and doing QE for the wealthy which is unnecessary and subsidizing the poor and the middle class in the midst of a pandemic and economic hardship, provided they are coupled with taxes increases on the wealthy which we did not do.
It does. If you want to lower inflation you can either increase the available supply of goods or lower the amount of dollars available to purchase those goods. Taxing the wealthy reins in the amount of money circulating the market and it could even be coupled with subsidies to poor and working families and so long as it was offset by enough taxes on the rich it would still lower inflation.
Democrats are not taking millionaires or billionaires - as pointed out, Sinema sold out only after getting taxes on her billionaire donors eliminated.

Democrats DO plan to tax their way out of Inflation, though.

With millionaires and Blionaires hoarding / squirrels away money and avoiding paying taxes the people circulating / spending money are the Middle / lower classes. So they have to be targets of the increased taxes.


MIDDLE / LOWER classes are 'easier / faster fish to reel in'

Millionaires, billionaires, & corporations lawyer up when the IRS come around and the legal battle takes time.

Middle/lower class are afraid of the IRS and don't have money for lawyers. They pay up or negotiate a lesser fee (actually owed or not) then pay up ... pretty quickly....and the 87,000 IRS Agents move to the next Middle / Lower class target

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