"Black Panther" movie. Why is an all-black movie a victory for diversity?

There are dozens of Black comic book super heroes that could have been picked for this movie. There was clear intent to invoke politics and Racism by picking 'Black Panther'. If you look at the history, both the comic book character and the militant group came into being in the same year 1966.

IMO a cooler and less political choice for the movie would have been Black Talon. But like I said there are dozens of choices.

View attachment 177378

Don't pick Black Panther, perhaps the most well known black Marvel superhero that Marvel studios owns the rights to (and almost certainly the most well known that isn't already part of the MCU or a TV series), a character that was already introduced in Captain America: Civil War, and instead pick an obscure character that is actually a villain? :p

Black Talon - Marvel Comics - Barone - Voodoo & zombies guy - Profile
Samuel Barone (Earth-616)
Anything can be "tweaked" for the movies, they don't have to keep him a bad guy. I just thought he looked cool.
There are dozens of Black comic book super heroes that could have been picked for this movie. There was clear intent to invoke politics and Racism by picking 'Black Panther'. If you look at the history, both the comic book character and the militant group came into being in the same year 1966.

IMO a cooler and less political choice for the movie would have been Black Talon. But like I said there are dozens of choices.

View attachment 177378
black talon?....the guy who creates and controls zombies?....he was a bad guy....

The movie could be his "origin story" as he realizes that he should raise zombies to protect the innocent and fight crime.
except he didnt do that....he was a villain.....

Nothing saying he could not reform. It would be a powerful message of hope for all those kids who's daddies are in prison.
There are dozens of Black comic book super heroes that could have been picked for this movie. There was clear intent to invoke politics and Racism by picking 'Black Panther'. If you look at the history, both the comic book character and the militant group came into being in the same year 1966.

IMO a cooler and less political choice for the movie would have been Black Talon. But like I said there are dozens of choices.

View attachment 177378

Don't pick Black Panther, perhaps the most well known black Marvel superhero that Marvel studios owns the rights to (and almost certainly the most well known that isn't already part of the MCU or a TV series), a character that was already introduced in Captain America: Civil War, and instead pick an obscure character that is actually a villain? :p

Black Talon - Marvel Comics - Barone - Voodoo & zombies guy - Profile
Samuel Barone (Earth-616)
Anything can be "tweaked" for the movies, they don't have to keep him a bad guy. I just thought he looked cool.

In some of the pictures of the version of the character you posted, he looks too much like a rooster. :p
There are dozens of Black comic book super heroes that could have been picked for this movie. There was clear intent to invoke politics and Racism by picking 'Black Panther'. If you look at the history, both the comic book character and the militant group came into being in the same year 1966.

IMO a cooler and less political choice for the movie would have been Black Talon. But like I said there are dozens of choices.

View attachment 177378

Don't pick Black Panther, perhaps the most well known black Marvel superhero that Marvel studios owns the rights to (and almost certainly the most well known that isn't already part of the MCU or a TV series), a character that was already introduced in Captain America: Civil War, and instead pick an obscure character that is actually a villain? :p

Black Talon - Marvel Comics - Barone - Voodoo & zombies guy - Profile
Samuel Barone (Earth-616)

Was Black Panther really that big?

I would have thought that the Falcon would have had just as much name recognition.

As I said, most well known that isn't already part of the MCU or another series. That leaves out Falcon and Luke Cage, who both could be more well known than Black Panther. :dunno:

Why limit it to characters who are not already part of the MCU?

I could see avoiding Luke Cage, who has an active tv show, but

The Falcon would be perfect imo.

They could have made a Falcon movie, but he's already been established as a bit of a sidekick to Captain America. Also, his origin has been gone into a bit. With Black Panther, the audience didn't really get much backstory on him in Civil War, so this movie let them do that (assuming that was done, as I said, I haven't seen the movie). With Luke Cage, I don't think the MCU wants to have any already established TV characters in their movies, and I don't know how the rights to the character stand.


We don't need freaking origin stories on characters that have been in the public eye for generations!

Being a junior partner to CAPTAIN F**KING AMERICA, is no shame and a fine place to start, for a hero.

It would take seconds of screen time to explain why he was working solo, or why, if it was needed, that he would be powered up, or the leader of a team.
There are dozens of Black comic book super heroes that could have been picked for this movie. There was clear intent to invoke politics and Racism by picking 'Black Panther'. If you look at the history, both the comic book character and the militant group came into being in the same year 1966.

IMO a cooler and less political choice for the movie would have been Black Talon. But like I said there are dozens of choices.

View attachment 177378

Don't pick Black Panther, perhaps the most well known black Marvel superhero that Marvel studios owns the rights to (and almost certainly the most well known that isn't already part of the MCU or a TV series), a character that was already introduced in Captain America: Civil War, and instead pick an obscure character that is actually a villain? :p

Black Talon - Marvel Comics - Barone - Voodoo & zombies guy - Profile
Samuel Barone (Earth-616)
Anything can be "tweaked" for the movies, they don't have to keep him a bad guy. I just thought he looked cool.

In some of the pictures of the version of the character you posted, he looks too much like a rooster. :p
Well yeah, you wouldn't give him chicken feet for the movies.
Don't pick Black Panther, perhaps the most well known black Marvel superhero that Marvel studios owns the rights to (and almost certainly the most well known that isn't already part of the MCU or a TV series), a character that was already introduced in Captain America: Civil War, and instead pick an obscure character that is actually a villain? :p

Black Talon - Marvel Comics - Barone - Voodoo & zombies guy - Profile
Samuel Barone (Earth-616)

Was Black Panther really that big?

I would have thought that the Falcon would have had just as much name recognition.

As I said, most well known that isn't already part of the MCU or another series. That leaves out Falcon and Luke Cage, who both could be more well known than Black Panther. :dunno:

Why limit it to characters who are not already part of the MCU?

I could see avoiding Luke Cage, who has an active tv show, but

The Falcon would be perfect imo.

They could have made a Falcon movie, but he's already been established as a bit of a sidekick to Captain America. Also, his origin has been gone into a bit. With Black Panther, the audience didn't really get much backstory on him in Civil War, so this movie let them do that (assuming that was done, as I said, I haven't seen the movie). With Luke Cage, I don't think the MCU wants to have any already established TV characters in their movies, and I don't know how the rights to the character stand.


We don't need freaking origin stories on characters that have been in the public eye for generations!

Being a junior partner to CAPTAIN F**KING AMERICA, is no shame and a fine place to start, for a hero.

It would take seconds of screen time to explain why he was working solo, or why, if it was needed, that he would be powered up, or the leader of a team.

These characters aren't Batman, or Superman. Most of the public probably had little idea who some of the MCU characters were before the movies started. I don't think Black Panther has "been in the public eye for generations." A small segment of the public has known about him, but I don't think most of them did until recently.

There are also other considerations, of course. Some of the MCU actors are reaching the ends of their contracts, and who knows if they will continue to play their characters? Kevin Feige may want to introduce new characters who can continue the MCU if someone like Chris Hemsworth or Robert Downey, Jr. decide to call it quits. Having T'Challa around may be important for Infinity War. Certainly the leader of a nation-state can bring more resources to the table than Sam Wilson. The popularity of the characters may also have played a part in deciding to have a Black Panther movie. Maybe Falcon isn't all that well liked. Maybe there are plans for a Falcon movie, perhaps if he takes over the mantle of Captain America the way he does in the comics.

Considering the success Marvel has had with their movies since Iron Man kicked off the MCU, and considering how well Black Panther has been projected to do, it seems to me they made a good choice picking him to make a movie about. The movie had the biggest Thursday preview in February in the US, and is currently projected to make close to $200 million this weekend. It made $76 million on Friday, the third best opening day for the MCU.

‘Black Panther’ Could Make as Much as $200 Million in Massive U.S. Debut
'Black Panther' Now Projected for Over $210 Million Opening Weekend

I hope it is good. I haven't actively disliked any of the MCU movies, and some of them have been excellent. I thought the character was done fairly well in Civil War, so hopefully it translates into a good solo movie. I don't have an issue with Black Panther getting his own movie. :dunno:
Blacks seem to be excitied about this movie. Will they embrace its message and put down the crack pipe and pick up a book and learn to apply themselves in a meaningful way?

HAHAHA. 90% of adult blacks are illiterate. And those that do read, just read comics and other trash. Don't expect blacks to study physics textbooks. Anything that involves numbers is beyond them.
Now it is getting hard to see a commercial without a mixed couple ot biracial kids.
The propaganda si getting thick

Yes - that's what it is. The media think it's their job to brainwash the public into thinking blacks and whites are equal even though the evidence is overwhelming that blacks are very mentally inferior to all other races.
Critics gushed over Wonder Woman. Was that racist tripe as well?

Wonder Woman was sexist tripe. The idea that women are physically equal to men is as obviously false as the idea that blacks are mentally equal to whites. THINK
learn about the comic before you start talking....

You should take your own advice. Most here don't have a clue as to when the character first appeared nor do they know when the Black Panther gangsters formed. I'm enjoying myself laughing at them trying to school everybody else on their racist thug inspired hero. Even when another poster dated it they still babble on and think they're getting over on somebody. lol lol lol

They probably wait until the sequel to have the Hero start selling drugs in the neighborhoods he 'cleaned up'; that's what the original thugs did.
i know when he first appeared,i had the comic back then,you seem to be the clueless one,the panthers alter ego was never a thug and not inspired by one....like i said learn about the comic before you spew your ignorance.....

Yeah sure, the current one really resembles the 1960's one. lol you're delusional. The Panthers of the 1960's were almost all gone by 1969-70, and when Nixon catered to Charlie Rangel and the Black Caucus and started his 'War On Drugs', aimed at heroin dealers in black neighborhoods, the Black Panthers moved in to fill the vacuum. The modern incarnation isn't aimed at 1960's readers, it's aimed at kids now, and so is the name of the character. It is nothing at all like the 1960's one, which never took off in the first place, despite your alternate universe history. They're just selling a racist back story, aimed at creating a myth about African culture and inflaming black racism against white people, that's all. Nothing else to see in it.
I never said they all do that. I am making “sweeping generalizations” because the black community by far has the highest rates of drug use, crime, school drop outs, HIV/AIDS, welfare and unemployment, and prison population thanks to their thug culture and perpetual victimhood mentality.

NO - black failure is not caused by their culture. It's caused by their extreme mental inferiority. Maybe 10% of adult american blacks can read a newspaper as fast as they talk. In africa probably 1/10th of 1%. When you are illiterate, you haven't a chance.
learn about the comic before you start talking....

You should take your own advice. Most here don't have a clue as to when the character first appeared nor do they know when the Black Panther gangsters formed. I'm enjoying myself laughing at them trying to school everybody else on their racist thug inspired hero. Even when another poster dated it they still babble on and think they're getting over on somebody. lol lol lol

They probably wait until the sequel to have the Hero start selling drugs in the neighborhoods he 'cleaned up'; that's what the original thugs did.
i know when he first appeared,i had the comic back then,you seem to be the clueless one,the panthers alter ego was never a thug and not inspired by one....like i said learn about the comic before you spew your ignorance.....

Yeah sure, the current one really resembles the 1960's one. lol you're delusional. The Panthers of the 1960's were almost all gone by 1969-70, and when Nixon catered to Charlie Rangel and the Black Caucus and started his 'War On Drugs', aimed at heroin dealers in black neighborhoods, the Black Panthers moved in to fill the vacuum. The modern incarnation isn't aimed at 1960's readers, it's aimed at kids now, and so is the name of the character. It is nothing at all like the 1960's one, which never took off in the first place, despite your alternate universe history. They're just selling a racist back story, aimed at creating a myth about African culture and inflaming black racism against white people, that's all. Nothing else to see in it.
thats because you are looking at it like a racist would.....but then thats you....
I never said they all do that. I am making “sweeping generalizations” because the black community by far has the highest rates of drug use, crime, school drop outs, HIV/AIDS, welfare and unemployment, and prison population thanks to their thug culture and perpetual victimhood mentality.

NO - black failure is not caused by their culture. It's caused by their extreme mental inferiority. Maybe 10% of adult american blacks can read a newspaper as fast as they talk. In africa probably 1/10th of 1%. When you are illiterate, you haven't a chance.
your brother is here picaro....
learn about the comic before you start talking....

You should take your own advice. Most here don't have a clue as to when the character first appeared nor do they know when the Black Panther gangsters formed. I'm enjoying myself laughing at them trying to school everybody else on their racist thug inspired hero. Even when another poster dated it they still babble on and think they're getting over on somebody. lol lol lol

They probably wait until the sequel to have the Hero start selling drugs in the neighborhoods he 'cleaned up'; that's what the original thugs did.
i know when he first appeared,i had the comic back then,you seem to be the clueless one,the panthers alter ego was never a thug and not inspired by one....like i said learn about the comic before you spew your ignorance.....

Yeah sure, the current one really resembles the 1960's one. lol you're delusional. The Panthers of the 1960's were almost all gone by 1969-70, and when Nixon catered to Charlie Rangel and the Black Caucus and started his 'War On Drugs', aimed at heroin dealers in black neighborhoods, the Black Panthers moved in to fill the vacuum. The modern incarnation isn't aimed at 1960's readers, it's aimed at kids now, and so is the name of the character. It is nothing at all like the 1960's one, which never took off in the first place, despite your alternate universe history. They're just selling a racist back story, aimed at creating a myth about African culture and inflaming black racism against white people, that's all. Nothing else to see in it.
thats because you are looking at it like a racist would.....but then thats you....

You racists think the schoolyard game 'I'm Rubber you're glue' really works on message boards. The entire premise of the movie's back story is pure racism, and your lame attempts at faking it otherwise are doomed to failure. lol as if Africa was screwed over by 'colonization', when in fact it was a noted shithole of genocides and slaver states for thousands of years, and then there is the fact that the only anti-slavery movement it ever saw came from white missionaries to boot. lol the whole gimmick is pure Hollywood propaganda from start to finish. The idea that 'colonization' is the cause of Africa's problems is laughable on its face. Colonization brought Africa it's only progress in millenia. Of course you seem to prefer lies and racism, most Democrat candidates depend on it for votes.
It's a movie where 90% of the movie takes place in an African country... and has to do with tribes that are all related. Why would the NOT be Black?
It's a movie where 90% of the movie takes place in an African country... and has to do with tribes that are all related. Why would the NOT be Black?

They could have done that easily, without the racist sub-text. They didn't, so they get to own the fact it's hate propaganda, and intentionally so.
It's a movie where 90% of the movie takes place in an African country... and has to do with tribes that are all related. Why would the NOT be Black?

They could have done that easily, without the racist sub-text. They didn't, so they get to own the fact it's hate propaganda, and intentionally so.

Did you expect the country to be full of White people?
I never said they all do that. I am making “sweeping generalizations” because the black community by far has the highest rates of drug use, crime, school drop outs, HIV/AIDS, welfare and unemployment, and prison population thanks to their thug culture and perpetual victimhood mentality.

NO - black failure is not caused by their culture. It's caused by their extreme mental inferiority. Maybe 10% of adult american blacks can read a newspaper as fast as they talk. In africa probably 1/10th of 1%. When you are illiterate, you haven't a chance.
your brother is here picaro....

He is yours; you are just less honest about it, a lot less, which makes him a better man than you.
It's a movie where 90% of the movie takes place in an African country... and has to do with tribes that are all related. Why would the NOT be Black?

They could have done that easily, without the racist sub-text. They didn't, so they get to own the fact it's hate propaganda, and intentionally so.

Did you expect the country to be full of White people?

Where do you get that from? Your lack of any rebuttal? You also think the fake history back story was necessary, too?

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