"Black Panther" movie. Why is an all-black movie a victory for diversity?

By black cultural standards, they very much are; and, they had black comics back then. One of them was famous for setting his own face on fire. Sure, the standards are low, but they're definitely there.

Did you just compare Richard Pryor's setting himself on fire with comic book superheroes? :cuckoo:

His popularity with blacks skyrocketed because of it. It's considered a great achievement.

It has nothing to do with comic book superheroes. :rofl: It's as though you saw the word 'comic' and ignored everything else.

George Carlin and Batman are two of my favorites. :thup:

Richard Pryor has several books out. This Montrovant guy is really uninformed.


A comic who writes a book does not a comic book make. :p
Blankman? That should be considered a comedy rather than a superhero movie. I wouldn't call Super Fuzz a superhero movie. :p

they've had all kinds of super hero movies. Super Fly, Shaft, all those movies with the football player turned cop, and many others.

That famous superhero movie, Shaft! :lol:
No Shaft didnt have super powers. He was a hero though. Love the song from the movie. Hope they play it my funeral.

that is surprising; the Shaft movies don't seem nearly racist enough for your tastes, not even as racist as this pile of shit movie is.

Have you seen Black Panther? What makes it racist? I haven't seen it yet.

I havent seen it either but you'd have to be blind not to comprehend the black supremacist undertones in just the title alone, never mind the politicized hype surrounding it. Hard to imagine the studio execs who decided this obscure character needed a blockbuster didn't know that a militant black supremacist group called the Black Panthers exists.
they've had all kinds of super hero movies. Super Fly, Shaft, all those movies with the football player turned cop, and many others.

That famous superhero movie, Shaft! :lol:
No Shaft didnt have super powers. He was a hero though. Love the song from the movie. Hope they play it my funeral.

that is surprising; the Shaft movies don't seem nearly racist enough for your tastes, not even as racist as this pile of shit movie is.

Have you seen Black Panther? What makes it racist? I haven't seen it yet.

I havent seen it either but you'd have to be blind not to comprehend the black supremacist undertones in just the title alone, never mind the politicized hype surrounding it. Hard to imagine the studio execs who decided this obscure character needed a blockbuster didn't know that a militant black supremacist group called the Black Panthers exists.

The title? Black Panther is a character created by a white guy 50 years ago. :lol:
Super Hero crap. Hollywood is like the Grammies now, reduced to trying to sell total crap as 'art', like trying to sell that gibbering crackhead idiot Kendrick Lamer being touted up as some sort of 'great artist' now. Black culture continues its race down the toilet. Such a long steep fall from the eras that produced artists like Ellington, Bassie, Miles Davis, John Coltrane the Marsalis brothers,,et al.

Yes - blacks used to produce great entertainers and now they can't even do that. They've NEVER been able to produce important people like engineers and scientists. What a pathetic race. Lincoln had the right idea. Send them back to africa.
so how come you are one of those guys who goes around sucking the shit out of the port a potties?..what happened?...
What’s funny about this movie is that this (fictional) nation was so wealthy and advanced for so long because they had zero immigration, took no refugees, and gave no foreign aid. Then at the end of the movie they decide to just throw all that away and embrace diversity and multiculturalism all in the name of helping the downtrodden negroes around the planet. There were several cracks about white colonization and the slave trade, but they refused to acknowledge the fact that Africans started the slave trade themselves.

Blacks seem to be excitied about this movie. Will they embrace its message and put down the crack pipe and pick up a book and learn to apply themselves in a meaningful way?

That wasn't necessarily the case. The kept people put because they feared the outside world would use their technology and materials for evil or start a war over it.

And you making sweeping generalizations about blacks. As if we are all smoking crack and dumb.

I never done drugs or even alcohol in my life and I am university educated. I educate others for a living.

I never said they all do that. I am making “sweeping generalizations” because the black community by far has the highest rates of drug use, crime, school drop outs, HIV/AIDS, welfare and unemployment, and prison population thanks to their thug culture and perpetual victimhood mentality.
they've had all kinds of super hero movies. Super Fly, Shaft, all those movies with the football player turned cop, and many others.

That famous superhero movie, Shaft! :lol:
No Shaft didnt have super powers. He was a hero though. Love the song from the movie. Hope they play it my funeral.

that is surprising; the Shaft movies don't seem nearly racist enough for your tastes, not even as racist as this pile of shit movie is.

Have you seen Black Panther? What makes it racist? I haven't seen it yet.

I havent seen it either but you'd have to be blind not to comprehend the black supremacist undertones in just the title alone, never mind the politicized hype surrounding it. Hard to imagine the studio execs who decided this obscure character needed a blockbuster didn't know that a militant black supremacist group called the Black Panthers exists.
Lee and Kirby's title predates the organizations name....and he aint that obscure....
There are dozens of Black comic book super heroes that could have been picked for this movie. There was clear intent to invoke politics and Racism by picking 'Black Panther'. If you look at the history, both the comic book character and the militant group came into being in the same year 1966.

IMO a cooler and less political choice for the movie would have been Black Talon. But like I said there are dozens of choices.

Meteor man, Blank man, Steel, Spawn, Blade, Hancock and yes Catwoman

Blankman? That should be considered a comedy rather than a superhero movie. I wouldn't call Super Fuzz a superhero movie. :p

they've had all kinds of super hero movies. Super Fly, Shaft, all those movies with the football player turned cop, and many others.

That famous superhero movie, Shaft! :lol:
No Shaft didnt have super powers. He was a hero though. Love the song from the movie. Hope they play it my funeral.

that is surprising; the Shaft movies don't seem nearly racist enough for your tastes, not even as racist as this pile of shit movie is.
Thats because you have no clue what my tastes are. Black Panther isnt racist in the least. You just mad its making money and providing inspiration.
There are dozens of Black comic book super heroes that could have been picked for this movie. There was clear intent to invoke politics and Racism by picking 'Black Panther'. If you look at the history, both the comic book character and the militant group came into being in the same year 1966.

IMO a cooler and less political choice for the movie would have been Black Talon. But like I said there are dozens of choices.

View attachment 177378
Look. We cant help you white boys are racists and booty tickled over the movie. If you dont like it, then dont support it. Personally I could give a dick what white people think about it to be honest. Whining about it is not going to keep Blacks from supporting it.
Yes - there's a few whites in it but its 99% black. Liberal hypocrites say all-white movies are racist but all-black movies are a way to fight racism!!!
The irony of the OP is that no one was whining like you when the lord of the rings came out with 6 straight movies and there wasnt a Black person in any of them.
As many White kids - probably more - will go to see Black Panther as Black kids. Pretty diverse!
That famous superhero movie, Shaft! :lol:
No Shaft didnt have super powers. He was a hero though. Love the song from the movie. Hope they play it my funeral.

that is surprising; the Shaft movies don't seem nearly racist enough for your tastes, not even as racist as this pile of shit movie is.

Have you seen Black Panther? What makes it racist? I haven't seen it yet.

I havent seen it either but you'd have to be blind not to comprehend the black supremacist undertones in just the title alone, never mind the politicized hype surrounding it. Hard to imagine the studio execs who decided this obscure character needed a blockbuster didn't know that a militant black supremacist group called the Black Panthers exists.
Lee and Kirby's title predates the organizations name....and he aint that obscure....
Actually it doesnt. Well sorta. The mascot for the LCFO was the original Black Panther party and thats where the later organization got the name from.

Lowndes County Freedom Party (LCFP) - SNCC Digital Gateway

"So, in Lowndes County when local Black citizens and SNCC organizers formed the Lowndes County Freedom Organization (LCFO), an independent political party in 1965, they chose a snarling black panther as its symbol. “The black panther is a vicious animal, as you know,” John Hulett, one of LCFO’s founders explained, “He never bothers anything, but when you start pushing him, he moves backward, backward, and backward, and then he comes out and destroys everything that’s in front of him.”"
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There are plenty of all white movies. Who cares if there’s an all black movie. I’m not going to see it because it looks dumb
not recently
gota have the token black
same with commercials
I hardly ever see one without a black
Now it is getting hard to see a commercial without a mixed couple ot biracial kids.
The propaganda si getting thick
Blankman? That should be considered a comedy rather than a superhero movie. I wouldn't call Super Fuzz a superhero movie. :p

they've had all kinds of super hero movies. Super Fly, Shaft, all those movies with the football player turned cop, and many others.

That famous superhero movie, Shaft! :lol:
No Shaft didnt have super powers. He was a hero though. Love the song from the movie. Hope they play it my funeral.

that is surprising; the Shaft movies don't seem nearly racist enough for your tastes, not even as racist as this pile of shit movie is.

Have you seen Black Panther? What makes it racist? I haven't seen it yet.

Read the premises, here in this thread as well, and besides, if all the MSM critics are gushing over it, it's just a given it's racist tripe. All the reviews also note the racism.
There are plenty of all white movies. Who cares if there’s an all black movie. I’m not going to see it because it looks dumb
not recently
gota have the token black
same with commercials
I hardly ever see one without a black
Now it is getting hard to see a commercial without a mixed couple ot biracial kids.
The propaganda si getting thick
Just a reflection of real life. The white girls around where I live only date Black and Mexican guys.
they've had all kinds of super hero movies. Super Fly, Shaft, all those movies with the football player turned cop, and many others.

That famous superhero movie, Shaft! :lol:
No Shaft didnt have super powers. He was a hero though. Love the song from the movie. Hope they play it my funeral.

that is surprising; the Shaft movies don't seem nearly racist enough for your tastes, not even as racist as this pile of shit movie is.

Have you seen Black Panther? What makes it racist? I haven't seen it yet.

I havent seen it either but you'd have to be blind not to comprehend the black supremacist undertones in just the title alone, never mind the politicized hype surrounding it. Hard to imagine the studio execs who decided this obscure character needed a blockbuster didn't know that a militant black supremacist group called the Black Panthers exists.

naming the 'Hero' after a violent, murdering gang of 1970's heroin dealers is par for the course with racist neo-fascists. As is typical of 'black revolutionaries', they kill more black people than anybody else.
That famous superhero movie, Shaft! :lol:
No Shaft didnt have super powers. He was a hero though. Love the song from the movie. Hope they play it my funeral.

that is surprising; the Shaft movies don't seem nearly racist enough for your tastes, not even as racist as this pile of shit movie is.

Have you seen Black Panther? What makes it racist? I haven't seen it yet.

I havent seen it either but you'd have to be blind not to comprehend the black supremacist undertones in just the title alone, never mind the politicized hype surrounding it. Hard to imagine the studio execs who decided this obscure character needed a blockbuster didn't know that a militant black supremacist group called the Black Panthers exists.

naming the 'Hero' after a violent, murdering gang of 1970's heroin dealers is par for the course with racist neo-fascists. As is typical of 'black revolutionaries', they kill more black people than anybody else.
Except he wasn't named after the Black Panther party if thats what you are talking about. Your ignorance is appalling.
There are plenty of all white movies. Who cares if there’s an all black movie. I’m not going to see it because it looks dumb
not recently
gota have the token black
same with commercials
I hardly ever see one without a black
Now it is getting hard to see a commercial without a mixed couple ot biracial kids.
The propaganda si getting thick
Just a reflection of real life. The white girls around where I live only date Black and Mexican guys.
Too bad for them. no doubt they will end up like Nicole
That famous superhero movie, Shaft! :lol:
No Shaft didnt have super powers. He was a hero though. Love the song from the movie. Hope they play it my funeral.

that is surprising; the Shaft movies don't seem nearly racist enough for your tastes, not even as racist as this pile of shit movie is.

Have you seen Black Panther? What makes it racist? I haven't seen it yet.

I havent seen it either but you'd have to be blind not to comprehend the black supremacist undertones in just the title alone, never mind the politicized hype surrounding it. Hard to imagine the studio execs who decided this obscure character needed a blockbuster didn't know that a militant black supremacist group called the Black Panthers exists.

naming the 'Hero' after a violent, murdering gang of 1970's heroin dealers is par for the course with racist neo-fascists. As is typical of 'black revolutionaries', they kill more black people than anybody else.

Amazing how a character created in the 1960's was based on a "murdering gang of the 1970's." :lol:
they've had all kinds of super hero movies. Super Fly, Shaft, all those movies with the football player turned cop, and many others.

That famous superhero movie, Shaft! :lol:
No Shaft didnt have super powers. He was a hero though. Love the song from the movie. Hope they play it my funeral.

that is surprising; the Shaft movies don't seem nearly racist enough for your tastes, not even as racist as this pile of shit movie is.

Have you seen Black Panther? What makes it racist? I haven't seen it yet.

Read the premises, here in this thread as well, and besides, if all the MSM critics are gushing over it, it's just a given it's racist tripe. All the reviews also note the racism.

Critics gushed over Wonder Woman. Was that racist tripe as well?
No Shaft didnt have super powers. He was a hero though. Love the song from the movie. Hope they play it my funeral.

that is surprising; the Shaft movies don't seem nearly racist enough for your tastes, not even as racist as this pile of shit movie is.

Have you seen Black Panther? What makes it racist? I haven't seen it yet.

I havent seen it either but you'd have to be blind not to comprehend the black supremacist undertones in just the title alone, never mind the politicized hype surrounding it. Hard to imagine the studio execs who decided this obscure character needed a blockbuster didn't know that a militant black supremacist group called the Black Panthers exists.

naming the 'Hero' after a violent, murdering gang of 1970's heroin dealers is par for the course with racist neo-fascists. As is typical of 'black revolutionaries', they kill more black people than anybody else.

Amazing how a character created in the 1960's was based on a "murdering gang of the 1970's." :lol:

Nothing to be ashamed about not being up on the Origin Story of all Marvel Superheros.

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