Black republicans...who are they really?

I don't know why you hate. Please tell us what drives your hate. My best hunch is that RW hate is generated in the masses by media brainwashing. The anger of the RW White male is well publicized and that history is punctuated with terrorism and violence.

Democrats are a cross section of America who recognize the threat angry RW White males pose. Blacks are included in the democratic front by choice. Blacks, Jews, Asians, and many White liberals know that if they are divided politically they will have lost their collective political clout and subsequently be subjected to the vengeance of the armed and dangerous angry RW White male.
. Is that where you think that the blacks have placed themselves into now ? Otherwise have they been unfair in their push for equality, and therefore have they enraged the anger of your supposed rw white males ? What do you think has been done in which makes you fear in this way ? If the assimilation of cultures has been going along ok, and the Klan had been deminished to a rag tag group over the years, and the majority of whites are all for blacks being in their cultural wheelhouse, then where does your fear above come from ? Is it from a knowledge that maybe things aren't being done fairly, and so you fear a backlash to come from that unfairness now ?

First of all I want to give thanks to the liberal White people who join us in politically neutralizing the angry RW White males and the women who love them. Angry RW White males are relentless in their efforts to turn back the hands of time where they had no competition in jobs and educational opportunities. They fought civil liberties for ALL every step pf the way and with every gain by minorities and women was/is seen as an assault on RW white male privilege and hegemony.

Changing demographics has altered traditional political outcomes and RW White males are being indoctrinated by their media masters to prepare for "taking their country back." These folks are armed and dangerous with access to every aspect of our lives. But we don't know who they are.
They could be judges, cops, school teachers or movie stars but they are all focused on the RW White male agenda and are capable of doing anything to attain their goals.

YOU are a big part of the problem, race-baiting douchebag.

Race will continue to be tough discussion for all concerned due to the wretched history! ....

The wretched history of the democrat party.

That was then; this is now! There's been a "juxtaposition" that's been uncanny; the Blue Dog South turning into narrow-minded Republican haters from FLA to Arizona! The North went Blue and Democratic, but are capable of voting for a Republican if a good candidate! That's hard to say about the bigoted South where the political MAP is blood red! :9:
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. Is that where you think that the blacks have placed themselves into now ? Otherwise have they been unfair in their push for equality, and therefore have they enraged the anger of your supposed rw white males ? What do you think has been done in which makes you fear in this way ? If the assimilation of cultures has been going along ok, and the Klan had been deminished to a rag tag group over the years, and the majority of whites are all for blacks being in their cultural wheelhouse, then where does your fear above come from ? Is it from a knowledge that maybe things aren't being done fairly, and so you fear a backlash to come from that unfairness now ?

First of all I want to give thanks to the liberal White people who join us in politically neutralizing the angry RW White males and the women who love them. Angry RW White males are relentless in their efforts to turn back the hands of time where they had no competition in jobs and educational opportunities. They fought civil liberties for ALL every step pf the way and with every gain by minorities and women was/is seen as an assault on RW white male privilege and hegemony.

Changing demographics has altered traditional political outcomes and RW White males are being indoctrinated by their media masters to prepare for "taking their country back." These folks are armed and dangerous with access to every aspect of our lives. But we don't know who they are.
They could be judges, cops, school teachers or movie stars but they are all focused on the RW White male agenda and are capable of doing anything to attain their goals.

YOU are a big part of the problem, race-baiting douchebag.

Race will continue to be tough discussion for all concerned due to the wretched history! ....

The wretched history of the democrat party.

That was then; this is now! ....

Then and still now.
None of you right wingers have addressed the intent of the O/P....All you've bitched and moaned about Obama ad nauseum......

Get over know, if he could run.....he'd be elected again.
Well you insulted the black community,claiming that blacks only identify with conservative ideals,just to look good,an absurd notion,but no surprise absurdity is a main dish for the OP.
There are few "better" examples of why.........after all is said and your heart-of-hearts you TOO simply think that blacks are "stupid" for voting democrat.....Try as you will to hide it, once you begin your spewing your own latent racism emerges.

Ignorant does not mean stupid. Look it up in the dictionary. Ignorant means uneducated on something.

What party thinks the blacks are too stupid? Who supports affirmative action? Who is constantly whining about the black plight in this country as if they can't participate in achievement and success? What party stated that blacks were too stupid to obtain an ID for voting?

no. ignorant does not mean stupid. but more often than not there is a link..... as you prove every day.

you should also probably go look up "poll tax" before you spew about people being too "Stupid" to obtain an ID.

you're welcome.
. Bring it foward to about 2016. Is there still a poll tax ?

if you make people spend money to get an ID to vote?

again, study up a bit.
None of you right wingers have addressed the intent of the O/P....All you've bitched and moaned about Obama ad nauseum......

Get over know, if he could run.....he'd be elected again.
Well you insulted the black community,claiming that blacks only identify with conservative ideals,just to look good,an absurd notion,but no surprise absurdity is a main dish for the OP.

i love when racist pondscum call others "racist".
None of you right wingers have addressed the intent of the O/P....All you've bitched and moaned about Obama ad nauseum......

Get over know, if he could run.....he'd be elected again.
Well you insulted the black community,claiming that blacks only identify with conservative ideals,just to look good,an absurd notion,but no surprise absurdity is a main dish for the OP.

i love when racist pondscum call others "racist".

They can't help themselves! Even after all they've said and done to Obama; they're oblivious to how hateful they were to him and his family! It was truly pathetic and embarrassing showing the world how behind and backwards in a lot of the country! :disbelief: :dunno: :frown:
There are few "better" examples of why.........after all is said and your heart-of-hearts you TOO simply think that blacks are "stupid" for voting democrat.....Try as you will to hide it, once you begin your spewing your own latent racism emerges.

Ignorant does not mean stupid. Look it up in the dictionary. Ignorant means uneducated on something.

What party thinks the blacks are too stupid? Who supports affirmative action? Who is constantly whining about the black plight in this country as if they can't participate in achievement and success? What party stated that blacks were too stupid to obtain an ID for voting?

no. ignorant does not mean stupid. but more often than not there is a link..... as you prove every day.

you should also probably go look up "poll tax" before you spew about people being too "Stupid" to obtain an ID.

you're welcome.
. Bring it foward to about 2016. Is there still a poll tax ?

if you make people spend money to get an ID to vote?

again, study up a bit.
. Are you understanding that everybody has to do the same regardless of their race ? If so then your analysis of why it is being done is uh wrong. Unless you fear that the amount is not fisable for the voters your talking about to afford, then you are being disrespectful to those people without their input on the matter. So is it that you are saying that they need help in doing the simplest of things ? So is that you position taken ? Hmmm, how much can the charge be ?
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Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites

There are few, if any, folks asserting that blacks aren't capable of being "treated like whites." Hell, my cats are capable of being treated that way, so is a rock. Being "treated like whites," however, is an activity that whites must exhibit, not merely talk about exhibiting. It's also an action that blacks cannot alone make whites perform. Accordingly, what blacks are capable of being treated like is irrelevant until they are convinced they've been treated that way.

Read my post and perhaps you'll understand why so many blacks don't feel as though that are even now treated that way by whites in general, even though there are surely white folks in blacks' lives who do treat them equitably. If/when white Americans universally, or nearly so, "walk that walk" as well as "talk that that," there's a good chance blacks will believe that they are indeed being treated equally and share equally in the bounty of opportunity the U.S. offers.

The Democrats in this thread are all arguing blacks aren't capable of being treated like whites. When Obama is treated like a white liberal, that's racism. That's the argument

That's just more ignorant bullshit from an ignorant poster.

Blacks participate at EVERY LEVEL of the Democratic Party .. including at the very top. The Republican Party remains virtually all white.

END OF STORY about how blacks are treated by democrats.

You mean other than the former head of the GOP? Or do you mean two former Secretaries of State and the one on the Supreme Court? And blacks are 90+% Democrat, dumb ass.

Also, there is exactly 1 black Democrat in the Senate, and 1 black Republican. And how many blacks in the House are from white districts?

White Democrats have done shit for Blacks.

Your argument is stupid. You're talking about a couple of appointments compared to thousands of elected black democrats all over the country at every level. That's stupid.

You're comparing a party that has opened the doors to black representation at EVERY LEVEL .. including the President of the United States .. to a party that actively and openly seeks to disenfranchise the black vote every chance it gets. That's stupid.

You right-wingers do much better in conversations exclusive to just you. Then you can say all kinds of childish dumb ass shit unencumbered by truth, facts, or even common sense.
There are few "better" examples of why.........after all is said and your heart-of-hearts you TOO simply think that blacks are "stupid" for voting democrat.....Try as you will to hide it, once you begin your spewing your own latent racism emerges.

Ignorant does not mean stupid. Look it up in the dictionary. Ignorant means uneducated on something.

What party thinks the blacks are too stupid? Who supports affirmative action? Who is constantly whining about the black plight in this country as if they can't participate in achievement and success? What party stated that blacks were too stupid to obtain an ID for voting?

no. ignorant does not mean stupid. but more often than not there is a link..... as you prove every day.

you should also probably go look up "poll tax" before you spew about people being too "Stupid" to obtain an ID.

you're welcome.
. Bring it foward to about 2016. Is there still a poll tax ?

if you make people spend money to get an ID to vote?

again, study up a bit.
. Are you understanding that everybody has to do the same regardless of their race ? If so then your analysis of why it is being done is uh wrong. Unless you fear that the amount is not fisable for the voters your talking about to afford, then you are being disrespectful to those people without their input on the matter. So is it that you are saying that they need help in doing the simplest of things ? So is that you position taken ? Hmmm, how much can the charge be ?

not the point. again, learn. saying it's the same for everyone is not the measure. it's whether it's prohibitive for a class of people.

and don't pretend you know my position. you know only the exact words i typed. everything else is your delusion.
Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites

There are few, if any, folks asserting that blacks aren't capable of being "treated like whites." Hell, my cats are capable of being treated that way, so is a rock. Being "treated like whites," however, is an activity that whites must exhibit, not merely talk about exhibiting. It's also an action that blacks cannot alone make whites perform. Accordingly, what blacks are capable of being treated like is irrelevant until they are convinced they've been treated that way.

Read my post and perhaps you'll understand why so many blacks don't feel as though that are even now treated that way by whites in general, even though there are surely white folks in blacks' lives who do treat them equitably. If/when white Americans universally, or nearly so, "walk that walk" as well as "talk that that," there's a good chance blacks will believe that they are indeed being treated equally and share equally in the bounty of opportunity the U.S. offers.

The Democrats in this thread are all arguing blacks aren't capable of being treated like whites. When Obama is treated like a white liberal, that's racism. That's the argument

That's just more ignorant bullshit from an ignorant poster.

Blacks participate at EVERY LEVEL of the Democratic Party .. including at the very top. The Republican Party remains virtually all white.

END OF STORY about how blacks are treated by democrats.

You mean other than the former head of the GOP? Or do you mean two former Secretaries of State and the one on the Supreme Court? And blacks are 90+% Democrat, dumb ass.

Also, there is exactly 1 black Democrat in the Senate, and 1 black Republican. And how many blacks in the House are from white districts?

White Democrats have done shit for Blacks.

Your argument is stupid. You're talking about a couple of appointments compared to thousands of elected black democrats all over the country at every level. That's stupid.

You're comparing a party that has opened the doors to black representation at EVERY LEVEL .. including the President of the United States .. to a party that actively and openly seeks to disenfranchise the black vote every chance it gets. That's stupid.

You right-wingers do much better in conversations exclusive to just you. Then you can say all kinds of childish dumb ass shit unencumbered by truth, facts, or even common sense.
Well look at you who can't stand whitey, but then the whitey that's being used to open the doors in the Democrat party, well they are somehow OK ? What will happen to those used up whitey's once you get done with them ?:dunno:
Ignorant does not mean stupid. Look it up in the dictionary. Ignorant means uneducated on something.

What party thinks the blacks are too stupid? Who supports affirmative action? Who is constantly whining about the black plight in this country as if they can't participate in achievement and success? What party stated that blacks were too stupid to obtain an ID for voting?

no. ignorant does not mean stupid. but more often than not there is a link..... as you prove every day.

you should also probably go look up "poll tax" before you spew about people being too "Stupid" to obtain an ID.

you're welcome.
. Bring it foward to about 2016. Is there still a poll tax ?

if you make people spend money to get an ID to vote?

again, study up a bit.
. Are you understanding that everybody has to do the same regardless of their race ? If so then your analysis of why it is being done is uh wrong. Unless you fear that the amount is not fisable for the voters your talking about to afford, then you are being disrespectful to those people without their input on the matter. So is it that you are saying that they need help in doing the simplest of things ? So is that you position taken ? Hmmm, how much can the charge be ?

not the point. again, learn. saying it's the same for everyone is not the measure. it's whether it's prohibitive for a class of people.

and don't pretend you know my position. you know only the exact words i typed. everything else is your delusion.
. How is it prohibitive to a class of people if it applies to all ? If not an affordable issue, then what can it be ?
Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites

. Dumb.

This is "DUMB TRUTH" and it ain't pretty!

You're a brain dead political hack
You wish!
None of you right wingers have addressed the intent of the O/P....All you've bitched and moaned about Obama ad nauseum......

Get over know, if he could run.....he'd be elected again.
Well you insulted the black community,claiming that blacks only identify with conservative ideals,just to look good,an absurd notion,but no surprise absurdity is a main dish for the OP.

i love when racist pondscum call others "racist".
You have a qoute ,to back up your claim?
You don't,nor will you,but your kind will say anything to try and make your point.
And why do we hate Joe Biden, John Kerry, Bill Clinton, Harry Reid, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton and Tom Daschle so much again? They're white. You people are the ones who treat blacks differently because they are black. If you want to fight racism, I'd start with the man in the mirror. Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites

I don't know why you hate. Please tell us what drives your hate. My best hunch is that RW hate is generated in the masses by media brainwashing. The anger of the RW White male is well publicized and that history is punctuated with terrorism and violence.

Democrats are a cross section of America who recognize the threat angry RW White males pose. Blacks are included in the democratic front by choice. Blacks, Jews, Asians, and many White liberals know that if they are divided politically they will have lost their collective political clout and subsequently be subjected to the vengeance of the armed and dangerous angry RW White male.
. Is that where you think that the blacks have placed themselves into now ? Otherwise have they been unfair in their push for equality, and therefore have they enraged the anger of your supposed rw white males ? What do you think has been done in which makes you fear in this way ? If the assimilation of cultures has been going along ok, and the Klan had been deminished to a rag tag group over the years, and the majority of whites are all for blacks being in their cultural wheelhouse, then where does your fear above come from ? Is it from a knowledge that maybe things aren't being done fairly, and so you fear a backlash to come from that unfairness now ?

First of all I want to give thanks to the liberal White people who join us in politically neutralizing the angry RW White males and the women who love them. Angry RW White males are relentless in their efforts to turn back the hands of time where they had no competition in jobs and educational opportunities. They fought civil liberties for ALL every step pf the way and with every gain by minorities and women was/is seen as an assault on RW white male privilege and hegemony.

Changing demographics has altered traditional political outcomes and RW White males are being indoctrinated by their media masters to prepare for "taking their country back." These folks are armed and dangerous with access to every aspect of our lives. But we don't know who they are.
They could be judges, cops, school teachers or movie stars but they are all focused on the RW White male agenda and are capable of doing anything to attain their goals.

Just understand that what you're hearing from the Right are the death throes of a dying breed. The Neanderthals are dying .. and their children will grow up in a society that is not ruled by Neanderthals.

If this is indeed to become something violent, il will be a necessary element of change. The metamorphosis that is underway in this nation will not come without cost good brother.

The good news in this moment in time .. is YOU. The good news is you and Americans just like you.

The payoff for posting on a board full of dumb ass immature RW morons .. are the comments of people just like you. You post with honor and intelligence brother .. and you don't run from the ignorance.

Some lib starts an Uncle Tom thread you know they are growing desperate when that happens :laugh:


You will need your tissue when Trump wins and you shit yourself lib.

how's president romney doing, nut bar?

or president mccain and his little pet twit?

quiet, loon.

What? Sorry I'm busy with my brand new BMW purchased with money I earned at an evil corporation and hoarded instead of paying my fair share.:eusa_dance:
Blacks are actually capable of being treated like whites

There are few, if any, folks asserting that blacks aren't capable of being "treated like whites." Hell, my cats are capable of being treated that way, so is a rock. Being "treated like whites," however, is an activity that whites must exhibit, not merely talk about exhibiting. It's also an action that blacks cannot alone make whites perform. Accordingly, what blacks are capable of being treated like is irrelevant until they are convinced they've been treated that way.

Read my post and perhaps you'll understand why so many blacks don't feel as though that are even now treated that way by whites in general, even though there are surely white folks in blacks' lives who do treat them equitably. If/when white Americans universally, or nearly so, "walk that walk" as well as "talk that that," there's a good chance blacks will believe that they are indeed being treated equally and share equally in the bounty of opportunity the U.S. offers.

The Democrats in this thread are all arguing blacks aren't capable of being treated like whites. When Obama is treated like a white liberal, that's racism. That's the argument

That's just more ignorant bullshit from an ignorant poster.

Blacks participate at EVERY LEVEL of the Democratic Party .. including at the very top. The Republican Party remains virtually all white.

END OF STORY about how blacks are treated by democrats.

You mean other than the former head of the GOP? Or do you mean two former Secretaries of State and the one on the Supreme Court? And blacks are 90+% Democrat, dumb ass.

Also, there is exactly 1 black Democrat in the Senate, and 1 black Republican. And how many blacks in the House are from white districts?

White Democrats have done shit for Blacks.

Your argument is stupid. You're talking about a couple of appointments compared to thousands of elected black democrats all over the country at every level. That's stupid.

You're comparing a party that has opened the doors to black representation at EVERY LEVEL .. including the President of the United States .. to a party that actively and openly seeks to disenfranchise the black vote every chance it gets. That's stupid.

You right-wingers do much better in conversations exclusive to just you. Then you can say all kinds of childish dumb ass shit unencumbered by truth, facts, or even common sense.
What's stupid is repeating proven falsehoods.
There are few, if any, folks asserting that blacks aren't capable of being "treated like whites." Hell, my cats are capable of being treated that way, so is a rock. Being "treated like whites," however, is an activity that whites must exhibit, not merely talk about exhibiting. It's also an action that blacks cannot alone make whites perform. Accordingly, what blacks are capable of being treated like is irrelevant until they are convinced they've been treated that way.

Read my post and perhaps you'll understand why so many blacks don't feel as though that are even now treated that way by whites in general, even though there are surely white folks in blacks' lives who do treat them equitably. If/when white Americans universally, or nearly so, "walk that walk" as well as "talk that that," there's a good chance blacks will believe that they are indeed being treated equally and share equally in the bounty of opportunity the U.S. offers.

The Democrats in this thread are all arguing blacks aren't capable of being treated like whites. When Obama is treated like a white liberal, that's racism. That's the argument

That's just more ignorant bullshit from an ignorant poster.

Blacks participate at EVERY LEVEL of the Democratic Party .. including at the very top. The Republican Party remains virtually all white.

END OF STORY about how blacks are treated by democrats.

You mean other than the former head of the GOP? Or do you mean two former Secretaries of State and the one on the Supreme Court? And blacks are 90+% Democrat, dumb ass.

Also, there is exactly 1 black Democrat in the Senate, and 1 black Republican. And how many blacks in the House are from white districts?

White Democrats have done shit for Blacks.

Your argument is stupid. You're talking about a couple of appointments compared to thousands of elected black democrats all over the country at every level. That's stupid.

You're comparing a party that has opened the doors to black representation at EVERY LEVEL .. including the President of the United States .. to a party that actively and openly seeks to disenfranchise the black vote every chance it gets. That's stupid.

You right-wingers do much better in conversations exclusive to just you. Then you can say all kinds of childish dumb ass shit unencumbered by truth, facts, or even common sense.
Well look at you who can't stand whitey, but then the whitey that's being used to open the doors in the Democrat party, well they are somehow OK ? What will happen to those used up whitey's once you get done with them ?:dunno:
We will make them congressmen and party leaders.
None of you right wingers have addressed the intent of the O/P....All you've bitched and moaned about Obama ad nauseum......

Get over know, if he could run.....he'd be elected again.
Well you insulted the black community,claiming that blacks only identify with conservative ideals,just to look good,an absurd notion,but no surprise absurdity is a main dish for the OP.

i love when racist pondscum call others "racist".

It's yet another demonstration that the 'racist' tag hurts. :lol: They run from it.

They all know damn well they are racist to the core .. they hate everybody. But they run from 'racist' and even try to use it on people with brains. :0) Indeed funny.
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