Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump


Gold Member
Jun 22, 2019
Ingraham: Liar, liar, liar
Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump.

ME: I have said many times, the impeachment is all hate and lies but no facts, and Democrats themselves are pathological liars who often believe their own lies

Ingraham: Liar, liar, liar
Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump.

ME: I have said many times, the impeachment is all hate and lies but no facts, and Democrats themselves are pathological liars who often believe their own lies

How likely is it the pathological liar-in-chief will testify in his own defense?

Maybe Laura knows?
Name a lie and we will discuss .
Name a lie and we will discuss .

Now why would I waste time discussing anything with a piece of shit baby-killing socialist liar like you

The three big lies Democrats are pushing in Tuesday’s impeachment hearing

Because it’s a political message board . Why. Don’t you go back to stormfront and hang with the other deplorables since you can’t hack it here .

It’s obvious you don’t have an independent thought in your empty head. That’s why you just post Ingram vids and links .
Trumper's calling others liars is really pathetic.

Fuck off you sack of shit. You're obviously another Leftist idiot
Hey, I still think Trump should be impeached for lying about everything and anything all the time. Over 15,000 lies confirmed and he adds to the number every time he holds one of his "liefest" rallies.
Why don't you brain dead Democrats watch the video. The lefts is full of lying, cheating, petulant, unpatriotic morons who are throwing a huge temper tantrum, just like they did when they were zit faced hippies in college. Some of us grow up...those that don't are Democrats.
Ingraham: Liar, liar, liar
Breaking down the lies Democrats used to impeach Trump.

ME: I have said many times, the impeachment is all hate and lies but no facts, and Democrats themselves are pathological liars who often believe their own lies

Laura is a bad actor and is an opinion commentator, nothing else.
The Democrats lie, and they do it for this reason.

From way back when Chevy Chase impersonated Gerald Ford as a stumbling , bumbling oaf, to Tina Fay putting on glasses and doing a spot on Sarah Palin, to … Adam Schiff ?

Yes. It's all parody, and it's all done to SPECIFICALLY make folks believe the lie over the truth.

Chase admitted, years after the fact, the main reason he made Ford into a clutz was because Chase is a Democrat and he wanted Cater to win. Just that simple. ( Ford, btw, was a college athlete, having played football for Michigan , btw )

And so the tradition of Lies by Democrats carries on , right into the House of Representatives.

The amazing part isn't that Democrats used such contrived interpretations of the facts. Hell, they're trying to beat a world beater. The amazing part is how many shallow people they have been able to influence. Common sense in America is in pretty bad shape.

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