Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

Not with the Bull Shit you Got.......

You on the left are used to getting away with murder

while anyone on the right gets the death penalty for jaywalking.

There is a new sheriff in town..
Not with the Bull Shit you Got.......

You on the left are used to getting away with murder

while anyone on the right gets the death penalty for jaywalking.

There is a new sheriff in town..

Do you ever wonder why that might be?

I bet if you were to look objectively at it, you might just see that those on the left are usually accused of crimes that simply aren't real. At least not real in the way you've been led to believe them to be. It's a widely used tool of the right to cast aspersions on their political opponents usually without merit.

You are either a lost ball in high weeds or a Zealot...

If you are objective you know the Obama administration

used the full force of the Federal Government against

their political foes. The insurance policy peter strzok spoke of

with lisa page is the bull shit Russian investigation…

The collusion with the Russians was all on the left.

The left wing media lies and omits the truth because they

are the propaganda arm of the socialist party.

I am sure if the shoe were on the other foot you would have a different take.

Be honest with yourself if possible....

Thank you for the timely example of my point.

It's all conspiratorial nonsense. When investigations turn up nothing, that result also gets folded into the conspiracy. "They were being protected by the corrupt FBI ", rather than maybe it just wasn't as bad as what it was made out to be.

Sounds like you are talking about the Trump witch hunt...

He is busy googling.

I'm waiting for your link, liar.
Waiting for the scum on the right to be held accountable and it will happen.

Not with the Bull Shit you Got.......

You on the left are used to getting away with murder

while anyone on the right gets the death penalty for jaywalking.

There is a new sheriff in town..
Not with the Bull Shit you Got.......

You on the left are used to getting away with murder

while anyone on the right gets the death penalty for jaywalking.

There is a new sheriff in town..

Do you ever wonder why that might be?

I bet if you were to look objectively at it, you might just see that those on the left are usually accused of crimes that simply aren't real. At least not real in the way you've been led to believe them to be. It's a widely used tool of the right to cast aspersions on their political opponents usually without merit.

You are either a lost ball in high weeds or a Zealot...

If you are objective you know the Obama administration

used the full force of the Federal Government against

their political foes. The insurance policy peter strzok spoke of

with lisa page is the bull shit Russian investigation…

The collusion with the Russians was all on the left.

The left wing media lies and omits the truth because they

are the propaganda arm of the socialist party.

I am sure if the shoe were on the other foot you would have a different take.

Be honest with yourself if possible....

Thank you for the timely example of my point.

It's all conspiratorial nonsense. When investigations turn up nothing, that result also gets folded into the conspiracy. "They were being protected by the corrupt FBI ", rather than maybe it just wasn't as bad as what it was made out to be.

Sounds like you are talking about the Trump witch hunt...

I'm sure it does to you.
Good question.

A few posts ago you were dead certain they were numerous. Now you can't name one.

It’s because dude is talking out his ass. He is as ignorant as carw4all. Notice how they run away when it’s broken down for them?

I'm right here, dope.

So, the implication is, Sessions was directed by Trump to dick slap Andy McCabe yes? To fire and humiliate him?

Just like they did with Comey.

Okay, so that’s a “Yes” so then I’ll starte with the folks who gathered the information. That would be these guys here,

U.S. GAO - Office of the Inspector General

So who is in charge of that office?

The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) is an independent, nonpartisan agency that works for Congress. Often called the "congressional watchdog," GAO investigates how the federal government spends taxpayer dollars. The head of GAO, the Comptroller General of the United States, is appointed to a 15-year term by the President from a slate of candidates Congress proposes. Gene L. Dodaro became the eighth Comptroller General of the United States and head of the U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) on December 22, 2010, when he was confirmed by the United States Senate. He was nominated by President Obama in September of 2010 from a list of candidates selected by a bipartisan, bicameral congressional commission. He had been serving as Acting Comptroller General since March of 2008.

An Obama appointee gathered the information that information and sent it to these guys.

About the Office and OPR Policies and Procedures | OPR | Department of Justice

The Office of Professional Responsibility (OPR) was established by order of the Attorney General to ensure that Department of Justice attorneys and law enforcement personnel perform their duties in accordance with the highest professional standards expected of the nation's principal law enforcement agency. Pursuant to 28 C.F.R. § 0.39a, the Counsel for OPR reports directly to the Attorney General and Deputy Attorney General. OPR is staffed by a Deputy Counsel, Associate Counsel, and Assistant Counsel.

And who is in charge of that office ?

An Obama appointee. Any lies or misleading statements so far?
Do you ever wonder why that might be?

I bet if you were to look objectively at it, you might just see that those on the left are usually accused of crimes that simply aren't real. At least not real in the way you've been led to believe them to be. It's a widely used tool of the right to cast aspersions on their political opponents usually without merit.

You are either a lost ball in high weeds or a Zealot...

If you are objective you know the Obama administration

used the full force of the Federal Government against

their political foes. The insurance policy peter strzok spoke of

with lisa page is the bull shit Russian investigation…

The collusion with the Russians was all on the left.

The left wing media lies and omits the truth because they

are the propaganda arm of the socialist party.

I am sure if the shoe were on the other foot you would have a different take.

Be honest with yourself if possible....

Thank you for the timely example of my point.

It's all conspiratorial nonsense. When investigations turn up nothing, that result also gets folded into the conspiracy. "They were being protected by the corrupt FBI ", rather than maybe it just wasn't as bad as what it was made out to be.

Sounds like you are talking about the Trump witch hunt...

He is busy googling.

I'm waiting for your link, liar.

See below Jr.
Do you ever wonder why that might be?

I bet if you were to look objectively at it, you might just see that those on the left are usually accused of crimes that simply aren't real. At least not real in the way you've been led to believe them to be. It's a widely used tool of the right to cast aspersions on their political opponents usually without merit.

You are either a lost ball in high weeds or a Zealot...

If you are objective you know the Obama administration

used the full force of the Federal Government against

their political foes. The insurance policy peter strzok spoke of

with lisa page is the bull shit Russian investigation…

The collusion with the Russians was all on the left.

The left wing media lies and omits the truth because they

are the propaganda arm of the socialist party.

I am sure if the shoe were on the other foot you would have a different take.

Be honest with yourself if possible....

Thank you for the timely example of my point.

It's all conspiratorial nonsense. When investigations turn up nothing, that result also gets folded into the conspiracy. "They were being protected by the corrupt FBI ", rather than maybe it just wasn't as bad as what it was made out to be.

Sounds like you are talking about the Trump witch hunt...

He is busy googling.

I'm waiting for your link, liar.

You run like a bitch? Pleas direct us to the dishonesty so far. I’m going real slow for you Jr.
No, he didn't. He was a private citizen and was not a current employee of the U.S. government authorized to negotiate with a foreign government on behalf of the U.S. government. He was making promises to undermine those of the then current POTUS Obama. That's the VERY definition of the Logan Act.

Now that Comrade is what is known a "fucking lie." Flynn was the National Security Advisor to the incoming administration. It was his job to deal with Russia.

Hillary's goons in the FIB illegally tapping his phone calls were engaging in treason, and we normals mean to see you Stalinists answer for that.

The FACT is that your evil party has and continues to engage in treason, You are attempting a coup.

The FIB needs to be disbanded, most of the top brass put in prison or shot. These "Federal Insidious Bastards" are no different than the FSB under Stalin or the Gestapo under Hitler. They have no place in a free society. The FBI are lying fuckers who routinely engage in treason and shit all over the law.


No he wasn't because....

Trump can't appoint ANYONE until he is actually the President, which doesn't happen until his inauguration. :)
Your ignorance is astounding...

The President Elect can appoint people to do jobs...
You are either a lost ball in high weeds or a Zealot...

If you are objective you know the Obama administration

used the full force of the Federal Government against

their political foes. The insurance policy peter strzok spoke of

with lisa page is the bull shit Russian investigation…

The collusion with the Russians was all on the left.

The left wing media lies and omits the truth because they

are the propaganda arm of the socialist party.

I am sure if the shoe were on the other foot you would have a different take.

Be honest with yourself if possible....

Thank you for the timely example of my point.

It's all conspiratorial nonsense. When investigations turn up nothing, that result also gets folded into the conspiracy. "They were being protected by the corrupt FBI ", rather than maybe it just wasn't as bad as what it was made out to be.

Sounds like you are talking about the Trump witch hunt...

He is busy googling.

I'm waiting for your link, liar.

See below Jr.

Below what?
You are either a lost ball in high weeds or a Zealot...

If you are objective you know the Obama administration

used the full force of the Federal Government against

their political foes. The insurance policy peter strzok spoke of

with lisa page is the bull shit Russian investigation…

The collusion with the Russians was all on the left.

The left wing media lies and omits the truth because they

are the propaganda arm of the socialist party.

I am sure if the shoe were on the other foot you would have a different take.

Be honest with yourself if possible....

Thank you for the timely example of my point.

It's all conspiratorial nonsense. When investigations turn up nothing, that result also gets folded into the conspiracy. "They were being protected by the corrupt FBI ", rather than maybe it just wasn't as bad as what it was made out to be.

Sounds like you are talking about the Trump witch hunt...

He is busy googling.

I'm waiting for your link, liar.

You run like a bitch? Pleas direct us to the dishonesty so far. I’m going real slow for you Jr.

Your claim that exculpatory evidence was intentionally withheld.

Post it up, loser.
No, he didn't. He was a private citizen and was not a current employee of the U.S. government authorized to negotiate with a foreign government on behalf of the U.S. government. He was making promises to undermine those of the then current POTUS Obama. That's the VERY definition of the Logan Act.

Now that Comrade is what is known a "fucking lie." Flynn was the National Security Advisor to the incoming administration. It was his job to deal with Russia.

Hillary's goons in the FIB illegally tapping his phone calls were engaging in treason, and we normals mean to see you Stalinists answer for that.

The FACT is that your evil party has and continues to engage in treason, You are attempting a coup.

The FIB needs to be disbanded, most of the top brass put in prison or shot. These "Federal Insidious Bastards" are no different than the FSB under Stalin or the Gestapo under Hitler. They have no place in a free society. The FBI are lying fuckers who routinely engage in treason and shit all over the law.


No he wasn't because....

Trump can't appoint ANYONE until he is actually the President, which doesn't happen until his inauguration. :)
Your ignorance is astounding...

The President Elect can appoint people to do jobs...

They aren't IN their positions as Federal government employees, and have authorization, until he is actually sworn in as President.

Did your inside man at the Charlottesville Police Department tell you this was ok?
Thank you for the timely example of my point.

It's all conspiratorial nonsense. When investigations turn up nothing, that result also gets folded into the conspiracy. "They were being protected by the corrupt FBI ", rather than maybe it just wasn't as bad as what it was made out to be.

Sounds like you are talking about the Trump witch hunt...

He is busy googling.

I'm waiting for your link, liar.

You run like a bitch? Pleas direct us to the dishonesty so far. I’m going real slow for you Jr.

Your claim that exculpatory evidence was intentionally withheld.

Post it up, loser.

Never said that. We are looking at facts. In my linked post, I provided the departments that gathered and submitted their reports. In that post was their anything misleading? You are being real dodgy here/
Thank you for the timely example of my point.

It's all conspiratorial nonsense. When investigations turn up nothing, that result also gets folded into the conspiracy. "They were being protected by the corrupt FBI ", rather than maybe it just wasn't as bad as what it was made out to be.

Sounds like you are talking about the Trump witch hunt...

He is busy googling.

I'm waiting for your link, liar.

You run like a bitch? Pleas direct us to the dishonesty so far. I’m going real slow for you Jr.

Your claim that exculpatory evidence was intentionally withheld.

Post it up, loser.
A federal judge has issued an updated standing order in the case of U.S. v. Flynn, suggesting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team may have withheld exculpatory evidence in prosecuting former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, United States district judge for the District of Columbia, on Friday issued what is called the “Brady rule," which requires the prosecution to turn over "any exculpatory evidence" to the defendant in a criminal case, meaning Mueller must provide Flynn with all information that is favorable to his defense.

Mueller’s team last week filed an agreed-upon motion to provide discovery to General Flynn under a protective order governing the use of the material.

According to former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, this is a "huge" development because "prosecutors almost never provide this kind of information to a defendant before he enters a plea — much less after he has done so."

Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding with Strzok and Mueller to gain a false plea ..

Judge Orders Mueller to Provide Flynn’s Attorneys With 'Any Exculpatory Evidence'
Last edited:
Sounds like you are talking about the Trump witch hunt...

He is busy googling.

I'm waiting for your link, liar.

You run like a bitch? Pleas direct us to the dishonesty so far. I’m going real slow for you Jr.

Your claim that exculpatory evidence was intentionally withheld.

Post it up, loser.
A federal judge has issued an updated standing order in the case of U.S. v. Flynn, suggesting that Special Counsel Robert Mueller's team may have withheld exculpatory evidence in prosecuting former national security adviser Michael Flynn.

Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, United States district judge for the District of Columbia, on Friday issued what is called the “Brady rule," which requires the prosecution to turn over "any exculpatory evidence" to the defendant in a criminal case, meaning Mueller must provide Flynn with all information that is favorable to his defense.

Mueller’s team last week filed an agreed-upon motion to provide discovery to General Flynn under a protective order governing the use of the material.

According to former federal prosecutor Sidney Powell, this is a "huge" development because "prosecutors almost never provide this kind of information to a defendant before he enters a plea — much less after he has done so."

Sullivan ordered this after the previous judge was forcibly removed from the Flynn case because he was colluding to gain a false plea ..

Judge Orders Mueller to Provide Flynn’s Attorneys With 'Any Exculpatory Evidence'

Jr. Is flailing.
No, he didn't. He was a private citizen and was not a current employee of the U.S. government authorized to negotiate with a foreign government on behalf of the U.S. government. He was making promises to undermine those of the then current POTUS Obama. That's the VERY definition of the Logan Act.

Now that Comrade is what is known a "fucking lie." Flynn was the National Security Advisor to the incoming administration. It was his job to deal with Russia.

Hillary's goons in the FIB illegally tapping his phone calls were engaging in treason, and we normals mean to see you Stalinists answer for that.

The FACT is that your evil party has and continues to engage in treason, You are attempting a coup.

The FIB needs to be disbanded, most of the top brass put in prison or shot. These "Federal Insidious Bastards" are no different than the FSB under Stalin or the Gestapo under Hitler. They have no place in a free society. The FBI are lying fuckers who routinely engage in treason and shit all over the law.


No he wasn't because....

Trump can't appoint ANYONE until he is actually the President, which doesn't happen until his inauguration. :)
Your ignorance is astounding...

The President Elect can appoint people to do jobs...

They aren't IN their positions as Federal government employees, and have authorization, until he is actually sworn in as President.

Did your inside man at the Charlottesville Police Department tell you this was ok?
Poor LEW (toilet) DOG (turd) is having issues with facts again...
No, he didn't. He was a private citizen and was not a current employee of the U.S. government authorized to negotiate with a foreign government on behalf of the U.S. government. He was making promises to undermine those of the then current POTUS Obama. That's the VERY definition of the Logan Act.

Now that Comrade is what is known a "fucking lie." Flynn was the National Security Advisor to the incoming administration. It was his job to deal with Russia.

Hillary's goons in the FIB illegally tapping his phone calls were engaging in treason, and we normals mean to see you Stalinists answer for that.

The FACT is that your evil party has and continues to engage in treason, You are attempting a coup.

The FIB needs to be disbanded, most of the top brass put in prison or shot. These "Federal Insidious Bastards" are no different than the FSB under Stalin or the Gestapo under Hitler. They have no place in a free society. The FBI are lying fuckers who routinely engage in treason and shit all over the law.


No he wasn't because....

Trump can't appoint ANYONE until he is actually the President, which doesn't happen until his inauguration. :)
Your ignorance is astounding...

The President Elect can appoint people to do jobs...

They aren't IN their positions as Federal government employees, and have authorization, until he is actually sworn in as President.

Did your inside man at the Charlottesville Police Department tell you this was ok?
Poor LEW (toilet) DOG (turd) is having issues with facts again...
That's a good name for Lew...'Toilet-Turd'!

A person can talk to anyone... but what they talk about is the issue. I know you are dense, but now I know you are VERY dense.

You understand Lewd, that WHAT Flynn spoke to the Ambassador about is not a question or concern, right? There are no allegations from the Witch Hunt that the conversation was a problem;

{The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said.}

FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit

The charge the Grand Inquisitor levied is that the General lied to the FSB, which they knew since they illegally wiretapped his phone.

No, he didn't. He was a private citizen and was not a current employee of the U.S. government authorized to negotiate with a foreign government on behalf of the U.S. government. He was making promises to undermine those of the then current POTUS Obama. That's the VERY definition of the Logan Act.

Now that Comrade is what is known a "fucking lie." Flynn was the National Security Advisor to the incoming administration. It was his job to deal with Russia.

Hillary's goons in the FIB illegally tapping his phone calls were engaging in treason, and we normals mean to see you Stalinists answer for that.

The FACT is that your evil party has and continues to engage in treason, You are attempting a coup.

The FIB needs to be disbanded, most of the top brass put in prison or shot. These "Federal Insidious Bastards" are no different than the FSB under Stalin or the Gestapo under Hitler. They have no place in a free society. The FBI are lying fuckers who routinely engage in treason and shit all over the law.


No he wasn't because....

Trump can't appoint ANYONE until he is actually the President, which doesn't happen until his inauguration. :)
Your ignorance is astounding...

The President Elect can appoint people to do jobs...

They aren't IN their positions as Federal government employees, and have authorization, until he is actually sworn in as President.

Did your inside man at the Charlottesville Police Department tell you this was ok?
Poor LEW (toilet) DOG (turd) is having issues with facts again...

You can't be serious. You are the person that lied and said you had inside information in a thread from the Charlottesville Police department that said an ANTIFA person shot down a police helicopter. You fucking twit. You lied flat out. You can never accuse anyone else of being wrong or lying.

Flynn wasn't in his job position until Trump is actually sworn in as President. He most certainly can not make deals with other countries until he is actually a federal authorized employee.

A person can talk to anyone... but what they talk about is the issue. I know you are dense, but now I know you are VERY dense.

You understand Lewd, that WHAT Flynn spoke to the Ambassador about is not a question or concern, right? There are no allegations from the Witch Hunt that the conversation was a problem;

{The FBI in late December reviewed intercepts of communications between the Russian ambassador to the United States and retired Lt. Gen. Michael T. Flynn — national security adviser to then-President-elect Trump — but has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government, U.S. officials said.}

FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit

The charge the Grand Inquisitor levied is that the General lied to the FSB, which they knew since they illegally wiretapped his phone.


Numbnuts this has been talked about ad nausem. They didn't have HIS phone tapped. They listen in on calls from FOREIGN targets conversations. Flynn was the fucking idiot that should have known this straight out given his prior position in government. If you call the ambassador of Russia, he should have known already that the call was being recorded. He's a fucking idiot, and proves why Obama firing him was justified.

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