Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

As part of the incoming administration, he had every right to talk to the Russian ambassador. Do you actually believe Hillary didn't talk to him before Obama was inaugurated? You snowflakes are a bunch of morons. You're inventing crimes that can't be found in any lawbooks.

Your characterization of what Flynn said to the amassador is total bullshit. No one has heard that conversation, so how would you know what he said?

Not just a "right" but a responsibility.

The FIB goons working on behalf of Hillary Clinton had evicted the Russian ambassador to try and stir up trouble for the Trump team.(Or in an attempt to set up Flynn)

General Michael Flynn was right to discuss sanctions with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak. First, The Washington Post already published an article in January titled FBI reviewed Flynn’s calls with Russian ambassador but found nothing illicit. The FBI’s counterintelligence agents listened to the call between Flynn and Kislyak and the FBI “has not found any evidence of wrongdoing or illicit ties to the Russian government.” Calls for further investigation ignore the fact Flynn was already investigated by the FBI and exonerated.

Remember when Democrats cheered about Clinton being exonerated?

Perhaps General Flynn should run for president in 2020? I give my thoughts on YouTube regarding Flynn’s resignation in this segment:

If Vice President Pence had his feelings hurt because Flynn never disclosed the entire conversation, that’s an internal issue within Trump’s administration. Media outrage over Flynn possibly lying to Pence is amusing considering the “resistance” theme among Democrats. Apparently, Flynn resisting Pence is horrifying to certain pundits.

Furthermore, the notion that General Flynn betrayed the country or harmed national security is ludicrous. In 2008, Vladimir Putin wanted Obama over McCain. Why? The answer is simple. Obama wanted to reverse Bush’s policies regarding Russia. On December 4, 2008 The Guardian published a piece while Obama was President-elect titled Putin: Obama may ease Russia-US relations:
General Michael Flynn Was Right To Discuss Obama’s Sanctions With Russian Ambassador | HuffPost
Dumb Donnie and stupid Sessions didn't consider how the Federal pension system works. All McCabe needs is two days working for the Federal Government and he will be eligible for his pension. Working for a Congressperson qualifies. McCabe is being flooded with job offers from Democrat Congressmen and women. He will work for two days and reapply for his pension.

I've heard his pension will only be about $60k/year, but he has earned it and deserves it. Also, his wife is a prominent doctor, so they should be okay financially.

He is under FERS

One percent of salary for every year you work
I think you also pay a penalty for retiring early

MCabe worked 20 years

He may have clocked in for 20 years, but I doubt he did 20 years of actual work.
Speaking of working. How much 'work' did Struck/page get done when they were emailing, on government phones, 50K times?

Duh. None.
No, he didn't. He was a private citizen and was not a current employee of the U.S. government authorized to negotiate with a foreign government on behalf of the U.S. government. He was making promises to undermine those of the then current POTUS Obama. That's the VERY definition of the Logan Act.

Now that Comrade is what is known a "fucking lie." Flynn was the National Security Advisor to the incoming administration. It was his job to deal with Russia.

Hillary's goons in the FIB illegally tapping his phone calls were engaging in treason, and we normals mean to see you Stalinists answer for that.

The FACT is that your evil party has and continues to engage in treason, You are attempting a coup.

The FIB needs to be disbanded, most of the top brass put in prison or shot. These "Federal Insidious Bastards" are no different than the FSB under Stalin or the Gestapo under Hitler. They have no place in a free society. The FBI are lying fuckers who routinely engage in treason and shit all over the law.

Enough with the hysterical hyperbole.
Try some logic if you can muster any.

Obviously they had Flynn dead to rights with enough to compel him to take this deal. Flynn did that to himself.

They had shit. Torquemada and his goons threatened Flynn's wife and son.

He's a fucking two bit thug, admit it.

Look, this idiocy never had anything to do with the law. It was and continues to be a political witch hunt. This is an attempted coup, nothing less.
Dumb Donnie and stupid Sessions didn't consider how the Federal pension system works. All McCabe needs is two days working for the Federal Government and he will be eligible for his pension. Working for a Congressperson qualifies. McCabe is being flooded with job offers from Democrat Congressmen and women. He will work for two days and reapply for his pension.

I've heard his pension will only be about $60k/year, but he has earned it and deserves it. Also, his wife is a prominent doctor, so they should be okay financially.

He is under FERS

One percent of salary for every year you work
I think you also pay a penalty for retiring early

MCabe worked 20 years

He may have clocked in for 20 years, but I doubt he did 20 years of actual work.

Actually McCabe was a dedicated agent of the DNC. He served the party faithfully and never let little things like the law interfere with the goals of the party.

"Andy" McCabe was one of the most valuable assets George Soros and the International Communists had in the federal government.
the indictment that Flynn swore under oath that he was not pressured or coerced to sign it.... yeah, that one and its addendum! ;)

Flynn can take it back and go to court by breaking the Plea Agreement, but then he gets charged with ALL the other crimes they have backed up, paper trail facts and documents on that he committed, and if found guilty, spends the rest of his life, behind bars and puts his son's crimes on the table again too.....

Flynn did lie to the FBI, and would never ever win in court on that charge either....

So, all around, Flynn with this plea deal, has worked out a pretty sweet deal for himself and son, and it is highly unlikely he would change his mind on it.....
They withheld escopitory evidence which exonerates him... That is a serious breach of trust by officers of the court.. They withheld information that his defense needed.. after being ordered to produce it by the court...

This case is going to die a painful death and Flynn will walk... Not to mention that the Judge on the case was personal friends with the prosecutor and were working together... There are going to be serious charges coming for Mueller staff and the judge.. You are aware they suspended the Judge, arent you?
the Judge recused...yes, I am aware of that....

what evidence was withheld?

We don't know. But we do know that there are very few reasons for such a recusal. One of them would be if the judge accepted the plea knowing of the exculpatory evidence. That will get a judge in hot water in a heartbeat.

We don't know. But we do know that there are very few reasons for such a recusal. One of them would be if the judge accepted the plea knowing of the exculpatory evidence. That will get a judge in hot water in a heartbeat.

This is wild and biased conjecture on your part. Nothing more.

Judges are assigned cases randomly. Judge Contreras simply accepted Flynn's plea. Nothing more. He opted to recuse himself in order to maintain the integrity of the case going foreward. No doubt it was due to personal relationships he may have with those involved with the investigation. He opted to remove himself to avoid the appearance of bias. It was the right thing to do. There is nothing nefarious about it.
Once again you're a fucking LIAR!

"Rudy" did NOT, I repeat NOT recuse himself! Documents have proven he was "rescued" by a panel of his peers. READ THE FUCKING DOCUMENTS!
He was "recused' because of his personal relationship with Peter Struck. "Rudy" never told anyone he was buddy of Strucks'.
Read the Struck/Page emails about getting 'Rudy" to a dinner party without raising any suspicions by having 'planteded' other people to make the dinner party appear to be just a friendly evening all the while allowing Struck to attempt to 'groom' "Rudy".
McCabe will be eligible to start receiving his pension when he's 57. He'll be getting out of federal prison about then.
When the second IC is finished there will be a few dozen corrupt LIBs in the FBI/DOJ in prison.
Including Hillary herself.
The IG/OPR did an extensive investigation into McCabe's corruption and lying to the FBI itself.
There is no way they recommended McCabe be fired without having 100% guaranteed airtight evidence against him.
In no way could President Trump have ANY influence on the IG/OPR.
There's lots of Trump haters in the DOJ/OPR.
If President Trump had tried anything the Trump haters in the DOJ/OPR would be giving live interviews on CNN/MSNBC.
BTW McCabe was 'much hated' within the FBI rank and file. He was a stuck up prick. He drove his new Porsche to work and insisted there be empty parking spaces on either side of his car so it wouldn't get a dents so when he traded it off every year for a new one the value would stay up.
Several of us have shared these FACTS with these left wing idiots up thread but they live in fantasy land and refuse facts... Its rather amusing to watch them spin around or grab the sharpest shears in the stack and run in circles.
Dumb Donnie and stupid Sessions didn't consider how the Federal pension system works. All McCabe needs is two days working for the Federal Government and he will be eligible for his pension. Working for a Congressperson qualifies. McCabe is being flooded with job offers from Democrat Congressmen and women. He will work for two days and reapply for his pension.

I've heard his pension will only be about $60k/year, but he has earned it and deserves it. Also, his wife is a prominent doctor, so they should be okay financially.

He is under FERS

One percent of salary for every year you work
I think you also pay a penalty for retiring early

MCabe worked 20 years

He may have clocked in for 20 years, but I doubt he did 20 years of actual work.

Actually McCabe was a dedicated agent of the DNC. He served the party faithfully and never let little things like the law interfere with the goals of the party.

"Andy" McCabe was one of the most valuable assets George Soros and the International Communists had in the federal government.
The Communist/globalists invaded our government long ago. As in most communist countries the agencies take on a life of their own and they are above the law as are their political masters. Now that they no longer have protections from high political party officials (under Trump) they are being exposed as the traitors they are... Scary how badly infected the US is with dictator types and had Hillary won the conversion to a third world shit hole would have been complete.
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Dumb Donnie and stupid Sessions didn't consider how the Federal pension system works. All McCabe needs is two days working for the Federal Government and he will be eligible for his pension. Working for a Congressperson qualifies. McCabe is being flooded with job offers from Democrat Congressmen and women. He will work for two days and reapply for his pension.

I've heard his pension will only be about $60k/year, but he has earned it and deserves it. Also, his wife is a prominent doctor, so they should be okay financially.

He is under FERS

One percent of salary for every year you work
I think you also pay a penalty for retiring early

MCabe worked 20 years

He may have clocked in for 20 years, but I doubt he did 20 years of actual work.

Actually McCabe was a dedicated agent of the DNC. He served the party faithfully and never let little things like the law interfere with the goals of the party.

"Andy" McCabe was one of the most valuable assets George Soros and the International Communists had in the federal government.

BINGO. And that is what the exploding growth of government has wrought. The bureaucracies are filled with people who see their duty as being the perpetuation of the bureaucracy, not the mission to serve the public.
FYI-that's part of the plea agreement....just google FLYNN CHARGES and read his indictment, it is in there....

The indictment that’s about to get tossed?
the indictment that Flynn swore under oath that he was not pressured or coerced to sign it.... yeah, that one and its addendum! ;)

Flynn can take it back and go to court by breaking the Plea Agreement, but then he gets charged with ALL the other crimes they have backed up, paper trail facts and documents on that he committed, and if found guilty, spends the rest of his life, behind bars and puts his son's crimes on the table again too.....

Flynn did lie to the FBI, and would never ever win in court on that charge either....

So, all around, Flynn with this plea deal, has worked out a pretty sweet deal for himself and son, and it is highly unlikely he would change his mind on it.....
They withheld escopitory evidence which exonerates him... That is a serious breach of trust by officers of the court.. They withheld information that his defense needed.. after being ordered to produce it by the court...

This case is going to die a painful death and Flynn will walk... Not to mention that the Judge on the case was personal friends with the prosecutor and were working together... There are going to be serious charges coming for Mueller staff and the judge.. You are aware they suspended the Judge, arent you?

They withheld escopitory evidence which exonerates him...

More uninformed nonsense.

Post it up, liar.

SHIT YOU GOT ME! Please, DONT take anything I posted apart and PROVE I’m lying. You won’t because you cant. Go cry with the other one

Post it up, loser.
What do you imagine prosecutors do to flip witnesses? They use leverage to put that person in an impossible situation so their only course of action is to assist their case.

If a case against Flynn's son was used as leverage, then that only means that a case could have been made. IOW, he was a co-conspirator or committed his own crime.

"Flipping witnesses" isn't the prosecutor's job. Getting the truth is his job. Justice is his job.

Next you will tell us torture is OK if it "flips a witness."

A prosecutor can't get to the truth without cooperating witnesses, dope.

The only way to get witnesses to "cooperate" is to threaten them with total destruction? Every time you post you only prove what a Stalinist douchebag you are.

Enough with the hysterical hyperbole.
Try some logic if you can muster any.

Obviously they had Flynn dead to rights with enough to compel him to take this deal. Flynn did that to himself.

There's nothing "obvious" about that. You can't name anything they were going to charge him with.

There's nothing "obvious" about that

I'm sure there isn't to a soft brained boob such as yourself.
the indictment that Flynn swore under oath that he was not pressured or coerced to sign it.... yeah, that one and its addendum! ;)

Flynn can take it back and go to court by breaking the Plea Agreement, but then he gets charged with ALL the other crimes they have backed up, paper trail facts and documents on that he committed, and if found guilty, spends the rest of his life, behind bars and puts his son's crimes on the table again too.....

Flynn did lie to the FBI, and would never ever win in court on that charge either....

So, all around, Flynn with this plea deal, has worked out a pretty sweet deal for himself and son, and it is highly unlikely he would change his mind on it.....
They withheld escopitory evidence which exonerates him... That is a serious breach of trust by officers of the court.. They withheld information that his defense needed.. after being ordered to produce it by the court...

This case is going to die a painful death and Flynn will walk... Not to mention that the Judge on the case was personal friends with the prosecutor and were working together... There are going to be serious charges coming for Mueller staff and the judge.. You are aware they suspended the Judge, arent you?
the Judge recused...yes, I am aware of that....

what evidence was withheld?

We don't know. But we do know that there are very few reasons for such a recusal. One of them would be if the judge accepted the plea knowing of the exculpatory evidence. That will get a judge in hot water in a heartbeat.

We don't know. But we do know that there are very few reasons for such a recusal. One of them would be if the judge accepted the plea knowing of the exculpatory evidence. That will get a judge in hot water in a heartbeat.

This is wild and biased conjecture on your part. Nothing more.

Judges are assigned cases randomly. Judge Contreras simply accepted Flynn's plea. Nothing more. He opted to recuse himself in order to maintain the integrity of the case going foreward. No doubt it was due to personal relationships he may have with those involved with the investigation. He opted to remove himself to avoid the appearance of bias. It was the right thing to do. There is nothing nefarious about it.
Once again you're a fucking LIAR!

"Rudy" did NOT, I repeat NOT recuse himself! Documents have proven he was "rescued" by a panel of his peers. READ THE FUCKING DOCUMENTS!
He was "recused' because of his personal relationship with Peter Struck. "Rudy" never told anyone he was buddy of Strucks'.
Read the Struck/Page emails about getting 'Rudy" to a dinner party without raising any suspicions by having 'planteded' other people to make the dinner party appear to be just a friendly evening all the while allowing Struck to attempt to 'groom' "Rudy".
McCabe will be eligible to start receiving his pension when he's 57. He'll be getting out of federal prison about then.
When the second IC is finished there will be a few dozen corrupt LIBs in the FBI/DOJ in prison.
Including Hillary herself.
The IG/OPR did an extensive investigation into McCabe's corruption and lying to the FBI itself.
There is no way they recommended McCabe be fired without having 100% guaranteed airtight evidence against him.
In no way could President Trump have ANY influence on the IG/OPR.
There's lots of Trump haters in the DOJ/OPR.
If President Trump had tried anything the Trump haters in the DOJ/OPR would be giving live interviews on CNN/MSNBC.
BTW McCabe was 'much hated' within the FBI rank and file. He was a stuck up prick. He drove his new Porsche to work and insisted there be empty parking spaces on either side of his car so it wouldn't get a dents so when he traded it off every year for a new one the value would stay up.

Once again you're a fucking LIAR!

"Rudy" did NOT, I repeat NOT recuse himself!

^ Truly stupid.

Judge in Flynn case recuses himself
"Flipping witnesses" isn't the prosecutor's job. Getting the truth is his job. Justice is his job.

Next you will tell us torture is OK if it "flips a witness."

A prosecutor can't get to the truth without cooperating witnesses, dope.

The only way to get witnesses to "cooperate" is to threaten them with total destruction? Every time you post you only prove what a Stalinist douchebag you are.

Enough with the hysterical hyperbole.
Try some logic if you can muster any.

Obviously they had Flynn dead to rights with enough to compel him to take this deal. Flynn did that to himself.

There's nothing "obvious" about that. You can't name anything they were going to charge him with.

There's nothing "obvious" about that

I'm sure there isn't to a soft brained boob such as yourself.
That's it? Your famous 'one-liners'? That's it?
(I bet that's not the first time someone has told you that.)
McCabe is about to be charged with about fifteen federal crimes. He'll be getting out of federal prison about the time his old age pension kicks in.
Struck/Page and a couple of dozen other seditious traitors are facing prison time.
McCabe will sing like a fucking bird the moment he sees the prison bars.
Within a month he'll be wearing a pink tutu and matching pink 'fuck-me' pumps.
Isn't it Grand!!

Life is good.........

Finally the scum on the left are being held accountable.

Thank God for President Donald J. Trump…

Waiting for the scum on the right to be held accountable and it will happen.

Not with the Bull Shit you Got.......

You on the left are used to getting away with murder

while anyone on the right gets the death penalty for jaywalking.

There is a new sheriff in town..
Not with the Bull Shit you Got.......

You on the left are used to getting away with murder

while anyone on the right gets the death penalty for jaywalking.

There is a new sheriff in town..

Do you ever wonder why that might be?

I bet if you were to look objectively at it, you might just see that those on the left are usually accused of crimes that simply aren't real. At least not real in the way you've been led to believe them to be. It's a widely used tool of the right to cast aspersions on their political opponents usually without merit.

You are either a lost ball in high weeds or a Zealot...

If you are objective you know the Obama administration

used the full force of the Federal Government against

their political foes. The insurance policy peter strzok spoke of

with lisa page is the bull shit Russian investigation…

The collusion with the Russians was all on the left.

The left wing media lies and omits the truth because they

are the propaganda arm of the socialist party.

I am sure if the shoe were on the other foot you would have a different take.

Be honest with yourself if possible....

Thank you for the timely example of my point.

It's all conspiratorial nonsense. When investigations turn up nothing, that result also gets folded into the conspiracy. "They were being protected by the corrupt FBI ", rather than maybe it just wasn't as bad as what it was made out to be.

I'm sure there isn't to a soft brained boob such as yourself.

You generally are fairly reasonable.

I can tell when you've lost an argument and know it; you start getting nasty.

I've lost nothing. I know I'm correct. I wouldn't argue it otherwise.

You are correct that coercion, extortion, and racketeering are valid parts of American jurisprudence?

Yeah, don't think so.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is a thug. His cadre of FSB goons are traitors engaged in an attempted coup.

And it is all starting to unravel.
A prosecutor can't get to the truth without cooperating witnesses, dope.

The only way to get witnesses to "cooperate" is to threaten them with total destruction? Every time you post you only prove what a Stalinist douchebag you are.

Enough with the hysterical hyperbole.
Try some logic if you can muster any.

Obviously they had Flynn dead to rights with enough to compel him to take this deal. Flynn did that to himself.

There's nothing "obvious" about that. You can't name anything they were going to charge him with.

There's nothing "obvious" about that

I'm sure there isn't to a soft brained boob such as yourself.
That's it? Your famous 'one-liners'? That's it?
(I bet that's not the first time someone has told you that.)
McCabe is about to be charged with about fifteen federal crimes. He'll be getting out of federal prison about the time his old age pension kicks in.
Struck/Page and a couple of dozen other seditious traitors are facing prison time.
McCabe will sing like a fucking bird the moment he sees the prison bars.
Within a month he'll be wearing a pink tutu and matching pink 'fuck-me' pumps.
McCabe is about to be charged with about fifteen federal crimes.

Who has said that?
You're being hysterical.
Sessions only referenced two rather ambiguous reasons from an unreleased IG report as grounds for his termination.
Charges. Plural.

What are they, hosebag?

Good question.

A few posts ago you were dead certain they were numerous. Now you can't name one.

None of us are privy to such details, dope.

Pleas are usually made to the lowest crime for cooperating witnesses. That then has to mean that there were more charges for more serious offenses that could have been brought. It is the threat of those other charges that compel cooperation from witnesses. That is how it's done.

Your error is in believing there is anything "usual" about Flynn's case. "Usually" they aren't witch hunts, but this one clearly is.

Sure. It's a huge conspiracy. :cuckoo:
Thank you for the timely example of my point.

It's all conspiratorial nonsense. When investigations turn up nothing, that result also gets folded into the conspiracy. "They were being protected by the corrupt FBI ", rather than maybe it just wasn't as bad as what it was made out to be.

You mean such as the Mewler-Torquemada witch hunt, which has turned up nothing?

Well, if there is nothing to the case, then the FSB can go after 13 year old SEC violations from Paul Manafort, being VERY careful not to mention his partner, Hillary chief of staff John Podesta, of course. No, it's only a crime if a Republican does it. We are Stalinist America, guilty until proven useful to the party.

I'm sure there isn't to a soft brained boob such as yourself.

You generally are fairly reasonable.

I can tell when you've lost an argument and know it; you start getting nasty.

I've lost nothing. I know I'm correct. I wouldn't argue it otherwise.

You are correct that coercion, extortion, and racketeering are valid parts of American jurisprudence?

Yeah, don't think so.

Grand Inquisitor Mewler-Torquemada is a thug. His cadre of FSB goons are traitors engaged in an attempted coup.

And it is all starting to unravel.

Indeed. The Big Tell is the every increasing shrillness and shriekness of the Progs. Desperate Times make Desperate Dems Desperater and Desperater.

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