Breaking News! Andrew McCabe Fired Without Pension

Dick move to do that.

Violating the law has consequences

He allowed two subordinates to talk to reporters about an on going investigation and then mislead the investigators about it.

Its not like he conspired with a foreign adversary or something.....

So it's a capital crime for Flynn to lie to the FBI about something that was perfectly legal, but it's OK for McCabe to lie about something that's a crime?

In a recent interview he said he never lied to investigators. We will see.
Thank you President Donald J. Trump...

Draining the Swamp..

Kicking ASS and taking names...

The stench of the obongo administration runs deep…

They all have to be scared shitless…

What a great day for America……..

Isn't it Grand!!

Life is good.........

Finally the scum on the left are being held accountable.

Thank God for President Donald J. Trump…
Trump may be very sorry for opening up this can of worms. Media will be digging deeply into all of this.

Media has been ignoring this for He last year. They won’t dig into anything because it will hurt Democrats
CNN is in full tilt defense of McCabe as we speak.

Their claiming it reeks of politics and saying that it wasn’t him misleading anyone, they just ‘misunderstood’ him.

FBI guy on Laura says they’re told Day #1 at Quantico, never lie. A “lack of candor” gets more agents fired than anything else, and obviously McCabe figured that didn’t apply to him.
He will have plenty of due process during the trial

What trial?

The criminal trial after he is arrested and/our the civil trial for his wrongful termination action
This reminds me of when saddam rounded up all his rivals and had them executed
But you don't have a problem with the obvious fucking witch hunt being carried out by the Democrats, do you?

Witch hunt? How do you explain the ones (witches) who have plead guilty so far?

That may change:dance:
So sad. McCabe never had an opportunity for due process. They could have always revoked his pension at a later date after McCabe having the opportunity to present his defense. They could have let McCabe exhaust the appeals process. Even death row inmates have that right. This really stinks. Friday night massacre. McCabe was due to retire on Sunday, March 18. They're trying to discredit his testimony in the Mueller investigation. Trump has his fingerprints all over this vindictive atrocity.

I expect the Bully in Chief threatened Sessions .....either u fire McCabe or I fire u....while he is going to fire him anyway.

How did this idiot become president?
Bad attempt to spin! Session s had no choice. McCabe and the others were so stupid! They left a trail of wrong doing that was trimmed in red!

They bet on Hillary winning. If she had they could have covered it all up.

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