Breaking: Van mows down people walking on London Bridge.

Should the practice of Islam be banned in Western / civilized nations?

  • Yes

    Votes: 47 61.0%
  • No

    Votes: 28 36.4%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 2 2.6%

  • Total voters
I'm not the one shivering under my, scratch that.....shivering and looking for muslim terrorists under my bed.

So, THAT'S why you don't care how many innocent people have to die as long as it isn't you.

That makes you sound so very brave.
Ah. The usual Appeal to Emotion fallacy so popular with rubes and demagogues.


Hey! You are four times more likely to be hit by lightning than killed by a terrorist. And many thousands more likely to be killed by a friend or relative. Better cancel your Thanksgiving plans!

Using your own TardLogic, you should never leave the house, pants shitter!

You bigots need to man up and walk upright.


Support Islamic terrorism or be called a bigot.

My goodness, you are stupid.
No one here is supporting islamic terrorism. But there are some here supporting flushing our Bill of Rights down the toilet because they are terrified.

Those who have allowed the enemy in the gates and who continue to advocate on their behalf will suffer the fate reserved for all traitors.
And what would you actively do? Be specific.
There is no vetting to get into this country, they'll let just about anybody in


Yes, under Obama let in 1500 known terrorists under asylum, it would appear there is vetting and they prioritize terrorist entry.
"1500 known terrorists"...what are their names...or at least some of them....

Try 21,000.

21,000 people now on U.S. no fly list, official says - something HAS been and IS being done.....
Wow, terrorism is a thing of the past!

Well, Jesus was the only perfect being to ever live on this planet.... believe he really existed, eh?
I guess to each his own… Progressives like you can't tolerate anybody that disagrees with you… Carry-on control freak
I tolerate you just fine. Just keep your hands off our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. I swore to fight and defend them from all enemies foreign AND domestic.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights are Christian documents... you dont have an exclusive
They most certainly are not christian documents....where did you get THAT silly idea? :rofl:
The Constitution Was Indeed Founded Upon a Christian Worldview; That’s Why It Endures

Yes, under Obama let in 1500 known terrorists under asylum, it would appear there is vetting and they prioritize terrorist entry.
"1500 known terrorists"...what are their names...or at least some of them....

Try 21,000.

21,000 people now on U.S. no fly list, official says - something HAS been and IS being done.....
Wow, terrorism is a thing of the past!

Oh? Since when?
Possibly? Sounds like a third incident there in London, Muslims killing people...


Muslims are sanctified by the blood of murdered kafirs. If the prophet of Islam, Mohammed, was alive today he would be sitting on death row somewhere waiting for his execution.

  • Molested his wife – six-year-old Baby Aisha. One of Baby Aisha’s wifely duties was to clean semen stains from the prophet’s clothes. The prophet would take a bath with Baby Aisha and ‘thigh’ with Baby Aisha, meaning she was too small to be penetrated so he would take his penis and rub it up and down her thighs and against her vagina. Being a man of ‘mercy’ he did not penetrate Baby Aisha until she was nine.
  • Raped Baby Aisha when she was nine (texts have altered her age when Muslims could not explain why their prophet married and consummated the marriage with a small child. Koranic texts makes it clear that Mohammed married her when she was six years old. For a marriage to be legally deemed valid it had to be sexually consummated. The Hadith clearly proves that Mohammed was a notorious pedophile). Advocated sex with baby girls.
  • Raped a retarded woman. Murdered a woman. Had sex with his dead aunt.
  • Captured women and raped them. Kept women as sex slaves. Muhammad had sex with 61 women: many he raped. There is no consensual sex between a child girl and a man. There is no consensual sex between a master and his sex slave. There is no consensual sex between a woman conquered in war and her husband conqueror. All such sexual acts are rape. RAPE IS RAPE.
  • Had eleven wives at one time. Sexually abused his wives. Raped his wives. Forced sex during their menstruation including Baby Aisha. Mentally abused his wives. Can you imagine taking a child (or any aged woman) and molesting with your hand/fist her menstruating vagina?
  • Beheaded his enemies. 600/900 Jewish men at one massacre. Had Jewish boys as young as 13 years old beheaded after pulling down their pants and inspecting groin for pubic hair.
  • Ordered the murder, torture, terrorization of Christians and Jews if they did not convert to Islam. Forced Christians and Jews from Saudi Arabia (the mass exile).
  • Assassinated people for insulting him or Islam. Established totalitarian rule. Had followers and their families burnt alive in their homes for missing prayer.
  • Ordered the extermination, torture and terrorization of kafirs. Instigated 60 massacres and personally participated in 27 of them.
  • Owned and sold slaves. Enslaved women and children.
  • Called his black slaves pug noses and compared them to Satan.
  • Treated his black slaves as beasts of burden.
  • Lied and cheated. Mohammed encouraged his men to lie to deceive someone in order to get what he wanted.
  • Caused division and hatred. Ordered no befriending with Christians and Jews.
  • Subjugated and oppressed Muslim women. Required them to cover their faces.
  • Married his daughter–in–law.
  • Approved prostitution.
  • Encouraged the rape of women in front of their husbands.
  • Recommended wife beating. Hit his wife – Baby Aisha.
  • Murdered prisoners of war. Committed acts of terror.
  • Advocated suicide attacks.
  • Executed apostates and homosexuals.
  • Beat children who didn’t pray. Abolished adoption.
  • Honor killings of Muslim women and children.
  • Beat alcoholics. Lied.
  • Stoned adulators to death. Stoned a woman to death after she had given birth.
  • Ordered thief’s hands/feet chopped off.
  • Tortured a man out of greed.
  • Looted and plundered.
  • Preached hate for people of other religions.
  • Extorted money from other religions
  • Forced conversions to Islam
  • Allowed his companions to execute, behead, rape and enslave.

References to prophet Mohammed’s crimes:

Hat tip to our reader Craig for the due diligence in providing the references to these claims.

— Muhammad’s marriage to 6yr old Aisha-(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 58, Number 234 and 236).

— Aisha cleans Muhammad’s semen stains-(Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 4, Number 229-233),

— Muhammad fondling Aisha during her ‘Menses’- (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 6, Number 298-300, Sunan Abu Dawud, Book 1, Number 0270)

— Muhammad liked to have intercourse with Aisha and his other wives when they were menstruating (Sahih Muslim, Book 003, Number 0577-0579),

— He also loved to recite the Quran when his wives were in Menses while lying between their legs!-(Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 1, Book 6, Number 296), (Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 93, Number 639)

— Muhammad married his adopted Son’s wife called ‘Zaynab’ after lusting for her and then banned Adoption in Islam- (Surah 33:37,Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 6, Book 60, Number 305, Sahih Muslim, Book 008, Number 3330, Sahih al-Bukhari, Volume 9, Book 93, Number 516,The History of Al-Tabari: The Victory of Islam, translated by Michael Fishbein, 1997], Volume VIII, pp. 2-3)

— Muhammad having sex with his dead Aunt in the Grave-( “Kanz Al Umal” (The Treasure of the Workers, by Ali Ibn Husam Aldin, commonly known as Al-Mutaki Al-Hindi. He based his book on the hadiths and sayings listed in “Al-Jami Al-Saghir,” written by Jalal ul-Din Al-Suyuti.)

— ‘I (Muhammad) put on her my shirt that she may wear the clothes of heaven, and I slept with her in her coffin (grave) that I may lessen the pressure of the grave. She was the best of Allah’s creatures to me after Abu Talib’… The prophet was referring to Fatima , the mother of Ali. “The Arabic word used here for slept is “Id’tajat,” and literally means “lay down” with her. It is often used to mean, “Lay down to have sex.”

— Muhammad and the Quran sanctioned sex with your wives and ‘married’ slave girls-(Quran – 70:22-30, 23:5,6, 4:24, 33:50), — Muhammad speaks of sex with Slave Girls- (Sahih Bukhari – Volume 3, #432, Volume 9, #506, Volume 5, #637, Sahih Muslim, Volume 2, #3371)

— Muhammad disagreed with ‘coitus interruptus’ with slave girls- he supported RAPE.

— Muhammad forces a 17 yr old Jewish girl called Safiyyah to marry him and rapes her on the same day her husband and family are killed in the battle of Khaibar (Sahih Al-Bukhari, Volume 5, Book 59, Number 522, Volume 1, Book 8, Number 367).

— Al Tabari reported in his (‘The History of al-Tabari: The Victory of Islam’, Translated by Michael Fishbein) that even some of Muhammad’s wives and companions were shocked that he forced Safiyyah to marry him after beheading her husband, brother and father.

I don't care what Muhammad did or didn't do. I don't care that people peacefully practice Islam. What annoys the heck out of me are these islamists who seem to think they can murder whomever they want
There is no such thing as an innocent Muslim. They know what's going on and remain silent. How many Muslims turned in by fellow Muslims?

Silence is agreement.
"Astonishing" two in three British Muslims would NOT give police terror tip-offs
TWO thirds of British Muslims would not inform the police if they thought that somebody close to them had become involved with terrorist sympathisers, according to a poll.
We just need to be nicer to the terrorists. Then they will love the West. Perhaps the networks can make a comedy about terrorists and attempt to humanize them.

It''s not their's our fault.
First of all you should bite your tongue! They aren't terrorists, they're "brave freedom fighters" who had no other way to defend themselves against the colonial white evil Brits who had this coming!
Let's all link arms with the terro...err...freedom fighters in solidarity and love.
If we just provide them with govt. paid education, govt. paid healthcare, and a good govt. job, they wouldn't be forced to run people over in protest!
Screaming in fear? I am opposing Islamic terrorism.

Why don't you?
And what are you actively doing to oppose it?

I'm actively now and in the past supporting the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Are you?

Your defending Islamic terrorism by attacking those who do not share your support for it has nothing to do with the bill of rights and you know it.

There is nothing in the least bit hysterical about not supporting the wholesale slaughter of innocent people despite your absolutely revolting attempt to characterize it as such.

You are both stupid and beneath contempt.
You might want to look thru this entire thread. People are calling for the suspension of the 1st Amendment which is part of the Constitution. Where do YOU stand in that regard?

And I don't support islamic terrorism. I don't support any terrorism. I know you just say that because it's your fear talking...I forgive you.

Correct, that may be fear, I'm a little afraid that you actually believe all the BS from the left.
What BS is that?

It seems to change almost weekly, it's the Russians, world is going to end from leaving the Paris Treaty, Trump lies, Trump taxes and on and on and on.
The leftist politicians advocating Muslim immigrants be allowed in live in secure mansions with armed security and fly private jets and use limos with bullet proof glass.

The little people can eat cake.
What the Pope said: "Dear friends, let us ask the Lord, through the intercession of the Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church, for the grace to never fall into the temptation of thinking we can make it without others, that we can get along without the Church, that we can save ourselves alone, of being Christians of the laboratory. On the contrary, you cannot love God without loving your brothers, you cannot love God outside of the Church; you cannot be in communion with God without being so in the Church.”

Pope said Catholics are different. Says they are the only Christians.

No, he did not say that. He said that all Christians need 'the church', i.e. other people of the faith. When we are saved, God adds us to His church, Act 2:47, and whether we think we have joined a church or not is not how He sees it. We are in the Body of Christ if we are saved from the moment we are saved.

And since they worship Mary and not Christ, that makes them a cult.

Roman Catholics do not 'worship' Mary like we worship God. We adore and venerate Mary and only 'worship' her as a man would 'worship' his wife as was once expressed in traditional wedding vows.

Marriage vows - Wikipedia

Pope Francis Decrees That Christian Salvation Is Only Through The Roman Catholic Church

That is an anti-Catholic religious source that is not objective or accurate in its statements about the church.

Why do you hate Catholics so much? believe he really existed, eh?
I guess to each his own… Progressives like you can't tolerate anybody that disagrees with you… Carry-on control freak
I tolerate you just fine. Just keep your hands off our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. I swore to fight and defend them from all enemies foreign AND domestic.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights are Christian documents... you dont have an exclusive
They most certainly are not christian documents....where did you get THAT silly idea? :rofl:
The Constitution Was Indeed Founded Upon a Christian Worldview; That’s Why It Endures
Of course...a christer website would be totally impartial. :rofl:

Look up the Enlightenment some time...John Locke, Charles-Louis Montesquieu for example. The Roman Republic, the Athens democracy....our Founders remember the horror that was Puritan Massachusetts. They had their stomach full of religion in government.
I guess to each his own… Progressives like you can't tolerate anybody that disagrees with you… Carry-on control freak
I tolerate you just fine. Just keep your hands off our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. I swore to fight and defend them from all enemies foreign AND domestic.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights are Christian documents... you dont have an exclusive
They most certainly are not christian documents....where did you get THAT silly idea? :rofl:
The Constitution Was Indeed Founded Upon a Christian Worldview; That’s Why It Endures
Of course...a christer website would be totally impartial. :rofl:

Look up the Enlightenment some time...John Locke, Charles-Louis Montesquieu for example. The Roman Republic, the Athens democracy....our Founders remember the horror that was Puritan Massachusetts. They had their stomach full of religion in government.
Christianity is not a religion, it's a faith.
1- prayers to the victims.
2-Hell to the terrorists and criminals.
3-why the UK, US, France....? I said it a long time ago, getting involved in the middle east will back fire. Be like Japan, Korea, Brasil....don't get mixed up in a mess in the 1st place. The terrorists needed a reason and the invasions were their Christmas gifts.

Japan and Korea do not allow the filthy bastards in. That is why they are not under attack. I don't know about Brazil. Japan and Korea also do not have wide open borders or American inner city DemWitt breeding grounds.

Edit: I agree with you. We should be out of the ME. Let the savage kill each other till the cows come home. I would love it. Just do NOT venture out of those borders or shot on site.
Brazil is a crime ridden shithole where fully armed thugs and gangs are ruling the streets, a semi functioning govt., with rampant corruption. Who the fuck wants to live there.
I tolerate you just fine. Just keep your hands off our Constitution and our Bill of Rights. I swore to fight and defend them from all enemies foreign AND domestic.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights are Christian documents... you dont have an exclusive
They most certainly are not christian documents....where did you get THAT silly idea? :rofl:
The Constitution Was Indeed Founded Upon a Christian Worldview; That’s Why It Endures
Of course...a christer website would be totally impartial. :rofl:

Look up the Enlightenment some time...John Locke, Charles-Louis Montesquieu for example. The Roman Republic, the Athens democracy....our Founders remember the horror that was Puritan Massachusetts. They had their stomach full of religion in government.
Christianity is not a religion, it's a faith.
Great! So the 1st Amendment doesn't apply. :clap:
No, that is the lefts interpretation.
From Georgetown Law-

The view that foreign nationals do not deserve the same con- stitutional protections as U.S. citizens was given some support in April 2003 when a divided Supreme Court in Demore v. Kim3 upheld a 1996 statute imposing mandatory detention

From the SC decision-

And, since Mathews , this Court has firmly and repeatedly endorsed the proposition that Congress may make rules as to aliens that would be unacceptable if applied to citizens. See, e.g ., Zadvydas, 533 U. S., at 718 ( Kennedy , J., dissenting) (“The liberty rights of the aliens before us here are subject to limitations and conditions not applicable to citizens”); Reno v. Flores, 507 U. S. 292, 430 U. S. 787, 494 U. S. 259, 273 (1990) .

The First was written for US citizens, not for the world.
One of their most ardent and steadfast supporters here even has the audacity to talk about compassion in her siggy line.

and the terrorist supporter has now confirmed her identity.
"Terrorist supporter", eh? That label covers everyone who doesn't agree with you on trashing the 1st Amendment, doesn't it?
The 1st Amendment applies to anyone in the United States.

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