Breaking WP: Donald Trump was recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005(Text)

I've sent in my choice for his new campaign slogan

"We're going to grab America by her pussy and make her beg again"


go vote for the donald.
Jillian admit it, you and your friends say even 'worse' things when you all get together. If you say differently you're a damn liar. Womins get down and dirty.......and I love it.

BTW this conversation Trump was having is rated G in most male circles. Well in circles of men with normal testosterone.

"Grab em by the pussy" :lol: :lol: :lol:

You aren't defending regular guy talk. You're defending sexual assault talk, and you're defending a man who "went after another woman like a bitch" while he was married.

So much for "conservative morals" and "family values," eh?

and she was married....

then he thinks he should trash bill clinton for cheating?

i wonder how melanin feels about him now
You think Donald Trump will be thinking differently if he ever holds public office?

“I did try and fuck her,” Trump can be heard saying on the video in reference to an unnamed woman.

“I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping,” Trump continues. “She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

Later in the recording, Trump talks about actress Arianne Zucker, who escorted Trump and Bush to the set of “Days of Our Lives.”

“I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump said. “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful ― I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump said. “You can do anything.”

“Grab them by the pussy,” Trump added. “You can do anything.”

To Recap:
Donald Trump was boasting about trying to fuck a married woman.
And boasting that since he was a star he can do anything with women.
And saying to just grab women by the 'pussy'- if you are a star.
Let's make this even CLEARER...

If this happened in 2005, then Donald Trump was newlywed and had just married Melania, when he was looking for some "strange" with this soap opera star, though only semi "strange" because he had made moves on her before...

Right now, my sympathy and heart felt sorrow goes towards Melania....

Guess she decided to still stay with him, even though he was trying to f**k every girl under the sun, from the moment they were married.

guess she was an enabler like Hillary, eh?

Bill's worse than Trump, yadadadadah says Trump....but guess what, once again we find out the accusations of Trump towards Hillary and Bill, was all about himself and him doing the things he always accuses Bill of doing... The trump m/o at it again...
Bill fucked around on his wife

There are two candidates running for President

One of them- Donald Trump is an adulterer and boasted about how he wanted to fuck a married woman.

The other- Hillary Clinton- is not.

There are two candidates running for President....

One of them, hilary clinton.....

--helped her husband get away with rape and sexual assault using private detectives and political operatives

--all of her staff have been given immunity deals by the FBI to protect her from prosecution...

--she ordered 13 blackberries destroyed, several laptops, several servers and used a high tech program to destroy emails that were under subpoena....

--she used an illegal server to engage in selling her office as Secretary of State to the highest bidder, and hid the money in her families private charity foundation....

--she sent men to Libya, then refused repeated requests by these men for more security, and then, when they came under direct and sustained attack, she refused to send a rescue mission to save them.....4 of them died.....

--after pushing the over throw of the leader of Libya, her decision created the worst refugee crisis in Europe since World War 2.....

--her decision with obama to remove our troops from Iraq allowed isis to spread and conduct terrorist attacks around the world.......

The other is Donald Trump.....

And that was just in the last 8 years....
The ambassador insisted on going to the mission, and refused military security. The refugees coming from Libya are sub-saharan blacks duh. Thanks for the corrupt GOP world depression, dupe. All the rest has been thoroughly investigated and nada, except on the total bs GOP propaganda machine.

Wrong......the Defense Department offered the State Department military provided Security, they refused......they asked the Ambassador if he wanted military security, and by protocol he had to refuse since the State Department had already refused it.........
Grab em by the pussy? That's the big deal? That's why we already have 987 threads on it?
How many guys can HONESTLY say they don't make sexist jokes? And woman for that matter?
You people are beyond retarded.
What the fuck ever. If Hillary had said this about some dude's junk, you people would not shut the fuck up about it and you know it.

The truth of the matter is that I'm glad he said it because Trump will only lose more of the women vote if this recording gets circulated properly.
unlike you billy most women including hillary,know that a hell of a lot of men talk like that amongst themselves....[/QUOTE
Men do not talk that way, immature, insecure boys talk that way. All men have been boys at one time but most turn into men. Some never do; Donald Trump is an example.
Men do not talk that way, immature, insecure boys talk that way. All men have been boys at one time but most turn into men. Some never do; Donald Trump is an example.
You are obviously a fucktard who has no clue what men talk about because you've never been one.
A boy thinks you have to talk that way to be a man. A man knows you do not need to talk that way to be a man.
The way you are going you will never know what it is like to be a man; GROW UP BOY.
Sheesh .. It appears these pc tender foot libs. never read or post in the Flame Zone ...
You think Donald Trump will be thinking differently if he ever holds public office?

“I did try and fuck her,” Trump can be heard saying on the video in reference to an unnamed woman.

“I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping,” Trump continues. “She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

Later in the recording, Trump talks about actress Arianne Zucker, who escorted Trump and Bush to the set of “Days of Our Lives.”

“I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump said. “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful ― I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump said. “You can do anything.”

“Grab them by the pussy,” Trump added. “You can do anything.”

To Recap:
Donald Trump was boasting about trying to fuck a married woman.
And boasting that since he was a star he can do anything with women.
And saying to just grab women by the 'pussy'- if you are a star.
Let's make this even CLEARER...

If this happened in 2005, then Donald Trump was newlywed and had just married Melania, when he was looking for some "strange" with this soap opera star, though only semi "strange" because he had made moves on her before...

Right now, my sympathy and heart felt sorrow goes towards Melania....

Guess she decided to still stay with him, even though he was trying to f**k every girl under the sun, from the moment they were married.

guess she was an enabler like Hillary, eh?

Bill's worse than Trump, yadadadadah says Trump....but guess what, once again we find out the accusations of Trump towards Hillary and Bill, was all about himself and him doing the things he always accuses Bill of doing... The trump m/o at it again...
Bill fucked around on his wife

There are two candidates running for President

One of them- Donald Trump is an adulterer and boasted about how he wanted to fuck a married woman.

The other- Hillary Clinton- is not.

There are two candidates running for President....

One of them, hilary clinton.....

--helped her husband get away with rape and sexual assault using private detectives and political operatives

--all of her staff have been given immunity deals by the FBI to protect her from prosecution...

--she ordered 13 blackberries destroyed, several laptops, several servers and used a high tech program to destroy emails that were under subpoena....

--she used an illegal server to engage in selling her office as Secretary of State to the highest bidder, and hid the money in her families private charity foundation....

--she sent men to Libya, then refused repeated requests by these men for more security, and then, when they came under direct and sustained attack, she refused to send a rescue mission to save them.....4 of them died.....

--after pushing the over throw of the leader of Libya, her decision created the worst refugee crisis in Europe since World War 2.....

--her decision with obama to remove our troops from Iraq allowed isis to spread and conduct terrorist attacks around the world.......

The other is Donald Trump.....

And that was just in the last 8 years....
The ambassador insisted on going to the mission, and refused military security. The refugees coming from Libya are sub-saharan blacks duh. Thanks for the corrupt GOP world depression, dupe. All the rest has been thoroughly investigated and nada, except on the total bs GOP propaganda machine.

From Politifact....

Under Hillary Clinton, State refused Benghazi requests?

In May 2014, ahead of one of the congressional investigations into the Benghazi attacks, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., claimed the State Department "not only failed to honor repeated requests for additional security, but instead actually reduced security in Libya."

Our rating was True.

As we noted in that article:

"There are disagreements about whether State acted reasonably, but that it didn't honor requests for additional security is established fact," said Georgetown University adjunct assistant professor Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, who is also a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, which focuses on foreign policy and national security.

The State Department has acknowledged it rejected requests to provide more security personnel in Libya.

It also acknowledged rejecting a request to erect guard towers at the Benghazi mission, but notes that a number of physical security upgrades, such as the installation of concrete barriers to block unused gates, were made during 2012.

The State Department’s own Accountability Review Board concluded that the number of diplomatic security staff in Benghazi in the months leading up to the attacks was inadequate "despite repeated requests" from the Benghazi mission and the embassy in Tripoli for additional staffing.

In addition, PolitiFact National has reported that the numerous requests from officials on the ground in Libya for better security for the Benghazi compound are undeniable and well-documented.
Grab em by the pussy? That's the big deal? That's why we already have 987 threads on it?
How many guys can HONESTLY say they don't make sexist jokes? And woman for that matter?
You people are beyond retarded.

I just posted this and its a 3 min video. How about you actually watch BEFORE you defend it?
All I needed to see was "grab em by the pussy". If that's what the big deal is about, grow the fuck up.

Then be proud that you have admitted your ignorance and you dont need to know shit about things before leveling a defense dumbass.

Let us know when you have some proof that Trump bit the shit out of someone while sexually assaulting them......m'kay??? Because we have eyewitness accounts of the aftermath of a Bill "drop trou" sexual assault.
No that is Juanita Broderick, Eillen Wellstone, and Elizabeth Ward Gracen.....and there are others who say bill clinton raped them.......

all of the women who say bill clinton raped them are lying...only bill clinton is telling the that right?

Most are. Truth is, I don't know. Neither do you.
Let's make this even CLEARER...

If this happened in 2005, then Donald Trump was newlywed and had just married Melania, when he was looking for some "strange" with this soap opera star, though only semi "strange" because he had made moves on her before...

Right now, my sympathy and heart felt sorrow goes towards Melania....

Guess she decided to still stay with him, even though he was trying to f**k every girl under the sun, from the moment they were married.

guess she was an enabler like Hillary, eh?

Bill's worse than Trump, yadadadadah says Trump....but guess what, once again we find out the accusations of Trump towards Hillary and Bill, was all about himself and him doing the things he always accuses Bill of doing... The trump m/o at it again...
Bill fucked around on his wife


There are two candidates running for President

One of them- Donald Trump is an adulterer and boasted about how he wanted to fuck a married woman.

The other- Hillary Clinton- is not.

There are two candidates running for President....

One of them, hilary clinton.....

--helped her husband get away with rape and sexual assault using private detectives and political operatives

--all of her staff have been given immunity deals by the FBI to protect her from prosecution...

--she ordered 13 blackberries destroyed, several laptops, several servers and used a high tech program to destroy emails that were under subpoena....

--she used an illegal server to engage in selling her office as Secretary of State to the highest bidder, and hid the money in her families private charity foundation....

--she sent men to Libya, then refused repeated requests by these men for more security, and then, when they came under direct and sustained attack, she refused to send a rescue mission to save them.....4 of them died.....

--after pushing the over throw of the leader of Libya, her decision created the worst refugee crisis in Europe since World War 2.....

--her decision with obama to remove our troops from Iraq allowed isis to spread and conduct terrorist attacks around the world.......

The other is Donald Trump.....

And that was just in the last 8 years....
The ambassador insisted on going to the mission, and refused military security. The refugees coming from Libya are sub-saharan blacks duh. Thanks for the corrupt GOP world depression, dupe. All the rest has been thoroughly investigated and nada, except on the total bs GOP propaganda machine.

From Politifact....

Under Hillary Clinton, State refused Benghazi requests?

In May 2014, ahead of one of the congressional investigations into the Benghazi attacks, U.S. Sen. Ron Johnson, R-Wis., claimed the State Department "not only failed to honor repeated requests for additional security, but instead actually reduced security in Libya."

Our rating was True.

As we noted in that article:

"There are disagreements about whether State acted reasonably, but that it didn't honor requests for additional security is established fact," said Georgetown University adjunct assistant professor Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, who is also a senior fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, which focuses on foreign policy and national security.

The State Department has acknowledged it rejected requests to provide more security personnel in Libya.

It also acknowledged rejecting a request to erect guard towers at the Benghazi mission, but notes that a number of physical security upgrades, such as the installation of concrete barriers to block unused gates, were made during 2012.

The State Department’s own Accountability Review Board concluded that the number of diplomatic security staff in Benghazi in the months leading up to the attacks was inadequate "despite repeated requests" from the Benghazi mission and the embassy in Tripoli for additional staffing.

In addition, PolitiFact National has reported that the numerous requests from officials on the ground in Libya for better security for the Benghazi compound are undeniable and well-documented.

Have you forgotten? You disqualified yourself from citing politifact.
You think Donald Trump will be thinking differently if he ever holds public office?

“I did try and fuck her,” Trump can be heard saying on the video in reference to an unnamed woman.

“I moved on her very heavily. In fact, I took her out furniture shopping,” Trump continues. “She wanted to get some furniture. I said, ‘I’ll show you where they have some nice furniture.’”

“I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn’t get there. And she was married,” Trump says. “Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look.”

Later in the recording, Trump talks about actress Arianne Zucker, who escorted Trump and Bush to the set of “Days of Our Lives.”

“I’ve gotta use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her,” Trump said. “You know I’m automatically attracted to beautiful ― I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait.”

“And when you’re a star they let you do it,” Trump said. “You can do anything.”

“Grab them by the pussy,” Trump added. “You can do anything.”

To Recap:
Donald Trump was boasting about trying to fuck a married woman.
And boasting that since he was a star he can do anything with women.
And saying to just grab women by the 'pussy'- if you are a star.
Let's make this even CLEARER...

If this happened in 2005, then Donald Trump was newlywed and had just married Melania, when he was looking for some "strange" with this soap opera star, though only semi "strange" because he had made moves on her before...

Right now, my sympathy and heart felt sorrow goes towards Melania....

Guess she decided to still stay with him, even though he was trying to f**k every girl under the sun, from the moment they were married.

guess she was an enabler like Hillary, eh?

Bill's worse than Trump, yadadadadah says Trump....but guess what, once again we find out the accusations of Trump towards Hillary and Bill, was all about himself and him doing the things he always accuses Bill of doing... The trump m/o at it again...
Bill fucked around on his wife

There are two candidates running for President

One of them- Donald Trump is an adulterer and boasted about how he wanted to fuck a married woman.

The other- Hillary Clinton- is not.

There are two candidates running for President....

One of them, hilary clinton.....

--helped her husband get away with rape and sexual assault using private detectives and political operatives

--all of her staff have been given immunity deals by the FBI to protect her from prosecution...

--she ordered 13 blackberries destroyed, several laptops, several servers and used a high tech program to destroy emails that were under subpoena....

--she used an illegal server to engage in selling her office as Secretary of State to the highest bidder, and hid the money in her families private charity foundation....

--she sent men to Libya, then refused repeated requests by these men for more security, and then, when they came under direct and sustained attack, she refused to send a rescue mission to save them.....4 of them died.....

--after pushing the over throw of the leader of Libya, her decision created the worst refugee crisis in Europe since World War 2.....

--her decision with obama to remove our troops from Iraq allowed isis to spread and conduct terrorist attacks around the world.......

The other is Donald Trump.....

And that was just in the last 8 years....
The ambassador insisted on going to the mission, and refused military security. The refugees coming from Libya are sub-saharan blacks duh. Thanks for the corrupt GOP world depression, dupe. All the rest has been thoroughly investigated and nada, except on the total bs GOP propaganda machine.

Ignore the idiot FW. This guy comes on every thread and turns it into Benghazi. There are plenty of Benghzi threads he can spout his conspiracy theories on...
And they will support the wife of a serial sexual predator....but clutch their pearls at any mention of Trump....
Come on Guy, you've been known to present some rational arguments... Just admit that this video of Trump was disgusting. How can you watch it and think that you want this guy to be our president. Then retort by dogging on the WIFE of an accused sexual predator. Its a bad argument, you will be better off to swallow this one. Just be honest and say it was a horrible statement by Trump but you like his policies better than Hillary's and that is more important to you than the character of the man.

I haven't listened to first pick was Scott Walker, the next Ted Cruz, Trump is the one left matter what Trump has done as a human being hilary has done far, far worse.......shielding herself with tax dollars and political power.....

This country used to have a rule....if you were a crook in office you were kicked out of office....that rule does not apply anymore......especially if hilary gets into office......she will have complete control over law enforcement and the intelligence services.........and will have shown the way for the next criminals......

Trump is the only way to stop 4 years we can vote him out......but you don't reward political corruption in office, which is what we have with hilary, by electing her to an even more powerful office. It is obvious that none of the law enforcement agencies are going to act against hilary because the democrats control them....the absolute only way to punish to vote Trump into office......

That is where we are......
Here you go... Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

Men hilary put in harms way, they asked her for more security and she refused and then when they were under direct attack she did not send a rescue mission...

Is anything on that audio worse than that?
Do not put that on Hillary Clinton. We are all at fault. The budget for our embassy and foreign mission security had been reduced. We, us, our representatives did not fund security.
No one wants to give up anything, we do not want to pay higher taxes. The result is the armed forces and foreign security is reduced. Look in the mirror idiot. We want to blame others.

They keep lying....they did not cut the budget and the only reason those men died is that hilary didn't give them enough protection and then refused to send help...

Democrats Once Again Smacked Down on Benghazi Funding Cuts Claim - Breitbart

But as Kessler notes, it’s simply not true. And it’s not true in several notable ways starting with the fact that funding was not actually cut. Kessler writes “while Boxer claims that Republicans “cut” the budget, she is only
comparing it to what the Obama administration proposed. The reality is
that funding for embassy security has increased significantly in recent

Equally significant and ignored by Boxer is the fact that the evidence is clear on this point. The ARB report does suggest an increase in funding for security but does not claim lack of funding was an issue in Benghazi. Also, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charlene Lamb was asked directly about this during her congressional testimony last October:
Grab em by the pussy? That's the big deal? That's why we already have 987 threads on it?
How many guys can HONESTLY say they don't make sexist jokes? And woman for that matter?
You people are beyond retarded.
What the fuck ever. If Hillary had said this about some dude's junk, you people would not shut the fuck up about it and you know it.

The truth of the matter is that I'm glad he said it because Trump will only lose more of the women vote if this recording gets circulated properly.
unlike you billy most women including hillary,know that a hell of a lot of men talk like that amongst themselves....[/QUOTE
Men do not talk that way, immature, insecure boys talk that way. All men have been boys at one time but most turn into men. Some never do; Donald Trump is an example.
oh give me a break.....try being honest fudd....and if you are then you have never been around a bunch of guys partying....
Sure I have, but that conversation sounds like a college party not a 60 year old married man who is talking to someone he does not know very well.
As a 60 year old married man, I still party but my buddies trash each other, talk sports and also talk about a few of our friends who have never grown up and are idiots like Donald Trump.
Come on Guy, you've been known to present some rational arguments... Just admit that this video of Trump was disgusting. How can you watch it and think that you want this guy to be our president. Then retort by dogging on the WIFE of an accused sexual predator. Its a bad argument, you will be better off to swallow this one. Just be honest and say it was a horrible statement by Trump but you like his policies better than Hillary's and that is more important to you than the character of the man.

I haven't listened to first pick was Scott Walker, the next Ted Cruz, Trump is the one left matter what Trump has done as a human being hilary has done far, far worse.......shielding herself with tax dollars and political power.....

This country used to have a rule....if you were a crook in office you were kicked out of office....that rule does not apply anymore......especially if hilary gets into office......she will have complete control over law enforcement and the intelligence services.........and will have shown the way for the next criminals......

Trump is the only way to stop 4 years we can vote him out......but you don't reward political corruption in office, which is what we have with hilary, by electing her to an even more powerful office. It is obvious that none of the law enforcement agencies are going to act against hilary because the democrats control them....the absolute only way to punish to vote Trump into office......

That is where we are......
Here you go... Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

Men hilary put in harms way, they asked her for more security and she refused and then when they were under direct attack she did not send a rescue mission...

Is anything on that audio worse than that?
Do not put that on Hillary Clinton. We are all at fault. The budget for our embassy and foreign mission security had been reduced. We, us, our representatives did not fund security.
No one wants to give up anything, we do not want to pay higher taxes. The result is the armed forces and foreign security is reduced. Look in the mirror idiot. We want to blame others.

They keep lying....they did not cut the budget and the only reason those men died is that hilary didn't give them enough protection and then refused to send help...

Democrats Once Again Smacked Down on Benghazi Funding Cuts Claim - Breitbart

But as Kessler notes, it’s simply not true. And it’s not true in several notable ways starting with the fact that funding was not actually cut. Kessler writes “while Boxer claims that Republicans “cut” the budget, she is only
comparing it to what the Obama administration proposed. The reality is
that funding for embassy security has increased significantly in recent

Equally significant and ignored by Boxer is the fact that the evidence is clear on this point. The ARB report does suggest an increase in funding for security but does not claim lack of funding was an issue in Benghazi. Also, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charlene Lamb was asked directly about this during her congressional testimony last October:

And exactly what do any of those lies have to do with Donald Trump believing his wealth gives him license to grope women in the hoohah?
What the fuck ever. If Hillary had said this about some dude's junk, you people would not shut the fuck up about it and you know it.

The truth of the matter is that I'm glad he said it because Trump will only lose more of the women vote if this recording gets circulated properly.
unlike you billy most women including hillary,know that a hell of a lot of men talk like that amongst themselves....[/QUOTE
Men do not talk that way, immature, insecure boys talk that way. All men have been boys at one time but most turn into men. Some never do; Donald Trump is an example.
Men do not talk that way, immature, insecure boys talk that way. All men have been boys at one time but most turn into men. Some never do; Donald Trump is an example.
You are obviously a fucktard who has no clue what men talk about because you've never been one.
A boy thinks you have to talk that way to be a man. A man knows you do not need to talk that way to be a man.
The way you are going you will never know what it is like to be a man; GROW UP BOY.

Are you the new schoolmarm?
I keep being told that Bill Clinton is running for president. I'm very curious as to why that keeps occurring. asswipes pretend it is about bill the rapist.....we tell you it is about hilary covering up her husbands rapes and sexual assauls to preserver her political career....
I haven't listened to first pick was Scott Walker, the next Ted Cruz, Trump is the one left matter what Trump has done as a human being hilary has done far, far worse.......shielding herself with tax dollars and political power.....

This country used to have a rule....if you were a crook in office you were kicked out of office....that rule does not apply anymore......especially if hilary gets into office......she will have complete control over law enforcement and the intelligence services.........and will have shown the way for the next criminals......

Trump is the only way to stop 4 years we can vote him out......but you don't reward political corruption in office, which is what we have with hilary, by electing her to an even more powerful office. It is obvious that none of the law enforcement agencies are going to act against hilary because the democrats control them....the absolute only way to punish to vote Trump into office......

That is where we are......
Here you go... Trump recorded having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005

Men hilary put in harms way, they asked her for more security and she refused and then when they were under direct attack she did not send a rescue mission...

Is anything on that audio worse than that?
Do not put that on Hillary Clinton. We are all at fault. The budget for our embassy and foreign mission security had been reduced. We, us, our representatives did not fund security.
No one wants to give up anything, we do not want to pay higher taxes. The result is the armed forces and foreign security is reduced. Look in the mirror idiot. We want to blame others.

They keep lying....they did not cut the budget and the only reason those men died is that hilary didn't give them enough protection and then refused to send help...

Democrats Once Again Smacked Down on Benghazi Funding Cuts Claim - Breitbart

But as Kessler notes, it’s simply not true. And it’s not true in several notable ways starting with the fact that funding was not actually cut. Kessler writes “while Boxer claims that Republicans “cut” the budget, she is only
comparing it to what the Obama administration proposed. The reality is
that funding for embassy security has increased significantly in recent

Equally significant and ignored by Boxer is the fact that the evidence is clear on this point. The ARB report does suggest an increase in funding for security but does not claim lack of funding was an issue in Benghazi. Also, Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Charlene Lamb was asked directly about this during her congressional testimony last October:

And exactly what do any of those lies have to do with Donald Trump believing his wealth gives him license to grope women in the hoohah?

And why did hilary think that her political ambitions allowed her to attack and destroy women who accused her husband of rape and sexual assault?

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