Budget chief calls defunding poverty programs "compassionate"


Gold Member
Jan 30, 2013
Southern AZ
Cuts to poverty programs are ‘as compassionate as you can get,’ Trump budget chief says

"Mulvaney specifically cited Head Start, which runs early-childhood programs including free breakfasts for children from low-income families, as an example of an unjustified expenditure, arguing that there was no proof that children performed better in school when they weren’t hungry.

“They’re supposed to help kids who don’t get fed at home get fed so they do better in school,” Mulvaney said in discussing the purpose of Head Start programs. “Guess what? There’s no demonstrable evidence they’re actually doing that. No demonstrable evidence they’re actually helping results, helping kids do better in school, which is what, when we took your money from you, to say, ‘Look, we’re going to go spend it on an after-school program,’ the way we justified it was: ‘These programs are going to help these kids do better in school and get better jobs.’ And we can’t prove that that’s happening.”

"Mulvaney also said that Meals on Wheels, a program that delivers meals to seniors and people with disabilities, was “not showing any results.”

Meantime, trump is showing his compassion for single mothers, by raising their taxes, while lowering taxes for the rich.

"Under the current tax plan, a single parent pays a 10 percent federal tax rate, or $1,255 on a $34,000 annual income, after applying the exceptions available. Under Trump’s proposed plan, the rate would increase to 12 percent, and with the reduction of various exceptions, the same single parent would be paying $2,280."

You can't make stuff like this up, folks.
lets show a little compassion, why would she need more than one sandwich a day?

and her medication? totally unnecessary ..

How do you call Meals on Wheels a failure? It's mission is to deliver meals. I would say that it is successful. Head Start is not as successful as hoped so reform it. What about heating aid for the poor? Taking away their heat is compassionate? We have 2 definitions of compassion.
How do you call Meals on Wheels a failure? It's mission is to deliver meals. I would say that it is successful. Head Start is not as successful as hoped so reform it. What about heating aid for the poor? Taking away their heat is compassionate? We have 2 definitions of compassion.

cut benefits for old and needy, pass out a tax cut or two, build a wall, etc etc ..

its a no brainer for Republicans
I watched him. Just incredible. How did the right get so crazy and so hate filled that they want to kill the elderly, poor, children?

And every single one of them will tell you they're christians.
Cuts to poverty programs are ‘as compassionate as you can get,’ Trump budget chief says

"Mulvaney specifically cited Head Start, which runs early-childhood programs including free breakfasts for children from low-income families, as an example of an unjustified expenditure, arguing that there was no proof that children performed better in school when they weren’t hungry.

“They’re supposed to help kids who don’t get fed at home get fed so they do better in school,” Mulvaney said in discussing the purpose of Head Start programs. “Guess what? There’s no demonstrable evidence they’re actually doing that. No demonstrable evidence they’re actually helping results, helping kids do better in school, which is what, when we took your money from you, to say, ‘Look, we’re going to go spend it on an after-school program,’ the way we justified it was: ‘These programs are going to help these kids do better in school and get better jobs.’ And we can’t prove that that’s happening.”

"Mulvaney also said that Meals on Wheels, a program that delivers meals to seniors and people with disabilities, was “not showing any results.”

Meantime, trump is showing his compassion for single mothers, by raising their taxes, while lowering taxes for the rich.

"Under the current tax plan, a single parent pays a 10 percent federal tax rate, or $1,255 on a $34,000 annual income, after applying the exceptions available. Under Trump’s proposed plan, the rate would increase to 12 percent, and with the reduction of various exceptions, the same single parent would be paying $2,280."

You can't make stuff like this up, folks.
The best poverty programs are helping the private sector create jobs that will allow poor people to rise out of poverty and vouchers to allow children to escape from failed inner city schools so they can get the education they need to compete for good jobs. Somehow no one in the Obama administration or among his supporters seems able to understand this. The Trump administration is trying to create conditions that allow people to rise out of poverty but all the programs from the Democrats aim at making poor people more comfortable living in poverty.

Democrats, the can't do Party.
Cuts to poverty programs are ‘as compassionate as you can get,’ Trump budget chief says

"Mulvaney specifically cited Head Start, which runs early-childhood programs including free breakfasts for children from low-income families, as an example of an unjustified expenditure, arguing that there was no proof that children performed better in school when they weren’t hungry.

“They’re supposed to help kids who don’t get fed at home get fed so they do better in school,” Mulvaney said in discussing the purpose of Head Start programs. “Guess what? There’s no demonstrable evidence they’re actually doing that. No demonstrable evidence they’re actually helping results, helping kids do better in school, which is what, when we took your money from you, to say, ‘Look, we’re going to go spend it on an after-school program,’ the way we justified it was: ‘These programs are going to help these kids do better in school and get better jobs.’ And we can’t prove that that’s happening.”

"Mulvaney also said that Meals on Wheels, a program that delivers meals to seniors and people with disabilities, was “not showing any results.”

Meantime, trump is showing his compassion for single mothers, by raising their taxes, while lowering taxes for the rich.

"Under the current tax plan, a single parent pays a 10 percent federal tax rate, or $1,255 on a $34,000 annual income, after applying the exceptions available. Under Trump’s proposed plan, the rate would increase to 12 percent, and with the reduction of various exceptions, the same single parent would be paying $2,280."

You can't make stuff like this up, folks.
The best poverty programs are helping the private sector create jobs that will allow poor people to rise out of poverty and vouchers to allow children to escape from failed inner city schools so they can get the education they need to compete for good jobs. Somehow no one in the Obama administration or among his supporters seems able to understand this. The Trump administration is trying to create conditions that allow people to rise out of poverty but all the programs from the Democrats aim at making poor people more comfortable living in poverty.

Democrats, the can't do Party.

cut healthcare,education, pollute water, air, play softball with Russia .. yeah that'll help people rise out of poverty.

Fuck Lyin' Donald.
Cuts to poverty programs are ‘as compassionate as you can get,’ Trump budget chief says

"Mulvaney specifically cited Head Start, which runs early-childhood programs including free breakfasts for children from low-income families, as an example of an unjustified expenditure, arguing that there was no proof that children performed better in school when they weren’t hungry.

“They’re supposed to help kids who don’t get fed at home get fed so they do better in school,” Mulvaney said in discussing the purpose of Head Start programs. “Guess what? There’s no demonstrable evidence they’re actually doing that. No demonstrable evidence they’re actually helping results, helping kids do better in school, which is what, when we took your money from you, to say, ‘Look, we’re going to go spend it on an after-school program,’ the way we justified it was: ‘These programs are going to help these kids do better in school and get better jobs.’ And we can’t prove that that’s happening.”

"Mulvaney also said that Meals on Wheels, a program that delivers meals to seniors and people with disabilities, was “not showing any results.”

Meantime, trump is showing his compassion for single mothers, by raising their taxes, while lowering taxes for the rich.

"Under the current tax plan, a single parent pays a 10 percent federal tax rate, or $1,255 on a $34,000 annual income, after applying the exceptions available. Under Trump’s proposed plan, the rate would increase to 12 percent, and with the reduction of various exceptions, the same single parent would be paying $2,280."

You can't make stuff like this up, folks.
The best poverty programs are helping the private sector create jobs that will allow poor people to rise out of poverty and vouchers to allow children to escape from failed inner city schools so they can get the education they need to compete for good jobs. Somehow no one in the Obama administration or among his supporters seems able to understand this. The Trump administration is trying to create conditions that allow people to rise out of poverty but all the programs from the Democrats aim at making poor people more comfortable living in poverty.

Democrats, the can't do Party.

Bullshit. No, drumpf is not trying to do anything of the kind. Jesus H Fucking Christ - where do you people get this shit?

Are you aware that the cheeto lied to the miners about getting their jobs back and that all he actually signed was to give the 1% permission to poison their water? Did you see that shameful little signing ceremony where he had the gall to have one of them gush thanks to him and then, the most cringe worthy thing I've seen in a while - he actually handed ONE pen to the 7 of them.

(Just like when he lied about helping vets and actually only sent them a fucking bumper sticker.)

Are you also aware that its those cussed liberal Dems who are working in mining communities to teach them new, modern, skills because coal is not coming back?
They ought to be getting jobs and pulling themselves out of the fucking gutters. To that extent, this is a positive thing, as it encourages them to fend for themselves. Besides, contrary to the op's naive income tax calculations, these fuckers get all of their income taxes refunded PLUS shit like EIC. So a dirt bag with 2 kids earning $30k a year will get back all income taxes plus money out of my pocket (not yours, because you most likely do not pay taxes). It is common that someone in this position will get $8-10k in a "refund". So, in essence, this person gets around $40K tax free dollars. Assuming about 17% for income taxes (state and local), Medicare, and Social Security withholdings, then a regular person would have to gross $46,800.00 annually to clear $40k per year (exclusive of other variables, like itemized deduction or business expenses). That is a $16,800.00 swing. This is just about the most blatant example of social subside you can imagine.

There is something terribly wrong with this picture. Excuse me if I do not shed a tear for people who use Meals on Wheels. In all honesty, we ought to be cutting far more out than Meals on Wheels.
They ought to be getting jobs and pulling themselves out of the fucking gutters. To that extent, this is a positive thing, as it encourages them to fend for themselves. Besides, contrary to the op's naive income tax calculations, these fuckers get all of their income taxes refunded PLUS shit like EIC. So a dirt bag with 2 kids earning $30k a year will get back all income taxes plus money out of my pocket (not yours, because you most likely do not pay taxes). It is common that someone in this position will get $8-10k in a "refund". So, in essence, this person gets around $40K tax free dollars. Assuming about 17% for income taxes (state and local), Medicare, and Social Security withholdings, then a regular person would have to gross $46,800.00 annually to clear $40k per year (exclusive of other variables, like itemized deduction or business expenses). That is a $16,800.00 swing. This is just about the most blatant example of social subside you can imagine.

There is something terribly wrong with this picture. Excuse me if I do not shed a tear for people who use Meals on Wheels. In all honesty, we ought to be cutting far more out than Meals on Wheels.

excuse you ?

theres no excuse for you.
Cuts to poverty programs are ‘as compassionate as you can get,’ Trump budget chief says

"Mulvaney specifically cited Head Start, which runs early-childhood programs including free breakfasts for children from low-income families, as an example of an unjustified expenditure, arguing that there was no proof that children performed better in school when they weren’t hungry.

“They’re supposed to help kids who don’t get fed at home get fed so they do better in school,” Mulvaney said in discussing the purpose of Head Start programs. “Guess what? There’s no demonstrable evidence they’re actually doing that. No demonstrable evidence they’re actually helping results, helping kids do better in school, which is what, when we took your money from you, to say, ‘Look, we’re going to go spend it on an after-school program,’ the way we justified it was: ‘These programs are going to help these kids do better in school and get better jobs.’ And we can’t prove that that’s happening.”

"Mulvaney also said that Meals on Wheels, a program that delivers meals to seniors and people with disabilities, was “not showing any results.”

Meantime, trump is showing his compassion for single mothers, by raising their taxes, while lowering taxes for the rich.

"Under the current tax plan, a single parent pays a 10 percent federal tax rate, or $1,255 on a $34,000 annual income, after applying the exceptions available. Under Trump’s proposed plan, the rate would increase to 12 percent, and with the reduction of various exceptions, the same single parent would be paying $2,280."

You can't make stuff like this up, folks.
The best poverty programs are helping the private sector create jobs that will allow poor people to rise out of poverty and vouchers to allow children to escape from failed inner city schools so they can get the education they need to compete for good jobs. Somehow no one in the Obama administration or among his supporters seems able to understand this. The Trump administration is trying to create conditions that allow people to rise out of poverty but all the programs from the Democrats aim at making poor people more comfortable living in poverty.

Democrats, the can't do Party.

Bullshit. No, drumpf is not trying to do anything of the kind. Jesus H Fucking Christ - where do you people get this shit?

Are you aware that the cheeto lied to the miners about getting their jobs back and that all he actually signed was to give the 1% permission to poison their water? Did you see that shameful little signing ceremony where he had the gall to have one of them gush thanks to him and then, the most cringe worthy thing I've seen in a while - he actually handed ONE pen to the 7 of them.

(Just like when he lied about helping vets and actually only sent them a fucking bumper sticker.)

Are you also aware that its those cussed liberal Dems who are working in mining communities to teach them new, modern, skills because coal is not coming back?
That's crap. The whole reason for renegotiating trade agreements and for persuading US compaines not to move to less developed countries an for getting rid of the illegals is to help the private sector create jobs for Americans. Obama never saw the need for more jobs for poor people so that they could rise from poverty, just more government handouts so they wouldn't complain so much about being poor. As the President's critics are so fond of pointing out, his trade and tariff policies will hurt the bottom line of some Trump businesses, but he is still pursuing them because unlike the Democrats, he made a commitment to help all Americans, even the ones who largely voted against him. Similarly, the whole purpose of the school voucher program is to allow students to escapae from failed inner city schools escape the Democrats help preserve to keep the loyalty of the teachers unions so that these children will be better equipped to compete on a level playing field for better jobs.
During the Obama years, policy decisions were all intended to advance political ambitions, but in the Trump administration political considerations are all aimed at advancing important policy goals.
They ought to be getting jobs and pulling themselves out of the fucking gutters. To that extent, this is a positive thing, as it encourages them to fend for themselves. Besides, contrary to the op's naive income tax calculations, these fuckers get all of their income taxes refunded PLUS shit like EIC. So a dirt bag with 2 kids earning $30k a year will get back all income taxes plus money out of my pocket (not yours, because you most likely do not pay taxes). It is common that someone in this position will get $8-10k in a "refund". So, in essence, this person gets around $40K tax free dollars. Assuming about 17% for income taxes (state and local), Medicare, and Social Security withholdings, then a regular person would have to gross $46,800.00 annually to clear $40k per year (exclusive of other variables, like itemized deduction or business expenses). That is a $16,800.00 swing. This is just about the most blatant example of social subside you can imagine.

There is something terribly wrong with this picture. Excuse me if I do not shed a tear for people who use Meals on Wheels. In all honesty, we ought to be cutting far more out than Meals on Wheels.

It sounds like you have never lived on your own but why would human beings let the elderly, handicapped, etc starve?

I'll be you don't have a savings or investments. If not, its you who will be needing help someday.
They ought to be getting jobs and pulling themselves out of the fucking gutters. To that extent, this is a positive thing, as it encourages them to fend for themselves. Besides, contrary to the op's naive income tax calculations, these fuckers get all of their income taxes refunded PLUS shit like EIC. So a dirt bag with 2 kids earning $30k a year will get back all income taxes plus money out of my pocket (not yours, because you most likely do not pay taxes). It is common that someone in this position will get $8-10k in a "refund". So, in essence, this person gets around $40K tax free dollars. Assuming about 17% for income taxes (state and local), Medicare, and Social Security withholdings, then a regular person would have to gross $46,800.00 annually to clear $40k per year (exclusive of other variables, like itemized deduction or business expenses). That is a $16,800.00 swing. This is just about the most blatant example of social subside you can imagine.

There is something terribly wrong with this picture. Excuse me if I do not shed a tear for people who use Meals on Wheels. In all honesty, we ought to be cutting far more out than Meals on Wheels.

It sounds like you have never lived on your own but why would human beings let the elderly, handicapped, etc starve?

I'll be you don't have a savings or investments. If not, its you who will be needing help someday.
I have been living on my own without a safety net since I was 18, shit head! If I don't save for my future, then it is on me. I don't expect you or anyone else to save me from my own bad choices.
They ought to be getting jobs and pulling themselves out of the fucking gutters. To that extent, this is a positive thing, as it encourages them to fend for themselves. Besides, contrary to the op's naive income tax calculations, these fuckers get all of their income taxes refunded PLUS shit like EIC. So a dirt bag with 2 kids earning $30k a year will get back all income taxes plus money out of my pocket (not yours, because you most likely do not pay taxes). It is common that someone in this position will get $8-10k in a "refund". So, in essence, this person gets around $40K tax free dollars. Assuming about 17% for income taxes (state and local), Medicare, and Social Security withholdings, then a regular person would have to gross $46,800.00 annually to clear $40k per year (exclusive of other variables, like itemized deduction or business expenses). That is a $16,800.00 swing. This is just about the most blatant example of social subside you can imagine.

There is something terribly wrong with this picture. Excuse me if I do not shed a tear for people who use Meals on Wheels. In all honesty, we ought to be cutting far more out than Meals on Wheels.

It sounds like you have never lived on your own but why would human beings let the elderly, handicapped, etc starve?

I'll be you don't have a savings or investments. If not, its you who will be needing help someday.
Actually, it sounds like you have no understanding of what is in the budget, or perhaps the facts about it don't matter to you.
Republicans start wars, and sacrifice human life in foreign countries in the name of humanity ... they're not about to let evil dictators walk all over people.

but buy their fellow americans something to eat, and they go apeshit crazy.
Republicans start wars, and sacrifice human life in foreign countries in the name of humanity ... they're not about to let evil dictators walk all over people.

but buy their fellow americans something to eat, and they go apeshit crazy.

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