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Building the wall is the most critical political issue in America, we must do it

Will you vote for Trump in 2020? This is best guess only

  • Voted for Trump in 2016 and will again in 2020

  • Voted for Trump in 2016 but won't in 2020

  • Didn't vote for Trump in 2016 but will in 2020

  • Voted for Hillary in 2016 and will vote Democrat in 2020

  • Voted third party in 2016 and will vote third party in 2020

Results are only viewable after voting.
You may be confusing stopping illegal immigration by building a wall on the southern border. Many thoughtful citizens in favor of effective and efficient immigration control consider the wall to be a huge waste of money that will not solve the problem. Worse, it is seen as an issue of ego for Trump.

Walls would do the job. Much of our opioid products come from that southern border and over 60,000 Americans are dying from them every year.

I mean really.........if the Democrats thought the wall would be an utter failure, WTF would they be fighting so hard against it? If they thought it would destroy the Republicans, they would even help them get that wall.

I don't care about the success of Democrats or Republicans. But if you jackboots build a wall, I'll vote for the first candidate promising to tear it down. So will a lot of other people. And it will all have been a waste. Why not find a solution that has real consensus?

Because nobody has the guts to offer a plan that would provide real results. Let me tell you mine:

Anybody caught in the US illegally after May 1, 2018 will be subject to a minimum 5 year prison sentence. It doesn't matter if you overstayed your VISA by one day, snuck across the border, or were brought here by your parents. When we catch you, you go to prison.

We would go from 11 million illegals to about 500 at most. And we wouldn't need a wall because everybody would be too scared to come here illegally.

Do you think you could get real consensus for your plan?

Not at all. That's the problem with politics today. Nobody has a set to take a stand. .

Right. So why not focus on what you can find consensus on?
Walls would do the job. Much of our opioid products come from that southern border and over 60,000 Americans are dying from them every year.

I mean really.........if the Democrats thought the wall would be an utter failure, WTF would they be fighting so hard against it? If they thought it would destroy the Republicans, they would even help them get that wall.

I don't care about the success of Democrats or Republicans. But if you jackboots build a wall, I'll vote for the first candidate promising to tear it down. So will a lot of other people. And it will all have been a waste. Why not find a solution that has real consensus?

Because nobody has the guts to offer a plan that would provide real results. Let me tell you mine:

Anybody caught in the US illegally after May 1, 2018 will be subject to a minimum 5 year prison sentence. It doesn't matter if you overstayed your VISA by one day, snuck across the border, or were brought here by your parents. When we catch you, you go to prison.

We would go from 11 million illegals to about 500 at most. And we wouldn't need a wall because everybody would be too scared to come here illegally.

Do you think you could get real consensus for your plan?

Not at all. That's the problem with politics today. Nobody has a set to take a stand. .

Right. So why not focus on what you can find consensus on?

The only consensus would be doing everything the Democrat way. I'm sorry, but some things are worth fighting for. I'm sick of Republicans caving all the time. When was the last time Democrats caved on any major issue?
Does the right wing, have no Faith in Capitalism?
Clearly not.

They also have no faith in fiscal responsibility – the ‘wall’ of bigotry, fear, and hate is the epitome of wasteful government spending.
. The wall of bigotry, fear, and hate eh ?? Go pedal your bullcrap to the fools who will listen, because most Americans know the game with these cheap labor illegals, and these no background checked criminal aliens now being protected in these so called sanctuary cities.
a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage!
.No socialism... Employees are all different, and they are to be paid according to their contributions to the job. Yes a minimum wage should be required under state guidelines, but the rate should be set by the cost of living standard of the state in each case. The wage should be a start out wage, but not a long term wage for an employee. A percentage of profit sharing coupled with a ladder wage system in each company should exist beyond the minimum wage.
you can do that anywhere above the minimum wage, dear.
You may be confusing stopping illegal immigration by building a wall on the southern border. Many thoughtful citizens in favor of effective and efficient immigration control consider the wall to be a huge waste of money that will not solve the problem. Worse, it is seen as an issue of ego for Trump.

Walls would do the job. Much of our opioid products come from that southern border and over 60,000 Americans are dying from them every year.

I mean really.........if the Democrats thought the wall would be an utter failure, WTF would they be fighting so hard against it? If they thought it would destroy the Republicans, they would even help them get that wall.

I don't care about the success of Democrats or Republicans. But if you jackboots build a wall, I'll vote for the first candidate promising to tear it down. So will a lot of other people. And it will all have been a waste. Why not find a solution that has real consensus?

Because nobody has the guts to offer a plan that would provide real results. Let me tell you mine:

Anybody caught in the US illegally after May 1, 2018 will be subject to a minimum 5 year prison sentence. It doesn't matter if you overstayed your VISA by one day, snuck across the border, or were brought here by your parents. When we catch you, you go to prison.

We would go from 11 million illegals to about 500 at most. And we wouldn't need a wall because everybody would be too scared to come here illegally.

Do you think you could get real consensus for your plan?

Not at all. That's the problem with politics today. Nobody has a set to take a stand.

Even if they did, some commie lib judge would put a stop to it one way or another. That's what they've been doing with all of the other Trump issues the minority couldn't stop.
what a Difference, a Constitution makes.
I don't care about the success of Democrats or Republicans. But if you jackboots build a wall, I'll vote for the first candidate promising to tear it down. So will a lot of other people. And it will all have been a waste. Why not find a solution that has real consensus?

Because nobody has the guts to offer a plan that would provide real results. Let me tell you mine:

Anybody caught in the US illegally after May 1, 2018 will be subject to a minimum 5 year prison sentence. It doesn't matter if you overstayed your VISA by one day, snuck across the border, or were brought here by your parents. When we catch you, you go to prison.

We would go from 11 million illegals to about 500 at most. And we wouldn't need a wall because everybody would be too scared to come here illegally.

Do you think you could get real consensus for your plan?

Not at all. That's the problem with politics today. Nobody has a set to take a stand. .

Right. So why not focus on what you can find consensus on?

The only consensus would be doing everything the Democrat way. I'm sorry, but some things are worth fighting for. I'm sick of Republicans caving all the time. When was the last time Democrats caved on any major issue?
the right wing has nothing but socialism on a national basis; yet, they proclaim loudly in public venues, their alleged subscription to Capitalism.
Well, I wonder if the Right finally realizes there is no salvation....in elections.

None. Zilch. Nada.

If you have conservative values, you're on your own. And the Left wants firearms confiscated and your neck in a noose asap. They are closer to that than you might think.

This has been a rude awakening and a terrible day for Conservatives and Republicans. Not to worry, lack of action by the Right guarantees it's gonna get MUCH worse.

I've said it so many times now i'm hoarse. Politicians and elected officials are never going to stand up for your rights. That's why the Constitution was written as it was.

All that was required for the Progressive Communists to take America was for so called "Good Americans" to do nothing. Which is exactly what they did. Same as Venezuelans.
Well, I wonder if the Right finally realizes there is no salvation....in elections.

None. Zilch. Nada.

If you have conservative values, you're on your own. And the Left wants firearms confiscated and your neck in a noose asap. They are closer to that than you might think.

This has been a rude awakening and a terrible day for Conservatives and Republicans. Not to worry, lack of action by the Right guarantees it's gonna get MUCH worse.

I've said it so many times now i'm hoarse. Politicians and elected officials are never going to stand up for your rights. That's why the Constitution was written as it was.

All that was required for the Progressive Communists to take America was for so called "Good Americans" to do nothing. Which is exactly what they did. Same as Venezuelans.
.Sad but true, and hopefully the eye opening will come quickly or it's over for this nation.
Can you believe a politician actually said this?:

“We all agree on the need to better secure the border and to punish employers who choose to hire illegal immigrants,”

“We are a generous and welcoming people here in the United States,”

But those who enter the country illegally and those who employ them disrespect the rule of law, and they show disregard for those who are following the law.

“We simply cannot allow people to pour into the United States undetected, undocumented, unchecked, and circumventing the line of people who are waiting patiently, diligently and lawfully to become immigrants in this country.

Go figure.


Here is the man who argued against illegal immigration:


Which party handed out applications for food stamps in Mexico to entice illegal aliens??????

"Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico"
Fat And Furious: Obama Pushes Food Stamps In Mexico | Investor's Business Daily

And which party stymied immigration courts to smooth the way for illegal immigrants????

"200,000 deportation cases quietly 'closed' under Obama
....."administratively closed" without action, a move that left tens of thousands of illegal immigrants free to roam America, sometimes indefinitely, according to a new report.

When added to those cases still pending court action, it brings the backlog of cases to about 800,000, far more than previously known.

In his report, he said the exact number isn't known. "I believe that the Obama administration's use of the practice may have ‘cooked the books' as it relates to the true number of cases that are pending adjudication before the immigration courts."

The Trump administration has taken action to reverse the practice of letting authorities close the cases and is working to reschedule them, he added."
200,000 deportation cases quietly 'closed' under Obama
Nothing is critical if we can lower tax rates to non critical levels.

Wartime Tax Rates for our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror.
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

I didn't vote for Trump last time for two main reasons. First, I'm a capitalist and he isn't. Free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. Second, he has been a pig to women. Unlike Democrats who voted twice for a sexual predator and again for his hoe who attacked his victims again, that does matter to me.

But now it's down to this. We must end the endless flow now. And for me, my decision of whether I will vote for him comes down to this. Build the wall and I'll vote for him. Don't, and I won't. I can't imagine what would make me flip from that. This is THE political question in our country. We must build the wall, and build it now.

I voted that I did not vote for 2016 but I will in 2020 because I believe/hope he'll actually do it.

Please explain your vote if you voted you will change your vote regarding Trump either way.

I voted third party in every election since 1996, will continue that trend in 2020.

We do not need a wall, building a wall is moving backwards, not forwards. Trump wants a wall because he wants a viable, physical monument to his greatness and a wall is the only way he will get one.

According to Trump himself border crossings are down 80%, and that is without a wall and without a significant increase in the Border Patrol.

The wall is an expense we do not have the money to pay for and it will just become a bigger and bigger expense each year as the maintenance cost on it grow with time and age of the wall.

If you wish to control our southern border to keep the evil brown people out there are three easy steps to do it.

First, use our military for its base purpose, to defend the country. We have roughly 97,000 troops in Europe. Bring half of them home and station them along the border and give them the task of protecting the border.

Second, punish harshly those companies in the US that employ illegal immigrants. Make an example out of a couple of bigger companies and make it so painful that no other company will take the chance of using illegal immigrants as labor.

Third, have a real guest worker program so that those industries that do rely on cheaper labor (agricultural comes to mind) have access to those willing to work.

If you do the 2nd and 3rd thing then the only people trying to sneak across the border are people with ill intent and then they become easy targets for the military guarding the border.

On a side note, wanting to build a wall to keep the non-whites is about the most anti-libertarian thing I have seen in a long time. Thank you for dropping the charade.

How doesn’t the wall pay for itself over time?
You must be doing different math than we are...would you mind walking us through your arithmetic?

When you spend twenty billion bucks, plus future maintenance which is considerable, on a fantasy wall that ignores the reality of where illicit immigration comes from in the first place and therefore has little effect --- where exactly is your ROI on that?

Remember the mantra: "You don't sell products, benefits or solutions ---- you sell FEELINGS". That's what the wall is. It's already been sold, and you lot bought it. The wall isn't an actual wall, it's a fantasy sold to the gullible And Mexico didn't pay for it -- the rest of us in this country did.

O spent a trillion on shovel ready jobs that fleeced the taxpayers and loaded his buds pockets. We got some stimulus signs. You were down with wasting a trillion and now screaming like a child over 20billion. Lol. Go pound sand. Your concerns fall on deaf ears.

I always like the leftists like Pogo who say we don't need a wall because 60% is a minority of illegal aliens. I guess it's hillbilly math. I'm only 60% drunk, honey, that's barely drunk at all!!!
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

I didn't vote for Trump last time for two main reasons. First, I'm a capitalist and he isn't. Free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. Second, he has been a pig to women. Unlike Democrats who voted twice for a sexual predator and again for his hoe who attacked his victims again, that does matter to me.

But now it's down to this. We must end the endless flow now. And for me, my decision of whether I will vote for him comes down to this. Build the wall and I'll vote for him. Don't, and I won't. I can't imagine what would make me flip from that. This is THE political question in our country. We must build the wall, and build it now.

I voted that I did not vote for 2016 but I will in 2020 because I believe/hope he'll actually do it.

Please explain your vote if you voted you will change your vote regarding Trump either way.

I voted third party in every election since 1996, will continue that trend in 2020.

We do not need a wall, building a wall is moving backwards, not forwards. Trump wants a wall because he wants a viable, physical monument to his greatness and a wall is the only way he will get one.

According to Trump himself border crossings are down 80%, and that is without a wall and without a significant increase in the Border Patrol.

The wall is an expense we do not have the money to pay for and it will just become a bigger and bigger expense each year as the maintenance cost on it grow with time and age of the wall.

If you wish to control our southern border to keep the evil brown people out there are three easy steps to do it.

First, use our military for its base purpose, to defend the country. We have roughly 97,000 troops in Europe. Bring half of them home and station them along the border and give them the task of protecting the border.

Second, punish harshly those companies in the US that employ illegal immigrants. Make an example out of a couple of bigger companies and make it so painful that no other company will take the chance of using illegal immigrants as labor.

Third, have a real guest worker program so that those industries that do rely on cheaper labor (agricultural comes to mind) have access to those willing to work.

If you do the 2nd and 3rd thing then the only people trying to sneak across the border are people with ill intent and then they become easy targets for the military guarding the border.

On a side note, wanting to build a wall to keep the non-whites is about the most anti-libertarian thing I have seen in a long time. Thank you for dropping the charade.

How doesn’t the wall pay for itself over time?
You must be doing different math than we are...would you mind walking us through your arithmetic?

When you spend twenty billion bucks, plus future maintenance which is considerable, on a fantasy wall that ignores the reality of where illicit immigration comes from in the first place and therefore has little effect --- where exactly is your ROI on that?

Remember the mantra: "You don't sell products, benefits or solutions ---- you sell FEELINGS". That's what the wall is. It's already been sold, and you lot bought it. The wall isn't an actual wall, it's a fantasy sold to the gullible And Mexico didn't pay for it -- the rest of us in this country did.

O spent a trillion on shovel ready jobs that fleeced the taxpayers and loaded his buds pockets. We got some stimulus signs. You were down with wasting a trillion and now screaming like a child over 20billion. Lol. Go pound sand. Your concerns fall on deaf ears.

I always like the leftists like Pogo who say we don't need a wall because 60% is a minority of illegal aliens. I guess it's hillbilly math. I'm only 60% drunk, honey, that's barely drunk at all!!!
We don't need a wall, because it is merely wasting money.

All foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id. and be treated like tourists with work authorization. It is up to them to apply for a green card or citizenship.
In the end, if we don't build the wall, the Democrats will smother us. They have already flipped California and New Mexico into solid blue States. Illegal voters have turned Nevada light blue. And they have turned Texas and Arizona from solid to light red.

The issue of illegal immigration has been an endless game of kick the can for decades. But this is it. The authoritarian leftist Democrat party is on the verge of a stranglehold on the country and the end of our freedom. That's why the Democrats fight so hysterically against the wall. They don't think it won't work, they know it will.

The reason this is THE issue is that for that reason, every other issue is dependent on the wall. If we don't build the wall, then Texas will eventually flip and with that alone we're done. Hispanics over time like all other Americans become more conservative as they become more successful. But that takes time and a million illegals coming here a year floods that.

I didn't vote for Trump last time for two main reasons. First, I'm a capitalist and he isn't. Free trade is the beating heart of capitalism. Second, he has been a pig to women. Unlike Democrats who voted twice for a sexual predator and again for his hoe who attacked his victims again, that does matter to me.

But now it's down to this. We must end the endless flow now. And for me, my decision of whether I will vote for him comes down to this. Build the wall and I'll vote for him. Don't, and I won't. I can't imagine what would make me flip from that. This is THE political question in our country. We must build the wall, and build it now.

I voted that I did not vote for 2016 but I will in 2020 because I believe/hope he'll actually do it.

Please explain your vote if you voted you will change your vote regarding Trump either way.

I voted third party in every election since 1996, will continue that trend in 2020.

We do not need a wall, building a wall is moving backwards, not forwards. Trump wants a wall because he wants a viable, physical monument to his greatness and a wall is the only way he will get one.

According to Trump himself border crossings are down 80%, and that is without a wall and without a significant increase in the Border Patrol.

The wall is an expense we do not have the money to pay for and it will just become a bigger and bigger expense each year as the maintenance cost on it grow with time and age of the wall.

If you wish to control our southern border to keep the evil brown people out there are three easy steps to do it.

First, use our military for its base purpose, to defend the country. We have roughly 97,000 troops in Europe. Bring half of them home and station them along the border and give them the task of protecting the border.

Second, punish harshly those companies in the US that employ illegal immigrants. Make an example out of a couple of bigger companies and make it so painful that no other company will take the chance of using illegal immigrants as labor.

Third, have a real guest worker program so that those industries that do rely on cheaper labor (agricultural comes to mind) have access to those willing to work.

If you do the 2nd and 3rd thing then the only people trying to sneak across the border are people with ill intent and then they become easy targets for the military guarding the border.

On a side note, wanting to build a wall to keep the non-whites is about the most anti-libertarian thing I have seen in a long time. Thank you for dropping the charade.

How doesn’t the wall pay for itself over time?
You must be doing different math than we are...would you mind walking us through your arithmetic?

When you spend twenty billion bucks, plus future maintenance which is considerable, on a fantasy wall that ignores the reality of where illicit immigration comes from in the first place and therefore has little effect --- where exactly is your ROI on that?

Remember the mantra: "You don't sell products, benefits or solutions ---- you sell FEELINGS". That's what the wall is. It's already been sold, and you lot bought it. The wall isn't an actual wall, it's a fantasy sold to the gullible And Mexico didn't pay for it -- the rest of us in this country did.

O spent a trillion on shovel ready jobs that fleeced the taxpayers and loaded his buds pockets. We got some stimulus signs. You were down with wasting a trillion and now screaming like a child over 20billion. Lol. Go pound sand. Your concerns fall on deaf ears.

I always like the leftists like Pogo who say we don't need a wall because 60% is a minority of illegal aliens. I guess it's hillbilly math. I'm only 60% drunk, honey, that's barely drunk at all!!!

Once AGAIN I made no mention of any "60%" of anything. Not here, not in any other thread.
Once AGAIN -- this is at least three times in a row --- you're planting strawmen in other people's names.

Why are you doing that?

Because you're a dishonest hack who can't deal with what those people actually said. So you make up your own.

Care to go for four in a row, hack?
I voted third party in every election since 1996, will continue that trend in 2020.

We do not need a wall, building a wall is moving backwards, not forwards. Trump wants a wall because he wants a viable, physical monument to his greatness and a wall is the only way he will get one.

According to Trump himself border crossings are down 80%, and that is without a wall and without a significant increase in the Border Patrol.

The wall is an expense we do not have the money to pay for and it will just become a bigger and bigger expense each year as the maintenance cost on it grow with time and age of the wall.

If you wish to control our southern border to keep the evil brown people out there are three easy steps to do it.

First, use our military for its base purpose, to defend the country. We have roughly 97,000 troops in Europe. Bring half of them home and station them along the border and give them the task of protecting the border.

Second, punish harshly those companies in the US that employ illegal immigrants. Make an example out of a couple of bigger companies and make it so painful that no other company will take the chance of using illegal immigrants as labor.

Third, have a real guest worker program so that those industries that do rely on cheaper labor (agricultural comes to mind) have access to those willing to work.

If you do the 2nd and 3rd thing then the only people trying to sneak across the border are people with ill intent and then they become easy targets for the military guarding the border.

On a side note, wanting to build a wall to keep the non-whites is about the most anti-libertarian thing I have seen in a long time. Thank you for dropping the charade.

How doesn’t the wall pay for itself over time?
You must be doing different math than we are...would you mind walking us through your arithmetic?

When you spend twenty billion bucks, plus future maintenance which is considerable, on a fantasy wall that ignores the reality of where illicit immigration comes from in the first place and therefore has little effect --- where exactly is your ROI on that?

Remember the mantra: "You don't sell products, benefits or solutions ---- you sell FEELINGS". That's what the wall is. It's already been sold, and you lot bought it. The wall isn't an actual wall, it's a fantasy sold to the gullible And Mexico didn't pay for it -- the rest of us in this country did.

O spent a trillion on shovel ready jobs that fleeced the taxpayers and loaded his buds pockets. We got some stimulus signs. You were down with wasting a trillion and now screaming like a child over 20billion. Lol. Go pound sand. Your concerns fall on deaf ears.

I always like the leftists like Pogo who say we don't need a wall because 60% is a minority of illegal aliens. I guess it's hillbilly math. I'm only 60% drunk, honey, that's barely drunk at all!!!

Once AGAIN I made no mention of any "60%" of anything. Not here, not in any other thread.
Once AGAIN -- this is at least three times in a row --- you're planting strawmen in other people's names.

Why are you doing that?

Because you're a dishonest hack who can't deal with what those people actually said. So you make up your own.

Care to go for four in a row, hack?

You said that the 60% of people who come over the border are a minority of illegal aliens
It will cost $9 Trillion in Government services to absorb the number of Illegal Immigrants in this country right now. It's far cheaper to deport them and keep them out than to absorb them. The Wall and using Border Patrol and The National Guard to support them is right now The Cheapest thing we can do.

All those Social Safety Net Dollars should be going to Veteran Citizens, Elderly Citizens, Child & Baby Citizens, and Minority Citizens, and The Our Poor American Citizens.
How doesn’t the wall pay for itself over time?
You must be doing different math than we are...would you mind walking us through your arithmetic?

When you spend twenty billion bucks, plus future maintenance which is considerable, on a fantasy wall that ignores the reality of where illicit immigration comes from in the first place and therefore has little effect --- where exactly is your ROI on that?

Remember the mantra: "You don't sell products, benefits or solutions ---- you sell FEELINGS". That's what the wall is. It's already been sold, and you lot bought it. The wall isn't an actual wall, it's a fantasy sold to the gullible And Mexico didn't pay for it -- the rest of us in this country did.

O spent a trillion on shovel ready jobs that fleeced the taxpayers and loaded his buds pockets. We got some stimulus signs. You were down with wasting a trillion and now screaming like a child over 20billion. Lol. Go pound sand. Your concerns fall on deaf ears.

I always like the leftists like Pogo who say we don't need a wall because 60% is a minority of illegal aliens. I guess it's hillbilly math. I'm only 60% drunk, honey, that's barely drunk at all!!!

Once AGAIN I made no mention of any "60%" of anything. Not here, not in any other thread.
Once AGAIN -- this is at least three times in a row --- you're planting strawmen in other people's names.

Why are you doing that?

Because you're a dishonest hack who can't deal with what those people actually said. So you make up your own.

Care to go for four in a row, hack?

You said that the 60% of people who come over the border are a minority of illegal aliens
He did? Where?
When you spend twenty billion bucks, plus future maintenance which is considerable, on a fantasy wall that ignores the reality of where illicit immigration comes from in the first place and therefore has little effect --- where exactly is your ROI on that?

Remember the mantra: "You don't sell products, benefits or solutions ---- you sell FEELINGS". That's what the wall is. It's already been sold, and you lot bought it. The wall isn't an actual wall, it's a fantasy sold to the gullible And Mexico didn't pay for it -- the rest of us in this country did.

O spent a trillion on shovel ready jobs that fleeced the taxpayers and loaded his buds pockets. We got some stimulus signs. You were down with wasting a trillion and now screaming like a child over 20billion. Lol. Go pound sand. Your concerns fall on deaf ears.

I always like the leftists like Pogo who say we don't need a wall because 60% is a minority of illegal aliens. I guess it's hillbilly math. I'm only 60% drunk, honey, that's barely drunk at all!!!

Once AGAIN I made no mention of any "60%" of anything. Not here, not in any other thread.
Once AGAIN -- this is at least three times in a row --- you're planting strawmen in other people's names.

Why are you doing that?

Because you're a dishonest hack who can't deal with what those people actually said. So you make up your own.

Care to go for four in a row, hack?

You said that the 60% of people who come over the border are a minority of illegal aliens
He did? Where?

It's in your quote, moron
It will cost $9 Trillion in Government services to absorb the number of Illegal Immigrants in this country right now. It's far cheaper to deport them and keep them out than to absorb them. The Wall and using Border Patrol and The National Guard to support them is right now The Cheapest thing we can do.

All those Social Safety Net Dollars should be going to Veteran Citizens, Elderly Citizens, Child & Baby Citizens, and Minority Citizens, and The Our Poor American Citizens.
We should be charging for a federal id. How much money do we need?

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