Bush v. Gore: The Endless Election

I think the plan was for Gore to replace Bill, then for Hillary to replace Gore.

Thank God Bush and Barak screwed up that plan.
Gore's running again? Didn't realize that...

No - but the guy who fucked him is.
Bill Clinton?

No, Hillary.
Gore sucked as a candidate. You put up a bad candidate, and you lost. Deal with it. And don't forget, the popular vote does not determine the winner. Couple of facts for you.

Gore won more than the popular vote. Read the OP links - all of them.
Been reading this same crap for the last 15 years. Rehash of the same old crap. Gore lost, and you STILL can't handle it. You should really seek help.
Gore won Florida! Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris screwed America - and the world.

As a great American patriot, Al Gore conceded, rather than have the nation torn apart.

No he didn't, you fucking retard. He used the courts to challenge the results of 3 recounts and held the peaceful transition of presidential power hostage to his insane version of a recount of only Democrat districts
Let's just put that tragedy behind us. The disastrous Dubya Presidency will soon be a distant memory.
Dubya? Who is this person you speak of?

Seriously, you can go to 270towin, and pull up the electoral vote map for that "election," and besides being shocked at how close it was, you can see how the dems have a pretty engrained advantage in the EV map. That was the first election since the depression that WV didn't go dem, and it may never go dem again in our lifetimes, and beyond any dispute more Floridians attempted to vote dem than gop.
Gore's running again? Didn't realize that...

No - but the guy who fucked him is.
Bill Clinton?

No, Hillary.
Gore sucked as a candidate. You put up a bad candidate, and you lost. Deal with it. And don't forget, the popular vote does not determine the winner. Couple of facts for you.

Gore won more than the popular vote. Read the OP links - all of them.

If I wanted to read lies, all I have to do is read posts written by liberals.

Can you tell I'm pushing methane out of my ass while I'm talking to you?

According to our best electoral scientists and mathritricians, everyone named Chad in Florida voted for me. They call that a statistical anemone.
Imagine where we would be today if the rightfully-elected man had become president. Just imagine...
Let's just put that tragedy behind us. The disastrous Dubya Presidency will soon be a distant memory.

No thanks! I'm in no hurry to have it swept under the rug. I'll never forget it during my lifetime. Younger voters should also be reminded of how Dubya became president. There is one thing that no one can dispute - Al Gore won the popular vote. Many experts also say that Gore won Florida. At the time, Florida was controlled by Governor Jeb Bush and Secretary of State Katherine Harris.
Let's just put that tragedy behind us. The disastrous Dubya Presidency will soon be a distant memory.

No thanks! I'm in no hurry to have it swept under the rug. I'll never forget it during my lifetime. Younger voters should also be reminded of how Dubya became president. There is one thing that no one can dispute - Al Gore won the popular vote. Many experts also say that Gore won Florida. At the time, Florida was controlled by Governor Jeb Bush and Secretary of State Katherine Harris.

Let me guess: You're just going to ignore the 13 facts that I cited and instead you're gonna push the far-left myth that Bush stole the election in Florida.

Why should anyone even bother responding to the nonsense you post when you won't address contrary facts when they're presented to you?

Yeah, you're surely right that there were some irregularities in the 2000 election in FL, and most of them were done by the Democrats!

Gore won Florida! That's a fact. Read the links in the OP.
Gore lost, get over it. Good grief, 15 years later and still bitching about it.

Why should I get over it? Even CNN is still talking about it. PLUS, the asshole who cost Gore the presidency in 2000 - is now running for president.

And he supported his bro on the Iraq war with the excuse of "weapons of mass destruction"! LOL.
Imagine where we would be today if the rightfully-elected man had become president. Just imagine...
Do you think 9/11 would not have happened?
Or, if it still happened, Iraq would not have had a regime change?
Maybe, after Afghanistan, we could have precipitated a regime change in Syria instead? Or Iran?
It is TRULY amazing that Democrats are STILL WHINING and CRYING about a 'Stolen 2000 Election'...that has proven to have NEVER happened.

Gore and Democrats demanded a recount. Gore insisted 'EVERY VOTE MUST COUNT!' Then Gore's team demanded that an entire new Florida election be held. When it was pointed out that all the absentee ballots, which historically favor the GOP, would be thrown out and disenfranchised because there was no way for them to be given ballots and send them back in to be counted in the allotted time Gore basically said, 'Who gives a F* - let's have the re-election.' The court stepped in and actually ordered that the re-counts be stopped...but Liberals / democrats actually violated the court order and kept counting.

In the end bush ended up winning the election, losing the popular vote but winning the electoral vote:

"The Florida election recount of 2000 was a period of vote re-counting that occurred following the unclear results of the 2000 United States presidential election between George W. Bush and Al Gore, specifically the Florida results. The Florida vote was ultimately settled in favor of George W. Bush, by a margin of only 537 votes out of almost 6 million cast, when the U.S. Supreme Court, with its final ruling on Bush v. Gore, stopped a recount that had been proposed by the Florida Supreme Court. The outcome resulted in Bush gaining a majority of votes in the Electoral College, winning the overall presidential election. Despite the court’s order to stop the re-count Democrats disobeyed the order and continued counting. The final result was the 537-vote victory by George bush.
LINK: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Florida_election_recount"

Interesting enough is that all these Liberals that are STILL so emotional and worked up about a 'stolen' election 15 years ago never want to talk about and don't give a darn about the 'Stolen Election of 2012'.

Unlike with 2000, in 2012 there were rampant PROVEN claims of voter fraud, especially in the critically close states Obama HAD TO WIN to be re-elected:
- Over 115% (more people that who actually lived in districts) were recorded as having voted
- In Districts where hundreds of Conservatives had voted in the GOP Primaries these counties did not record one single (NONE) votes for the Conservative candidate in the Presidential election - not one
- And in my favorite case, a black female poll monitor bragged to the national news on TV how she had voted 6 times herself to help ensure Obama won. The woman was arrested, of course, for voter fraud...but none other than Atty Eric Holder - Obama's head of the DOJ - showed up and dropped all charges against her. (Surprise, surprise)

Once again, the Liberals' affinity for corruption, crime, and 'stolen elections' is shown, as long as the ones doing it are Liberals. :p

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