California Political Corruption

June 2, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Good green news from California. The future is almost here courtesy of the California Senate which has less relationship to reality these days than the ravings of your average lunatic.


The Dem One-Party State in California is one big LSD policy fantasy. Governor Moonbeam talked up launching his own satellites to fight Global Warming. All problems are solved with more taxes voted for by illegal aliens who don't pay any taxes.

So why not pass politically correct programs that there's no plan to pay for or implement. It's just CALPERS' investment philosophy on a larger scale. Be self-righteous with other people's money even though you can't even use a calculator.


Dogma comes before reality. Just ask Mao or Stalin. Jerry can open up a few hot weather gulags and draft people into making solar panels. And if that doesn't work, just postpone the deadline to 2145.

Cali Will Go 100% Green Energy As Soon as Light Rail and Universal Health Care Arrives
June 7, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

The pro-crime lobby puts out a lot of sucker-bait. Their prime sucker-bait is pretending that they just want to free "non-violent offenders". Or, if they're really showing contempt for their audience, the "innocent".

But more of the pro-crime lobby's sucker bait, especially when aimed at conservatives, is promising that taxes and government spending on prisons will go down. (Never mind that criminals committing crimes costs much more than locking them up. A single criminal case will eat up far more resources even without the cost of hospital bills for the victim.)

Except of course it doesn't. California voters were sold a bill of goods.


But wait folks, you just need to free more criminals and decriminalize more crimes. When every city neighborhood is unlivable, then you'll see real savings. Just like in Detroit.


When all the prisons are closed, then the costs will be really low. Except somehow they still won't be. Governments promising to save you money is still the biggest sucker bait there is.

California Proves Reducing Inmates Doesn't Reduce Prison Costs
You’re a Bad Man, Governor Brown.
June 27, 2017

Daniel Greenfield


Governor Jerry Brown, who despite having slightly more hair than Charlie, is much less popular than Schultz’s beloved creation. And Brown (the one who makes small children cry) is at the top of an insane leftist political system so out of touch with reality that it makes Snoopy’s fantasies seem down to earth.

The blockheaded Brown signed into law Assembly Bill 1887. It wasn’t the craziest thing to come out of the California legislature. That would be the time that the California Senate passed a universal health care bill costing $400 billion a year with no way to pay for it. That’s a tricky proposition since California’s budget is over $100 billion. Foiled again! By 2 + 2 = 4 and the notorious right-wing bias of mathematics.

Still Assembly Bill 1887, by Assemblyman Evan Low, who represents Silicon Valley causing it to be dubbed the “Silicon Curtain”, led directly to banning travel to Kentucky because of Charlie Brown.

The “Silicon Curtain” travel ban was also backed by Nancy Pelosi and the ACLU.

Governor Brown can travel to the People’s Republic of China with its forced abortions and death camps. But a California official can’t travel to Kentucky because he might encounter a Charlie Brown Christmas.

Why do Pelosi, Low, Brown and the ACLU hate Charlie Brown? Maybe their miserable childhoods made them into the miserable adults they are today. And the transformation of California from a democracy into a banana republic run by loony lefties leads to lots of bills with unintended consequences.

Assembly Bill 1887 was passed to ban travel to “anti-gay” states. How did Charlie Brown turn anti-gay?


California Hates Charlie Brown
June 29, 2017

Daniel Greenfield

Secessionist sanctuary cities and the clashing Federal and local legal systems, one of which deems illegal immigration a crime and the other a virtue, now move to the next stage.

Payouts to illegal aliens detained by ICE.

First up to collect his cash prize is Pedro Figueroa-Zarceno who may collect $190K, courtesy of San Francisco's beleaguered taxpayers, because the police notified ICE that he was an illegal alien.


Meanwhile the SFPD is looking to punish the police officer who did his job. Because folloiwng the law is a crime in the lawless lands of the left.

San Fran Taxpayers May Pay Illegal Alien $180K for ICE Notification
California Democrat Faces Death Threats from the Left
All over a “single payer” health bill that “makes no sense.”
July 3, 2017
Lloyd Billingsley

The online post offered a prayer that “someone checks his schedule for a baseball practice.” That could have been taken as a threat to Republicans now trying to replace Obamacare, but it wasn’t. The target was Democrat Anthony Rendon, speaker of the California Assembly.

As the Sacramento Bee reported, on June 28 outside Rendon’s office a protester carried a fake knife emblazoned with “Rendon” and pretended to stab in the back another protester dressed up as a bear. The demonstrators chanted, “Rendon, Rendon, shame on you. Action now on 562” and hoisted signs reading “Inaction Equals Death.”

Rendon’s crime was to pull Senate Bill 562, a measure to establish “universal health care” in California. The speaker, who earned a PhD in political science from UC Riverside, had good reason to halt the bill, authored by Democrats Ricardo Lara and Toni Adkins.

The price tag was an estimated $400 billion, more than twice the current state budget. “Where do you get the extra money?” wondered governor Jerry Brown. “This is called ‘the unknown by means of the more unknown,’” he told reporters. “In other words, you take a problem, and say ‘I am going to solve it by something that’s a bigger problem,’ which makes no sense.”


After Rendon shelved the bill, DeMoro posted a photo of a knife with “Rendon” emblazoned on the blade stabbing a bear on the California flag, emblazoned with “Healthy California,” as supporters call the legislation. The protest at Rendon’s office played out that scenario, as the Democrat and his family received “distressing” death threats.


Rep. Steve Scalise, meanwhile, remains in hospital from the June 14 attack. He has been upgraded to fair condition but faces an extended period of healing and rehabilitation.

California Democrat Faces Death Threats from the Left
California Democrat Faces Death Threats from the Left
All over a “single payer” health bill that “makes no sense.”
July 3, 2017
Lloyd Billingsley

The online post offered a prayer that “someone checks his schedule for a baseball practice.” That could have been taken as a threat to Republicans now trying to replace Obamacare, but it wasn’t. The target was Democrat Anthony Rendon, speaker of the California Assembly.

As the Sacramento Bee reported, on June 28 outside Rendon’s office a protester carried a fake knife emblazoned with “Rendon” and pretended to stab in the back another protester dressed up as a bear. The demonstrators chanted, “Rendon, Rendon, shame on you. Action now on 562” and hoisted signs reading “Inaction Equals Death.”

Rendon’s crime was to pull Senate Bill 562, a measure to establish “universal health care” in California. The speaker, who earned a PhD in political science from UC Riverside, had good reason to halt the bill, authored by Democrats Ricardo Lara and Toni Adkins.

The price tag was an estimated $400 billion, more than twice the current state budget. “Where do you get the extra money?” wondered governor Jerry Brown. “This is called ‘the unknown by means of the more unknown,’” he told reporters. “In other words, you take a problem, and say ‘I am going to solve it by something that’s a bigger problem,’ which makes no sense.”


After Rendon shelved the bill, DeMoro posted a photo of a knife with “Rendon” emblazoned on the blade stabbing a bear on the California flag, emblazoned with “Healthy California,” as supporters call the legislation. The protest at Rendon’s office played out that scenario, as the Democrat and his family received “distressing” death threats.


Rep. Steve Scalise, meanwhile, remains in hospital from the June 14 attack. He has been upgraded to fair condition but faces an extended period of healing and rehabilitation.

California Democrat Faces Death Threats from the Left

Just read the other day that the State of California (taxpayers) already provide HC for 70% of the state's residents.

The state is controlled entirely by the D party with total control of both houses and the governorship. Yet, they won't push through single payer...why? MONEY! The Ds like the Rs in government everywhere in the USA, are owned and controlled by big corporations. Ds take huge sums of money from HC insurance companies, big pharma, big hospital...etc.

Isn't government GREAT!

Taxpayers will cover 70% of healthcare spending in California
By Maria Castellucci | September 1, 2016
About 71% of healthcare spending in California this year will be covered by taxpayers, according to a new report (PDF).
Taxpayers will cover 70% of healthcare spending in California
College Republicans face reactionary rule changes, abusive lawsuit.
July 11, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley

California state senator Josh Newman, Fullerton Democrat, was the key vote to approve Jerry Brown’s recent $5.2 billion tax hike that jacks up what Californians will pay for gasoline, diesel fuel, and vehicle fees. At the California State University in Fullerton, College Republicans Amanda McGuire, Ryan Hoskins and Brooke Paz led efforts to recall Newman. The state Democratic Party responded by changing the rules on recall elections and targeting the three students with a lawsuit.

“This lawsuit intends to stop the petition from circulating and halt the recall process, falsely citing deceptive messaging as grounds for suing,” explains a press release from the College Republicans.

According to the Republicans’ secretary Ryan Hoskins. “This lawsuit is the definition of frivolous and more than an obstruction of the very processes that every Californian should hold dear.”

Brooke Paz, told the Daily Wire, “This lawsuit is a baseless attack on the character of hardworking and passionate activists, as well as a shameful intrusion on the democratic processes that are my right as an American citizen.”

Amanda McGuire decried the “intimidation tactics espoused by the California Democrats.” For the vice president of the College Republicans, “It’s gone too far when college students are being dragged into court for becoming involved with the issues faced by their local cities. I’m proud to be part of the party that fights to fix our government on every level.”


California Democrats Target Conservative College Students
For California Democrats, some statues are more unequal than others.
August 21, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley


“If Republicans are serious about rejecting white supremacy,” House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said in a statement last week, “I call upon Speaker Ryan to join Democrats to remove the Confederate statues from the Capitol immediately.”

The 10 statues include Confederate General Robert E. Lee, Confederate States of America president Jefferson Davis, and vice president Alexander Hamilton Stephens. As the Washington Post noted, the Robert E. Lee statue dates from 1909 and the others arrived during the following 20 years, with Jefferson Davis and Confederate colonel James George joining their fellow rebels in 1931.

Southern Democrats played a major role in placement of these statues, which never drew protests from prominent Democrats such as Sen. Robert Byrd, a former Ku Klucker who became a mentor to Hillary Clinton. Tilting at statues is a new cause for contemporary Democrats, but California got something of a head start.


As it turned out, Glazer’s bill would affect only two southern California schools. For Ben Boychuk, it amounted to “an attack on history itself,” but the conservative writer wondered why Glazer was not more inclusive.


The same day South Carolina lowered the Confederate battle flag, Pope Francis apologized for “many serious sins against the native peoples,” of the Americas committed during European colonization. The Pope has a strong case for repentance because Spanish colonialism was built on enslavement of the native peoples they conquered.


California’s aspiring Feinstein replacement is a foe of free speech.
August 24, 2017

Lloyd Billingsley


On February 21, the California Senate paid tribute to Tom Hayden, the New Left icon and former state senator who passed away last October. Senate Democrats hailed Hayden as a progressive visionary, independent thinker and a devotee of peace and justice. That struck senator Janet Nguyen as rather strange.

She was born in Ho Chi Minh City in 1976, and one of the “boat people” refugees who fled after the Stalinist regime, more repressive than its Soviet sponsors, took over in 1975. After cheering the Communist victory, the “anti-war” Hayden turned his wrath on those fleeing the Communist regime. His fellow Democrats did the same in 2017.

De León’s chief of staff Dan Reeves warned Nguyen that any statement she attempted to make about Hayden would be ruled out of order and “rebuked.” That threat did not deter the Vietnamese refugee.

“Today I recognize in memory the millions of Vietnamese and hundreds of thousands of Vietnamese refugees who died in seeking for freedom and democracy,” she said in the senate.

Senate Democrats then turned off Nguyen’s microphone and demanded that she sit down and keep quiet. Again the immigrant senator defied them and kept on speaking. The Democrats then claimed the Asian refugee was out of order and directed the sergeant-at-arms to toss her from the Senate floor.

Like Captain Renault in Casablanca, Kevin de León expressed shock that such a smackdown could take place in the California senate, but he had been running the table all along. Beside the frontal attack on free speech, Californians could be forgiven for seeing racism and sexism at work. On the other hand, maybe there was more to California’s senate boss, or maybe less.

“The name on his birth certificate isn’t Kevin de León,” explained a fawning February 21 Sacramento Bee puff piece. “On his birth certificate and voter rolls, however, the 50-year-old politician is Kevin Alexander Leon.”


Senator Smackdown Eyes Higher Office

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