Can anyone please tell me if the liberals are claiming that no democrat has ever tried to dig dirt?

Then CNN is guilty of campaign finance laws every time it does a gushing pieces on Democrats.

Information may have value but it is not an item of value unless someone tries to sell or buy it.
is CNN a foreign government???? This law is about foreign government's influence in our American elections

And if you extend the concept of information having intrinsic value, all sorts of other laws come into play regarding other parties.
nope, the law we are discussing ONLY INVOLVES foreign governments involvement in to our election process.

Again, we are discussing the concept of value of information. You just can't decide value means one thing with regards to this law, then ignore that definition when it comes to another law.
Then CNN is guilty of campaign finance laws every time it does a gushing pieces on Democrats.

Information may have value but it is not an item of value unless someone tries to sell or buy it.
is CNN a foreign government???? This law is about foreign government's influence in our American elections

And if you extend the concept of information having intrinsic value, all sorts of other laws come into play regarding other parties.
nope, the law we are discussing ONLY INVOLVES foreign governments involvement in to our election process.

Again, we are discussing the concept of value of information. You just can't decide value means one thing with regards to this law, then ignore that definition when it comes to another law.
there is value in use, and value in exchange...

I think it says the meaning of value, depends on each individual case....

AS example:
IF it's just talk, with no proof in writing presented....That could be worthless to them....if it was the private emails of Hillary Clinton given to them, then those emails have value in use.... imo

The word value has many meanings and may be used in different senses. Because value is usually a relative term, its true meaning must be determined by the context in which it appears.

Value sometimes expresses the inherent usefulness of an object and sometimes the power of purchasing other goods with it. The first is called value in use, the latter value in exchange. Value in use is the utility of an object in satisfying, directly or indirectly, the needs or desires of human beings. Value in exchange is the amount of commodities, commonly represented by money, for which a thing can be exchanged in an open market. This concept is usually referred to as market value.

Courts have frequently used the word value without any clear indication of whether it referred to value in use or market value.


Value is the worth in goods, services or money of an object or person.

  1. An example of value is the amount given by an appraiser after appraising a house.
  2. An example of value is how much a consultant's input is worth to a committee.

Still a stretch, the law specifically starts with referencing money and then goes into other things of value. Again, cars, jewelry, property, etc.
Dirt is dirt you dumabass Moon Bats. We need to know about all the corruption that exist on candidates we elect to lead us, don't you agree? Crooked Hillary and the DNC had a lot of dirt on them. A lot of the corruption was revealed by foreign sources because that nitwit Podesta use the word "password" as his DNC computer password.

Don't you Moon Bats think it is a good thing that we learned about how corrupt and vile Crooked Hillary and the DNC was during the election from Wikileaks? Otherwise that filthy bitch might have been elected and we would have a first rate scumbag for President, wouldn't we?.

Good for DJT Jr for making the effort to find out if there was more Crooked Hillary corruption than we already knew. Too bad it didn't amount to anything. By the way dumbshit, DJT Jr is a private citizen. He can talk to anybody he wants to.

If jackasses like the Moon Bats are concerned about governments interfering in elections then why the hell aren't they bitching about that piece of shit Obama interfering in BREXIT? That asshole even threaten the Brits if they passed BREXIT, didn't he? Where is their outrage?
We should distinguish the difference between digging dirt and being offered dirt. Not that the liberals have valid complaint anyhow, but it's reduced by what appears to have actually occurred.

Why are we five pages into this anyhow? It's not as if the left can dream-up a collusion. Oh wait.
since I'm not a member of the left or the right, I feel that I can introduce some objectivity here.from my perspective the so-called left is simply waiting for the investigation to prove or disprove official allegations one way or the other. The right insists that there is some ambiguous leftist
conspiracy to second guess the investigators and somehow railroad
TRUMP towards impeachment or towards resigning. The left is making more sense on this issue. lndeed, some speculation is occurring on the left, but the overall consensus , ostensibly, is to take a wait-and-see approach.

You are definitely a left wing partisan nut.
No she wasn't
LOL, sure she was, she had one her patsies take the fall for it.
Feel free to document your assertions.

Just because you weren't alive yet doesn't mean it didn't happen ;) Like always someone else took the fall, it's the way she works.
Just as I thought. are just spouting your inner feelings. You must
Be a JEDI with that kind of clairvoyance.

LOL, meaning you weren't alive yet and are to ignorant to want to know. More than 700 files, poor Craig Livingstone had to take the fall for her.
Yawnnn. Who cares...the republicans let her get over and I don't care. Now back to Trump and crew. This Russian mess is the focus of the Republican hierarchy
and the Democrats. Until all investigations are complete, none of the posters here really know anything more than we hear from our favorite news outlets. The investigators are still digging up the real dirt. :dig:
LOL, sure she was, she had one her patsies take the fall for it.
Feel free to document your assertions.

Just because you weren't alive yet doesn't mean it didn't happen ;) Like always someone else took the fall, it's the way she works.
Just as I thought. are just spouting your inner feelings. You must
Be a JEDI with that kind of clairvoyance.

LOL, meaning you weren't alive yet and are to ignorant to want to know. More than 700 files, poor Craig Livingstone had to take the fall for her.
Yawnnn. Who cares...the republicans let her get over and I don't care. Now back to Trump and crew. This Russian mess is the focus of the Republican hierarchy
and the Democrats. Until all investigations are complete, none of the posters here really know anything more than we hear from our favorite news outlets. The investigators are still digging up the real dirt. :dig:

There is no Russian mess. Just another Dem hail mary.
Here is something you can tell me. When you've got three known Trump liars in a room with one Russian agent I'm wondering why a smart guy like you would believe anything they say. Obviously you do believe everything you hear Trump and his surrogates say. You zombies feed off their rotten lies like maggots feeding on a rotten corpse.
And you attack anyone daring to challenge their questionable veracity.

Well the fucking Russian ain't no Trump fan! She says the same thing they say!

Again... if everyone is telling the same story, you don't have any evidence! It doesn't matter what you THINK... you have to come up with EVIDENCE! Your suspicion isn't enough to convict someone... Sorry!

You can question veracity, come up with colorful analogies, lie and distort the facts.... but unless you come up with EVIDENCE... you've got a Nothing Burger!
I'm not conducting an investigation in case you didn't notice. The people that are conducting the investigation are privy to far more data and information than you and I have. All your speculation and spurious notions aren't going to change anything. Just wait and see what turns up. If Trump and his gang are exonerated, fine. If they are found to be guilty of something... let the heads fall where they may.
Feel free to document your assertions.

Just because you weren't alive yet doesn't mean it didn't happen ;) Like always someone else took the fall, it's the way she works.
Just as I thought. are just spouting your inner feelings. You must
Be a JEDI with that kind of clairvoyance.

LOL, meaning you weren't alive yet and are to ignorant to want to know. More than 700 files, poor Craig Livingstone had to take the fall for her.
Yawnnn. Who cares...the republicans let her get over and I don't care. Now back to Trump and crew. This Russian mess is the focus of the Republican hierarchy
and the Democrats. Until all investigations are complete, none of the posters here really know anything more than we hear from our favorite news outlets. The investigators are still digging up the real dirt. :dig:

There is no Russian mess. Just another Dem hail mary.
I would accept that from Congress or the DOJ. But your limited knowledge
Is no better than anyone who watches the evening news.... If there was no Russian mess there would be no investigations... The question is just how much of a mess it is. You and I don't know.
If "digging for dirt" were the only thing going on here, it would be quite normal.

As we all know, however, there is much more to the story.

And it is happening in the context of a much larger story. And it includes verifiable lies.

As we all know.
such as? what is the larger story please enlighten me.
Here is something you can tell me. When you've got three known Trump liars in a room with one Russian agent I'm wondering why a smart guy like you would believe anything they say. Obviously you do believe everything you hear Trump and his surrogates say. You zombies feed off their rotten lies like maggots feeding on a rotten corpse.
And you attack anyone daring to challenge their questionable veracity.

Well the fucking Russian ain't no Trump fan! She says the same thing they say!

Again... if everyone is telling the same story, you don't have any evidence! It doesn't matter what you THINK... you have to come up with EVIDENCE! Your suspicion isn't enough to convict someone... Sorry!

You can question veracity, come up with colorful analogies, lie and distort the facts.... but unless you come up with EVIDENCE... you've got a Nothing Burger!
I'm not conducting an investigation in case you didn't notice. The people that are conducting the investigation are privy to far more data and information than you and I have. All your speculation and spurious notions aren't going to change anything. Just wait and see what turns up. If Trump and his gang are exonerated, fine. If they are found to be guilty of something... let the heads fall where they may.
then how can there be a story in MSm about an investigation if we know nothing? so you're admitting that MSM is making up fake news? hmmmmmmm
Just because you weren't alive yet doesn't mean it didn't happen ;) Like always someone else took the fall, it's the way she works.
Just as I thought. are just spouting your inner feelings. You must
Be a JEDI with that kind of clairvoyance.

LOL, meaning you weren't alive yet and are to ignorant to want to know. More than 700 files, poor Craig Livingstone had to take the fall for her.
Yawnnn. Who cares...the republicans let her get over and I don't care. Now back to Trump and crew. This Russian mess is the focus of the Republican hierarchy
and the Democrats. Until all investigations are complete, none of the posters here really know anything more than we hear from our favorite news outlets. The investigators are still digging up the real dirt. :dig:

There is no Russian mess. Just another Dem hail mary.
I would accept that from Congress or the DOJ. But your limited knowledge
Is no better than anyone who watches the evening news.... If there was no Russian mess there would be no investigations... The question is just how much of a mess it is. You and I don't know.

You obviously have no real idea how any of this works. This is nothing more than the shiny object used to distract you from what's going on around the world. While you are staring at Trump and the Russians we have quietly been placing men and materiel strategically for the coming War.
Again... if everyone is telling the same story, you don't have any evidence! I
If you think Mueller or Congress are as naive as you might have a point. I don't think they are. They're not going to take the word of four possible
suspects. The investigators are looking for clues such as intercepted. Conversations by intelligence agencies
Again... if everyone is telling the same story, you don't have any evidence! I
If you think Mueller or Congress are as naive as you might have a point. I don't think they are. They're not going to take the word of four possible
suspects. The investigators are looking for clues such as intercepted. Conversations by intelligence agencies
they've all indicated there is nothing there. so no there there. I dare for you to prove me wrong.
Is this what they are claiming? The best quote from JR was the fact that he loved it. I think that is funny as hell.

I don't listen to anything the left have to say. I am long done with all of their double standards, lies and petulant bullshit.

Are they claiming that democrats have never tried to dig up dirt on their political opponents?

Is this what they are saying? The best part about all of this is the dirt that we found out about their pants suit kuuunt is being ignored. By everyone. The actual crimes.

The democrats have actually colluded with with foreign governments...Russia, Ted Kennedy, Hilary and Ukraine....and if she hadn't destroyed her emails you would see her collusion with Russia and every country with a few dollars to spend...and she and Ted Kennedy did it as members of our government....

The Podesta group, run by John and Tony Podesta, is a registered agent of the Kremlin. Hillary is 100% in the pocket of the Russians. Anything the Nazi fucks accuse the decent folk of, is what they are themselves doing...
Conservatives keep missing the point

Wah...wah.....wah.......Democrats try to dig up dirt too! <sob>

The point is the Russians offered Lil Donnie secret information about Hillary and he jumped at it. The same Russians who were under economic sanctions at the time, the same Russians being led by Vladimir Putin

And Lil Donnie jumped at the chance

And NO..........You can't say anyone else would have done the same

Of course he jumped at is, Hillary is a fucking crook who has taken millions in bribes from the Kremlin. He would be a fool not to get some proof to use against the crooked pile of shit.

You know this.
Name the time the Russians gave direct intelligence to a dem to discredit a republican, Put up or die.

Name the time the Russians gave direct intelligence to a Republican to discredit a dim, Put up or die Nazi scum.
The dirty little secret (and thank you John McCain for creating the mess) is that democrats have a gigantic left wing freaking tax exempt propaganda network dedicated to analyzing and spinning every word ever uttered by a republican from state level to the Trump administration. Media Matters employees work 24/7 to undermine republicans and the Trump administration and they admit it. Republicans have no such source.
The libs wants investigation and hearings instead of letting the government run

Libs are sore because they were sure they had it in the bag, the media assured them, so being cheaters they feel the other side must have cheated but just more effectively which causes their infuriated frothings

The Russian stuff is really grade school silly. Blaming it on Martians has just as much credence
Again... if everyone is telling the same story, you don't have any evidence! I
If you think Mueller or Congress are as naive as you might have a point. I don't think they are. They're not going to take the word of four possible
suspects. The investigators are looking for clues such as intercepted. Conversations by intelligence agencies
they've all indicated there is nothing there. so no there there. I dare for you to prove me wrong.
Is not my job to prove you wrong. That's the job of the DOJ and Congress. And if you didn't know, they're still at it.
The dirty little secret (and thank you John McCain for creating the mess) is that democrats have a gigantic left wing freaking tax exempt propaganda network dedicated to analyzing and spinning every word ever uttered by a republican from state level to the Trump administration. Media Matters employees work 24/7 to undermine republicans and the Trump administration and they admit it. Republicans have no such source.
Yeah, I guess you never heard of the Heritage Foundation and Faux Snooze.
Well the fucking Russian ain't no Trump fan! She says the same thing they say!

Again... if everyone is telling the same story, you don't have any evidence! It doesn't matter what you THINK... you have to come up with EVIDENCE! Your suspicion isn't enough to convict someone... Sorry!

You can question veracity, come up with colorful analogies, lie and distort the facts.... but unless you come up with EVIDENCE... you've got a Nothing Burger!

It doesnt' matter what they are claiming now. The Emails said that the three stooges went to that meeting because the Russians had dirt on Hillary. In short, they lied and they got caught in their lie.

I think the interesting thing is the Russians are letting this stuff out at all. It means they've concluded they can't get anything out of Trump and are just going to enjoy the chaos.

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