Can republicans at least admit Obama was a man of class and dignity regardless of his policies?

Actually "ruining America" referred to protestors at his rallies. You know, the inconvenient First Amendment thingy. That's what he thinks is "ruining America". That's also why he's declared war on it.

And as I noted I didn't anywhere-near cover everything he's said, that was just a small but representative sample. But yes it's absolutely a pattern. Take the other day in Cincinnati while he was delivering a sermon about the wondrous economy (as the Dow was tumbling by several hundred points) in an endless rah-rah fluff job ------- and yet couldn't keep himself from lapsing into a long boring harangue about Nancy Pelosi. He just cannot function without tearing somebody or something down. And you know it as well as I do.

Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
The protestors being the left, the left being the thing ruining America. He also didn't declare war on the first amendment, the left tends to destroy random things when they protest.

I'm sure you can find as many things to whine about, true or untrue, as you'd like.

Their administration did such a horrible job, they pretty much asked for it.

Ooooooh yes he was. Daddy Fred made millions on FHA and New Deal seed money building houses in Queens and Brooklyn and renting them (strictly to white people) (and skimming money into his own pockets) and then handed it to the Orangutan. Who didn't do a damn thing to earn it.
He ran his own business, which he had been earning money on, and it's very successful. Even if that were true, he's still a successful businessman. He also beat the left for the presidency himself, so there's that.

None of which addresses my question. Because you can't do it.
I fully addressed your question, Obama was a failure, a hack, and fully unqualified for the office, as well as guilty of pretty much everything you claim Trump is.

Again ----- doesn't address the point at all. You've merely noted that sheeple exist. We already know that, and we're paying the price. But the dynamic of what I just pointed out sits untouched.
I fully addressed your point, you just don't want to see your point addressed. I pointed out he united the people, which is the opposite of what you claim happened.

Oooooh I don't think so. Perhaps if you cherrypick some hair-on-fire blogs you can find that but meanwhile back here in the real world of Tiki Torchers and plowing cars into people and slashing people on a light rail train and beating and pissing on a homeless man because he looks Hispanic and endless pot shots at political rally protestors, the world of actual reality has a slightly different tilt.

And please -- wtf is "third wave feminism"? Back to your cherrypickle blogs for the answer on that, I have no doubt.

There's really enough ANTIFA violence to overshadow any "Right Wing" Violence on its own, though really, the loosest term for it would be Social Justice Warriors, which encompasses the Third Wave Feminists, ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, and a few small splinter groups. They tend to assault anyone who disagrees with them, they're very loud, and during the election, there were videos of them attacking people for having Trump stickers, they smashed windshields, stole signs, etc.

Like that.

And these.

Then there's these instances.
"the left"? :lmao:
What, Mexicans don't count?
Women don't count?
Muslims don't count?
News reporters don't count?
Veterans don't count?
Congenitally disabled don't count?
Football players don't count?
The FBI doesn't count?
Univisión doesn't count?
Bob Corker and Jeff Flake and Lindsey Graham don't count?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg doesn't count?
The Chicago Cubs don't count?
Yet, he hasn't hurt any of those groups. He may have insulted people part of those groups, but just because you'd LIKE to pretend he was insulting entire groups, that doesn't make it so. He's a rightists, and you're a leftist, so you probably don't need to make things up to whine about.

  • Instead, he did ACTUAL damage, basically shredding our constitution.
  • George W. Bush whining about "blood coming out of her wherever".
  • Not his fault she's permanently menstruating.
  • Bill Clinton suggesting that somebody should shoot Bob Dole.
  • Citation needed.
  • George Bush whining that the election was "rigged".
  • Donald Trump was correct. Bernie got screwed by the DNC, the leftist media is a tool to hurt their opponents, and Obama encouraged illegals to vote.
  • Ronald Reagan calling a country or a continent a "shithole".
  • Not only was that alleged, but he wouldn't be wrong if he had said it.
  • Jimmy Carter sitting out a televised debate because there might be a blood-soaked reporter there asking pointed questions.
  • He's not obligated to show up in the first place, and he wasn't wrong that the moderators were attempting to sabotage him.
  • Gerald Ford whining "look at that face --- would anybody vote for that face?"
  • Excuse him for not limiting his speech to what the whiny left considers PC. I didn't agree with saying something like that, yet he's free to do so. Clearly it didn't bother as many people as you'd have liked, considering Hillary lost.
  • Richard Nixon crowing about the size of his dick.
  • He made that statement in response to others insulting his hands.
  • Lyndon Johnson asking the people of Iowa, "how stupid are the people of Iowa?"
  • LBJ was busy being one of the top five worst presidents in history, you'll have to excuse him for not getting around to it.
  • JFK gyrating spastically to mock a reporter who wouldn't lie for him.
  • You must be a top, because you seem to spin pretty frequently. Donald Trump pretty much mocked everyone.
  • Dwight Eisenhower sneering "I like people who weren't captured, OK?"
  • He was busy multiplying taxes to several times what they should be.
  • Harry Truman mythologizing that Tom Dewey was not a citizen.
  • He's dead, I doubt he would care.
  • FDR using a Fireside Chat to whine about "our airports are crumbling".
  • He should instead whine that people said things he disagreed with on an online message board.

I'm afraid you're so self-drowning in partisan hackery that you have no idea what the point is.

-- Whether "he would be right" about 'shithole' IS NOT THE POINT.
-- Whether denigrating a woman on the basis of her looks wins an election or not IS NOT THE POINT.
-- and myriad deflections to Bernie Sanders and Eisenhower taxes IS NOT AN ARGUMENT. It's running away from one. Nor is "he mocks everybody"

You're not ready for this.

They are the points, we who voted for Trump, care about. Your point, however, is mute. Nobody gives a fuck about the points of view of the losers who didn't vote for Trump.
Actually "ruining America" referred to protestors at his rallies. You know, the inconvenient First Amendment thingy. That's what he thinks is "ruining America". That's also why he's declared war on it.

And as I noted I didn't anywhere-near cover everything he's said, that was just a small but representative sample. But yes it's absolutely a pattern. Take the other day in Cincinnati while he was delivering a sermon about the wondrous economy (as the Dow was tumbling by several hundred points) in an endless rah-rah fluff job ------- and yet couldn't keep himself from lapsing into a long boring harangue about Nancy Pelosi. He just cannot function without tearing somebody or something down. And you know it as well as I do.

Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
The protestors being the left, the left being the thing ruining America. He also didn't declare war on the first amendment, the left tends to destroy random things when they protest.

I'm sure you can find as many things to whine about, true or untrue, as you'd like.

Their administration did such a horrible job, they pretty much asked for it.

Ooooooh yes he was. Daddy Fred made millions on FHA and New Deal seed money building houses in Queens and Brooklyn and renting them (strictly to white people) (and skimming money into his own pockets) and then handed it to the Orangutan. Who didn't do a damn thing to earn it.
He ran his own business, which he had been earning money on, and it's very successful. Even if that were true, he's still a successful businessman. He also beat the left for the presidency himself, so there's that.

None of which addresses my question. Because you can't do it.
I fully addressed your question, Obama was a failure, a hack, and fully unqualified for the office, as well as guilty of pretty much everything you claim Trump is.

Again ----- doesn't address the point at all. You've merely noted that sheeple exist. We already know that, and we're paying the price. But the dynamic of what I just pointed out sits untouched.
I fully addressed your point, you just don't want to see your point addressed. I pointed out he united the people, which is the opposite of what you claim happened.

Oooooh I don't think so. Perhaps if you cherrypick some hair-on-fire blogs you can find that but meanwhile back here in the real world of Tiki Torchers and plowing cars into people and slashing people on a light rail train and beating and pissing on a homeless man because he looks Hispanic and endless pot shots at political rally protestors, the world of actual reality has a slightly different tilt.

And please -- wtf is "third wave feminism"? Back to your cherrypickle blogs for the answer on that, I have no doubt.

There's really enough ANTIFA violence to overshadow any "Right Wing" Violence on its own, though really, the loosest term for it would be Social Justice Warriors, which encompasses the Third Wave Feminists, ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, and a few small splinter groups. They tend to assault anyone who disagrees with them, they're very loud, and during the election, there were videos of them attacking people for having Trump stickers, they smashed windshields, stole signs, etc.

Like that.

And these.

Then there's these instances.
"the left"? :lmao:
What, Mexicans don't count?
Women don't count?
Muslims don't count?
News reporters don't count?
Veterans don't count?
Congenitally disabled don't count?
Football players don't count?
The FBI doesn't count?
Univisión doesn't count?
Bob Corker and Jeff Flake and Lindsey Graham don't count?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg doesn't count?
The Chicago Cubs don't count?
Yet, he hasn't hurt any of those groups. He may have insulted people part of those groups, but just because you'd LIKE to pretend he was insulting entire groups, that doesn't make it so. He's a rightists, and you're a leftist, so you probably don't need to make things up to whine about.

  • Instead, he did ACTUAL damage, basically shredding our constitution.
  • George W. Bush whining about "blood coming out of her wherever".
  • Not his fault she's permanently menstruating.
  • Bill Clinton suggesting that somebody should shoot Bob Dole.
  • Citation needed.
  • George Bush whining that the election was "rigged".
  • Donald Trump was correct. Bernie got screwed by the DNC, the leftist media is a tool to hurt their opponents, and Obama encouraged illegals to vote.
  • Ronald Reagan calling a country or a continent a "shithole".
  • Not only was that alleged, but he wouldn't be wrong if he had said it.
  • Jimmy Carter sitting out a televised debate because there might be a blood-soaked reporter there asking pointed questions.
  • He's not obligated to show up in the first place, and he wasn't wrong that the moderators were attempting to sabotage him.
  • Gerald Ford whining "look at that face --- would anybody vote for that face?"
  • Excuse him for not limiting his speech to what the whiny left considers PC. I didn't agree with saying something like that, yet he's free to do so. Clearly it didn't bother as many people as you'd have liked, considering Hillary lost.
  • Richard Nixon crowing about the size of his dick.
  • He made that statement in response to others insulting his hands.
  • Lyndon Johnson asking the people of Iowa, "how stupid are the people of Iowa?"
  • LBJ was busy being one of the top five worst presidents in history, you'll have to excuse him for not getting around to it.
  • JFK gyrating spastically to mock a reporter who wouldn't lie for him.
  • You must be a top, because you seem to spin pretty frequently. Donald Trump pretty much mocked everyone.
  • Dwight Eisenhower sneering "I like people who weren't captured, OK?"
  • He was busy multiplying taxes to several times what they should be.
  • Harry Truman mythologizing that Tom Dewey was not a citizen.
  • He's dead, I doubt he would care.
  • FDR using a Fireside Chat to whine about "our airports are crumbling".
  • He should instead whine that people said things he disagreed with on an online message board.

I'm afraid you're so self-drowning in partisan hackery that you have no idea what the point is.

-- Whether "he would be right" about 'shithole' IS NOT THE POINT.
-- Whether denigrating a woman on the basis of her looks wins an election or not IS NOT THE POINT.
-- and myriad deflections to Bernie Sanders and Eisenhower taxes IS NOT AN ARGUMENT. It's running away from one. Nor is "he mocks everybody"

You're not ready for this.

Actually, Pirogue did quite well addressing your attempted points.

IMHO, Pirogue waxed your ass! :itsok:

"Pirogue"? :rofl:

Sorry, that boat sank. Tended to bail water INTO the boat, it was so aimless.
But I have to admit, the word makes me hungry.
Actually "ruining America" referred to protestors at his rallies. You know, the inconvenient First Amendment thingy. That's what he thinks is "ruining America". That's also why he's declared war on it.

And as I noted I didn't anywhere-near cover everything he's said, that was just a small but representative sample. But yes it's absolutely a pattern. Take the other day in Cincinnati while he was delivering a sermon about the wondrous economy (as the Dow was tumbling by several hundred points) in an endless rah-rah fluff job ------- and yet couldn't keep himself from lapsing into a long boring harangue about Nancy Pelosi. He just cannot function without tearing somebody or something down. And you know it as well as I do.

Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
The protestors being the left, the left being the thing ruining America. He also didn't declare war on the first amendment, the left tends to destroy random things when they protest.

I'm sure you can find as many things to whine about, true or untrue, as you'd like.

Their administration did such a horrible job, they pretty much asked for it.

Ooooooh yes he was. Daddy Fred made millions on FHA and New Deal seed money building houses in Queens and Brooklyn and renting them (strictly to white people) (and skimming money into his own pockets) and then handed it to the Orangutan. Who didn't do a damn thing to earn it.
He ran his own business, which he had been earning money on, and it's very successful. Even if that were true, he's still a successful businessman. He also beat the left for the presidency himself, so there's that.

None of which addresses my question. Because you can't do it.
I fully addressed your question, Obama was a failure, a hack, and fully unqualified for the office, as well as guilty of pretty much everything you claim Trump is.

Again ----- doesn't address the point at all. You've merely noted that sheeple exist. We already know that, and we're paying the price. But the dynamic of what I just pointed out sits untouched.
I fully addressed your point, you just don't want to see your point addressed. I pointed out he united the people, which is the opposite of what you claim happened.

Oooooh I don't think so. Perhaps if you cherrypick some hair-on-fire blogs you can find that but meanwhile back here in the real world of Tiki Torchers and plowing cars into people and slashing people on a light rail train and beating and pissing on a homeless man because he looks Hispanic and endless pot shots at political rally protestors, the world of actual reality has a slightly different tilt.

And please -- wtf is "third wave feminism"? Back to your cherrypickle blogs for the answer on that, I have no doubt.

There's really enough ANTIFA violence to overshadow any "Right Wing" Violence on its own, though really, the loosest term for it would be Social Justice Warriors, which encompasses the Third Wave Feminists, ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, and a few small splinter groups. They tend to assault anyone who disagrees with them, they're very loud, and during the election, there were videos of them attacking people for having Trump stickers, they smashed windshields, stole signs, etc.

Like that.

And these.

Then there's these instances.
"the left"? :lmao:
What, Mexicans don't count?
Women don't count?
Muslims don't count?
News reporters don't count?
Veterans don't count?
Congenitally disabled don't count?
Football players don't count?
The FBI doesn't count?
Univisión doesn't count?
Bob Corker and Jeff Flake and Lindsey Graham don't count?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg doesn't count?
The Chicago Cubs don't count?
Yet, he hasn't hurt any of those groups. He may have insulted people part of those groups, but just because you'd LIKE to pretend he was insulting entire groups, that doesn't make it so. He's a rightists, and you're a leftist, so you probably don't need to make things up to whine about.

  • Instead, he did ACTUAL damage, basically shredding our constitution.
  • George W. Bush whining about "blood coming out of her wherever".
  • Not his fault she's permanently menstruating.
  • Bill Clinton suggesting that somebody should shoot Bob Dole.
  • Citation needed.
  • George Bush whining that the election was "rigged".
  • Donald Trump was correct. Bernie got screwed by the DNC, the leftist media is a tool to hurt their opponents, and Obama encouraged illegals to vote.
  • Ronald Reagan calling a country or a continent a "shithole".
  • Not only was that alleged, but he wouldn't be wrong if he had said it.
  • Jimmy Carter sitting out a televised debate because there might be a blood-soaked reporter there asking pointed questions.
  • He's not obligated to show up in the first place, and he wasn't wrong that the moderators were attempting to sabotage him.
  • Gerald Ford whining "look at that face --- would anybody vote for that face?"
  • Excuse him for not limiting his speech to what the whiny left considers PC. I didn't agree with saying something like that, yet he's free to do so. Clearly it didn't bother as many people as you'd have liked, considering Hillary lost.
  • Richard Nixon crowing about the size of his dick.
  • He made that statement in response to others insulting his hands.
  • Lyndon Johnson asking the people of Iowa, "how stupid are the people of Iowa?"
  • LBJ was busy being one of the top five worst presidents in history, you'll have to excuse him for not getting around to it.
  • JFK gyrating spastically to mock a reporter who wouldn't lie for him.
  • You must be a top, because you seem to spin pretty frequently. Donald Trump pretty much mocked everyone.
  • Dwight Eisenhower sneering "I like people who weren't captured, OK?"
  • He was busy multiplying taxes to several times what they should be.
  • Harry Truman mythologizing that Tom Dewey was not a citizen.
  • He's dead, I doubt he would care.
  • FDR using a Fireside Chat to whine about "our airports are crumbling".
  • He should instead whine that people said things he disagreed with on an online message board.

I'm afraid you're so self-drowning in partisan hackery that you have no idea what the point is.

-- Whether "he would be right" about 'shithole' IS NOT THE POINT.
-- Whether denigrating a woman on the basis of her looks wins an election or not IS NOT THE POINT.
-- and myriad deflections to Bernie Sanders and Eisenhower taxes IS NOT AN ARGUMENT. It's running away from one. Nor is "he mocks everybody"

You're not ready for this.

They are the points, we who voted for Trump, care about. Your point, however, is mute. Nobody gives a fuck about the points of view of the losers who didn't vote for Trump.

It's "mute" is it. :71:

Your point is elephant in its crewlessness.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
He is a great communicator, the best since Reagan. He has great listening, writing, and reading skills. However, the one thing that most sets him apart from the current president is he uses the first person plural “we” rather than “I” when he speaks. The act of using we is not just pure politics as some of you might think but rather a unique way of involving people in a conversation and then making them believe they have actually contributed something positive to a cause.
/-----/ He was the complete opposite. Were you not paying attention?
'I,' 'Me,' 'My'—Obama Uses First Person Singular 199 Times - CNS News

"CNS 'News'". You can stop there and give the audience time to roll on the floor.

Fun fact -- I myself am banned from CNS "News" commentary. Seems I called them out on one of their bullshit fake-news stories and they couldn't handle it. I've got a screenshot of it. My badge of honour.

"CNS 'News'". Poster please.
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
He is a great communicator, the best since Reagan. He has great listening, writing, and reading skills. However, the one thing that most sets him apart from the current president is he uses the first person plural “we” rather than “I” when he speaks. The act of using we is not just pure politics as some of you might think but rather a unique way of involving people in a conversation and then making them believe they have actually contributed something positive to a cause.
/-----/ He was the complete opposite. Were you not paying attention?
'I,' 'Me,' 'My'—Obama Uses First Person Singular 199 Times - CNS News

"CNS 'News'". You can stop there and give the audience time to roll on the floor.

Fun fact -- I myself am banned from CNS "News" commentary. Seems I called them out on one of their bullshit fake-news stories and they couldn't handle it. I've got a screenshot of it. My badge of honour.

"CNS 'News'". Poster please.
/----/ Will you accept the Washington Post ( Pentagon Papers)
Count Obama's references to 'I' and 'me' while you can, conservative ...
Jan 18, 2017 - For eight years, tracking Obama's use of the personal pronouns "I" and "me" has been a cherished ritual in the conservative media — one small way to promote ... In just 41 speeches so this year, not including this week's big speech at the United Nations, Obama has talked about himself nearly 1,200 times ...
You think the economy is booming because Trump removed the mandate from Obamacare? FYI, that does not take effect until 2019.

FYI, Trump has instructed the IRS not to require people to complete the health care question on the tax form and not to enforce the Obamacare penalty. Those measures are in effect right now.

The economy has improved so well under Trump because of his sweeping deregulation and because he has instilled confidence and hope in the business sector by making it clear that he is their friend, not their enemy.

And the trend in falling food stamp participation began long before Trump took office. During Obama's last term it fell over 5 million. Employment peaked in 2010 at 10% and has been in a down trend for 8 years. It has been 4.1% for the last 3 months.

Yes, because once the Republicans took control of the House, they stopped Obama's agenda and imposed fiscal discipline.

Obama does deserve credit for the good things he did on the economic front: He signed the Budget Control Act of 2011. He made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent in 2013, against the advice of liberal quack economists like Paul Krugman and the nuts at the Center for American Progress. He capped the capital gains tax rate at 20%, which was lower than it was under Reagan. The sad thing is that much of Obama's good moves--much, not all--were cancelled out by his over-regulation, by Obamacare, by Dodd-Frank, etc., etc.

What is booming in the economy is the stock market, up 26% due the huge cut in taxes on corporation and the wealthy. Let me remind you the market increased 141% under Obama.

You need to consult some reliable news sources. Numerous economic indicators that have been down or stagnant are showing very positive signs since Trump came to office. I don't think you realize the degree of Trump's deregulation, which he started almost as soon as he took office. This has had a huge impact for good.

The tax cuts are not just for "huge corporations and the wealthy." Sheesh, why don't you break down and *read* the tax-cut bill. The biggest rate cuts went to the middle class by far, not to the rich. And the corporate tax cut simply brought our corporate tax rate down to the level of that in Asia and Europe (the average corporate tax rate in those regions is around 18-21%--ours is now 21%).

Another great thing that the tax cuts are doing is attracting American business money back to the U.S. from being parked overseas. The special repatriation tax rate of 15.5% is causing many companies to bring hundreds of billions of dollars in parked money back to the U.S. This has already started happening.
I don't think my investments can stand much more of Trump's economic improvements. The fact is the economy has been improving for years and Trump's economic stimulus via tax cuts and spending is very likely to bring back inflation and higher interest rates. The smart thing to do would have been to phase in the tax cuts over the next 5 years so we wouldn't be looking at a trillion dollar deficit.
You think the economy is booming because Trump removed the mandate from Obamacare? FYI, that does not take effect until 2019.

FYI, Trump has instructed the IRS not to require people to complete the health care question on the tax form and not to enforce the Obamacare penalty. Those measures are in effect right now.

The economy has improved so well under Trump because of his sweeping deregulation and because he has instilled confidence and hope in the business sector by making it clear that he is their friend, not their enemy.

And the trend in falling food stamp participation began long before Trump took office. During Obama's last term it fell over 5 million. Employment peaked in 2010 at 10% and has been in a down trend for 8 years. It has been 4.1% for the last 3 months.

Yes, because once the Republicans took control of the House, they stopped Obama's agenda and imposed fiscal discipline.

Obama does deserve credit for the good things he did on the economic front: He signed the Budget Control Act of 2011. He made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent in 2013, against the advice of liberal quack economists like Paul Krugman and the nuts at the Center for American Progress. He capped the capital gains tax rate at 20%, which was lower than it was under Reagan. The sad thing is that much of Obama's good moves--much, not all--were cancelled out by his over-regulation, by Obamacare, by Dodd-Frank, etc., etc.

What is booming in the economy is the stock market, up 26% due the huge cut in taxes on corporation and the wealthy. Let me remind you the market increased 141% under Obama.

You need to consult some reliable news sources. Numerous economic indicators that have been down or stagnant are showing very positive signs since Trump came to office. I don't think you realize the degree of Trump's deregulation, which he started almost as soon as he took office. This has had a huge impact for good.

The tax cuts are not just for "huge corporations and the wealthy." Sheesh, why don't you break down and *read* the tax-cut bill. The biggest rate cuts went to the middle class by far, not to the rich. And the corporate tax cut simply brought our corporate tax rate down to the level of that in Asia and Europe (the average corporate tax rate in those regions is around 18-21%--ours is now 21%).

Another great thing that the tax cuts are doing is attracting American business money back to the U.S. from being parked overseas. The special repatriation tax rate of 15.5% is causing many companies to bring hundreds of billions of dollars in parked money back to the U.S. This has already started happening.
I don't think my investments can stand much more of Trump's economic improvements. The fact is the economy has been improving for years and Trump's economic stimulus via tax cuts and spending is very likely to bring back inflation and higher interest rates. The smart thing to do would have been to phase in the tax cuts over the next 5 years so we wouldn't be looking at a trillion dollar deficit.
BONOBO blew through 8 TRILLION dollars and had fuck all to show for it!
BONOBO's 'economy' was stagnant. Negro unemployment actually went up.
You think the economy is booming because Trump removed the mandate from Obamacare? FYI, that does not take effect until 2019.

FYI, Trump has instructed the IRS not to require people to complete the health care question on the tax form and not to enforce the Obamacare penalty. Those measures are in effect right now.

The economy has improved so well under Trump because of his sweeping deregulation and because he has instilled confidence and hope in the business sector by making it clear that he is their friend, not their enemy.

And the trend in falling food stamp participation began long before Trump took office. During Obama's last term it fell over 5 million. Employment peaked in 2010 at 10% and has been in a down trend for 8 years. It has been 4.1% for the last 3 months.

Yes, because once the Republicans took control of the House, they stopped Obama's agenda and imposed fiscal discipline.

Obama does deserve credit for the good things he did on the economic front: He signed the Budget Control Act of 2011. He made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent in 2013, against the advice of liberal quack economists like Paul Krugman and the nuts at the Center for American Progress. He capped the capital gains tax rate at 20%, which was lower than it was under Reagan. The sad thing is that much of Obama's good moves--much, not all--were cancelled out by his over-regulation, by Obamacare, by Dodd-Frank, etc., etc.

What is booming in the economy is the stock market, up 26% due the huge cut in taxes on corporation and the wealthy. Let me remind you the market increased 141% under Obama.

You need to consult some reliable news sources. Numerous economic indicators that have been down or stagnant are showing very positive signs since Trump came to office. I don't think you realize the degree of Trump's deregulation, which he started almost as soon as he took office. This has had a huge impact for good.

The tax cuts are not just for "huge corporations and the wealthy." Sheesh, why don't you break down and *read* the tax-cut bill. The biggest rate cuts went to the middle class by far, not to the rich. And the corporate tax cut simply brought our corporate tax rate down to the level of that in Asia and Europe (the average corporate tax rate in those regions is around 18-21%--ours is now 21%).

Another great thing that the tax cuts are doing is attracting American business money back to the U.S. from being parked overseas. The special repatriation tax rate of 15.5% is causing many companies to bring hundreds of billions of dollars in parked money back to the U.S. This has already started happening.
I don't think my investments can stand much more of Trump's economic improvements. The fact is the economy has been improving for years and Trump's economic stimulus via tax cuts and spending is very likely to bring back inflation and higher interest rates. The smart thing to do would have been to phase in the tax cuts over the next 5 years so we wouldn't be looking at a trillion dollar deficit.

Phasing in tax cuts is the worst thing you can do. It causes people/corporations to delay their planned activity and will actually cause economic growth to slow until the full cut is in effect.
Actually "ruining America" referred to protestors at his rallies. You know, the inconvenient First Amendment thingy. That's what he thinks is "ruining America". That's also why he's declared war on it.

And as I noted I didn't anywhere-near cover everything he's said, that was just a small but representative sample. But yes it's absolutely a pattern. Take the other day in Cincinnati while he was delivering a sermon about the wondrous economy (as the Dow was tumbling by several hundred points) in an endless rah-rah fluff job ------- and yet couldn't keep himself from lapsing into a long boring harangue about Nancy Pelosi. He just cannot function without tearing somebody or something down. And you know it as well as I do.

Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
The protestors being the left, the left being the thing ruining America. He also didn't declare war on the first amendment, the left tends to destroy random things when they protest.

I'm sure you can find as many things to whine about, true or untrue, as you'd like.

Their administration did such a horrible job, they pretty much asked for it.

Ooooooh yes he was. Daddy Fred made millions on FHA and New Deal seed money building houses in Queens and Brooklyn and renting them (strictly to white people) (and skimming money into his own pockets) and then handed it to the Orangutan. Who didn't do a damn thing to earn it.
He ran his own business, which he had been earning money on, and it's very successful. Even if that were true, he's still a successful businessman. He also beat the left for the presidency himself, so there's that.

None of which addresses my question. Because you can't do it.
I fully addressed your question, Obama was a failure, a hack, and fully unqualified for the office, as well as guilty of pretty much everything you claim Trump is.

Again ----- doesn't address the point at all. You've merely noted that sheeple exist. We already know that, and we're paying the price. But the dynamic of what I just pointed out sits untouched.
I fully addressed your point, you just don't want to see your point addressed. I pointed out he united the people, which is the opposite of what you claim happened.

Oooooh I don't think so. Perhaps if you cherrypick some hair-on-fire blogs you can find that but meanwhile back here in the real world of Tiki Torchers and plowing cars into people and slashing people on a light rail train and beating and pissing on a homeless man because he looks Hispanic and endless pot shots at political rally protestors, the world of actual reality has a slightly different tilt.

And please -- wtf is "third wave feminism"? Back to your cherrypickle blogs for the answer on that, I have no doubt.

There's really enough ANTIFA violence to overshadow any "Right Wing" Violence on its own, though really, the loosest term for it would be Social Justice Warriors, which encompasses the Third Wave Feminists, ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, and a few small splinter groups. They tend to assault anyone who disagrees with them, they're very loud, and during the election, there were videos of them attacking people for having Trump stickers, they smashed windshields, stole signs, etc.

Like that.

And these.

Then there's these instances.
"the left"? :lmao:
What, Mexicans don't count?
Women don't count?
Muslims don't count?
News reporters don't count?
Veterans don't count?
Congenitally disabled don't count?
Football players don't count?
The FBI doesn't count?
Univisión doesn't count?
Bob Corker and Jeff Flake and Lindsey Graham don't count?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg doesn't count?
The Chicago Cubs don't count?
Yet, he hasn't hurt any of those groups. He may have insulted people part of those groups, but just because you'd LIKE to pretend he was insulting entire groups, that doesn't make it so. He's a rightists, and you're a leftist, so you probably don't need to make things up to whine about.

  • Instead, he did ACTUAL damage, basically shredding our constitution.
  • George W. Bush whining about "blood coming out of her wherever".
  • Not his fault she's permanently menstruating.
  • Bill Clinton suggesting that somebody should shoot Bob Dole.
  • Citation needed.
  • George Bush whining that the election was "rigged".
  • Donald Trump was correct. Bernie got screwed by the DNC, the leftist media is a tool to hurt their opponents, and Obama encouraged illegals to vote.
  • Ronald Reagan calling a country or a continent a "shithole".
  • Not only was that alleged, but he wouldn't be wrong if he had said it.
  • Jimmy Carter sitting out a televised debate because there might be a blood-soaked reporter there asking pointed questions.
  • He's not obligated to show up in the first place, and he wasn't wrong that the moderators were attempting to sabotage him.
  • Gerald Ford whining "look at that face --- would anybody vote for that face?"
  • Excuse him for not limiting his speech to what the whiny left considers PC. I didn't agree with saying something like that, yet he's free to do so. Clearly it didn't bother as many people as you'd have liked, considering Hillary lost.
  • Richard Nixon crowing about the size of his dick.
  • He made that statement in response to others insulting his hands.
  • Lyndon Johnson asking the people of Iowa, "how stupid are the people of Iowa?"
  • LBJ was busy being one of the top five worst presidents in history, you'll have to excuse him for not getting around to it.
  • JFK gyrating spastically to mock a reporter who wouldn't lie for him.
  • You must be a top, because you seem to spin pretty frequently. Donald Trump pretty much mocked everyone.
  • Dwight Eisenhower sneering "I like people who weren't captured, OK?"
  • He was busy multiplying taxes to several times what they should be.
  • Harry Truman mythologizing that Tom Dewey was not a citizen.
  • He's dead, I doubt he would care.
  • FDR using a Fireside Chat to whine about "our airports are crumbling".
  • He should instead whine that people said things he disagreed with on an online message board.

I'm afraid you're so self-drowning in partisan hackery that you have no idea what the point is.

-- Whether "he would be right" about 'shithole' IS NOT THE POINT.
-- Whether denigrating a woman on the basis of her looks wins an election or not IS NOT THE POINT.
-- and myriad deflections to Bernie Sanders and Eisenhower taxes IS NOT AN ARGUMENT. It's running away from one. Nor is "he mocks everybody"

You're not ready for this.

Actually, Pirogue did quite well addressing your attempted points.

IMHO, Pirogue waxed your ass! :itsok:

"Pirogue"? :rofl:

Sorry, that boat sank. Tended to bail water INTO the boat, it was so aimless.
But I have to admit, the word makes me hungry.

Evidently you are just about as inept at handling a pirogue as you are at handling favorite P-Row!

Here's a nice little 12' Flat Back Pirogue for you:
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
He is a great communicator, the best since Reagan. He has great listening, writing, and reading skills. However, the one thing that most sets him apart from the current president is he uses the first person plural “we” rather than “I” when he speaks. The act of using we is not just pure politics as some of you might think but rather a unique way of involving people in a conversation and then making them believe they have actually contributed something positive to a cause.
/-----/ He was the complete opposite. Were you not paying attention?
'I,' 'Me,' 'My'—Obama Uses First Person Singular 199 Times - CNS News

"CNS 'News'". You can stop there and give the audience time to roll on the floor.

Fun fact -- I myself am banned from CNS "News" commentary. Seems I called them out on one of their bullshit fake-news stories and they couldn't handle it. I've got a screenshot of it. My badge of honour.

"CNS 'News'". Poster please.
/----/ Will you accept the Washington Post ( Pentagon Papers)
Count Obama's references to 'I' and 'me' while you can, conservative ...
Jan 18, 2017 - For eight years, tracking Obama's use of the personal pronouns "I" and "me" has been a cherished ritual in the conservative media — one small way to promote ... In just 41 speeches so this year, not including this week's big speech at the United Nations, Obama has talked about himself nearly 1,200 times ...
GOP psychobabble zzzzzzzzzzz. Anything to avoid thinking about policy... That is, the GOP screwing everyone you know....
You think the economy is booming because Trump removed the mandate from Obamacare? FYI, that does not take effect until 2019.

FYI, Trump has instructed the IRS not to require people to complete the health care question on the tax form and not to enforce the Obamacare penalty. Those measures are in effect right now.

The economy has improved so well under Trump because of his sweeping deregulation and because he has instilled confidence and hope in the business sector by making it clear that he is their friend, not their enemy.

And the trend in falling food stamp participation began long before Trump took office. During Obama's last term it fell over 5 million. Employment peaked in 2010 at 10% and has been in a down trend for 8 years. It has been 4.1% for the last 3 months.

Yes, because once the Republicans took control of the House, they stopped Obama's agenda and imposed fiscal discipline.

Obama does deserve credit for the good things he did on the economic front: He signed the Budget Control Act of 2011. He made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent in 2013, against the advice of liberal quack economists like Paul Krugman and the nuts at the Center for American Progress. He capped the capital gains tax rate at 20%, which was lower than it was under Reagan. The sad thing is that much of Obama's good moves--much, not all--were cancelled out by his over-regulation, by Obamacare, by Dodd-Frank, etc., etc.

What is booming in the economy is the stock market, up 26% due the huge cut in taxes on corporation and the wealthy. Let me remind you the market increased 141% under Obama.

You need to consult some reliable news sources. Numerous economic indicators that have been down or stagnant are showing very positive signs since Trump came to office. I don't think you realize the degree of Trump's deregulation, which he started almost as soon as he took office. This has had a huge impact for good.

The tax cuts are not just for "huge corporations and the wealthy." Sheesh, why don't you break down and *read* the tax-cut bill. The biggest rate cuts went to the middle class by far, not to the rich. And the corporate tax cut simply brought our corporate tax rate down to the level of that in Asia and Europe (the average corporate tax rate in those regions is around 18-21%--ours is now 21%).

Another great thing that the tax cuts are doing is attracting American business money back to the U.S. from being parked overseas. The special repatriation tax rate of 15.5% is causing many companies to bring hundreds of billions of dollars in parked money back to the U.S. This has already started happening.
I don't think my investments can stand much more of Trump's economic improvements. The fact is the economy has been improving for years and Trump's economic stimulus via tax cuts and spending is very likely to bring back inflation and higher interest rates. The smart thing to do would have been to phase in the tax cuts over the next 5 years so we wouldn't be looking at a trillion dollar deficit.

Phasing in tax cuts is the worst thing you can do. It causes people/corporations to delay their planned activity and will actually cause economic growth to slow until the full cut is in effect.
You spread tax cuts and other stimulus over a number years, so you don't overheat the economy which leads to high inflation and interest rates. The goal is strong and sustainable economic growth in a range of 3% to 3.5%. Higher rates of growth results in shortages, inflation, and high interest rates, none of which is good for business. Politicians will invariably go for the big tax cut all at once in order to win favor with voters. Then in the following years we have to pay the piper.

Look at the big Reagan tax cut of 1981, the year after it was enacted, goverment deficits ballooned and interest rates when over 20% which resulted tax increases in 1982, 1983, and 1987.
You think the economy is booming because Trump removed the mandate from Obamacare? FYI, that does not take effect until 2019.

FYI, Trump has instructed the IRS not to require people to complete the health care question on the tax form and not to enforce the Obamacare penalty. Those measures are in effect right now.

The economy has improved so well under Trump because of his sweeping deregulation and because he has instilled confidence and hope in the business sector by making it clear that he is their friend, not their enemy.

And the trend in falling food stamp participation began long before Trump took office. During Obama's last term it fell over 5 million. Employment peaked in 2010 at 10% and has been in a down trend for 8 years. It has been 4.1% for the last 3 months.

Yes, because once the Republicans took control of the House, they stopped Obama's agenda and imposed fiscal discipline.

Obama does deserve credit for the good things he did on the economic front: He signed the Budget Control Act of 2011. He made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent in 2013, against the advice of liberal quack economists like Paul Krugman and the nuts at the Center for American Progress. He capped the capital gains tax rate at 20%, which was lower than it was under Reagan. The sad thing is that much of Obama's good moves--much, not all--were cancelled out by his over-regulation, by Obamacare, by Dodd-Frank, etc., etc.

What is booming in the economy is the stock market, up 26% due the huge cut in taxes on corporation and the wealthy. Let me remind you the market increased 141% under Obama.

You need to consult some reliable news sources. Numerous economic indicators that have been down or stagnant are showing very positive signs since Trump came to office. I don't think you realize the degree of Trump's deregulation, which he started almost as soon as he took office. This has had a huge impact for good.

The tax cuts are not just for "huge corporations and the wealthy." Sheesh, why don't you break down and *read* the tax-cut bill. The biggest rate cuts went to the middle class by far, not to the rich. And the corporate tax cut simply brought our corporate tax rate down to the level of that in Asia and Europe (the average corporate tax rate in those regions is around 18-21%--ours is now 21%).

Another great thing that the tax cuts are doing is attracting American business money back to the U.S. from being parked overseas. The special repatriation tax rate of 15.5% is causing many companies to bring hundreds of billions of dollars in parked money back to the U.S. This has already started happening.
I don't think my investments can stand much more of Trump's economic improvements. The fact is the economy has been improving for years and Trump's economic stimulus via tax cuts and spending is very likely to bring back inflation and higher interest rates. The smart thing to do would have been to phase in the tax cuts over the next 5 years so we wouldn't be looking at a trillion dollar deficit.

Phasing in tax cuts is the worst thing you can do. It causes people/corporations to delay their planned activity and will actually cause economic growth to slow until the full cut is in effect.
You spread tax cuts and other stimulus over a number years, so you don't overheat the economy which leads to high inflation and interest rates. The goal is strong and sustainable economic growth in a range of 3% to 3.5%. Higher rates of growth results in shortages, inflation, and high interest rates, none of which is good for business. Politicians will invariably go for the big tax cut all at once in order to win favor with voters. Then in the following years we have to pay the piper.

Look at the big Reagan tax cut of 1981, the year after it was enacted, goverment deficits ballooned and interest rates when over 20% which resulted tax increases in 1982, 1983, and 1987.

You spread tax cuts and other stimulus over a number years, so you don't overheat the economy

I agree, phasing in the cuts would slow the economy and defeat the purpose of the tax cuts.

Look at the big Reagan tax cut of 1981, the year after it was enacted, goverment deficits ballooned and interest rates when over 20%

Yeah, well, big recessions caused by the Fed raising rates to 20% will tend to balloon the deficit.

which resulted tax increases in 1982, 1983, and 1987.

I'm always interested when I hear about tax hikes in the 1980s.
Which taxes do you feel were hiked? What was the rate before and after the hikes?
Any specifics? Or are you just repeating something you heard?
I’m sure even republicans can admit that about Obama.
He is a great communicator, the best since Reagan. He has great listening, writing, and reading skills. However, the one thing that most sets him apart from the current president is he uses the first person plural “we” rather than “I” when he speaks. The act of using we is not just pure politics as some of you might think but rather a unique way of involving people in a conversation and then making them believe they have actually contributed something positive to a cause.
/-----/ He was the complete opposite. Were you not paying attention?
'I,' 'Me,' 'My'—Obama Uses First Person Singular 199 Times - CNS News

"CNS 'News'". You can stop there and give the audience time to roll on the floor.

Fun fact -- I myself am banned from CNS "News" commentary. Seems I called them out on one of their bullshit fake-news stories and they couldn't handle it. I've got a screenshot of it. My badge of honour.

"CNS 'News'". Poster please.
/----/ Will you accept the Washington Post ( Pentagon Papers)
Count Obama's references to 'I' and 'me' while you can, conservative ...
Jan 18, 2017 - For eight years, tracking Obama's use of the personal pronouns "I" and "me" has been a cherished ritual in the conservative media — one small way to promote ... In just 41 speeches so this year, not including this week's big speech at the United Nations, Obama has talked about himself nearly 1,200 times ...
GOP psychobabble zzzzzzzzzzz. Anything to avoid thinking about policy... That is, the GOP screwing everyone you know....
/——/ try and focus. I wasn’t avoiding policy, I was responding to a libtard who claimed Obozo used “we” all the time in his speeches. Please learn how to follow a thread. TIA
Actually "ruining America" referred to protestors at his rallies. You know, the inconvenient First Amendment thingy. That's what he thinks is "ruining America". That's also why he's declared war on it.

And as I noted I didn't anywhere-near cover everything he's said, that was just a small but representative sample. But yes it's absolutely a pattern. Take the other day in Cincinnati while he was delivering a sermon about the wondrous economy (as the Dow was tumbling by several hundred points) in an endless rah-rah fluff job ------- and yet couldn't keep himself from lapsing into a long boring harangue about Nancy Pelosi. He just cannot function without tearing somebody or something down. And you know it as well as I do.

Ain't nobody got time fo dat.
The protestors being the left, the left being the thing ruining America. He also didn't declare war on the first amendment, the left tends to destroy random things when they protest.

I'm sure you can find as many things to whine about, true or untrue, as you'd like.

Their administration did such a horrible job, they pretty much asked for it.

Ooooooh yes he was. Daddy Fred made millions on FHA and New Deal seed money building houses in Queens and Brooklyn and renting them (strictly to white people) (and skimming money into his own pockets) and then handed it to the Orangutan. Who didn't do a damn thing to earn it.
He ran his own business, which he had been earning money on, and it's very successful. Even if that were true, he's still a successful businessman. He also beat the left for the presidency himself, so there's that.

None of which addresses my question. Because you can't do it.
I fully addressed your question, Obama was a failure, a hack, and fully unqualified for the office, as well as guilty of pretty much everything you claim Trump is.

Again ----- doesn't address the point at all. You've merely noted that sheeple exist. We already know that, and we're paying the price. But the dynamic of what I just pointed out sits untouched.
I fully addressed your point, you just don't want to see your point addressed. I pointed out he united the people, which is the opposite of what you claim happened.

Oooooh I don't think so. Perhaps if you cherrypick some hair-on-fire blogs you can find that but meanwhile back here in the real world of Tiki Torchers and plowing cars into people and slashing people on a light rail train and beating and pissing on a homeless man because he looks Hispanic and endless pot shots at political rally protestors, the world of actual reality has a slightly different tilt.

And please -- wtf is "third wave feminism"? Back to your cherrypickle blogs for the answer on that, I have no doubt.

There's really enough ANTIFA violence to overshadow any "Right Wing" Violence on its own, though really, the loosest term for it would be Social Justice Warriors, which encompasses the Third Wave Feminists, ANTIFA, Black Lives Matter, and a few small splinter groups. They tend to assault anyone who disagrees with them, they're very loud, and during the election, there were videos of them attacking people for having Trump stickers, they smashed windshields, stole signs, etc.

Like that.

And these.

Then there's these instances.
"the left"? :lmao:
What, Mexicans don't count?
Women don't count?
Muslims don't count?
News reporters don't count?
Veterans don't count?
Congenitally disabled don't count?
Football players don't count?
The FBI doesn't count?
Univisión doesn't count?
Bob Corker and Jeff Flake and Lindsey Graham don't count?
Ruth Bader Ginsburg doesn't count?
The Chicago Cubs don't count?
Yet, he hasn't hurt any of those groups. He may have insulted people part of those groups, but just because you'd LIKE to pretend he was insulting entire groups, that doesn't make it so. He's a rightists, and you're a leftist, so you probably don't need to make things up to whine about.

  • Instead, he did ACTUAL damage, basically shredding our constitution.
  • George W. Bush whining about "blood coming out of her wherever".
  • Not his fault she's permanently menstruating.
  • Bill Clinton suggesting that somebody should shoot Bob Dole.
  • Citation needed.
  • George Bush whining that the election was "rigged".
  • Donald Trump was correct. Bernie got screwed by the DNC, the leftist media is a tool to hurt their opponents, and Obama encouraged illegals to vote.
  • Ronald Reagan calling a country or a continent a "shithole".
  • Not only was that alleged, but he wouldn't be wrong if he had said it.
  • Jimmy Carter sitting out a televised debate because there might be a blood-soaked reporter there asking pointed questions.
  • He's not obligated to show up in the first place, and he wasn't wrong that the moderators were attempting to sabotage him.
  • Gerald Ford whining "look at that face --- would anybody vote for that face?"
  • Excuse him for not limiting his speech to what the whiny left considers PC. I didn't agree with saying something like that, yet he's free to do so. Clearly it didn't bother as many people as you'd have liked, considering Hillary lost.
  • Richard Nixon crowing about the size of his dick.
  • He made that statement in response to others insulting his hands.
  • Lyndon Johnson asking the people of Iowa, "how stupid are the people of Iowa?"
  • LBJ was busy being one of the top five worst presidents in history, you'll have to excuse him for not getting around to it.
  • JFK gyrating spastically to mock a reporter who wouldn't lie for him.
  • You must be a top, because you seem to spin pretty frequently. Donald Trump pretty much mocked everyone.
  • Dwight Eisenhower sneering "I like people who weren't captured, OK?"
  • He was busy multiplying taxes to several times what they should be.
  • Harry Truman mythologizing that Tom Dewey was not a citizen.
  • He's dead, I doubt he would care.
  • FDR using a Fireside Chat to whine about "our airports are crumbling".
  • He should instead whine that people said things he disagreed with on an online message board.

I'm afraid you're so self-drowning in partisan hackery that you have no idea what the point is.

-- Whether "he would be right" about 'shithole' IS NOT THE POINT.
-- Whether denigrating a woman on the basis of her looks wins an election or not IS NOT THE POINT.
-- and myriad deflections to Bernie Sanders and Eisenhower taxes IS NOT AN ARGUMENT. It's running away from one. Nor is "he mocks everybody"

You're not ready for this.

Actually, Pirogue did quite well addressing your attempted points.

IMHO, Pirogue waxed your ass! :itsok:

"Pirogue"? :rofl:

Sorry, that boat sank. Tended to bail water INTO the boat, it was so aimless.
But I have to admit, the word makes me hungry.

Evidently you are just about as inept at handling a pirogue as you are at handling favorite P-Row!

Here's a nice little 12' Flat Back Pirogue for you:

Ta hell wit dat -----

You think the economy is booming because Trump removed the mandate from Obamacare? FYI, that does not take effect until 2019.

FYI, Trump has instructed the IRS not to require people to complete the health care question on the tax form and not to enforce the Obamacare penalty. Those measures are in effect right now.

The economy has improved so well under Trump because of his sweeping deregulation and because he has instilled confidence and hope in the business sector by making it clear that he is their friend, not their enemy.

And the trend in falling food stamp participation began long before Trump took office. During Obama's last term it fell over 5 million. Employment peaked in 2010 at 10% and has been in a down trend for 8 years. It has been 4.1% for the last 3 months.

Yes, because once the Republicans took control of the House, they stopped Obama's agenda and imposed fiscal discipline.

Obama does deserve credit for the good things he did on the economic front: He signed the Budget Control Act of 2011. He made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent in 2013, against the advice of liberal quack economists like Paul Krugman and the nuts at the Center for American Progress. He capped the capital gains tax rate at 20%, which was lower than it was under Reagan. The sad thing is that much of Obama's good moves--much, not all--were cancelled out by his over-regulation, by Obamacare, by Dodd-Frank, etc., etc.

What is booming in the economy is the stock market, up 26% due the huge cut in taxes on corporation and the wealthy. Let me remind you the market increased 141% under Obama.

You need to consult some reliable news sources. Numerous economic indicators that have been down or stagnant are showing very positive signs since Trump came to office. I don't think you realize the degree of Trump's deregulation, which he started almost as soon as he took office. This has had a huge impact for good.

The tax cuts are not just for "huge corporations and the wealthy." Sheesh, why don't you break down and *read* the tax-cut bill. The biggest rate cuts went to the middle class by far, not to the rich. And the corporate tax cut simply brought our corporate tax rate down to the level of that in Asia and Europe (the average corporate tax rate in those regions is around 18-21%--ours is now 21%).

Another great thing that the tax cuts are doing is attracting American business money back to the U.S. from being parked overseas. The special repatriation tax rate of 15.5% is causing many companies to bring hundreds of billions of dollars in parked money back to the U.S. This has already started happening.
I don't think my investments can stand much more of Trump's economic improvements. The fact is the economy has been improving for years and Trump's economic stimulus via tax cuts and spending is very likely to bring back inflation and higher interest rates. The smart thing to do would have been to phase in the tax cuts over the next 5 years so we wouldn't be looking at a trillion dollar deficit.

Phasing in tax cuts is the worst thing you can do. It causes people/corporations to delay their planned activity and will actually cause economic growth to slow until the full cut is in effect.
You spread tax cuts and other stimulus over a number years, so you don't overheat the economy which leads to high inflation and interest rates. The goal is strong and sustainable economic growth in a range of 3% to 3.5%. Higher rates of growth results in shortages, inflation, and high interest rates, none of which is good for business. Politicians will invariably go for the big tax cut all at once in order to win favor with voters. Then in the following years we have to pay the piper.

Look at the big Reagan tax cut of 1981, the year after it was enacted, goverment deficits ballooned and interest rates when over 20% which resulted tax increases in 1982, 1983, and 1987.

You spread tax cuts and other stimulus over a number years, so you don't overheat the economy

I agree, phasing in the cuts would slow the economy and defeat the purpose of the tax cuts.

Look at the big Reagan tax cut of 1981, the year after it was enacted, goverment deficits ballooned and interest rates when over 20%

Yeah, well, big recessions caused by the Fed raising rates to 20% will tend to balloon the deficit.

which resulted tax increases in 1982, 1983, and 1987.

I'm always interested when I hear about tax hikes in the 1980s.
Which taxes do you feel were hiked? What was the rate before and after the hikes?
Any specifics? Or are you just repeating something you heard?
In 1982, The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act raised taxes by $37.5 billion per year, and the Highway Revenue Act raised the gasoline tax by $3.3 billion.

In 1983, Reagan signed off on legislation to raise payroll taxes and tax Social Security benefits for some higher earners.

In 1984, the Deficit Reduction Act included increases in taxes on estates and distilled spirits and ended some business tax breaks, to the tune of $18 billion per year.

In 1985, Reagan signed legislation making permanent a 16-cent federal excise tax on a pack of cigarettes, then worth about $2.4 billion a year.

In 1986, the Tax Reform Act lowered the top income tax bracket from 50 percent to 28 percent. To pay for the reductions, however, the legislation closed a number of tax loopholes.

In 1987, Reagan signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act that extended the telephone excise tax and eliminated a real estate tax deduction loophole.

Rep. Gerry Connolly says Reagan raised taxes during five years of presidency

There is no doubt that these tax increase, along with FED actions did bring down interest rates and inflation.
FYI, Trump has instructed the IRS not to require people to complete the health care question on the tax form and not to enforce the Obamacare penalty. Those measures are in effect right now.

The economy has improved so well under Trump because of his sweeping deregulation and because he has instilled confidence and hope in the business sector by making it clear that he is their friend, not their enemy.

Yes, because once the Republicans took control of the House, they stopped Obama's agenda and imposed fiscal discipline.

Obama does deserve credit for the good things he did on the economic front: He signed the Budget Control Act of 2011. He made most of the Bush tax cuts permanent in 2013, against the advice of liberal quack economists like Paul Krugman and the nuts at the Center for American Progress. He capped the capital gains tax rate at 20%, which was lower than it was under Reagan. The sad thing is that much of Obama's good moves--much, not all--were cancelled out by his over-regulation, by Obamacare, by Dodd-Frank, etc., etc.

You need to consult some reliable news sources. Numerous economic indicators that have been down or stagnant are showing very positive signs since Trump came to office. I don't think you realize the degree of Trump's deregulation, which he started almost as soon as he took office. This has had a huge impact for good.

The tax cuts are not just for "huge corporations and the wealthy." Sheesh, why don't you break down and *read* the tax-cut bill. The biggest rate cuts went to the middle class by far, not to the rich. And the corporate tax cut simply brought our corporate tax rate down to the level of that in Asia and Europe (the average corporate tax rate in those regions is around 18-21%--ours is now 21%).

Another great thing that the tax cuts are doing is attracting American business money back to the U.S. from being parked overseas. The special repatriation tax rate of 15.5% is causing many companies to bring hundreds of billions of dollars in parked money back to the U.S. This has already started happening.
I don't think my investments can stand much more of Trump's economic improvements. The fact is the economy has been improving for years and Trump's economic stimulus via tax cuts and spending is very likely to bring back inflation and higher interest rates. The smart thing to do would have been to phase in the tax cuts over the next 5 years so we wouldn't be looking at a trillion dollar deficit.

Phasing in tax cuts is the worst thing you can do. It causes people/corporations to delay their planned activity and will actually cause economic growth to slow until the full cut is in effect.
You spread tax cuts and other stimulus over a number years, so you don't overheat the economy which leads to high inflation and interest rates. The goal is strong and sustainable economic growth in a range of 3% to 3.5%. Higher rates of growth results in shortages, inflation, and high interest rates, none of which is good for business. Politicians will invariably go for the big tax cut all at once in order to win favor with voters. Then in the following years we have to pay the piper.

Look at the big Reagan tax cut of 1981, the year after it was enacted, goverment deficits ballooned and interest rates when over 20% which resulted tax increases in 1982, 1983, and 1987.

You spread tax cuts and other stimulus over a number years, so you don't overheat the economy

I agree, phasing in the cuts would slow the economy and defeat the purpose of the tax cuts.

Look at the big Reagan tax cut of 1981, the year after it was enacted, goverment deficits ballooned and interest rates when over 20%

Yeah, well, big recessions caused by the Fed raising rates to 20% will tend to balloon the deficit.

which resulted tax increases in 1982, 1983, and 1987.

I'm always interested when I hear about tax hikes in the 1980s.
Which taxes do you feel were hiked? What was the rate before and after the hikes?
Any specifics? Or are you just repeating something you heard?
In 1982, The Tax Equity and Fiscal Responsibility Act raised taxes by $37.5 billion per year, and the Highway Revenue Act raised the gasoline tax by $3.3 billion.

In 1983, Reagan signed off on legislation to raise payroll taxes and tax Social Security benefits for some higher earners.

In 1984, the Deficit Reduction Act included increases in taxes on estates and distilled spirits and ended some business tax breaks, to the tune of $18 billion per year.

In 1985, Reagan signed legislation making permanent a 16-cent federal excise tax on a pack of cigarettes, then worth about $2.4 billion a year.

In 1986, the Tax Reform Act lowered the top income tax bracket from 50 percent to 28 percent. To pay for the reductions, however, the legislation closed a number of tax loopholes.

In 1987, Reagan signed the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act that extended the telephone excise tax and eliminated a real estate tax deduction loophole.

Rep. Gerry Connolly says Reagan raised taxes during five years of presidency

There is no doubt that these tax increase, along with FED actions did bring down interest rates and inflation.

Sounds like pretty small hikes compared to dropping the top rate from 70% to 28%.
The only good thing about that meat puppet faggot is that he is out of office.

The only positive result of his existence will be when he is no longer stealing our oxygen. Fertilizer is the greatest accomplishment he can make.
The only good thing about that meat puppet faggot is that he is out of office.

The only positive result of his existence will be when he is no longer stealing our oxygen. Fertilizer is the greatest accomplishment he can make.
Pure hater dupe.... All your democratic evil beliefs are pure propaganda that have gone nowhere in the real world. That makes you and your whole party a bunch of conspiracy nut jobs....
Obama is a flaming queer who is left of Stalin and Mao. He ran a criminal administration and shit all over the Constitution.

Worst President in history by a HUGE margin.
It’s very ironic to me you call yourself a “radical libertarian”, but you’re bigoted towards gay people. Are you in the 8th grade or what?

Recognizing fact is not "bigoted"

I could care less what Obammy does in the bath houses. I DO oppose his Stalinist policies that made queers "more equal" than the rest of America.
How is giving them the same rights more equal?

They have the same rights.

What you want to give them don't qualify as rights....moron.
You mean they are only rights for others

No, you stupid piece of shit.

They are not rights at all.

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