Can the Democratic Party Govern America?

The Republican Party can govern white people. When it comes to people of color the problem is they are people of color. Republicans don’t want to govern them, in fact Republicans don’t even want them in the country.

Democrats govern people of color simply by reminding them they are people of color first. How about governing them as individuals?

Do you republicans ever think you'll stop telling this lie?

Do you Democrats ever think you will stop trying to snuff out History of Democrats and people of color? Slavery, Civil War, Jim Crowe, Margaret Sanger, Johnson 200 Year Plan. You Democrats own that.

They never will. They don't like the light shed on their dirty sins.
The Republican Party can govern white people. When it comes to people of color the problem is they are people of color. Republicans don’t want to govern them, in fact Republicans don’t even want them in the country.

Democrats govern people of color simply by reminding them they are people of color first. How about governing them as individuals?

Do you republicans ever think you'll stop telling this lie?

Do you Democrats ever think you will stop trying to snuff out History of Democrats and people of color? Slavery, Civil War, Jim Crowe, Margaret Sanger, Johnson 200 Year Plan. You Democrats own that.

All ancient history

LBJ did great for our country. Civil Rights, Medicare, Medicaid

LBJ’s contributions to the Country are not in question. Did he initiate Civil Rights or did he roll with the tide and take credit?
The Republican Party can govern white people. When it comes to people of color the problem is they are people of color. Republicans don’t want to govern them, in fact Republicans don’t even want them in the country.

Democrats govern people of color simply by reminding them they are people of color first. How about governing them as individuals?

Do you republicans ever think you'll stop telling this lie?

Do you Democrats ever think you will stop trying to snuff out History of Democrats and people of color? Slavery, Civil War, Jim Crowe, Margaret Sanger, Johnson 200 Year Plan. You Democrats own that.

All ancient history

LBJ did great for our country. Civil Rights, Medicare, Medicaid

LBJ’s contributions to the Country are not in question. Did he initiate Civil Rights or did he roll with the tide and take credit?
LBJ took Civil Rights and rammed them down America’s throats
He did better than JFK would have
Democrats govern people of color simply by reminding them they are people of color first. How about governing them as individuals?

Do you republicans ever think you'll stop telling this lie?

Do you Democrats ever think you will stop trying to snuff out History of Democrats and people of color? Slavery, Civil War, Jim Crowe, Margaret Sanger, Johnson 200 Year Plan. You Democrats own that.

All ancient history

LBJ did great for our country. Civil Rights, Medicare, Medicaid

LBJ’s contributions to the Country are not in question. Did he initiate Civil Rights or did he roll with the tide and take credit?
LBJ took Civil Rights and rammed them down America’s throats
He did better than JFK would have

He took the Civil Rights initiative because he saw an opportunity.... which is his job as a politician. He rammed Civil Rights down Democrats such as Gore, Fulbright who fought it. Then Johnson got cocky and cane up with the Great Society.... do tell us how that is successful? That clearly was jammed down America’s throats.
The Republican Party can govern white people. When it comes to people of color the problem is they are people of color. Republicans don’t want to govern them, in fact Republicans don’t even want them in the country.

Democrats govern people of color simply by reminding them they are people of color first. How about governing them as individuals?

Do you republicans ever think you'll stop telling this lie?

Do you Democrats ever think you will stop trying to snuff out History of Democrats and people of color? Slavery, Civil War, Jim Crowe, Margaret Sanger, Johnson 200 Year Plan. You Democrats own that.

All ancient history

LBJ did great for our country. Civil Rights, Medicare, Medicaid

LBJ was a racist you know. Dropped the N-bomb, told the black people "I will have you n-words voting Democrat for a hundred generation" with his "great society" scheme.
Can the Democratic Party Govern America?
August 14, 2019 ~ By Steve McCann
I recently had a lunch meeting with a client of 25 years who is a lifelong member and financial supporter of the Democratic Party. While we managed to avoid politics as best we could, the inevitable subject of Donald Trump and the Democratic presidential field reared its head. Once my friend got past the usual left-wing talking points about Trump, I asked him a simple question. Given the current state of the American Left and their domination of the Democratic Party would the Democrats be able to govern a nation of 330 million people the size of the continent of Europe if they assumed all the reins of power in Washington D.C.? I was met with a blank stare and a stammered “I really don’t know.”
So, for the benefit of my friend and his fellow Democrats and leftists some further questions to help them answer that fundamental inquiry.
In summary, while the current American Left dominated Democratic Party and its propaganda arm, the mainstream media, may be good at sowing confusion, communicating overt falsehoods and vilifying their opponents in order to win elections, they cannot and will never be able to successfully govern a nation of 330 million people the size of the continent of Europe. If they ever fully control all the levers of power, this nation will, in due course, cease to exist.

First before responding go to the article and read it. McCann writes a great article.
Since Democrats have been infiltrated and taken over by the Progressive Marxist Socialists funded by the CPUSA they are no longer a credible political party, they are an unidentifiable pernicious species from another ideology.
The author's last sentence, "If they ever fully control all the levers of power, this nation will, in due course, cease to exist" rings true and captures the central theme of the article. You can see this now, in part, in states where they already control 'all the levers of power', like New York State and especially New York City.
They've attempted to insulate themselves from criticism or attack by increasing the size and number of administrative courts, courts where the outcome has already been decided. They've already threatened the Supreme Court with stacking should they issue a decision on a NY Second Amendment in favor of the Second Amendment. Many in NY worked tirelessly for a long time to get the case to the Supreme Court. We'll have to see the outcome.
According to the PMS/DSA Democrat Left, Capitalism must be fundamentally replaced since it one of the root causes of inequity. That globalist actors are supporting and pushing these 'reforms' is telling.
What is interesting to consider is that all of the players in that party who espouse this are rather wealthy and insulated in their finely-feathered nests, with their security details to keep them safe and warm, largely white in appearance while openly vilifying whites in general (perhaps we're the wrong kind of white?) 'Firearm protection for me but not for thee', apparently. Yeah...I give the country six months.
The Turner Diaries by William Luther Pierce although considered fictional Supremacist trash may have been prophetically true...

Can the Democratic Party Govern America?
NO...the The Party Of Filth, Foreigners And Free Shit have pigeonholed themselves...their ideals only fit for wetbacks, welfare queens, lowlife degenerates, criminals, pole puffers, rug munchers, men in dresses, feminazis and white guilt whackos.
I promise you...every single one of the filthy LefTarded fucks on this board fit one of the aforementioned groups...GUARANTEED!
The Republican Party can govern white people. When it comes to people of color the problem is they are people of color. Republicans don’t want to govern them, in fact Republicans don’t even want them in the country.

Democrats govern people of color simply by reminding them they are people of color first. How about governing them as individuals?

Do you republicans ever think you'll stop telling this lie?

Do you Democrats ever think you will stop trying to snuff out History of Democrats and people of color? Slavery, Civil War, Jim Crowe, Margaret Sanger, Johnson 200 Year Plan. You Democrats own that.

All ancient history

LBJ did great for our country. Civil Rights, Medicare, Medicaid

LBJ was a racist you know. Dropped the N-bomb, told the black people "I will have you n-words voting Democrat for a hundred generation" with his "great society" scheme.

He was a racist and he did. He was also a worthless war loving neocon. Libs enslaved and segregated blacks and yet the majority of blacks can't get enough of that punishment as they continually vote for them.
Mitch McConnell (r) Ky. sees his role as confirming Conservative judges and nothing else. Donald Trump is mute on Hong Kong, Kashmir, protests in Russia. He is a racist and unapologetically so.

Who's "governing" now and why should they continue?
Do you republicans ever think you'll stop telling this lie?

Do you Democrats ever think you will stop trying to snuff out History of Democrats and people of color? Slavery, Civil War, Jim Crowe, Margaret Sanger, Johnson 200 Year Plan. You Democrats own that.

All ancient history

LBJ did great for our country. Civil Rights, Medicare, Medicaid

LBJ’s contributions to the Country are not in question. Did he initiate Civil Rights or did he roll with the tide and take credit?
LBJ took Civil Rights and rammed them down America’s throats
He did better than JFK would have

He took the Civil Rights initiative because he saw an opportunity.... which is his job as a politician. He rammed Civil Rights down Democrats such as Gore, Fulbright who fought it. Then Johnson got cocky and cane up with the Great Society.... do tell us how that is successful? That clearly was jammed down America’s throats.

LBJ was the ultimate politician
He played every card in his hand to get the Civil Rights bill passed. He worked dissenters one by one to get them to agree. Jack would have wanted it was a major incentive

Landmark legislation and LBJ gets most of the credit

Great Society gave us Medicare and Medicaid. Critical healthcare programs. Taking care of the poor is a noble initiative. Republicans sabotaged it under Reagan
The Republican Party can govern white people. When it comes to people of color the problem is they are people of color. Republicans don’t want to govern them, in fact Republicans don’t even want them in the country.

Democrats govern people of color simply by reminding them they are people of color first. How about governing them as individuals?

Do you republicans ever think you'll stop telling this lie?

Do you Democrats ever think you will stop trying to snuff out History of Democrats and people of color? Slavery, Civil War, Jim Crowe, Margaret Sanger, Johnson 200 Year Plan. You Democrats own that.

All ancient history

LBJ did great for our country. Civil Rights, Medicare, Medicaid

LBJ was a racist you know. Dropped the N-bomb, told the black people "I will have you n-words voting Democrat for a hundred generation" with his "great society" scheme.
The N word was acceptable in the 60s. Crude, but accepted
It was used on TV in programs like All in the Family and Saturday Night Live as well as Blazing Saddles in the mid 70s

LBJ sacrificed the south for Democrats in order to get Civil Rights passed. The majority of blacks were already voting Democratic under FDR
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The Republican Party can govern white people. When it comes to people of color the problem is they are people of color. Republicans don’t want to govern them, in fact Republicans don’t even want them in the country.

Democrats govern people of color simply by reminding them they are people of color first. How about governing them as individuals?

Do you republicans ever think you'll stop telling this lie?

Do you Democrats ever think you will stop trying to snuff out History of Democrats and people of color? Slavery, Civil War, Jim Crowe, Margaret Sanger, Johnson 200 Year Plan. You Democrats own that.
Is there a distinction between "Republican" "Conservative" "Liberal" and "Democrat"?

Have Conservatives always been Republicans? Have Liberals always been Democrats?

Did they cover this stuff in your school?
The Republican Party can govern white people. When it comes to people of color the problem is they are people of color. Republicans don’t want to govern them, in fact Republicans don’t even want them in the country.

Democrats govern people of color simply by reminding them they are people of color first. How about governing them as individuals?

Do you republicans ever think you'll stop telling this lie?

Do you Democrats ever think you will stop trying to snuff out History of Democrats and people of color? Slavery, Civil War, Jim Crowe, Margaret Sanger, Johnson 200 Year Plan. You Democrats own that.

Slavery existed before there was a democratic party. Republicans were complicit in Jim Crow. And todays republicans make me laugh every time you try running this scam. We left the republican party for a reason. And it's not because the democrats promise free stuff. Democrats don't have to tell us we're people of color and republicans don't govern as individuals.
The Republican Party can govern white people. When it comes to people of color the problem is they are people of color. Republicans don’t want to govern them, in fact Republicans don’t even want them in the country.

Democrats govern people of color simply by reminding them they are people of color first. How about governing them as individuals?

Do you republicans ever think you'll stop telling this lie?

Do you Democrats ever think you will stop trying to snuff out History of Democrats and people of color? Slavery, Civil War, Jim Crowe, Margaret Sanger, Johnson 200 Year Plan. You Democrats own that.
Is there a distinction between "Republican" "Conservative" "Liberal" and "Democrat"?

Have Conservatives always been Republicans? Have Liberals always been Democrats?

Did they cover this stuff in your school?

There are conservation democrats and liberal republicans.
The Republican Party can govern white people. When it comes to people of color the problem is they are people of color. Republicans don’t want to govern them, in fact Republicans don’t even want them in the country.

Democrats govern people of color simply by reminding them they are people of color first. How about governing them as individuals?

Do you republicans ever think you'll stop telling this lie?

Do you Democrats ever think you will stop trying to snuff out History of Democrats and people of color? Slavery, Civil War, Jim Crowe, Margaret Sanger, Johnson 200 Year Plan. You Democrats own that.

All ancient history

LBJ did great for our country. Civil Rights, Medicare, Medicaid

Ancient American history is fine for republicans until you are black and talking about it. Then all of a sudden that same republican running their mouths off like ol lefty here were not around then and are not responsible.
The Republican Party can govern white people. When it comes to people of color the problem is they are people of color. Republicans don’t want to govern them, in fact Republicans don’t even want them in the country.

Democrats govern people of color simply by reminding them they are people of color first. How about governing them as individuals?

Do you republicans ever think you'll stop telling this lie?

Do you Democrats ever think you will stop trying to snuff out History of Democrats and people of color? Slavery, Civil War, Jim Crowe, Margaret Sanger, Johnson 200 Year Plan. You Democrats own that.

All ancient history

LBJ did great for our country. Civil Rights, Medicare, Medicaid

Ancient American history is fine for republicans until you are black and talking about it. Then all of a sudden that same republican running their mouths off like ol lefty here were not around then and are not responsible.
It is sad when Republicans have to go back 150 years to find a time when they supported blacks
Can the Democratic Party Govern America?
August 14, 2019 ~ By Steve McCann
I recently had a lunch meeting with a client of 25 years who is a lifelong member and financial supporter of the Democratic Party. While we managed to avoid politics as best we could, the inevitable subject of Donald Trump and the Democratic presidential field reared its head. Once my friend got past the usual left-wing talking points about Trump, I asked him a simple question. Given the current state of the American Left and their domination of the Democratic Party would the Democrats be able to govern a nation of 330 million people the size of the continent of Europe if they assumed all the reins of power in Washington D.C.? I was met with a blank stare and a stammered “I really don’t know.”
So, for the benefit of my friend and his fellow Democrats and leftists some further questions to help them answer that fundamental inquiry.
In summary, while the current American Left dominated Democratic Party and its propaganda arm, the mainstream media, may be good at sowing confusion, communicating overt falsehoods and vilifying their opponents in order to win elections, they cannot and will never be able to successfully govern a nation of 330 million people the size of the continent of Europe. If they ever fully control all the levers of power, this nation will, in due course, cease to exist.

First before responding go to the article and read it. McCann writes a great article.
Since Democrats have been infiltrated and taken over by the Progressive Marxist Socialists funded by the CPUSA they are no longer a credible political party, they are an unidentifiable pernicious species from another ideology.
The author's last sentence, "If they ever fully control all the levers of power, this nation will, in due course, cease to exist" rings true and captures the central theme of the article. You can see this now, in part, in states where they already control 'all the levers of power', like New York State and especially New York City.
They've attempted to insulate themselves from criticism or attack by increasing the size and number of administrative courts, courts where the outcome has already been decided. They've already threatened the Supreme Court with stacking should they issue a decision on a NY Second Amendment in favor of the Second Amendment. Many in NY worked tirelessly for a long time to get the case to the Supreme Court. We'll have to see the outcome.
According to the PMS/DSA Democrat Left, Capitalism must be fundamentally replaced since it one of the root causes of inequity. That globalist actors are supporting and pushing these 'reforms' is telling.
What is interesting to consider is that all of the players in that party who espouse this are rather wealthy and insulated in their finely-feathered nests, with their security details to keep them safe and warm, largely white in appearance while openly vilifying whites in general (perhaps we're the wrong kind of white?) 'Firearm protection for me but not for thee', apparently. Yeah...I give the country six months.
The Turner Diaries by William Luther Pierce although considered fictional Supremacist trash may have been prophetically true...
Of course Dems can govern

We did wonderfully under the Great Obama
Biden will be Obama 2.0
Don't raise taxes on the peasants. You bunch of Fredos you.

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