Can't have it both ways; if Bush still to blame then obama is just irrelevant

Oh there was enough blame to go around for both Bush, the Reps and the Dems.

Of course to hear the left tell it Bush was responsible for everything. In fact he's still responsible though he hasn't been POTUS for seven years.

When it comes to Barry?? Well. He's not to blame for anything. In fact he's a POTUS who, by his own words, doesn't know what goes on in his administration. Therefore, he's not responsible for anything.

I have a swamp in Arizona I can sell you. Real cheap.
In obama year seven if everything going badly is still Bush's fault then obama is simply a non-factor and IRRELEVANT.
The Left keeps insisting on having it both ways, trying to take credit for the good and blaming the bad on others, in a very childish manner.

the above:
text book examples of a lack of critical thinking skills and a huge deficit in the area of reading and comprehension

Why? Who says "everything going badly is still Bush's fault" and does the poster of this this precious gem realize with this they are implicitly as well as textually acknowledging everything going badly was at one time Bush's fault?

Hmm... :eek:

you sad idiot. all you have to do is read the posts of your fellow left-wing nutjobs to see they still blame bush for everything

the second part of the stupidity you wrote is as patehtic as the first point you tried to make; because it deals with semantics. of course THEY thought things happening on bush's watch were his fault too; which only highlights left-wing stupidity and hypocrisy that nothing happening now can be obama's fault; idiot.

More irony? So you admit that you form your political opinions on what anonymous left-wing nutjobs write on web forums?

I don't believe it would be considered going too far out on a limb to suggest you probably confuse semantics with Bedouin Tribes in the Saudi Desert
In obama year seven if everything going badly is still Bush's fault then obama is simply a non-factor and IRRELEVANT.
The Left keeps insisting on having it both ways, trying to take credit for the good and blaming the bad on others, in a very childish manner.

the above:
text book examples of a lack of critical thinking skills and a huge deficit in the area of reading and comprehension

Why? Who says "everything going badly is still Bush's fault" and does the poster of this this precious gem realize with this they are implicitly as well as textually acknowledging everything going badly was at one time Bush's fault?

Hmm... :eek:

you sad idiot. all you have to do is read the posts of your fellow left-wing nutjobs to see they still blame bush for everything

the second part of the stupidity you wrote is as patehtic as the first point you tried to make; because it deals with semantics. of course THEY thought things happening on bush's watch were his fault too; which only highlights left-wing stupidity and hypocrisy that nothing happening now can be obama's fault; idiot.

More irony? So you admit that you form your political opinions on what anonymous left-wing nutjobs write on web forums?

I don't believe it would be considered going too far out on a limb to suggest you probably confuse semantics with Bedouin Tribes in the Saudi Desert


no i dont need the opinions of left-wing nutjobs to form my opinions. try another straw man loser
you crack me up; all full of yourself but getting nowhere with lil ol me!! ;)
comical really. it is only reasonable to highlight that "on his watch" meant a whole lot to left-wingers when Bush was in office, but now that obama is in office Bush is forever responsible for anything and every thing obama cant accomplish or is inconveniant for the Left to think about.
And it isn't my "opinion" that Obama has led the worst's simply fact!
I'm happy that it was a RECOVERY.....apparently RWrs are not.

all recessions end eventually idiot. the fact that you make excuses for obama saying this recession was worse than others makes the case for the other side. recessions and recoveries tend to take a "V-SHAPE", THE SHARPER THE RECESSION THE SHARPER THE RECOVERY ANGLE. yet this was the slowest "recovery" from a recession in history

try again
And it isn't my "opinion" that Obama has led the worst's simply fact!
I'm happy that it was a RECOVERY.....apparently RWrs are not.

would Oldstyle admit it has been the worst recovery coming out of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression?

Or would that entail admitting the President is not to blame for the world and national financial systems?
Oh there was enough blame to go around for both Bush, the Reps and the Dems.

Of course to hear the left tell it Bush was responsible for everything. In fact he's still responsible though he hasn't been POTUS for seven years.

When it comes to Barry?? Well. He's not to blame for anything. In fact he's a POTUS who, by his own words, doesn't know what goes on in his administration. Therefore, he's not responsible for anything.

I have a swamp in Arizona I can sell you. Real cheap.
W's remains a curiosity to me. I voted for him in 2000.
Of course to hear the left tell it Bush was responsible for everything. In fact he's still responsible though he hasn't been POTUS for seven years

care to offer a few examples?

Again while Obama hasn't really addressed it, at the heart of it W didn't understand the deep visceral loathing the sunni and shiaa have for each other. There was some talk that initially in the Iraq gambit he didn't even know there was more than one sect of Islam, but maybe that was just a snark. W toppled the guy who was probably the penultimate ME despot. He made possible what people had dreamed of since Nasser. And that includes people with both humanitarian and inhuman agendas.

W is a curiosity, imo, and I voted for him in 2000. His father was a master of international coalitions. Even if one thinks HW himself was at least culpable in Saddam's invasion of Kuwait, HW ended and turned a profit from a war. Did W misunderstand other cultures's desire for republican govt? Or did he just overestimate our ability to impose a form of govt on another culture?

But regardless, we have to reach some accommodation between the sunni and the shia to accept boundaries if not integration. Yeman, Iraq, Syria, the Caliphate. Russia wants to prop up Assad, and presumably let Assad slaughter the sunni in the self-proclaimed Caliphate. I'm not sure that's possible. But at any rate, Obama seems to prefer using just enough force to keep the shia puppet in Bagdad from collapsing.
And it isn't my "opinion" that Obama has led the worst's simply fact!
I'm happy that it was a RECOVERY.....apparently RWrs are not.

would Oldstyle admit it has been the worst recovery coming out of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression?

Or would that entail admitting the President is not to blame for the world and national financial systems?

I would indeed, Dante. But I would also point out that historically...the steeper the economic downturn the quicker the rebound from that downturn. That holds true except for the Great Depression and the Great Recession.

Would you like to outline what Barack Obama's plan has been to grow the economy and create jobs for the past four years? Nuhuh seems to be struggling with that question...
And it isn't my "opinion" that Obama has led the worst's simply fact!
I'm happy that it was a RECOVERY.....apparently RWrs are not.

would Oldstyle admit it has been the worst recovery coming out of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression?

Or would that entail admitting the President is not to blame for the world and national financial systems?

I would indeed, Dante. But I would also point out that historically...the steeper the economic downturn the quicker the rebound from that downturn. That holds true except for the Great Depression and the Great Recession.

Would you like to outline what Barack Obama's plan has been to grow the economy and create jobs for the past four years? Nuhuh seems to be struggling with that question...

We don't have as much invested in cyclical industries in this country as we used to.
And it isn't my "opinion" that Obama has led the worst's simply fact!
I'm happy that it was a RECOVERY.....apparently RWrs are not.

would Oldstyle admit it has been the worst recovery coming out of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression?

Or would that entail admitting the President is not to blame for the world and national financial systems?

I would indeed, Dante. But I would also point out that historically...the steeper the economic downturn the quicker the rebound from that downturn. That holds true except for the Great Depression and the Great Recession.

Would you like to outline what Barack Obama's plan has been to grow the economy and create jobs for the past four years? Nuhuh seems to be struggling with that question...
To be fair, Obama does perceive that we have to structurally address the debt, and it will continue to get bigger as the boomers retire. And he did agree to at least 3 spending dollars for one tax dollar, and he could have gotten Pelosi to go along. The House Gop walked away. We could debate whether Obama would be open to long term spending curbs .... say a law holding spending increases to less than GNP growth ... but we never even got to that discussion.
And it isn't my "opinion" that Obama has led the worst's simply fact!
I'm happy that it was a RECOVERY.....apparently RWrs are not.

would Oldstyle admit it has been the worst recovery coming out of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression?

Or would that entail admitting the President is not to blame for the world and national financial systems?

I would indeed, Dante. But I would also point out that historically...the steeper the economic downturn the quicker the rebound from that downturn. That holds true except for the Great Depression and the Great Recession.

Would you like to outline what Barack Obama's plan has been to grow the economy and create jobs for the past four years? Nuhuh seems to be struggling with that question...
It's all a matter of public record -- and there is the spin

In a fuller context of the world financial system, in recovery America has been doing well. The Great Recession did not happen in a vacuum. The world has changed and while the President's goals were admirable, his plans may not have worked as hoped for or promised, but...

but others saying they had different plans and then insisting their plans would have done much better to achieve the goals is bs ideological and political rhetoric
Just to refresh your memory, Barack Obama came into office saying that he had a plan to fix the economy and would hit the ground running.

Then he proceeded to put the economy and jobs on a back burner while he pursued ObamaCare.

As a result...he's led the worst recovery from a recession since FDR and the Great Depression.

Come to grips with that...

I firmly believe you are entitled to your own view of things, it's just unfortunate that historians have already ranked Obama at #18 on presidential rankings and he is presumed to overtake Reagan just as soon as the impacts of gay marriage, immigration, Iranian nuclear deal and climate change are weighed.

You're so impressed by that rating, Nuhuh! What's unfortunate is that the ranking that a group of historians give doesn't change the fact that Obama has still led the worst recovery from a recession since the Great Depression and that his signature accomplishment...the Affordable Care one of the most badly written pieces of legislation ever passed by Congress and simply won't work as constituted. As for the Iranian nuclear deal being a positive for Barry? You have much more faith in the Iranian mullahs than I do. I think they played Obama and Kerry like a fiddle.

Like I said, I can respect your opinion but I respect the opinion of historians more.
What you're really saying is that you have no way to dispute what I've just pointed you're going to concentrate on a "popularity contest" among academics that are predominantly liberals. Quite frankly...given Obama's record with the economy...if I were one of his supporters, then I would probably do the same thing!

I'm just saying I don't agree with your conclusions and it is just another way to look at the problem. Historians don't take into account the "politics" of the situation and arrive at their conclusions without the weight of partisan politics.

Now that is amusing, Nuhuh! You for some reason think that historians are unbiased...a notion which astounds me. As someone who graduated with a degree in History I can tell you that the first thing I was taught as a student of history is when reading an account on anything, was to pay careful attention to WHO was authoring that account and what their biases were towards the subject being discussed might be.
You can read a historic account of World War II in Soviet textbooks that describe an entirely different conflict than a textbook written by a Western historian. You literally wouldn't know it was the same war.
And it isn't my "opinion" that Obama has led the worst's simply fact!
I'm happy that it was a RECOVERY.....apparently RWrs are not.

would Oldstyle admit it has been the worst recovery coming out of the worst financial crisis since the Great Depression?

Or would that entail admitting the President is not to blame for the world and national financial systems?

I would indeed, Dante. But I would also point out that historically...the steeper the economic downturn the quicker the rebound from that downturn. That holds true except for the Great Depression and the Great Recession.

Would you like to outline what Barack Obama's plan has been to grow the economy and create jobs for the past four years? Nuhuh seems to be struggling with that question...
To be fair, Obama does perceive that we have to structurally address the debt, and it will continue to get bigger as the boomers retire. And he did agree to at least 3 spending dollars for one tax dollar, and he could have gotten Pelosi to go along. The House Gop walked away. We could debate whether Obama would be open to long term spending curbs .... say a law holding spending increases to less than GNP growth ... but we never even got to that discussion.
Oy! The Congress

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