Christianity today magazine gets it

You almost gotta laugh that he only time lefties quote a Christian magazine is when George Soros digs up dirt against the President. It's an op-ed by a former Prespy preacher who quit the flock.
Don't you get tired of having to keep Trump's dick down your throat?

Didn't having to do it for Bush teach you anything about gag reflex??
I rest my case.
and Trump rests his nuts on your chin.....

Please spare me the "how dare you talk vulgar" fake outrage with me....clutch your pearls and faint on a couch, i could give a fuck

Nobody who worships Trump should ever feign outrage over anyone else's language...
It's scary that incoherent anger can motivate crazy lefties to scan every blog ever written for criticism of the President of the United States and if they find something their TDS causes them to believe that everyone thinks that way. It's sad really.
I bet yo dumb ass thinks the impeachment is a Jew coup too....

I tell you what......let me know if this guy is a Trump supporter or a "crazy leftie"?

Or you can avoid what this Trump racist said like you Trumpers always do.......

Two posts on the same thing back to back. It's as if the crazy angry left found the holy grail in the opinion of a defrocked former Prespy minister. Hatred will do strange things to you.
Because the irish are not as pushy or as numerous as mexicans

You say half a million illegal irish are in America

There could be that many or more illegal mexicans in Los Angles alone
Probably because Ireland isn't next to the US.....

So the fact that there are more Mexicans in the US is just cause for their demonization?? Got it....

I wonder how Obama was able to deport so many of them without calling them scum, trash and filthy animals at his rallies.....

Apparently the key to deportation is making sure you dehumanize them too....

Maybe if we dehumanize the Irish more, it will get them out the country faster...
I already gave you the bottom line

Anyone here illegally must be deported
But take your time on the Irish...they aren't as pushy and dark as those yucky it..
I dont get to choose the skin color of the people who sneak into our country

But they all must go
Trump chooses who he demonizes...and you choose to try to rationalize why he only demonizes people of color....

So no, i don't believe you care about the deportation of ALL ILLEGALS
I am not trying to convince you

But I am telling you how it is whether you believe it or not
Probably because Ireland isn't next to the US.....

So the fact that there are more Mexicans in the US is just cause for their demonization?? Got it....

I wonder how Obama was able to deport so many of them without calling them scum, trash and filthy animals at his rallies.....

Apparently the key to deportation is making sure you dehumanize them too....

Maybe if we dehumanize the Irish more, it will get them out the country faster...
I already gave you the bottom line

Anyone here illegally must be deported
But take your time on the Irish...they aren't as pushy and dark as those yucky it..
I dont get to choose the skin color of the people who sneak into our country

But they all must go
Trump chooses who he demonizes...and you choose to try to rationalize why he only demonizes people of color....

So no, i don't believe you care about the deportation of ALL ILLEGALS
I am not trying to convince you

But I am telling you how it is whether you believe it or not
Still waiting for you to tell me why Trump only demonizes immigrants of color.....
I already gave you the bottom line

Anyone here illegally must be deported
But take your time on the Irish...they aren't as pushy and dark as those yucky it..
I dont get to choose the skin color of the people who sneak into our country

But they all must go
Trump chooses who he demonizes...and you choose to try to rationalize why he only demonizes people of color....

So no, i don't believe you care about the deportation of ALL ILLEGALS
I am not trying to convince you

But I am telling you how it is whether you believe it or not
Still waiting for you to tell me why Trump only demonizes immigrants of color.....
I dont accept your premise

trump correctly points out to liberals and Tweeners what trump voters already know

illegal aliens commit a lot of crime
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
You’re a big evangelical now, eh? You oppose abortion and homosexuality, too?
Are you an abortion clinic bomber and a homophobe?

Last I know we live in a free country, but with Tramp at the helm and republicans in charge of the Senate its changing.
Ironic your Democrats vow to defend the constitution on one hand yet attempt to take away rights o the citizens on the other hand by force. Plus rules mean nothing to them. Such hypocrites should not be tolerated in public office; and by the looks of things in Virginia the people are rising up to defend their rights against these Democrat fascist scum.

They made laws for unlawful actions would be deemed lawful in Nazi Germany too prior to Hitler's rise to power.

“The law is the law”: Dems threaten to deploy military against cops who refuse to enforce gun laws

Virginia Governor to force people to register firearms. And that's how he'll know what to confiscate.
This is a lie. None of the firearm regulatory measures Democrats support have been invalidated by the Supreme Court, measures which are perfectly constitutional.
I already gave you the bottom line

Anyone here illegally must be deported
But take your time on the Irish...they aren't as pushy and dark as those yucky it..
I dont get to choose the skin color of the people who sneak into our country

But they all must go
Trump chooses who he demonizes...and you choose to try to rationalize why he only demonizes people of color....

So no, i don't believe you care about the deportation of ALL ILLEGALS
I am not trying to convince you

But I am telling you how it is whether you believe it or not
Still waiting for you to tell me why Trump only demonizes immigrants of color.....
I dont think he does
You almost gotta laugh that he only time lefties quote a Christian magazine is when George Soros digs up dirt against the President. It's an op-ed by a former Prespy preacher who quit the flock.
This guy is like the Vindman of the Christian left. He's someone who hates the president and who has been given a platform to spew out his trash. This reminds me once more why I left the Presbyterian church and will never be back.
You almost gotta laugh that he only time lefties quote a Christian magazine is when George Soros digs up dirt against the President. It's an op-ed by a former Prespy preacher who quit the flock.
This guy is like the Vindman of the Christian left. He's someone who hates the president and who has been given a platform to spew out his trash. This reminds me once more why I left the Presbyterian church and will never be back.
When you support a crooked president who trashes our POWs it certainly isn`t much of a reach to do the same to a Purple Heart recipient is it Bone Spur? No church can help you learn right from wrong.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office

The whole premise of this article is they claim the President “coerced” a foreign leader to go after his political opposition. Which is totally false, he asked the foreign leader to look into reopening an investigation into one of their own corrupt companies.

They just want to see VP Pence get sworn in.
And then withheld aid because the Ukraine would not submit. Blackmail.
We are under no obligation to provide “aid” to any nation and our President can withhold any such aid for any reason he wants.

Withholding aid from a corrupt government would be the right thing to do anyway.
Except he can't just hold it up for anything he wants you massive banana. If he held it up until he got his cousin a job that's a freaking HUGE problem. I'm not even sure if the general idea of him being able to indefinitely hold up aid is correct but for sure he can't just have any reason if it's blatantly for his own or someone elses personal gain.

As for corruption, you'd totally have a point if there was any actual evidence he cared about corruption at all. Or that he had ample evidence prior to the aid being approved and held up that Ukraine had taken tons of steps towards rooting out corruption.
I think they do get it and are just deflecting for him. Nobody can be that stupid.
When you support a crooked president who trashes our POWs it certainly isn`t much of a reach to do the same to a Purple Heart recipient is it Bone Spur? No church can help you learn right from wrong.
No it isn't you phony prick when these two individuals have proven themselves to be untrustworthy back biting vipers.
In fact I feel very good rejecting these pro Deep State assholes.
They elected to put themselves ahead of their country and have tried to tear down
our democracy and government. So fuck them. And fuck you, Jack.
Last edited:
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
You’re a big evangelical now, eh? You oppose abortion and homosexuality, too?
Are you an abortion clinic bomber and a homophobe?

Last I know we live in a free country, but with Tramp at the helm and republicans in charge of the Senate its changing.
Ironic your Democrats vow to defend the constitution on one hand yet attempt to take away rights o the citizens on the other hand by force. Plus rules mean nothing to them. Such hypocrites should not be tolerated in public office; and by the looks of things in Virginia the people are rising up to defend their rights against these Democrat fascist scum.

They made laws for unlawful actions would be deemed lawful in Nazi Germany too prior to Hitler's rise to power.

“The law is the law”: Dems threaten to deploy military against cops who refuse to enforce gun laws

Virginia Governor to force people to register firearms. And that's how he'll know what to confiscate.
This is a lie. None of the firearm regulatory measures Democrats support have been invalidated by the Supreme Court, measures which are perfectly constitutional.
You are blind or dishonest. Nothing I posted was a lie. Your Democrats said these things. It is their words in those articles and the people are revolting by coming together and becoming 2A sanctuary counties where sheriffs are vowing to protect their peoples rights: and your Virginia democrat governor is threatening the sheriffs of these counties.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office

The whole premise of this article is they claim the President “coerced” a foreign leader to go after his political opposition. Which is totally false, he asked the foreign leader to look into reopening an investigation into one of their own corrupt companies.

They just want to see VP Pence get sworn in.
And then withheld aid because the Ukraine would not submit. Blackmail.
We are under no obligation to provide “aid” to any nation and our President can withhold any such aid for any reason he wants.

Withholding aid from a corrupt government would be the right thing to do anyway.
Except he can't just hold it up for anything he wants you massive banana. If he held it up until he got his cousin a job that's a freaking HUGE problem. I'm not even sure if the general idea of him being able to indefinitely hold up aid is correct but for sure he can't just have any reason if it's blatantly for his own or someone elses personal gain.

As for corruption, you'd totally have a point if there was any actual evidence he cared about corruption at all. Or that he had ample evidence prior to the aid being approved and held up that Ukraine had taken tons of steps towards rooting out corruption.

We do have proof he cares about corruption. He called out Hillary for being corrupt, and wanted the American public to learn the truth about her deleted emails. We also see that on the call with Ukraine, he asked them to investigate corruption. Ukraine was notorious for being corrupt, all he did was ensure they still weren’t, and the aid was given to them.
You can scream, bitch, and moan about it all you want. It’s not illegal.
Quite the opposite, but you're right in that the two examples you use are exactly alike. He "called out" Hillary for purely political reasons, when he was running against her for President. It's the same for Biden, purely based on the fact that he's a political rival. He didn't ask about corruption, he asked about Biden, and Bidens son.

Come on man, how much time did Donald have to care about this Burisma shit before suddenly, he only cared once Biden decided to jump into the race for President. If he had bugged the Ukraine about it a year ago, two years ago you're case is soooo much stronger, but the timing is suspicious all on it's own. The timing plus the very specific request is even more suspicious, because he didn't ask about the Anti-corruption work in general at all, not even once. He wouldn't have had too though, because the Ambassador had already documented that they had substantial work being done in that sector but I digress. And don't pretend like Aid getting released and the request in anyway line up time wise, that didn't happen until after everyone knew there was a hold and it looked suspicious as heck.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office

Your personal distaste of a person doesn't supersede our democratic process.
Your personal distaste for Impeachment doesn't make it any less a part of our democratic republic? They're both just as much a part of this nation as one another. This idea that one is valid and one isn't doesn't make any sense.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office

Your personal distaste of a person doesn't supersede our democratic process.
Your personal distaste for Impeachment doesn't make it any less a part of our democratic republic? They're both just as much a part of this nation as one another. This idea that one is valid and one isn't doesn't make any sense.

Impeachment without a crime is just a coup.
The whole premise of this article is they claim the President “coerced” a foreign leader to go after his political opposition. Which is totally false, he asked the foreign leader to look into reopening an investigation into one of their own corrupt companies.

They just want to see VP Pence get sworn in.
And then withheld aid because the Ukraine would not submit. Blackmail.
We are under no obligation to provide “aid” to any nation and our President can withhold any such aid for any reason he wants.

Withholding aid from a corrupt government would be the right thing to do anyway.
Except he can't just hold it up for anything he wants you massive banana. If he held it up until he got his cousin a job that's a freaking HUGE problem. I'm not even sure if the general idea of him being able to indefinitely hold up aid is correct but for sure he can't just have any reason if it's blatantly for his own or someone elses personal gain.

As for corruption, you'd totally have a point if there was any actual evidence he cared about corruption at all. Or that he had ample evidence prior to the aid being approved and held up that Ukraine had taken tons of steps towards rooting out corruption.

We do have proof he cares about corruption. He called out Hillary for being corrupt, and wanted the American public to learn the truth about her deleted emails. We also see that on the call with Ukraine, he asked them to investigate corruption. Ukraine was notorious for being corrupt, all he did was ensure they still weren’t, and the aid was given to them.
You can scream, bitch, and moan about it all you want. It’s not illegal.
Quite the opposite, but you're right in that the two examples you use are exactly alike. He "called out" Hillary for purely political reasons, when he was running against her for President. It's the same for Biden, purely based on the fact that he's a political rival. He didn't ask about corruption, he asked about Biden, and Bidens son.

Come on man, how much time did Donald have to care about this Burisma shit before suddenly, he only cared once Biden decided to jump into the race for President. If he had bugged the Ukraine about it a year ago, two years ago you're case is soooo much stronger, but the timing is suspicious all on it's own. The timing plus the very specific request is even more suspicious, because he didn't ask about the Anti-corruption work in general at all, not even once. He wouldn't have had too though, because the Ambassador had already documented that they had substantial work being done in that sector but I digress. And don't pretend like Aid getting released and the request in anyway line up time wise, that didn't happen until after everyone knew there was a hold and it looked suspicious as heck.

Why did the President wait until this last summer to ask about corruption from the Ukrainian President? Because they had just elected a new President. The previous administration is the one that Biden bribed with a billion of our tax dollars to drop the investigations into Burisma. Why the hell would President Trump even bother asking the previous regime since they were clearly corrupt? There was a chance the new President of Ukraine was clean and willing to reopen investigations.

That clear enough for you about “the timing?”
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office

Your personal distaste of a person doesn't supersede our democratic process.
Your personal distaste for Impeachment doesn't make it any less a part of our democratic republic? They're both just as much a part of this nation as one another. This idea that one is valid and one isn't doesn't make any sense.

Impeachment without a crime is just a coup.
Except it's not. Lindsey Graham said it best "You don't even have to commit a crime, to be impeached". I paraphrased, but yeah it's about keeping the honor of the office more then locking someone up, you can be arrested or not after that. Impeachment was never a criminal proceeding and it doesn't try to be. Alexander Hamilton made it 100% clear that an impeachable offense need not be a one that can be prosecuted in criminal court or the like a cursory google search is all you really need to find this out.

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