Christianity today magazine gets it

The whole premise of this article is they claim the President “coerced” a foreign leader to go after his political opposition. Which is totally false, he asked the foreign leader to look into reopening an investigation into one of their own corrupt companies.

They just want to see VP Pence get sworn in.
And then withheld aid because the Ukraine would not submit. Blackmail.
We are under no obligation to provide “aid” to any nation and our President can withhold any such aid for any reason he wants.

Withholding aid from a corrupt government would be the right thing to do anyway.
Except he can't just hold it up for anything he wants you massive banana. If he held it up until he got his cousin a job that's a freaking HUGE problem. I'm not even sure if the general idea of him being able to indefinitely hold up aid is correct but for sure he can't just have any reason if it's blatantly for his own or someone elses personal gain.

As for corruption, you'd totally have a point if there was any actual evidence he cared about corruption at all. Or that he had ample evidence prior to the aid being approved and held up that Ukraine had taken tons of steps towards rooting out corruption.

We do have proof he cares about corruption. He called out Hillary for being corrupt, and wanted the American public to learn the truth about her deleted emails. We also see that on the call with Ukraine, he asked them to investigate corruption. Ukraine was notorious for being corrupt, all he did was ensure they still weren’t, and the aid was given to them.
You can scream, bitch, and moan about it all you want. It’s not illegal.
Quite the opposite, but you're right in that the two examples you use are exactly alike. He "called out" Hillary for purely political reasons, when he was running against her for President. It's the same for Biden, purely based on the fact that he's a political rival. He didn't ask about corruption, he asked about Biden, and Bidens son.

Come on man, how much time did Donald have to care about this Burisma shit before suddenly, he only cared once Biden decided to jump into the race for President. If he had bugged the Ukraine about it a year ago, two years ago you're case is soooo much stronger, but the timing is suspicious all on it's own. The timing plus the very specific request is even more suspicious, because he didn't ask about the Anti-corruption work in general at all, not even once. He wouldn't have had too though, because the Ambassador had already documented that they had substantial work being done in that sector but I digress. And don't pretend like Aid getting released and the request in anyway line up time wise, that didn't happen until after everyone knew there was a hold and it looked suspicious as heck.
From the dates I found online Biden did not say he was running for president in 2020 until after an investigation was already under way by Giuliani that started in 2018.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office

Your personal distaste of a person doesn't supersede our democratic process.
Your personal distaste for Impeachment doesn't make it any less a part of our democratic republic? They're both just as much a part of this nation as one another. This idea that one is valid and one isn't doesn't make any sense.

Impeachment without a crime is just a coup.
Except it's not. Lindsey Graham said it best "You don't even have to commit a crime, to be impeached". I paraphrased, but yeah it's about keeping the honor of the office more then locking someone up, you can be arrested or not after that. Impeachment was never a criminal proceeding and it doesn't try to be. Alexander Hamilton made it 100% clear that an impeachable offense need not be a one that can be prosecuted in criminal court or the like a cursory google search is all you really need to find this out.

Trump did nothing illegal nor corrupt. To overthrow Trump would mean war, the shooting kind. Careful what ya wish for. If you dislike Trump, support an alternate candidate and persuade your fellow citizens to vote for them. But, if you want to do away with elections, I'm more than willing to meet you in the street to discuss, if you catch my drift.
Trump did nothing illegal nor corrupt. To overthrow Trump would mean war, the shooting kind. Careful what ya wish for. If you dislike Trump, support an alternate candidate and persuade your fellow citizens to vote for them. But, if you want to do away with elections, I'm more than willing to meet you in the street to discuss, if you catch my drift.
I'm pretty much with Rod on this one. The Democrats like Clinton and such have been using the country's resources to thug around the world for so long they believe it is their right to do so. Just like the Nazi's they have used the Muslim Brotherhood as a club too. Neither Rod or I believe that the people will take this all sitting down much longer even if these corrupt Democrats and some of the corrupt Republicans (thank God McCain is gone) think they will and it can be the same ole same ole war mongering crap from them.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office

Your personal distaste of a person doesn't supersede our democratic process.
Your personal distaste for Impeachment doesn't make it any less a part of our democratic republic? They're both just as much a part of this nation as one another. This idea that one is valid and one isn't doesn't make any sense.

Impeachment without a crime is just a coup.
Except it's not. Lindsey Graham said it best "You don't even have to commit a crime, to be impeached". I paraphrased, but yeah it's about keeping the honor of the office more then locking someone up, you can be arrested or not after that. Impeachment was never a criminal proceeding and it doesn't try to be. Alexander Hamilton made it 100% clear that an impeachable offense need not be a one that can be prosecuted in criminal court or the like a cursory google search is all you really need to find this out.

Trump did nothing illegal nor corrupt. To overthrow Trump would mean war, the shooting kind. Careful what ya wish for. If you dislike Trump, support an alternate candidate and persuade your fellow citizens to vote for them. But, if you want to do away with elections, I'm more than willing to meet you in the street to discuss, if you catch my drift.
I'm not going to try and debate you on if he did or not, you're obviously not open to the idea. That being said, if you really thing a bunch of people are going to start shooting because Trump gets impeached you don't know shit about modern America. It won't be a war, it'll be a really small fraction of overzealous people who we're just looking for the excuse in the first place.

Because again, you can't be happy with the election then so mad to start shooting at people...both are equally valid in the United States of America.
I'm not going to try and debate you on if he did or not, you're obviously not open to the idea. That being said, if you really thing a bunch of people are going to start shooting because Trump gets impeached you don't know shit about modern America. It won't be a war, it'll be a really small fraction of overzealous people who we're just looking for the excuse in the first place.

Because again, you can't be happy with the election then so mad to start shooting at people...both are equally valid in the United States of America.

Did you support impeaching Obama when he used the IRS to prevent some Americans from being able to participate in the 2012 election? Of course you didn't and that's because you're a fascist.
I'm not going to try and debate you on if he did or not, you're obviously not open to the idea. That being said, if you really thing a bunch of people are going to start shooting because Trump gets impeached you don't know shit about modern America. It won't be a war, it'll be a really small fraction of overzealous people who we're just looking for the excuse in the first place.

Because again, you can't be happy with the election then so mad to start shooting at people...both are equally valid in the United States of America.

Did you support impeaching Obama when he used the IRS to prevent some Americans from being able to participate in the 2012 election? Of course you didn't and that's because you're a fascist.
Did we.... exist in different timelines? Because IF any report or investigation had said that Obama himself had ordered the IRS to restrict Conservative Super PAC's, you might have a point. But I don't think that happened, what I remember is the IRS decided themselves to do it. Is there perhaps a Phone Call transcript you have that puts Obama there, telling them to do it?

And I'm not a fascist, I wish every Super freaking PAC would go the hell away. The idea is stupid and part of the problem, but that's a different topic all together.
I'm not going to try and debate you on if he did or not, you're obviously not open to the idea. That being said, if you really thing a bunch of people are going to start shooting because Trump gets impeached you don't know shit about modern America. It won't be a war, it'll be a really small fraction of overzealous people who we're just looking for the excuse in the first place.

Because again, you can't be happy with the election then so mad to start shooting at people...both are equally valid in the United States of America.

Did you support impeaching Obama when he used the IRS to prevent some Americans from being able to participate in the 2012 election? Of course you didn't and that's because you're a fascist.
Did we.... exist in different timelines? Because IF any report or investigation had said that Obama himself had ordered the IRS to restrict Conservative Super PAC's, you might have a point. But I don't think that happened, what I remember is the IRS decided themselves to do it. Is there perhaps a Phone Call transcript you have that puts Obama there, telling them to do it?

And I'm not a fascist, I wish every Super freaking PAC would go the hell away. The idea is stupid and part of the problem, but that's a different topic all together.

During the middle of the IRS "investigation", Obama said there wasn't a "smidgen" of corruption. IRS executives then plead the fifth when brought in before Congress to testify. Yea, Obama knew. Yea, Obama was behind it, with some help from John McCain as well.

Did you complain when Hillary set up a secret server to conduct state business (and monkey business, no doubt) in order to escape oversight from the people? Did you complain when Hillary destroyed evidence that was under a congressional subpoena? Yea, I didn't think so.

But now you want to impeach Trump because he asked Ukraine to look into possible fraud by former American officials?

Yea, you're a fascist. You love government more than you love your fellow citizens, which is a tenet of fascism.

How do you feel about Obama using the CIA (and other agencies) to spy on the Trump campaign? Is that an "abuse of power"? Was that not "election meddling"? Why was that ok but Trump asking the Ukraine to look into possible malfeasance by former U.S. government officials is NOT ok?
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office

Your personal distaste of a person doesn't supersede our democratic process.
Your personal distaste for Impeachment doesn't make it any less a part of our democratic republic? They're both just as much a part of this nation as one another. This idea that one is valid and one isn't doesn't make any sense.

Impeachment without a crime is just a coup.

What is the crime of having a blowjob?
And then withheld aid because the Ukraine would not submit. Blackmail.
We are under no obligation to provide “aid” to any nation and our President can withhold any such aid for any reason he wants.

Withholding aid from a corrupt government would be the right thing to do anyway.
Except he can't just hold it up for anything he wants you massive banana. If he held it up until he got his cousin a job that's a freaking HUGE problem. I'm not even sure if the general idea of him being able to indefinitely hold up aid is correct but for sure he can't just have any reason if it's blatantly for his own or someone elses personal gain.

As for corruption, you'd totally have a point if there was any actual evidence he cared about corruption at all. Or that he had ample evidence prior to the aid being approved and held up that Ukraine had taken tons of steps towards rooting out corruption.

We do have proof he cares about corruption. He called out Hillary for being corrupt, and wanted the American public to learn the truth about her deleted emails. We also see that on the call with Ukraine, he asked them to investigate corruption. Ukraine was notorious for being corrupt, all he did was ensure they still weren’t, and the aid was given to them.
You can scream, bitch, and moan about it all you want. It’s not illegal.
Quite the opposite, but you're right in that the two examples you use are exactly alike. He "called out" Hillary for purely political reasons, when he was running against her for President. It's the same for Biden, purely based on the fact that he's a political rival. He didn't ask about corruption, he asked about Biden, and Bidens son.

Come on man, how much time did Donald have to care about this Burisma shit before suddenly, he only cared once Biden decided to jump into the race for President. If he had bugged the Ukraine about it a year ago, two years ago you're case is soooo much stronger, but the timing is suspicious all on it's own. The timing plus the very specific request is even more suspicious, because he didn't ask about the Anti-corruption work in general at all, not even once. He wouldn't have had too though, because the Ambassador had already documented that they had substantial work being done in that sector but I digress. And don't pretend like Aid getting released and the request in anyway line up time wise, that didn't happen until after everyone knew there was a hold and it looked suspicious as heck.
From the dates I found online Biden did not say he was running for president in 2020 until after an investigation was already under way by Giuliani that started in 2018.

And Giuliani and tramp knew he was.
We are under no obligation to provide “aid” to any nation and our President can withhold any such aid for any reason he wants.

Withholding aid from a corrupt government would be the right thing to do anyway.
Except he can't just hold it up for anything he wants you massive banana. If he held it up until he got his cousin a job that's a freaking HUGE problem. I'm not even sure if the general idea of him being able to indefinitely hold up aid is correct but for sure he can't just have any reason if it's blatantly for his own or someone elses personal gain.

As for corruption, you'd totally have a point if there was any actual evidence he cared about corruption at all. Or that he had ample evidence prior to the aid being approved and held up that Ukraine had taken tons of steps towards rooting out corruption.

We do have proof he cares about corruption. He called out Hillary for being corrupt, and wanted the American public to learn the truth about her deleted emails. We also see that on the call with Ukraine, he asked them to investigate corruption. Ukraine was notorious for being corrupt, all he did was ensure they still weren’t, and the aid was given to them.
You can scream, bitch, and moan about it all you want. It’s not illegal.
Quite the opposite, but you're right in that the two examples you use are exactly alike. He "called out" Hillary for purely political reasons, when he was running against her for President. It's the same for Biden, purely based on the fact that he's a political rival. He didn't ask about corruption, he asked about Biden, and Bidens son.

Come on man, how much time did Donald have to care about this Burisma shit before suddenly, he only cared once Biden decided to jump into the race for President. If he had bugged the Ukraine about it a year ago, two years ago you're case is soooo much stronger, but the timing is suspicious all on it's own. The timing plus the very specific request is even more suspicious, because he didn't ask about the Anti-corruption work in general at all, not even once. He wouldn't have had too though, because the Ambassador had already documented that they had substantial work being done in that sector but I digress. And don't pretend like Aid getting released and the request in anyway line up time wise, that didn't happen until after everyone knew there was a hold and it looked suspicious as heck.
From the dates I found online Biden did not say he was running for president in 2020 until after an investigation was already under way by Giuliani that started in 2018.

And Giuliani and tramp knew he was.
Biden did not announce until April 2019. Previous to that he said he wasn't going to run for president. I'm sure you can find those videos still.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
You’re a big evangelical now, eh? You oppose abortion and homosexuality, too?
Are you an abortion clinic bomber and a homophobe?

Last I know we live in a free country, but with Tramp at the helm and republicans in charge of the Senate its changing.
The only change is in the reduction of restrictions and regulations, creating more freedom.
The left and their media believe they've found a NEW story here. The truth is, this organization has been against Trump from the start.
Unlike our fake Christians, these people are calling out Trump for his war on real Christianity.
Trump Should Be Removed from Office
You’re a big evangelical now, eh? You oppose abortion and homosexuality, too?
Are you an abortion clinic bomber and a homophobe?

Nobody can pick the real from the fake Christians like an anti-Christian zealot. They are all self proclaimed experts.

You almost gotta laugh that he only time lefties quote a Christian magazine is when George Soros digs up dirt against the President. It's an op-ed by a former Prespy preacher who quit the flock.
It only took 69 posts before someone brought up their FOX news bogeyman. What ever happened to Sharpton and Jackson?

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