Citizen's home is raided because of a Facebook posting

Please, someone, post something that would lead a person of average intelligence to think the visit to this dude's house is the result of that photograph.

Please post something that would lead anyone other than a moron to think it wasn't a result of that photo.
We also have multiple news services who saw the blog, investigated, and reported the same story. One would think that, since most reporters would love to paint this exactly the same way you are, one of them would have delighted in coming up with a police source that flat out denied that it happened.

The same story....with no police agency name, no number of cops, no name of any social agent/agency....just one guy's word repeated from here.

Pardon me if I remain unconvinced at this moment.

And no denials from anyone.

Let me repeat that, No denials.

From anyone.

Oh Geesh! :rolleyes:
Not quite:

Definition of RAID

a : a hostile or predatory incursion
b : a surprise attack by a small force
a : a brief foray outside one's usual sphere
b : a sudden invasion by officers of the law
c : a daring operation against a competitor
d : the recruiting of personnel (as faculty, executives, or athletes) from competing organizations
: the act of mulcting public money
: an attempt by professional operators to depress stock prices by concerted selling

Raid - Definition and More from the Free Merriam-Webster Dictionary

I don't see the police showing up without an invitation as a hostile or predatory incursion, an attack or sudden invasion.

The police showed up, they asked if they could see the weapons, they were told to fuck off and they left. Doesn't sound like a raid to me.

The police show up, carrying weapons, and you don't see that as hostile? Do you have any idea of the legacy of liberals you just threw under the bus?

ALL police carry weapons. So what? Are you going to say routine traffic stops and noise complaints are hostile and count as raids too? :cuckoo:

According to police officers, routine traffic stops are the most dangerous thing they do. That means they approach those stops with the knowledge that they could end up in a hostile situation. That makes those stops hostile until they are proven otherwise. They are not, however, raids.

You are intelligent. Why post as though you are not?

He's is committing all his eggs into this guy's basket. If this story ends up to NOT be what that guy is claiming....a police raid to take his guns based solely on a facebook pic of his son.....don't expect QW to admit he was wrong. He's invested too much into this now.
Yes....I would. There has to be something there beside one side of the story.

Bull. Almost all stories break because of information from "one" side. And as far as paranoia goes it seems you are the one wearing tinfoil with your pics or it didnt happen childish responses.

The DFS agency clearly stated that they are bound to investigate claims of child neglect etc. Then they went on to say its none of your business what exactly they did in this case.
The fathers lawyer confirmed he spoke with police and informed them to leave.

What the fuck else do you want? A notorized affidavit addressed directly to you?


We have a BLOG...we have one guy who says this happened...for the reasons he says they happened......and that's all we've got........and I'm the "idiot"?

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

Multiple news media outlets have picked up on the story. Yes, you are the idiot.
We live in a country with 300 million people and thousands of municipalities. There will be cases of government overreach and cases of government neglect. The idea that every isolated case of either is a sign of the apocalypse is something that should be reserved for the least among us.

Maybe I overestimate those who frequent this forum.

You are intelligent. Why post as though you are not?

He's is committing all his eggs into this guy's basket. If this story ends up to NOT be what that guy is claiming....a police raid to take his guns based solely on a facebook pic of his son.....don't expect QW to admit he was wrong. He's invested too much into this now.

He didn't claim the pilice wanted to take his guns. He said they demanded he open his gun safe so they could inspect them.

That makes YOU the only confirmed liar to this point.
We live in a country with 300 million people and thousands of municipalities. There will be cases of government overreach and cases of government neglect. The idea that every isolated case of either is a sign of the apocalypse is something that should be reserved for the least among us.

Maybe I overestimate those who frequent this forum.

Maybe you read something in the op about an apocalypse but I sure didn't type that.

Seems we have liar number 2
Well on a follow up by Fox News this is what Child Services said. So how do we get a confirmation?

And this is from the Examiner. Not a blog. So screw off if you don't like the source. Take a freaking enema.

According to Fox News, a spokesperson for the Department of Children and Families said, due to government regulations, they could not confirm or deny if the raid on the Moore home had actually taken place.

"The department has a child abuse hotline for the state of New Jersey and anybody can make a call to that hotline," said spokesperson Kristen Brown. "We are required to follow up on every single allegation that comes into the central registry."

NRA instructor's home raided over Facebook photo - National Conservative |
Well on a follow up by Fox News this is what Child Services said. So how do we get a confirmation?

And this is from the Examiner. Not a blog. So screw off if you don't like the source. Take a freaking enema.

According to Fox News, a spokesperson for the Department of Children and Families said, due to government regulations, they could not confirm or deny if the raid on the Moore home had actually taken place.

"The department has a child abuse hotline for the state of New Jersey and anybody can make a call to that hotline," said spokesperson Kristen Brown. "We are required to follow up on every single allegation that comes into the central registry."

NRA instructor's home raided over Facebook photo - National Conservative |

Well that confirms the guy's story completely. No.....wait......
Well on a follow up by Fox News this is what Child Services said. So how do we get a confirmation?

And this is from the Examiner. Not a blog. So screw off if you don't like the source. Take a freaking enema.

According to Fox News, a spokesperson for the Department of Children and Families said, due to government regulations, they could not confirm or deny if the raid on the Moore home had actually taken place.

"The department has a child abuse hotline for the state of New Jersey and anybody can make a call to that hotline," said spokesperson Kristen Brown. "We are required to follow up on every single allegation that comes into the central registry."

NRA instructor's home raided over Facebook photo - National Conservative |

Sounds sensationalized, they are required to check things out. I would be upset as well if it were me; I would even call it a raid...

You are intelligent. Why post as though you are not?

He's is committing all his eggs into this guy's basket. If this story ends up to NOT be what that guy is claiming....a police raid to take his guns based solely on a facebook pic of his son.....don't expect QW to admit he was wrong. He's invested too much into this now.

I am not putting my eggs in anyone's basket. The reason I believe this particular claim is that I can point to dozens of claims, backed up by police, that make this look like the government did everything right. Even if it turns out this is an exaggeration I still get to point out all the other abuses of power by police. On the other hand, if this turns out to be true, all you have is your belief in a system that makes this look routine.

By the way, who, other than the people who are insisting they are not there to takes his guns, even mentioned taking his guns?
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Did they cross the property line without permission?
Sounds like they knocked on the door and wife let them in.
QuantumWindbag6978982 said:
Did they try to bullshit their way through the door and intimidate the legal owners of the property?
Nope. Doesn't sound like it.

It was a raid.
Sorry. No raid here.

Sounds like they had no business being there without a warrant, that just makes it worse.
We live in a country with 300 million people and thousands of municipalities. There will be cases of government overreach and cases of government neglect. The idea that every isolated case of either is a sign of the apocalypse is something that should be reserved for the least among us.

Maybe I overestimate those who frequent this forum.

Let me see if I understand your position.

Government overreach is excusable because, umm, well, its the government, and they are doing their job. The fact that people die a s a direct result of this overreach is also excusable, but we have to do something about the fact that fewer people die as a result of the fact that there are legal guns out there in the hands of responsible owners.

Does that sum it up?

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