CNN is not fake news........Trump is a fake President

As usual, when the facts come out, Trump turns out to be the one not telling the truth

CNN reported that Trump had been briefed that Russian agents had a dossier of claims on Trump personal and business dealings

Trump was outraged at CNN accusing them of making it up

Turns out....Yes America, FBI Director Comey DID brief Trump on Russia having information on him


Ax yourselves this, dimocrap scum......


Even the Liar in Chief questioned why it was in the briefing

But you won't, dims. You just swallow the pablum the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media feeds you

Every time. All the time

CNN said it was included and it was

Trump needs to be aware of potentially damaging information against him. We still don't know the extent of the information that Russia has on Trump

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As usual, when the facts come out, Trump turns out to be the one not telling the truth

CNN reported that Trump had been briefed that Russian agents had a dossier of claims on Trump personal and business dealings

Trump was outraged at CNN accusing them of making it up

Turns out....Yes America, FBI Director Comey DID brief Trump on Russia having information on him


Ax yourselves this, dimocrap scum......


Even the Liar in Chief questioned why it was in the briefing

But you won't, dims. You just swallow the pablum the DISGUSTING FILTH in the Lame Stream Media feeds you

Every time. All the time

CNN said it was included and it was

Trump needs to be aware of potentially damaging information against him. We still don't know the extent of the information that Russia has on Trump
I heard, from undated sources, Russia has pics of Obama naked and George Soros fuckimg him up the....

Well, it's all the the dossier...
The idiots on the right claim CNN's story is fake. Thanks for demonstrating the brain-dead right can't prove their mass hallucination.

I've asked two lefties on here today to prove their claims on statements they made. Neither have yet continue to claim they're true.
Cool, another post from the brain-dead right which fails to prove CNN's article was fake. :thup:

If CNN posts it, it's their place to prove it's true. That's something you lefties don't get.

I claim you're a faggot that sucks dicks. According to how you look at things, I don't have to prove that claim. You have to disprove it.
Unlike you, CNN has sources which support their reporting; whereas all you have are your homo-erotic fantasies.
As usual, when the facts come out, Trump turns out to be the one not telling the truth

CNN reported that Trump had been briefed that Russian agents had a dossier of claims on Trump personal and business dealings

Trump was outraged at CNN accusing them of making it up

Turns out....Yes America, FBI Director Comey DID brief Trump on Russia having information on him

Thanks for admitting CNN got their report right. :thup:
Prove he was...
The idiots on the right claim CNN's story is fake. Thanks for demonstrating the brain-dead right can't prove their mass hallucination.

I've asked two lefties on here today to prove their claims on statements they made. Neither have yet continue to claim they're true.
Cool, another post from the brain-dead right which fails to prove CNN's article was fake. :thup:

If CNN posts it, it's their place to prove it's true. That's something you lefties don't get.

I claim you're a faggot that sucks dicks. According to how you look at things, I don't have to prove that claim. You have to disprove it.
Unlike you, CNN has sources which support their reporting; whereas all you have are your homo-erotic fantasies.

Stating what you do has nothing to do with fantasies. It has to do with facts. I stated one about you and used the standard by which you support CNN.

If CNN's sources support their reporting, where is that proof? That's right. There is none.
As usual, when the facts come out, Trump turns out to be the one not telling the truth

CNN reported that Trump had been briefed that Russian agents had a dossier of claims on Trump personal and business dealings

Trump was outraged at CNN accusing them of making it up

Turns out....Yes America, FBI Director Comey DID brief Trump on Russia having information on him

Thanks for admitting CNN got their report right. :thup:

Based on your claim they did?
The idiots on the right claim CNN's story is fake. Thanks for demonstrating the brain-dead right can't prove their mass hallucination.

I've asked two lefties on here today to prove their claims on statements they made. Neither have yet continue to claim they're true.
Cool, another post from the brain-dead right which fails to prove CNN's article was fake. :thup:

If CNN posts it, it's their place to prove it's true. That's something you lefties don't get.

I claim you're a faggot that sucks dicks. According to how you look at things, I don't have to prove that claim. You have to disprove it.
Unlike you, CNN has sources which support their reporting; whereas all you have are your homo-erotic fantasies.

Stating what you do has nothing to do with fantasies. It has to do with facts. I stated one about you and used the standard by which you support CNN.

If CNN's sources support their reporting, where is that proof? That's right. There is none.
Sadly, you're too retarded to grasp the simple concept that CNN's claims were based upon multiple sources whereas you claims are based upon your own personal homo-erotic fantasies. That you're incapable of discerning the difference is no ones problem but your own.
Based on your claim they did?

They did. But they still shouldn't have reported it.

Goes like this, "I heard Frawn likes to hang out behind the Bowling Alley and suck the private parts of people. I don't believe it. I think it's false. The people that told me about it hate Frawn so I have no reason to believe them. Plus, I've asked around and I can't find ANYONE to corroborate the story so, I believe it to be false.

But I'm going to report it anyway because, you know, it's news. Even though it's false/fake news."

CNN is toast. They're gonzo.
As usual, when the facts come out, Trump turns out to be the one not telling the truth

CNN reported that Trump had been briefed that Russian agents had a dossier of claims on Trump personal and business dealings

Trump was outraged at CNN accusing them of making it up

Turns out....Yes America, FBI Director Comey DID brief Trump on Russia having information on him

Thanks for admitting CNN got their report right. :thup:

Based on your claim they did?
No, based on Edgetho's. He just admitted the brief contained that "non-story," which is what CNN reported.
No, based on Edgetho's. He just admitted the brief contained that "non-story," which is what CNN reported.

"Admitted"?? What is this, some kind of childish 'Truth or Dare' game??

Of course the briefing contained it. The question is, 1) Why? Why did teh FBI, the CIA, the NSA and MI decide to brief the President and the President Elect about a NON STORY?? Why??

And 2) Why did CNN decide to report on something they KNEW to be false?

That it was contained in a 'briefing' is irrelevant. CNN reported it, thereby giving it validity.
No, based on Edgetho's. He just admitted the brief contained that "non-story," which is what CNN reported.

"Admitted"?? What is this, some kind of childish 'Truth or Dare' game??

Of course the briefing contained it. The question is, 1) Why? Why did teh FBI, the CIA, the NSA and MI decide to brief the President and the President Elect about a NON STORY?? Why??

And 2) Why did CNN decide to report on something they KNEW to be false?

That it was contained in a 'briefing' is irrelevant. CNN reported it, thereby giving it validity.

BTW, how'd that child molestation charge against you go?
Who says it's not credible? The FBI is investigating it which makes it credible. That it was included with an intelligence briefing makes it credible. But the right is clamoring about CNN posting fake news because team Trump denied the summary was with the brief. CNN has proven the summary was included and you admitted it as well. CNN's report was spot on.

Btw, I've never molested any children nor ever been charged. I strongly recommend you drop that insanity.
As usual, when the facts come out, Trump turns out to be the one not telling the truth

CNN reported that Trump had been briefed that Russian agents had a dossier of claims on Trump personal and business dealings

Trump was outraged at CNN accusing them of making it up

Turns out....Yes America, FBI Director Comey DID brief Trump on Russia having information on him


So much for you wanting to see his succeed or to be judged on his policies and results.

I understand. You want to marginalize MIddle America forever.
Huh? How do you extrapolate that from rightwinger's post??

It's a reference to other threads where he claimed he wanted Trump to succeed.
More recycled lying liberal bullshit, waste of bandwidth from liberal liars as usual.
As usual, when the facts come out, Trump turns out to be the one not telling the truth

CNN reported that Trump had been briefed that Russian agents had a dossier of claims on Trump personal and business dealings

Trump was outraged at CNN accusing them of making it up

Turns out....Yes America, FBI Director Comey DID brief Trump on Russia having information on him

Once again you're full of shit....there was no "briefing" on that matter. Comey supposedly took Trump aside after the briefing and said there was a document circulating around about some something the russians had on him. Knowing it wasn't true, and the fact Comey told him there was nothing to it, Trump disregarded it. You are either willfully stupid and too lazy to find out the facts or willfully lying about them.
As usual, when the facts come out, Trump turns out to be the one not telling the truth

CNN reported that Trump had been briefed that Russian agents had a dossier of claims on Trump personal and business dealings

Trump was outraged at CNN accusing them of making it up

Turns out....Yes America, FBI Director Comey DID brief Trump on Russia having information on him

Once again you're full of shit....there was no "briefing" on that matter. Comey supposedly took Trump aside after the briefing and said there was a document circulating around about some something the russians had on him. Knowing it wasn't true, and the fact Comey told him there was nothing to it, Trump disregarded it. You are either willfully stupid and too lazy to find out the facts or willfully lying about them.

Don't waste your time... he knows this, reality doesn't matter in his world. He's a liberal nutjob. All you need to know is these nitwits thought The Daily Show was news.
Don't waste your time... he knows this, reality doesn't matter in his world. He's a liberal nutjobs that. All you need to know is these nitwits thought The Daily Show was news.

I know. He likes to troll my threads so I've decided to troll him....when nobody backs him he scampers off.

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