Comey confirms what Trump said all along: He told Trump he wasn't under investigation

"So Comey told Jeff Sessions he didn't want to be alone with Trump. Women across the country can relate." - Crazy Maxine Waters

all that liberals have left is the women's card
Trump had a right to be cleared publicly if he was not personally under investigation He also is correct that it was a cloud over his administration and he owed it to the nation and those who elected Trump to enact his campaign promises. The Democrats were piggybacking off of this investigation and milking it for the very fact that there was ambiguity and they were going to tell the voters in 2018 with certainty that Trump is guilty, even though they probably know there's little there.

I am not a lawyer or an investigating officer, but I don't see this as being obstruction. All presidents make requests of their agencies, if not them then the DOJ does. If someone is going to tell me that the former administration didn't interfere in the Clinton investigation than I have a bridge for sale. Her crimes dwarf anything that Trump has done, unless some evidence comes out to prove otherwise.

Therefore, if she was not up for charges, there is a far greater case that there was obstruction in her case, especially considering how much she has profited financially from her position, than surely Trump is not.

Someone in his administration? Maybe. Trump himself? I don't believe so at this point, not even close.

DT probably owes billions to Putins bank, Clinton is a rose compared to DT. DT has never been a moral man.

More accusations, the word probably gave you away, I wouldn't want any liberals on my jury, you know the whole innocent till proven guilty thing gets in a liberals way.

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Ya...nothing like the conservatives treatment of Hillary :eusa_think:
Trump had a right to be cleared publicly if he was not personally under investigation He also is correct that it was a cloud over his administration and he owed it to the nation and those who elected Trump to enact his campaign promises. The Democrats were piggybacking off of this investigation and milking it for the very fact that there was ambiguity and they were going to tell the voters in 2018 with certainty that Trump is guilty, even though they probably know there's little there.

I am not a lawyer or an investigating officer, but I don't see this as being obstruction. All presidents make requests of their agencies, if not them then the DOJ does. If someone is going to tell me that the former administration didn't interfere in the Clinton investigation than I have a bridge for sale. Her crimes dwarf anything that Trump has done, unless some evidence comes out to prove otherwise.

Therefore, if she was not up for charges, there is a far greater case that there was obstruction in her case, especially considering how much she has profited financially from her position, than surely Trump is not.

Someone in his administration? Maybe. Trump himself? I don't believe so at this point, not even close.

DT probably owes billions to Putins bank, Clinton is a rose compared to DT. DT has never been a moral man.

More accusations, the word probably gave you away, I wouldn't want any liberals on my jury, you know the whole innocent till proven guilty thing gets in a liberals way.

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Ya...nothing like the conservatives treatment of Hillary :eusa_think:
the difference being that Hillary DID lie, and was busted lying, and dud break the law...but wasn't prosecuted. Everybody acknowledges her lies, corruption, and criminality....but nobody, including comey, would act on it.

Trump has been found to have committed no crimes, to have told no lies, and comey and the lying journalists have been exposed.

Hillary and holder will end their days in prison, if they don't croak first. And maybe Obama, too.
With Comey a dud and leakers scared, what the hell will the Media find to talk about? It will be like arguing football AFTER the Superbowl.
An FBI director should never be loyal to the President, and Comey had a 10 year job (unless fired) so why was he fired, for being a showboat??

Any new member and all members of Trump admin is loyal to him, not the country or people that pay their salaries, and the new FBI director would have to be crooked if loyal to Trump first. One can't trust anyone that DT hires, no one.

You should write comedy

Are you saying a FBI director has loyalty for the POTUS first and foremost?? before the country? I suppose you are a gun toting 2nd amendment freak.

I'm saying you must have been asleep next to Rip Van Winkle during the Obama Administration. He spied on Americans, threatened reporters and got Brian Terry killed by running guns to Mexican drug Lords
as well as four americans in Benghazi.

Unfortunately for you Benghazi investigations, all 8 of them are over. But you bring up a great point here. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018.

This is why Republicans are left with 2 options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 & beyond

Trump has already admitted Obstruction of Justice in an NBC television interview. That is an impeachable offense.

"President Trump on Thursday said he was thinking of “this Russia thing with Trump” when he decided to fire FBI Director James B. Comey, who had been leading the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.

Recounting his decision to dismiss Comey, Trump told NBC News, “In fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.’”

Trump’s account flatly contradicts the White House’s initial account of how the president arrived at his decision, undercutting public denials by his aides that the move was influenced in any way by his growing fury with the ongoing Russia probe."
Trump said he was thinking of Russia controversy when he decided to fire Comey

I really don't know what Republican House and Senate members are waiting for. The longer Trump is in office the more damage he will do to them & the party.
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Trump had a right to be cleared publicly if he was not personally under investigation He also is correct that it was a cloud over his administration and he owed it to the nation and those who elected Trump to enact his campaign promises. The Democrats were piggybacking off of this investigation and milking it for the very fact that there was ambiguity and they were going to tell the voters in 2018 with certainty that Trump is guilty, even though they probably know there's little there.

I am not a lawyer or an investigating officer, but I don't see this as being obstruction. All presidents make requests of their agencies, if not them then the DOJ does. If someone is going to tell me that the former administration didn't interfere in the Clinton investigation than I have a bridge for sale. Her crimes dwarf anything that Trump has done, unless some evidence comes out to prove otherwise.

Therefore, if she was not up for charges, there is a far greater case that there was obstruction in her case, especially considering how much she has profited financially from her position, than surely Trump is not.

Someone in his administration? Maybe. Trump himself? I don't believe so at this point, not even close.

DT probably owes billions to Putins bank, Clinton is a rose compared to DT. DT has never been a moral man.

More accusations, the word probably gave you away, I wouldn't want any liberals on my jury, you know the whole innocent till proven guilty thing gets in a liberals way.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ya...nothing like the conservatives treatment of Hillary :eusa_think:
Trump had a right to be cleared publicly if he was not personally under investigation He also is correct that it was a cloud over his administration and he owed it to the nation and those who elected Trump to enact his campaign promises. The Democrats were piggybacking off of this investigation and milking it for the very fact that there was ambiguity and they were going to tell the voters in 2018 with certainty that Trump is guilty, even though they probably know there's little there.

I am not a lawyer or an investigating officer, but I don't see this as being obstruction. All presidents make requests of their agencies, if not them then the DOJ does. If someone is going to tell me that the former administration didn't interfere in the Clinton investigation than I have a bridge for sale. Her crimes dwarf anything that Trump has done, unless some evidence comes out to prove otherwise.

Therefore, if she was not up for charges, there is a far greater case that there was obstruction in her case, especially considering how much she has profited financially from her position, than surely Trump is not.

Someone in his administration? Maybe. Trump himself? I don't believe so at this point, not even close.

DT probably owes billions to Putins bank, Clinton is a rose compared to DT. DT has never been a moral man.

More accusations, the word probably gave you away, I wouldn't want any liberals on my jury, you know the whole innocent till proven guilty thing gets in a liberals way.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Ya...nothing like the conservatives treatment of Hillary :eusa_think:
the difference being that Hillary DID lie, and was busted lying, and dud break the law...but wasn't prosecuted. Everybody acknowledges her lies, corruption, and criminality....but nobody, including comey, would act on it.

Trump has been found to have committed no crimes, to have told no lies, and comey and the lying journalists have been exposed.

Hillary and holder will end their days in prison, if they don't croak first. And maybe Obama, too.
Trump hasn't been found guilty or innocent of anything so that's way premature considering the investigation is in its early stages. I'm waiting for it to be completed.
An FBI director should never be loyal to the President, and Comey had a 10 year job (unless fired) so why was he fired, for being a showboat??

Any new member and all members of Trump admin is loyal to him, not the country or people that pay their salaries, and the new FBI director would have to be crooked if loyal to Trump first. One can't trust anyone that DT hires, no one.

You should write comedy

Are you saying a FBI director has loyalty for the POTUS first and foremost?? before the country? I suppose you are a gun toting 2nd amendment freak.

I'm saying you must have been asleep next to Rip Van Winkle during the Obama Administration. He spied on Americans, threatened reporters and got Brian Terry killed by running guns to Mexican drug Lords
as well as four americans in Benghazi.

Unfortunately for you Benghazi investigations, all 8 of them are over. But you bring up a great point here. If Republicans can do 8 investigations into Benghazi--it's not to hard to imagine what Democrats will do with Treason, Obstruction & Lies when they take over in 2018.

This is why Republicans are left with 2 options:
1. Remove Trump from office asap or
2. Burn the entire party down in 2018-2020 & beyond

Trump has already admitted Obstruction of Justice in an NBC television interview. That is an impeachable offense.

"President Trump on Thursday said he was thinking of “this Russia thing with Trump” when he decided to fire FBI Director James B. Comey, who had been leading the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s interference in the 2016 election.

Recounting his decision to dismiss Comey, Trump told NBC News, “In fact, when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said, ‘You know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won.’”

Trump’s account flatly contradicts the White House’s initial account of how the president arrived at his decision, undercutting public denials by his aides that the move was influenced in any way by his growing fury with the ongoing Russia probe."
Trump said he was thinking of Russia controversy when he decided to fire Comey

I really don't know what Republican House and Senate members are waiting for. The longer Trump is in office the more damage he will do to them & the party.

Keep dreaming ..

9 of the 13 seats you currently hold, up for re-election, look to be going to Republicans... if the election were held today.....

You guys keep the stupid shit your doing today and the beat down will be epic..
Looks Like CNN's Anonymous Sources Got This One Wrong | Zero Hedge

1. January 6th Meeting at Trump Tower:

"In that context, prior to the January 6 meeting, I discussed with the FBI’s leadership team whether I should be prepared to assure President-Elect Trump that we were not investigating him personally. That was true; we did not have an open counter-intelligence case on him. We agreed I should do so if circumstances warranted. During our one-on-one meeting at Trump Tower, based on President Elect Trump’s reaction to the briefing and without him directly asking the question, I offered that assurance."

2. January 27th Dinner at White House:

"During the dinner, the President returned to the salacious material I had briefed him about on January 6, and, as he had done previously, expressed his disgust for the allegations and strongly denied them. He said he was considering ordering me to investigate the alleged incident to prove it didn’t happen. I replied that he should give that careful thought because it might create a narrative that we were investigating him personally, which we weren’t, and because it was very difficult to prove a negative. He said he would think about it and asked me to think about it."

3. March 30 Phone Call:

"I explained that we had briefed the leadership of Congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and that we had told those Congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating President Trump. I reminded him I had previously told him that."

Of course, we're 'absolutely positive' that everything else CNN has learned and reported from their anonymous sources, regarding Trump and his Russian collusion, is completely accurate and reflect nothing but the highest levels of journalistic integrity. As such, we are quite confident that CNN will promptly retract their erroneous reporting and offer an apology to their readers for the unfortunate mistake.

The president’s detractors fall into three camps: illegals, commies and Samantha Bee.
Leftists everywhere called Trump a liar when he proclaimed that he wasn't being investigated.

Comey told him that he wasn't. Trump isn't a liar. Our press and the alphabet agency heads are.

"I explained that we had briefed the leadership of Congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and that we had told those Congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating President Trump. I reminded him I had previously told him that. He repeatedly told me, “We need to get that fact out.”

"Trump’s termination letter to Comey is correct even by Comey’s own admission: On at least three occasions, Comey confirmed that Trump wasn’t being investigated for collusion himself. That’s a superb headline for a White House that was understandably nervous about tomorrow’s testimony."

"An interesting aside from Comey: He says he began immediately memorializing his meetings with Trump in memos after that January 6 meeting, something he’d never felt the urge to do after meeting with Obama."

Comey's prepared testimony: Trump is correct, I told him he wasn't under investigation; Update: "I need loyalty, I expect loyalty" - Hot Air

And, koshergrl - Do You know why that is?

Suppose the Feds were investigating a drug ring. Do you think they would start by going after Mr Big? They want Mr Big so why wouldn't they go after Mr Big?

You think on that while I tell you that originally, it was the trump campaign that was being investigated.

Why don't you already know that?


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Leftists everywhere called Trump a liar when he proclaimed that he wasn't being investigated.


What the fuck are you talking about? no one said that Turmp was lying when he said he wasn't under investigation (yet) - HIS ADMIN WAS AND IS UNDER INVESTIGATION.
oh, then tell us pray tell why so much talk of impeachment? Can't you fkers ever be honest? I mean shit, you must have shit coming out of your ears now.

What don't you understand dummass?

Yes, some believe there is a good chance grabby clown is headed for impeachment, but that does not contradict that Trump wasn't yet subject of investigation. Nixon wasn't either at this point but eventually got impeached for the cover up.

You are accusing others of lying when in reality you are are too stupid to be able to think straight.
Isn't it strange that Comey gave the Clinton's a pass from Whitewater and from the email debacle? He's like a handy little lapdog isn't he?

I know....especially with his bogus "bombshell" a week before the election

Some lapdog
I took the opportunity to implore the Attorney General to prevent any future direct communication between the President and me. I told the AG that what had just happened -- him being asked to leave while the FBI Director, who reports to the AG, remained behind -- was inappropriate and should never happen. He did not reply.
We can tell who took the loyalty oath, plain as day.
Nothing to see here, just Trump fell in love with Comey which is why he asked others to be get lost so he could have him alone. Valentines Day dinner. DT felt it could not continue, but Comey
An FBI director should never be loyal to the President, and Comey had a 10 year job (unless fired) so why was he fired, for being a showboat??

Any new member and all members of Trump admin is loyal to him, not the country or people that pay their salaries, and the new FBI director would have to be crooked if loyal to Trump first. One can't trust anyone that DT hires, no one.
fired for a lot of reasons. some even valid i suppose.

but if you hate trump, you love anyone against him.

there's so much shit about to fall taking any ONE SINGULAR SIDE is gonna leave you covered in more poo than joe dirt.

No he was fired due to not put DT before country. DT has never been a patriotic citizen.

Wow......Sour grapes much? You went to sleep last night dreaming of seeing Trump in chains being dragged out of the White House today......and you didn't even get a stupid t-shirt....

Oh I can't wait till tomorrow. I felt he should of been wearing orange for a long time.
This isn't going to bring you any closer to the dream of getting rid of Trump, Penelope. I understand the desire, but this isn't it. Just keep trolling him; he'll eventually totally implode.

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