Comey confirms what Trump said all along: He told Trump he wasn't under investigation

Nothing to see here, just Trump fell in love with Comey which is why he asked others to be get lost so he could have him alone. Valentines Day dinner. DT felt it could not continue, but Comey
An FBI director should never be loyal to the President, and Comey had a 10 year job (unless fired) so why was he fired, for being a showboat??

Any new member and all members of Trump admin is loyal to him, not the country or people that pay their salaries, and the new FBI director would have to be crooked if loyal to Trump first. One can't trust anyone that DT hires, no one.
fired for a lot of reasons. some even valid i suppose.

but if you hate trump, you love anyone against him.

there's so much shit about to fall taking any ONE SINGULAR SIDE is gonna leave you covered in more poo than joe dirt.

No he was fired due to not put DT before country. DT has never been a patriotic citizen.

Wow......Sour grapes much? You went to sleep last night dreaming of seeing Trump in chains being dragged out of the White House today......and you didn't even get a stupid t-shirt....

Oh I can't wait till tomorrow. I felt he should of been wearing orange for a long time.
Nothing to see here, just Trump fell in love with Comey which is why he asked others to be get lost so he could have him alone. Valentines Day dinner. DT felt it could not continue, but Comey
An FBI director should never be loyal to the President, and Comey had a 10 year job (unless fired) so why was he fired, for being a showboat??

Any new member and all members of Trump admin is loyal to him, not the country or people that pay their salaries, and the new FBI director would have to be crooked if loyal to Trump first. One can't trust anyone that DT hires, no one.
fired for a lot of reasons. some even valid i suppose.

but if you hate trump, you love anyone against him.

there's so much shit about to fall taking any ONE SINGULAR SIDE is gonna leave you covered in more poo than joe dirt.

No he was fired due to not put DT before country. DT has never been a patriotic citizen.
because you say so.

got it.

You don't know his history?
Comey told Trump he wasn't PERSONALLY being investigated for ties to Russia. There's a difference, to that and him having his lackeys being investigated and Trump getting caught up in the investigation because he knew about what was going on.
And even then, Trump asked Comey to stop the investigation only in regards to Flynn. No one else and not the Russia thing in general. There's nothing there.

Yeah... but Flynn broke the law. That's obstruction. Trump also didn't have a clue just how much information the intelligence community had on others in his staff. You know it is a big deal when Sessions is already ready to quit.
Bill Clinton fired the FBI director the day Vince Foster was found dead. Bill Clinton fired the FBI director the day Vince Foster was found dead.
"... CNN's 'anonymous sources' seem to have been 'mistaken' on this one. And while we have no doubts, generally, about the integrity of CNN and/or their anonymous sources, Comey's direct testimony released just a while ago seems to confirm exactly what Trump said in his original May 9th letter and exactly the opposite what CNN subsequently reported."

"Of course, we're 'absolutely positive' that everything else CNN has learned and reported from their anonymous sources, regarding Trump and his Russian collusion, is completely accurate and reflect nothing but the highest levels of journalistic integrity. As such, we are quite confident that CNN will promptly retract their erroneous reporting and offer an apology to their readers for the unfortunate mistake."
Looks Like CNN's Anonymous Sources Got This One Wrong | Zero Hedge
SMOKING GUN Comey Never Kept Detailed Memos On Conversations He Had With Barack Obama
SMOKING GUN Comey Never Kept Detailed Memos On Conversations He Had With Barack Obama

He stated why already. He felt uncomfortable being around Trump one-on-one and didn't trust he would be truthful about their conversations. He didn't feel that way with Obama... and in fact only had like 2 private conversations with Obama over a few YEARS, but has talked to Trump like 9 times in a few months.
SMOKING GUN Comey Never Kept Detailed Memos On Conversations He Had With Barack Obama

Duh, that may be true. Apparently President Obama didn't scare or threaten him.

Comey says he spoke with Trump nine times ― including in six phone calls. He only spoke one-on-one with Obama twice.
Is it shocking that liberals think someone asking for loyalty is a crime? Most of them don't have jobs or spouses, after all.
Is it shocking that liberals think someone asking for loyalty is a crime? Most of them don't have jobs or spouses, after all.

It's because asking for loyalty isn't asking for loyalty... it's asking him to do things Trump wants no matter if it is the right thing or not, verses having loyalty to the law and the people of the country.
Trump had a right to be cleared publicly if he was not personally under investigation He also is correct that it was a cloud over his administration and he owed it to the nation and those who elected Trump to enact his campaign promises. The Democrats were piggybacking off of this investigation and milking it for the very fact that there was ambiguity and they were going to tell the voters in 2018 with certainty that Trump is guilty, even though they probably know there's little there.

I am not a lawyer or an investigating officer, but I don't see this as being obstruction. All presidents make requests of their agencies, if not them then the DOJ does. If someone is going to tell me that the former administration didn't interfere in the Clinton investigation than I have a bridge for sale. Her crimes dwarf anything that Trump has done, unless some evidence comes out to prove otherwise.

Therefore, if she was not up for charges, there is a far greater case that there was obstruction in her case, especially considering how much she has profited financially from her position, than surely Trump is not.

Someone in his administration? Maybe. Trump himself? I don't believe so at this point, not even close.

DT probably owes billions to Putins bank, Clinton is a rose compared to DT. DT has never been a moral man.

More accusations, the word probably gave you away, I wouldn't want any liberals on my jury, you know the whole innocent till proven guilty thing gets in a liberals way.

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Ya...nothing like the conservatives treatment of Hillary :eusa_think:
Leftists everywhere called Trump a liar when he proclaimed that he wasn't being investigated.

Comey told him that he wasn't. Trump isn't a liar. Our press and the alphabet agency heads are.

"I explained that we had briefed the leadership of Congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and that we had told those Congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating President Trump. I reminded him I had previously told him that. He repeatedly told me, “We need to get that fact out.”

"Trump’s termination letter to Comey is correct even by Comey’s own admission: On at least three occasions, Comey confirmed that Trump wasn’t being investigated for collusion himself. That’s a superb headline for a White House that was understandably nervous about tomorrow’s testimony."

"An interesting aside from Comey: He says he began immediately memorializing his meetings with Trump in memos after that January 6 meeting, something he’d never felt the urge to do after meeting with Obama."

Comey's prepared testimony: Trump is correct, I told him he wasn't under investigation; Update: "I need loyalty, I expect loyalty" - Hot Air

We will see tomorrow how accurate this ^^^ post is, I have a hunch it is spun for nefarious purpose.
Actually Her post is factually accurate. The written transcript given the media and President Trump for Comey's testimony is going to be a real slap in the left wing fantasy clowns faces..
Nothing to see here, just Trump fell in love with Comey which is why he asked others to be get lost so he could have him alone. Valentines Day dinner. DT felt it could not continue, but Comey
An FBI director should never be loyal to the President, and Comey had a 10 year job (unless fired) so why was he fired, for being a showboat??

Any new member and all members of Trump admin is loyal to him, not the country or people that pay their salaries, and the new FBI director would have to be crooked if loyal to Trump first. One can't trust anyone that DT hires, no one.
fired for a lot of reasons. some even valid i suppose.

but if you hate trump, you love anyone against him.

there's so much shit about to fall taking any ONE SINGULAR SIDE is gonna leave you covered in more poo than joe dirt.

No he was fired due to not put DT before country. DT has never been a patriotic citizen.
CNN's Toobin: Comey's Statement 'Establishes Obstruction Of Justice'
This guy is a fucking retard... Please show me what evidence is provided? His written transcript says NOTHING HAPPENED..

I hope your not stupid enough to trust this moron.. he doesn't have a clue.. and he may have just jumped the shark by defaming Trump without facts on national TV...
I hope the crooked Democrats like nycarbineer don't throw out their backs moving all those goalposts
Goodbye, reasonatard.
I do love bloodying your face.

James Comey reveals concerns about Trump in devastating account to Congress
Former FBI director offers statement describing a meeting in which Trump asked him to drop his inquiry into Michael Flynn: ‘I hope you can let this go’

James Comey reveals concerns about Trump in devastating account to Congress
but the hearing wasn't about his concerns, lol. It was supposed to be all about obstruction. Didn't happen. Lefties have some major egg on their faces.

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