Comey confirms what Trump said all along: He told Trump he wasn't under investigation

Comey confirms what Trump said all along: He told Trump he wasn't under investigation

Yes, Comey's notes say he admitted to Trump that he was not "personally" under investigation at that time. So, if you believe Comey on that - do you also believe all the other stuff he committed to notes about their meetings and telephone conversations? CNN's Jeffrey Toobin told Jake Tapper that Comey's notes confirm "obstruction of justice". You can't have it both ways by only cherry-picking what you believe.

No.....toobin is an idiot........Alan Dershowitz, left winger, and hilary voter stated there is no crime in anything Trump is alleged to have done........

Keep reaching though.....we need you guys to lose more seats in congress....

Funny. Dooshawitch has no credibility.
Hillary is a lawyer, her husband Bill is a lawyer, both spent 8 years in the White House. Yet Comey said Hillary broke the law but he let her off the hook due to her ignorance of the law??? You people understand why Comey was fired now, incompetence or corruption its one of the two.
Anyone thinking that former FBI Director James Comey’s upcoming testimony before the Senate Intelligence Committee might be dull, or worried about Comey being a “fact witness” and promising not to engage in drawing conclusions … stop worrying. Instead, read Jim Comey’s amazing opening statement.
So he's not going to answer questions? He's already got the whole thing written down? Why did they release it ahead of time. I guess I don't need to watch then. This is not fun.
Nothing to see here, just Trump fell in love with Comey which is why he asked others to be get lost so he could have him alone. Valentines Day dinner. DT felt it could not continue, but Comey
An FBI director should never be loyal to the President, and Comey had a 10 year job (unless fired) so why was he fired, for being a showboat??

Any new member and all members of Trump admin is loyal to him, not the country or people that pay their salaries, and the new FBI director would have to be crooked if loyal to Trump first. One can't trust anyone that DT hires, no one.
fired for a lot of reasons. some even valid i suppose.

but if you hate trump, you love anyone against him.

there's so much shit about to fall taking any ONE SINGULAR SIDE is gonna leave you covered in more poo than joe dirt.

No he was fired due to not put DT before country. DT has never been a patriotic citizen.
Nothing to see here, just Trump fell in love with Comey which is why he asked others to be get lost so he could have him alone. Valentines Day dinner. DT felt it could not continue, but Comey
An FBI director should never be loyal to the President, and Comey had a 10 year job (unless fired) so why was he fired, for being a showboat??

Any new member and all members of Trump admin is loyal to him, not the country or people that pay their salaries, and the new FBI director would have to be crooked if loyal to Trump first. One can't trust anyone that DT hires, no one.
fired for a lot of reasons. some even valid i suppose.

but if you hate trump, you love anyone against him.

there's so much shit about to fall taking any ONE SINGULAR SIDE is gonna leave you covered in more poo than joe dirt.

No he was fired due to not put DT before country. DT has never been a patriotic citizen.

Wow......Sour grapes much? You went to sleep last night dreaming of seeing Trump in chains being dragged out of the White House today......and you didn't even get a stupid t-shirt....
Leftists everywhere called Trump a liar when he proclaimed that he wasn't being investigated.

Comey told him that he wasn't. Trump isn't a liar. Our press and the alphabet agency heads are.

"I explained that we had briefed the leadership of Congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and that we had told those Congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating President Trump. I reminded him I had previously told him that. He repeatedly told me, “We need to get that fact out.”

"Trump’s termination letter to Comey is correct even by Comey’s own admission: On at least three occasions, Comey confirmed that Trump wasn’t being investigated for collusion himself. That’s a superb headline for a White House that was understandably nervous about tomorrow’s testimony."

"An interesting aside from Comey: He says he began immediately memorializing his meetings with Trump in memos after that January 6 meeting, something he’d never felt the urge to do after meeting with Obama."

Comey's prepared testimony: Trump is correct, I told him he wasn't under investigation; Update: "I need loyalty, I expect loyalty" - Hot Air
Comey's opening statements have now been released today. Totally contradicts this lying web site.
No surprise there.
DEPLORABLES look for propaganda sites to match what they want the truth to be.
It never is.
Nothing to see here, just Trump fell in love with Comey which is why he asked others to be get lost so he could have him alone. Valentines Day dinner. DT felt it could not continue, but Comey
An FBI director should never be loyal to the President, and Comey had a 10 year job (unless fired) so why was he fired, for being a showboat??

Any new member and all members of Trump admin is loyal to him, not the country or people that pay their salaries, and the new FBI director would have to be crooked if loyal to Trump first. One can't trust anyone that DT hires, no one.
fired for a lot of reasons. some even valid i suppose.

but if you hate trump, you love anyone against him.

there's so much shit about to fall taking any ONE SINGULAR SIDE is gonna leave you covered in more poo than joe dirt.

No he was fired due to not put DT before country. DT has never been a patriotic citizen.

Wow......Sour grapes much? You went to sleep last night dreaming of seeing Trump in chains being dragged out of the White House today......and you didn't even get a stupid t-shirt....
Trump is the dirtiest and most uncouth president in history. The majority of this country wish he would just go away, be impeached or feel like Melania:
The President then returned to the topic of Mike Flynn, saying, "He is a good guy and has been through a lot." He repeated that Flynn hadn't done anything wrong on his calls with the Russians, but had misled the Vice President. He then said, "I hope you can see your way clear to letting this go, to letting Flynn go. He is a good guy. I hope you can let this go." I replied only that "he is a good guy." (In fact, I had a positive experience dealing with Mike Flynn when he was a colleague as Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency at the beginning of my term at FBI.) I did not say I would "let this go."
I took the opportunity to implore the Attorney General to prevent any future direct communication between the President and me. I told the AG that what had just happened -- him being asked to leave while the FBI Director, who reports to the AG, remained behind -- was inappropriate and should never happen. He did not reply.
An FBI director should never be loyal to the President, and Comey had a 10 year job (unless fired) so why was he fired, for being a showboat??

Any new member and all members of Trump admin is loyal to him, not the country or people that pay their salaries, and the new FBI director would have to be crooked if loyal to Trump first. One can't trust anyone that DT hires, no one.

O's members were all loyal corrupt yes people, rice, jarret, lynch etc....and you were down with that.
I explained that we had briefed the leadership of Congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and that we had told those Congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating President Trump. I reminded him I had previously told him that. He repeatedly told me, "We need to get that fact out." (I did not tell the President that the FBI and the Department of Justice had been reluctant to make public statements that we did not have an open case on President Trump for a number of reasons, most importantly because it would create a duty to correct, should that change.)
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Nothing to see here, just Trump fell in love with Comey which is why he asked others to be get lost so he could have him alone. Valentines Day dinner. DT felt it could not continue, but Comey
An FBI director should never be loyal to the President, and Comey had a 10 year job (unless fired) so why was he fired, for being a showboat??

Any new member and all members of Trump admin is loyal to him, not the country or people that pay their salaries, and the new FBI director would have to be crooked if loyal to Trump first. One can't trust anyone that DT hires, no one.
fired for a lot of reasons. some even valid i suppose.

but if you hate trump, you love anyone against him.

there's so much shit about to fall taking any ONE SINGULAR SIDE is gonna leave you covered in more poo than joe dirt.

No he was fired due to not put DT before country. DT has never been a patriotic citizen.
View attachment 131580
Nothing to see here, just Trump fell in love with Comey which is why he asked others to be get lost so he could have him alone. Valentines Day dinner. DT felt it could not continue, but Comey
An FBI director should never be loyal to the President, and Comey had a 10 year job (unless fired) so why was he fired, for being a showboat??

Any new member and all members of Trump admin is loyal to him, not the country or people that pay their salaries, and the new FBI director would have to be crooked if loyal to Trump first. One can't trust anyone that DT hires, no one.
fired for a lot of reasons. some even valid i suppose.

but if you hate trump, you love anyone against him.

there's so much shit about to fall taking any ONE SINGULAR SIDE is gonna leave you covered in more poo than joe dirt.

No he was fired due to not put DT before country. DT has never been a patriotic citizen.

Wow......Sour grapes much? You went to sleep last night dreaming of seeing Trump in chains being dragged out of the White House today......and you didn't even get a stupid t-shirt....
Trump is the dirtiest and most uncouth president in history. The majority of this country wish he would just go away, be impeached or feel like Melania:

No...that was bill clinton...the serial rapist and sexual predator, who, along with his wife, used their political offices to make hundreds of millions of dollars....
Leftists everywhere called Trump a liar when he proclaimed that he wasn't being investigated.

Comey told him that he wasn't. Trump isn't a liar. Our press and the alphabet agency heads are.

"I explained that we had briefed the leadership of Congress on exactly which individuals we were investigating and that we had told those Congressional leaders that we were not personally investigating President Trump. I reminded him I had previously told him that. He repeatedly told me, “We need to get that fact out.”

"Trump’s termination letter to Comey is correct even by Comey’s own admission: On at least three occasions, Comey confirmed that Trump wasn’t being investigated for collusion himself. That’s a superb headline for a White House that was understandably nervous about tomorrow’s testimony."

"An interesting aside from Comey: He says he began immediately memorializing his meetings with Trump in memos after that January 6 meeting, something he’d never felt the urge to do after meeting with Obama."

Comey's prepared testimony: Trump is correct, I told him he wasn't under investigation; Update: "I need loyalty, I expect loyalty" - Hot Air
Comey's opening statements have now been released today. Totally contradicts this lying web site.
No surprise there.
DEPLORABLES look for propaganda sites to match what they want the truth to be.
It never is.

I think you probably don't understand the words you read on either site.

So share what is contradicted, and provide the citation and the link.
My primary sense is that Trump wanted Flynn to be able ride off into the sunset without having to look over his shoulder. Trump is as loyal to his friends as he is vindictive to his enemies.

However, if Trump had ordered Flynn to violate the law by discussing a quid pro quo about the Obama Administration's sanctions with Russia, then his request to Comey to back off investigating Flynn takes on an entirely sinister flavor.

Hopefully, the truth will out.

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