Coming to a Red State near you....

There is no such right given or implied in the Second Amendment. The right is tied to the necessity for a "well regulated militia".

Added to which, this law has stood for more than 100 years, and is one of the reasons New York has lower gun crime levels than Illinois.

Republicans are hell bent on getting rid of laws that work, and replacing them with chaos for everyday people. It's not rich people who are harmed by striking down the abortion laws, it's the poor people in America who will suffer. Rich women will just travel to a place where abortion is legal. Poor families will need more public assistance.

You couldn't be more wrong.

What part of 'the right of the People to keep and bear arms' are you having difficulty comprehending? And the Taney quote from 'Dred Scott' puts a lie to your bullshit.

Indeed, one of the primary reasons for the 14th Amendment to was to insure that the freedmen had the same rights to arm themselves as the white Citizen possessed.

Another aspect of this disastrous, wrongheaded decision is the specter of women being subject to prosecution for the ‘crime’ of abortion, bizarrely juxtaposed to women in free states at liberty to exercise their right to privacy.

How long will a Nation so divided allowed this injustice to stand.

There's nothing private about abortion. There are multiple people involved, including the baby.
Do trannies competing in woman's sports help women? The same people behind abortion are all for that. They have 0 respect for women and I guess you do too.
The abortion industry only respects woman in relation to how much money they can make off of them. So I guess the democrats view women as cattle…hense the cow comment above…projection probably.
There is no question that overruling Roe will have severe implications for women at all levels, for years to come. That doesn't even begin to touch on the precedent this activist in removing a Constitutional right granted 50 years ago. I have never before heard of an individual right being taken away.

The effects will be devastating for many women.

Time to stop pretending this is "good for women" as if they are nothing more than stupid cows who don't know what how to make their own healthcare decisions.

Here is a taste of what to expect. Feel free to add more examples.

The wording varies slightly from state to state. Texas allows abortion for “a medical emergency”; Louisiana’s bill makes an exception to prevent “death or substantial risk of death,” or “permanent impairment of a life-sustaining organ”; and Idaho permits abortion “to prevent the death of the pregnant woman.” On Thursday, Oklahoma legislators approved a bill that would ban nearly all abortions starting from fertilization, with an exception to save the life of the mother “in a medical emergency.”

Those exceptions are so vaguely defined, and with such harsh penalties for providers deemed to have violated the terms, physicians say they will be effectively unable to provide proper medical care or even discuss abortion with patients.
Where in the Constitution is there a right to an abortion? Congress could have fixed this issue 50 years ago and did nothing for 50 years except play politics, you want to get upset get mad at Congress and let’s sure and the hell hope they can define a woman.
Fair statement regarding legal precedent. The Court's decision addressed your point. I thought it was interesting and well written. But it is a fair point to raise.
This particular has done twice, hugely. They did it when they struck down tbe hundred year old Sullivan law. Again, a huge amount of precedent and case law upholding it, and none of the questionability of Roe. Twice is highly disturbing.
Because they play the game that if 'Roe' were to be overturned it would end abortions. And it has been and it hasn't.
Haven’t yet. But it certainly has for many low income women (who are usually the ones most in need and most vilified by the right for having children.
There's nothing private about abortion. There are multiple people involved, including the baby.

The only person who matters is the one who has to carry the child and raise it. If the woman is not in a position to do so then it is wrong of her to continue the pregnancy.

Children need a lot to live and thrive. We are past the time of needing to bear a dozen children in the hopes that enough of them would survive to care for us in our old age.
A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

You think the Founders put that business in about "well regulated militias" just for the fun of it????? There was a purpose to the right, and absent the need for militias, the Second Amendment should have ended in 1903, when "well regulated militias" were replaced with National Guards.
Punctuation confuses your pea brain, huh?
I'm sure we all can agree (wink) this.......... a good thing that will hopefully be happening all over the country.

“Not all of us agree on a personal or moral level on the issue of abortion,” said the statement signed by 84 prosecutors, a group that included district attorneys and state attorneys general. “But we stand together in our firm belief that prosecutors have a responsibility to refrain from using limited criminal legal system resources to criminalize personal medical decisions. As such, we decline to use our offices’ resources to criminalize reproductive health decisions and commit to exercise our well-settled discretion and refrain from prosecuting those who seek, provide, or support abortions.”
The civil lawsuits will bankrupt the providers.

Hell, less than ethical folks will set the providers up for a payday.

The mother will get the abortion and the father will sue.

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