Conspiracy Theorist’ Is A Slur Meant To Silence Us

A conspiracy theorist is a person who tacitly admits that they have insufficient data to prove their points. A conspiracy is a battle cry of a person with insufficient data.

Neil deGrasse Tyson
Translation: "Here's a random and tangentially relevant quote from some "smart" person, that I randomly pulled out my ass, which makes me "smart" too!"
It is what I and others have been saying for years. It is meant to do this'

"The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ is used to halt thoughtfulness and conversation, often under the guise of protecting you from ‘disinformation."

One example

It’s used even when grand plans are out in the open. For example, participants at the recent World Economic Forum congregation in Davos publicly discussed how we should all be censored and surveilled and tracked. The Orwellian life they’d like to shove on us has been preached for decades by WEF founder Klaus Schwab, prior to his 2020 publication of “The Great Reset.”

But if you point this out you’re likely to be smeared as a “conspiracy theorist.” As Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and many respected pundits have noted, the WEF goal for an unelected elite to rein in the hoi polloi is no theory. Their activists talk about it constantly.

If it don’t agree with me, then it must be conspiracy.

I truly believe demofks don’t know the word ‘probability’
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A conspiracy theorist is a person who tacitly admits that they have insufficient data to prove their points. A conspiracy is a battle cry of a person with insufficient data.

Neil deGrasse Tyson
Can a person still be found guilty of murder with only circumstantial evidence? The answer is yes, if it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that hekilled someone. Sometimes it's hard to get anything but circumstantial evidence when the murderer tries to cover is tracks.
Translation: "Here's a random and tangentially relevant quote from some "smart" person, that I randomly pulled out my ass, which makes me "smart" too!"

Not at all, it hits at the heart of the topic. The one thing that all CTs have in common is the lack of data to prove them to be true. Does not matter if they are the earth is flat or the 2020 election was stolen.
I take a mild pleasure in noting that “conspiracy” is actually a crime. And it’s a crime because experience has taught us that sometimes criminals do conspire with each other to commit other crimes. (“Say, Bob. It’s a nice day today. What say you and me go out on a ski mask and bring along a couple of guns and go rob that local Branch of Money R Us?” Then Bob agrees and they make more carefully laid out plans. Guess what you’ve got? A conspiracy!)

I don’t think I can prove that President Kennedy’s assassination was not the work of a lone gun man. But I don’t believe that it was.
Conspiracy Theorist’ Is A Slur Meant To Silence Us
This is a lie.

It’s an appropriate and accurate description of the dishonest right; conservatives who contrive and propagate all manner of conspiracy theories, misinformation, and lies, such as the lie that correctly referring to conservatives as conspiracy theorist is an effort to ‘silence’ conservatives.

In fact, no one seeks to ‘silence’ conservatives; conservatives are at complete liberty propagate their misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies.

And to appropriately and constitutionally denounce and oppose conservatives’ misinformation, conspiracy theories, and lies is not to ‘silence’ conservatives.
It is what I and others have been saying for years. It is meant to do this'

"The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ is used to halt thoughtfulness and conversation, often under the guise of protecting you from ‘disinformation."

One example

It’s used even when grand plans are out in the open. For example, participants at the recent World Economic Forum congregation in Davos publicly discussed how we should all be censored and surveilled and tracked. The Orwellian life they’d like to shove on us has been preached for decades by WEF founder Klaus Schwab, prior to his 2020 publication of “The Great Reset.”

But if you point this out you’re likely to be smeared as a “conspiracy theorist.” As Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and many respected pundits have noted, the WEF goal for an unelected elite to rein in the hoi polloi is no theory. Their activists talk about it constantly.

I'm at a very strange point in my worldview. Nearly all my life, I've been aware of conspiracy theories, as things that mentally unstable kooks believe, but which are almost certainly false.

In the past five or ten year, I have undeniably seen things happening, things being exposed, that are among the stuff that I would have dismissed as batshit crazy conspiracy theories. If I could travel back ten or fifteen year, and tell my younger self what I have seen, he'd dismiss me as crazy.

I feel like the bastard child of the protagonist in They Live and the character that Julia Roberts plays in Conspiracy Theory.

None of this is to say that I do not believe that there are many conspiracy that are exactly the sort of insane nonsense that I have always believed them to be.

But clearly, not all conspiracy theories are false, and it is becoming increasingly difficult to tell where batshit crazy ends and reality begins.

“When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical is madness. To surrender dreams — this may be madness. Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!”
— Don Miguel Cervantes, as fictionally portrayed in Man of La Mancha
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It is what I and others have been saying for years. It is meant to do this'

"The term ‘conspiracy theorist’ is used to halt thoughtfulness and conversation, often under the guise of protecting you from ‘disinformation."

One example

It’s used even when grand plans are out in the open. For example, participants at the recent World Economic Forum congregation in Davos publicly discussed how we should all be censored and surveilled and tracked. The Orwellian life they’d like to shove on us has been preached for decades by WEF founder Klaus Schwab, prior to his 2020 publication of “The Great Reset.”

But if you point this out you’re likely to be smeared as a “conspiracy theorist.” As Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., and many respected pundits have noted, the WEF goal for an unelected elite to rein in the hoi polloi is no theory. Their activists talk about it constantly.

Sounds like something someone would say if they benefited from conspiracy theories.
Can a person still be found guilty of murder with only circumstantial evidence? The answer is yes, if it is proven beyond a reasonable doubt that hekilled someone. Sometimes it's hard to get anything but circumstantial evidence when the murderer tries to cover is tracks.

And that takes place in a court of law. Which is where it should. But for the most part the CTs never end up there. So all we have is the words of people that openly admit they do not have any actual evidence or data to prove their theories .
No, it must be a conspiracy because it is in fact false.

Whether it’s the ‘stolen’ 2020 election or gas stoves being ‘banned,’ the dishonest idiocy and lies of the right are clearly evident.
What is false?

There’s absolutely no evidence Lee Harvey Oswald killed jfk

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