contrast the two marches

You are not in the FZ. Stay civil.

If you feel my post violates rules up here, I can only encourage you to report it. My post was as courteous as the post it was responding to. Now, since you aren't a mod, maybe you can focus on the topic, and not pretending to be a mod?

The topic is the women's march on washington versus the march for life.

Here's a link to an article about how birth control access decreases abortions.

Study: Free birth control leads to way fewer abortions

OF the two marches, only one was about really trying to reduce abortions.

guess which one?
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You are not in the FZ. Stay civil.

If you feel my post violates rules up here, I can only encourage you to report it.

My post was as courteous as the post it was responding to.

Now, since you aren't a mod, maybe you can focus on the topic, and not pretending to be a mod?
I cannot find ad hom in the post you replied to yet you replied with one. It is the FZ thing, I know.....easy to forget when switching forums, I am guilty of it.
I cannot find ad hom in the post you replied to yet you replied with one. It is the FZ thing, I know.....easy to forget when switching forums, I am guilty of it.

I always know where I'm posting, and my post did not violate forum rules. If you disagree with that, report it and let the mods sort it out. Now, did you want to discuss the topic?

Guess what? Thanks to organizations like planned parenthood, which provide low cost birth control to poor women, abortion is at an all-time low in America.

The abortion rate is at an all-time low — and better birth control is largely to thank

Women like me were at the women's march to ensure that downward trend continues.
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I cannot find ad hom in the post you replied to yet you replied with one. It is the FZ thing, I know.....easy to forget when switching forums, I am guilty of it.

I always know where I'm posting, and my post did not violate forum rules. If you disagree with that, report it and let the mods sort it out. Now, did you want to discuss the topic?

Guess what? Thanks to organizations like planned parenthood, which provide low cost birth control to poor women, abortion is at an all-time low in America.

The abortion rate is at an all-time low — and better birth control is largely to thank

Women like me were at the women's march to ensure that downward trend continues.
Most of the time I stay out of the abortion issue. Abortion as birth control is a personal decision what the murderous parent has to live with for the rest of her life. Some will regret it and will be remorseful every time they think about it, some never will. Do I think it is OK? No. Do I think it should be an election deciding factor? No.
Giving free contraceptives is ridiculous, why should I pay for somebody else's fornication and pleasure seeking?
Giving free contraceptives is ridiculous, why should I pay for somebody else's fornication and pleasure seeking?

Because it saves you money in the long run in about a million ways.

It prevents abortions. It prevents unwanted and potentially neglected/abused children. It prevents people who can't provide for a child from having one.

Even if you are anti-welfare, etc., don't you realize that poor people having children that they can't take care of costs you money, and isn't something you can buy you way out of dealing with?
Look at the liberal women's march motivated by fear, anger, and even hatred toward Donald trump and the right.

Then look at the march for life which was motivated solely to protect the life and rights of someone else.

Which do you think persuaded more people? Which do you think did more to heal and unite people?
The Pro-Life march didn't change anyone's mind or heal and unite anyone. You are in a dream world if you think they did/

That's because those that murder their unborn children and those like you that justify it don't want to be united or healed. You are a lying bitch if you say you do.
Avatar and buckeye are both wrong.

Feminism and its changing movement reaching across the center to the right may well break Trump.
The womens march reduced women to only being relevant because of vaginas. They had no other message. Waaaah we want tax free tampons....waaaah....period blood .....waaahhh....look at us...we can dress as vaginas. And they did not reach across party lines. Infact they excluded the other side.

Talk about sexist.
^ Why we marched.
So you did march as a way to reduce women to what was said. Thanks for admitting it.
It is my business if they are sending me the bill!

What part of "federal funds don't pay for abortions" (except in the case of rape or incest) is lost on you?

Hyde Amendment - Wikipedia

Didn't you know that?

What about the bill taxpayers get when the woman makes the choice to have a child she can't support? When is the one making the choice going to get the bill instead of those told to butt out of the choice?

What about federal funds shouldn't pay for abortion at all in ANY case do you not get?
Giving free contraceptives is ridiculous, why should I pay for somebody else's fornication and pleasure seeking?

Because it saves you money in the long run in about a million ways.

It prevents abortions. It prevents unwanted and potentially neglected/abused children. It prevents people who can't provide for a child from having one.

Even if you are anti-welfare, etc., don't you realize that poor people having children that they can't take care of costs you money, and isn't something you can buy you way out of dealing with?
That's the point. If they produce children they should be responsible for them an take care of them and not us as a society. How did people do before the welfare giveaway? They lived within their means and yes, sometimes they went to bed hungry. That's life.
Giving free contraceptives is ridiculous, why should I pay for somebody else's fornication and pleasure seeking?

Because it saves you money in the long run in about a million ways.

It prevents abortions. It prevents unwanted and potentially neglected/abused children. It prevents people who can't provide for a child from having one.

Even if you are anti-welfare, etc., don't you realize that poor people having children that they can't take care of costs you money, and isn't something you can buy you way out of dealing with?

The best way to save money is when the woman chooses to have the child and can't afford it, don't give it to her.

If contraceptives were provided in the manner you say but the woman still gets pregnant and keeps the baby, does that exempt the rest of us from being forced to support it when she can't do it herself?
Giving free contraceptives is ridiculous, why should I pay for somebody else's fornication and pleasure seeking?

Because it saves you money in the long run in about a million ways.

It prevents abortions. It prevents unwanted and potentially neglected/abused children. It prevents people who can't provide for a child from having one.

Even if you are anti-welfare, etc., don't you realize that poor people having children that they can't take care of costs you money, and isn't something you can buy you way out of dealing with?
That's the point. If they produce children they should be responsible for them an take care of them and not us as a society. How did people do before the welfare giveaway? They lived within their means and yes, sometimes they went to bed hungry. That's life.

The argument from the pro abortion crowd is that they say providing contraceptives will save the taxpayers money. Problem is they still support taxpayers being forced to support the kids of someone that would be provided with them if they still get pregnant and have the child.
How much have you personally contributed to purchase "free" birth control?

I chose to live in a county where my tax dollars provide low-income women with free birth control.

And it is a choice, because I could easily live in an outlying county where the taxes are considerably cheaper and residents don't have access to women's healthcare.

What have you personally contributed to ensure women don't need to have an abortion?

In other words, you consider compassion as seeing how much someone else has to pay for what you support. If you cared, you'd provide it with your money and not have to be told.

I haven't contributed anything to ensure it. It's not my responsibility and that outlook comes from women telling me that what they do with their bodies is their choice. Why do you think it's the responsibility of someone told to butt out of the choice to do anything related to that choice? If women want it, they can have it. If that choice produces a result they can't afford, do without as far as I'm concerned.
How much have you personally contributed to purchase "free" birth control?

I chose to live in a county where my tax dollars provide low-income women with free birth control.

And it is a choice, because I could easily live in an outlying county where the taxes are considerably cheaper and residents don't have access to women's healthcare.

What have you personally contributed to ensure women don't need to have an abortion?
Back in the day I paid $30 a month for my ex's birth control. Till we decided to have a baby. I guess I'm a dinosaur, about accepting personal responsibility. Oh before you mention it. I lived pay check to pay check. And being young and full of cum I chose to get the pills.

In a bleeding heart Liberal's mind personal responsibility is unacceptable. They want choice just not the responsibility that comes with that choice.
I don't think either did anything for either cause. Abortion is established law & marching changes that in no way.
Acting like morons is what the left doesn't. A March exposing them in mass also accomplished nothing.

I don't know who has given you the impression that the bulk of people at the women's march acted like morons, but they didn't. It was an entirely peaceful and positive event, and most of the women (and men) in attendance were entirely normal, looked normal, acted normal, and were about sending a message to washington that an extremist agenda will be resisted.

As someone with a criminal record, you should probably be a supporter, because we marched for criminal justice reforms like banning the box that would benefit you.
Speaking of prison, nonviolent offenders released under Obama should consider themselves lucky. Rs may reverse that as well.
In a bleeding heart Liberal's mind personal responsibility is unacceptable. They want choice just not the responsibility that comes with that choice.

Actually, I just want the cost-savings that come with preventing the birth of unwanted/neglected children.

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