Could paul ryan be any more of a back stabber?


Careful – soon the GOP will be nothing but ‘RINOs.’

It's going the other direction Dip Shit...……...

No, it's not. The GOP is dead. It's Trump's party now, and in case you haven't noticed, your President is toast. Nobody wants to be seen with him. He's toxic.

Hate and fear is not sustainable. It's why ISIS is gone and it will be why Trump will be gone too. Fear, loathing and desperation and destructive and exhausting for the nation. People have had enough.

You are no doubt insane...

Trump is STOMPING your libtarded asses.....

4 more days to your doom...…….

Seriously dude, get a life. Trump is running scared, shitting his pants daily. He's sending 15,000 troops to the border because he's frightened of a group of poor, unarmed women and children, so much so that he's prepared to strip them of their right to claim asylum.

Up until now, Trump has had no congressional oversight, no witnesses who would show you what a dishonest hack you elected, have been called, and the
I can't wait til this rino pos is gone...……….

Is telling the truth about s
I can't wait til this rino pos is gone...……….

So then you would prefer to hear FALSE narratives to rally around, and when someone calls Trump out on his FALSE narratives they're a backstabber? Correct.

So basically what you're saying is you would prefer to remain DUMB & OBLIVIOUS to the role of the 3 branches of government, their powers and how they work.


Don't tell me you actually VOTE!

The 5th amendment to the Constitution is very clear.

The only way to change, rewrite, repeal, or add an amendment to the Constitution requires, 2/3's of the Senate, 2/3's of the House and then has to be ratified by 3/4's of the states. The President has no say whatsoever in this process.
What does it take to repeal a constitutional amendment? - National Constitution Center

Paul Ryan rejects Trump plan to end birthright citizenship with executive order: 'You obviously cannot do that'

False Narratives…

What a HOOT coming from a libtard….

It’s you on the left that undermine our 3 branches of government

with what you have done with the courts.

It’s you and yours that are DUMB and OBLIVIOUS………..

Yes, false narratives.

On one side we have Trump's ever-changing narrative which has morphed from:

"Nobody on our side met with Russians", until they were caught and then is was to "Well maybe we met with Russians but no collusion". And then on to "No collusion and even if there was, collusion is not illegal", and now on to "You can't indict a sitting President". Then there's "Russia was helping Hillary", which even Putin said was a lie when he said "Of course I wanted Trump to win".

All of Trump's appointees to the FBI, the CIA and the NSA have said that Russia interfered in the election to benefit Trump. Trump held a big press conference in the White House where they outlined what they were doing to prevent it from happening again.

The ONLY person promoting false narratives is Donald J. Trump and the Russian propaganda machine which supports him. You'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Evgeny?

Seriously girl….

You libtards are so ignorant of basic facts….

If these people were simply seeking asylum they

would stay in the first country they came through….

They want to come to the US because it’s the land of milk and honey.

I don’t blame them, but we have a process…

What is a Country without laws?

Congressional oversight, surely you jest,

did you sleep through obongos presidency?

Dishonest Hack, if you like your doctor you can keep him…

If you like your plan you can keep it…

You health care rate will go down $2,500.00 a month….

Show me a lie from Trump than can match those Whoppers from obongo…

You libtards are all so very full of SHIT….
“Could paul ryan be any more of a back stabber?”

Could the reprehensible right be any more authoritarian: everyone must conform, all dissent must be punished.
Than the First Backstabber? Trump, crotch in one hand and knife in another.
It's going the other direction Dip Shit...……...

No, it's not. The GOP is dead. It's Trump's party now, and in case you haven't noticed, your President is toast. Nobody wants to be seen with him. He's toxic.

Hate and fear is not sustainable. It's why ISIS is gone and it will be why Trump will be gone too. Fear, loathing and desperation and destructive and exhausting for the nation. People have had enough.

You are no doubt insane...

Trump is STOMPING your libtarded asses.....

4 more days to your doom...…….

Seriously dude, get a life. Trump is running scared, shitting his pants daily. He's sending 15,000 troops to the border because he's frightened of a group of poor, unarmed women and children, so much so that he's prepared to strip them of their right to claim asylum.

Up until now, Trump has had no congressional oversight, no witnesses who would show you what a dishonest hack you elected, have been called, and the
I can't wait til this rino pos is gone...……….

Is telling the truth about s
I can't wait til this rino pos is gone...……….

So then you would prefer to hear FALSE narratives to rally around, and when someone calls Trump out on his FALSE narratives they're a backstabber? Correct.

So basically what you're saying is you would prefer to remain DUMB & OBLIVIOUS to the role of the 3 branches of government, their powers and how they work.


Don't tell me you actually VOTE!

The 5th amendment to the Constitution is very clear.

The only way to change, rewrite, repeal, or add an amendment to the Constitution requires, 2/3's of the Senate, 2/3's of the House and then has to be ratified by 3/4's of the states. The President has no say whatsoever in this process.
What does it take to repeal a constitutional amendment? - National Constitution Center

Paul Ryan rejects Trump plan to end birthright citizenship with executive order: 'You obviously cannot do that'

False Narratives…

What a HOOT coming from a libtard….

It’s you on the left that undermine our 3 branches of government

with what you have done with the courts.

It’s you and yours that are DUMB and OBLIVIOUS………..

Yes, false narratives.

On one side we have Trump's ever-changing narrative which has morphed from:

"Nobody on our side met with Russians", until they were caught and then is was to "Well maybe we met with Russians but no collusion". And then on to "No collusion and even if there was, collusion is not illegal", and now on to "You can't indict a sitting President". Then there's "Russia was helping Hillary", which even Putin said was a lie when he said "Of course I wanted Trump to win".

All of Trump's appointees to the FBI, the CIA and the NSA have said that Russia interfered in the election to benefit Trump. Trump held a big press conference in the White House where they outlined what they were doing to prevent it from happening again.

The ONLY person promoting false narratives is Donald J. Trump and the Russian propaganda machine which supports him. You'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Evgeny?

Seriously girl….

You libtards are so ignorant of basic facts….

If these people were simply seeking asylum they

would stay in the first country they came through….

They want to come to the US because it’s the land of milk and honey.

I don’t blame them, but we have a process…

What is a Country without laws?

Congressional oversight, surely you jest,

did you sleep through obongos presidency?

Dishonest Hack, if you like your doctor you can keep him…

If you like your plan you can keep it…

You health care rate will go down $2,500.00 a month….

Show me a lie from Trump than can match those Whoppers from obongo…

You libtards are all so very full of SHIT….
“Could paul ryan be any more of a back stabber?”

Could the reprehensible right be any more authoritarian: everyone must conform, all dissent must be punished.

Oh, you mean like ObamaCare?
No, it's not. The GOP is dead. It's Trump's party now, and in case you haven't noticed, your President is toast. Nobody wants to be seen with him. He's toxic.

Hate and fear is not sustainable. It's why ISIS is gone and it will be why Trump will be gone too. Fear, loathing and desperation and destructive and exhausting for the nation. People have had enough.

You are no doubt insane...

Trump is STOMPING your libtarded asses.....

4 more days to your doom...…….

Seriously dude, get a life. Trump is running scared, shitting his pants daily. He's sending 15,000 troops to the border because he's frightened of a group of poor, unarmed women and children, so much so that he's prepared to strip them of their right to claim asylum.

Up until now, Trump has had no congressional oversight, no witnesses who would show you what a dishonest hack you elected, have been called, and the
Is telling the truth about s
So then you would prefer to hear FALSE narratives to rally around, and when someone calls Trump out on his FALSE narratives they're a backstabber? Correct.

So basically what you're saying is you would prefer to remain DUMB & OBLIVIOUS to the role of the 3 branches of government, their powers and how they work.


Don't tell me you actually VOTE!

The 5th amendment to the Constitution is very clear.

The only way to change, rewrite, repeal, or add an amendment to the Constitution requires, 2/3's of the Senate, 2/3's of the House and then has to be ratified by 3/4's of the states. The President has no say whatsoever in this process.
What does it take to repeal a constitutional amendment? - National Constitution Center

Paul Ryan rejects Trump plan to end birthright citizenship with executive order: 'You obviously cannot do that'

False Narratives…

What a HOOT coming from a libtard….

It’s you on the left that undermine our 3 branches of government

with what you have done with the courts.

It’s you and yours that are DUMB and OBLIVIOUS………..

Yes, false narratives.

On one side we have Trump's ever-changing narrative which has morphed from:

"Nobody on our side met with Russians", until they were caught and then is was to "Well maybe we met with Russians but no collusion". And then on to "No collusion and even if there was, collusion is not illegal", and now on to "You can't indict a sitting President". Then there's "Russia was helping Hillary", which even Putin said was a lie when he said "Of course I wanted Trump to win".

All of Trump's appointees to the FBI, the CIA and the NSA have said that Russia interfered in the election to benefit Trump. Trump held a big press conference in the White House where they outlined what they were doing to prevent it from happening again.

The ONLY person promoting false narratives is Donald J. Trump and the Russian propaganda machine which supports him. You'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Evgeny?

Seriously girl….

You libtards are so ignorant of basic facts….

If these people were simply seeking asylum they

would stay in the first country they came through….

They want to come to the US because it’s the land of milk and honey.

I don’t blame them, but we have a process…

What is a Country without laws?

Congressional oversight, surely you jest,

did you sleep through obongos presidency?

Dishonest Hack, if you like your doctor you can keep him…

If you like your plan you can keep it…

You health care rate will go down $2,500.00 a month….

Show me a lie from Trump than can match those Whoppers from obongo…

You libtards are all so very full of SHIT….

There have been over 1000 lies he's told just in the past week. Any one of which is a bigger lie than anything Obama ever said.

There was nothing in Obamacare that required you to change doctors. It was the doctors who said they wouldn't accept the insurance. Both the Republican Party and the Medical Industrial Complex did everything they possibly could to undermine the program.

But people like Obamacare a whole lot more than they like Trump. Trump was going to give you better, cheaper health care for all. What happened to that? Where are the rate reductions Trump promised?

But the biggest lie Trump told the American workers was that they would all get a $4000 a year raise from the big corporate tax cut. What did you do with your $4000 raise Ray?

You have a link to Trump saying that? I didn't think so.....

Yes, if Commie Care doesn't offer plans that cover your doctor or medical facility, you have no choice but to switch.

In Ohio, they only have one insurance company that covered my facility, the Cleveland Clinic. Every other company didn't cover the Clinic, and the Clinic is the biggest medical healthcare facility in the state.

Not only was there only one insurance company, but it was the most expensive policy (unaffordable) available.

If people liked Commie Care more than they liked Trump, Hillary would be President today.

No she wouldn’t. The 2016 election wasn’t about health care, but this one is. And Trump has nothing to offer. Nothing.

You have it backwards Ray. It wasn’t the insurers who forced you to change doctors, it was the doctors who refused to accept the reimbursement rates.
This FEAR mongering is how Trump got elected, and he is doing it again to get the Trump base stirred up into a frenzy before the midterm, and that's all this is about. Trump plans on spending 50 million dollars to send 15,000 of our military to patrol an empty desert. Many of them just got back from deployment that are now getting ripped from their families again because Trump wants to score some political points with his base. That's it. Personally I would prefer to send down the $50 million to Mexico to help with the needs of the caravan.

Why is that? So they could make it here quicker and in better health? Good idea!

How to they make it quicker here, when they're already in Mexico--:auiqs.jpg: Better health care? The next time you go to your doctors office HERE, you may notice a lot of degrees hanging on the wall, from a medical school out of Guadalajara, Mexico.

If that is so, why would you want to spend 50 million dollars on that?
You are no doubt insane...

Trump is STOMPING your libtarded asses.....

4 more days to your doom...…….

Seriously dude, get a life. Trump is running scared, shitting his pants daily. He's sending 15,000 troops to the border because he's frightened of a group of poor, unarmed women and children, so much so that he's prepared to strip them of their right to claim asylum.

Up until now, Trump has had no congressional oversight, no witnesses who would show you what a dishonest hack you elected, have been called, and the
False Narratives…

What a HOOT coming from a libtard….

It’s you on the left that undermine our 3 branches of government

with what you have done with the courts.

It’s you and yours that are DUMB and OBLIVIOUS………..

Yes, false narratives.

On one side we have Trump's ever-changing narrative which has morphed from:

"Nobody on our side met with Russians", until they were caught and then is was to "Well maybe we met with Russians but no collusion". And then on to "No collusion and even if there was, collusion is not illegal", and now on to "You can't indict a sitting President". Then there's "Russia was helping Hillary", which even Putin said was a lie when he said "Of course I wanted Trump to win".

All of Trump's appointees to the FBI, the CIA and the NSA have said that Russia interfered in the election to benefit Trump. Trump held a big press conference in the White House where they outlined what they were doing to prevent it from happening again.

The ONLY person promoting false narratives is Donald J. Trump and the Russian propaganda machine which supports him. You'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Evgeny?

Seriously girl….

You libtards are so ignorant of basic facts….

If these people were simply seeking asylum they

would stay in the first country they came through….

They want to come to the US because it’s the land of milk and honey.

I don’t blame them, but we have a process…

What is a Country without laws?

Congressional oversight, surely you jest,

did you sleep through obongos presidency?

Dishonest Hack, if you like your doctor you can keep him…

If you like your plan you can keep it…

You health care rate will go down $2,500.00 a month….

Show me a lie from Trump than can match those Whoppers from obongo…

You libtards are all so very full of SHIT….

There have been over 1000 lies he's told just in the past week. Any one of which is a bigger lie than anything Obama ever said.

There was nothing in Obamacare that required you to change doctors. It was the doctors who said they wouldn't accept the insurance. Both the Republican Party and the Medical Industrial Complex did everything they possibly could to undermine the program.

But people like Obamacare a whole lot more than they like Trump. Trump was going to give you better, cheaper health care for all. What happened to that? Where are the rate reductions Trump promised?

But the biggest lie Trump told the American workers was that they would all get a $4000 a year raise from the big corporate tax cut. What did you do with your $4000 raise Ray?

You have a link to Trump saying that? I didn't think so.....

Yes, if Commie Care doesn't offer plans that cover your doctor or medical facility, you have no choice but to switch.

In Ohio, they only have one insurance company that covered my facility, the Cleveland Clinic. Every other company didn't cover the Clinic, and the Clinic is the biggest medical healthcare facility in the state.

Not only was there only one insurance company, but it was the most expensive policy (unaffordable) available.

If people liked Commie Care more than they liked Trump, Hillary would be President today.

No she wouldn’t. The 2016 election wasn’t about health care, but this one is. And Trump has nothing to offer. Nothing.

You have it backwards Ray. It wasn’t the insurers who forced you to change doctors, it was the doctors who refused to accept the reimbursement rates.

So if reimbursements rates were so bad, how do you call Commie Care a success?

Furthermore in Commie Care, it states that YOU CAN keep your insurance provided they don't change plans or rates. Now seriously.........what medical insurance company doesn't change plans or rates every year?

Commie Care is as phony as a blonde wig on a black woman.

This election is not about healthcare. This election is about jobs, economy and the border, all of which Republicans are making great accomplishments.
If you converted your libtarded brain into gasoline…..

You wouldn’t have enough gas to drive a piss ant’s

motorcycle around a BB…………
When you have nothing to say go directly to insult and ad hominem. Brilliant, absolutely brilliant/

You just described the libtard philosophy to a tee………….

My goodness you just had an enlightening moment of self awareness. Congratulations

Glad to see you agree with me.....

But the fact is I have known this for a long time....
It is good to know you recognize yourself as "libtard" I admire your honesty.

You libtards get confused easily.
It's going the other direction Dip Shit...……...

No, it's not. The GOP is dead. It's Trump's party now, and in case you haven't noticed, your President is toast. Nobody wants to be seen with him. He's toxic.

Hate and fear is not sustainable. It's why ISIS is gone and it will be why Trump will be gone too. Fear, loathing and desperation and destructive and exhausting for the nation. People have had enough.

You are no doubt insane...

Trump is STOMPING your libtarded asses.....

4 more days to your doom...…….

Seriously dude, get a life. Trump is running scared, shitting his pants daily. He's sending 15,000 troops to the border because he's frightened of a group of poor, unarmed women and children, so much so that he's prepared to strip them of their right to claim asylum.

Up until now, Trump has had no congressional oversight, no witnesses who would show you what a dishonest hack you elected, have been called, and the
I can't wait til this rino pos is gone...……….

Is telling the truth about s
I can't wait til this rino pos is gone...……….

So then you would prefer to hear FALSE narratives to rally around, and when someone calls Trump out on his FALSE narratives they're a backstabber? Correct.

So basically what you're saying is you would prefer to remain DUMB & OBLIVIOUS to the role of the 3 branches of government, their powers and how they work.


Don't tell me you actually VOTE!

The 5th amendment to the Constitution is very clear.

The only way to change, rewrite, repeal, or add an amendment to the Constitution requires, 2/3's of the Senate, 2/3's of the House and then has to be ratified by 3/4's of the states. The President has no say whatsoever in this process.
What does it take to repeal a constitutional amendment? - National Constitution Center

Paul Ryan rejects Trump plan to end birthright citizenship with executive order: 'You obviously cannot do that'

False Narratives…

What a HOOT coming from a libtard….

It’s you on the left that undermine our 3 branches of government

with what you have done with the courts.

It’s you and yours that are DUMB and OBLIVIOUS………..

Yes, false narratives.

On one side we have Trump's ever-changing narrative which has morphed from:

"Nobody on our side met with Russians", until they were caught and then is was to "Well maybe we met with Russians but no collusion". And then on to "No collusion and even if there was, collusion is not illegal", and now on to "You can't indict a sitting President". Then there's "Russia was helping Hillary", which even Putin said was a lie when he said "Of course I wanted Trump to win".

All of Trump's appointees to the FBI, the CIA and the NSA have said that Russia interfered in the election to benefit Trump. Trump held a big press conference in the White House where they outlined what they were doing to prevent it from happening again.

The ONLY person promoting false narratives is Donald J. Trump and the Russian propaganda machine which supports him. You'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Evgeny?

Seriously girl….

You libtards are so ignorant of basic facts….

If these people were simply seeking asylum they

would stay in the first country they came through….

They want to come to the US because it’s the land of milk and honey.

I don’t blame them, but we have a process…

What is a Country without laws?

Congressional oversight, surely you jest,

did you sleep through obongos presidency?

Dishonest Hack, if you like your doctor you can keep him…

If you like your plan you can keep it…

You health care rate will go down $2,500.00 a month….

Show me a lie from Trump than can match those Whoppers from obongo…

You libtards are all so very full of SHIT….

Right now they're at least 1000 miles away--(walking). Furthermore Mexican militia along with Federal police are down on their southern border stopping them which is 1,982 miles from our border Mexico has sent down medical workers to take the sick to Mexico City hospitals for treatment, not drive them to the U.S. border. Mexico is also offering them work permits. So right now it's more beneficial for this caravan to stay in Mexico.
Mexico sends federal forces to its southern border as migrant caravan heads north
Migrant caravan: Mexico says it will offer work permits, health benefits to those who stay

This FEAR mongering is how Trump got elected, and he is doing it again to get the Trump base stirred up into a frenzy before the midterm, and that's all this is about. Trump plans on spending 50 million dollars to send 15,000 of our military to patrol an empty desert. Many of them just got back from deployment that are now getting ripped from their families again because Trump wants to score some political points with his base. That's it. Personally I would prefer to send down the $50 million to Mexico to help with the needs of the caravan.

FOX NEWS has also been horrible in their reporting--stoking the fear stating that these migrants have small pox (which was eradicated world wide in 1980) Leprosy, and TB. Smart people know that people in poorer countries are more vaccinated toward these diseases than wealthier countries are, via the red cross and other organizations. If it were actually true, the Centers for disease control would be storming the place right now, and putting all of them under quarantine.
Fox News: Migrant caravan has people with Smallpox, Leprosy


This HATE has got to stop, before more innocent people get killed. Trump is the one that stokes the fear and incites the violence.

All the HATE is on the left...

Trump is enforcing our laws...

We all know you libtards hate that....

We are going to kick your ass Tuesday...…….
You are no doubt insane...

Trump is STOMPING your libtarded asses.....

4 more days to your doom...…….

Seriously dude, get a life. Trump is running scared, shitting his pants daily. He's sending 15,000 troops to the border because he's frightened of a group of poor, unarmed women and children, so much so that he's prepared to strip them of their right to claim asylum.

Up until now, Trump has had no congressional oversight, no witnesses who would show you what a dishonest hack you elected, have been called, and the
False Narratives…

What a HOOT coming from a libtard….

It’s you on the left that undermine our 3 branches of government

with what you have done with the courts.

It’s you and yours that are DUMB and OBLIVIOUS………..

Yes, false narratives.

On one side we have Trump's ever-changing narrative which has morphed from:

"Nobody on our side met with Russians", until they were caught and then is was to "Well maybe we met with Russians but no collusion". And then on to "No collusion and even if there was, collusion is not illegal", and now on to "You can't indict a sitting President". Then there's "Russia was helping Hillary", which even Putin said was a lie when he said "Of course I wanted Trump to win".

All of Trump's appointees to the FBI, the CIA and the NSA have said that Russia interfered in the election to benefit Trump. Trump held a big press conference in the White House where they outlined what they were doing to prevent it from happening again.

The ONLY person promoting false narratives is Donald J. Trump and the Russian propaganda machine which supports him. You'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Evgeny?

Seriously girl….

You libtards are so ignorant of basic facts….

If these people were simply seeking asylum they

would stay in the first country they came through….

They want to come to the US because it’s the land of milk and honey.

I don’t blame them, but we have a process…

What is a Country without laws?

Congressional oversight, surely you jest,

did you sleep through obongos presidency?

Dishonest Hack, if you like your doctor you can keep him…

If you like your plan you can keep it…

You health care rate will go down $2,500.00 a month….

Show me a lie from Trump than can match those Whoppers from obongo…

You libtards are all so very full of SHIT….

There have been over 1000 lies he's told just in the past week. Any one of which is a bigger lie than anything Obama ever said.

There was nothing in Obamacare that required you to change doctors. It was the doctors who said they wouldn't accept the insurance. Both the Republican Party and the Medical Industrial Complex did everything they possibly could to undermine the program.

But people like Obamacare a whole lot more than they like Trump. Trump was going to give you better, cheaper health care for all. What happened to that? Where are the rate reductions Trump promised?

But the biggest lie Trump told the American workers was that they would all get a $4000 a year raise from the big corporate tax cut. What did you do with your $4000 raise Ray?

Name one lie that Trump has told that's bigger than obongo's ...

You can't because you are full of SHIT.....

Trump won the liar of the year award from Politifact. He's a well known pathological liar. He can't say a paragraph that doesn't have a lie in it.
PolitiFact awards Donald Trump its 'Lie of the Year'

Here is a video of Trump admitting to Obstruction of Justice on National T.V. (which is an impeachable offense.)-in which he admits he lied as to the reason he fired James Comey.

In the above video they are referencing an article that was confirmed by James Clapper, National intelligence director, under sworn testimony over a year ago. Trump surrogates were being picked up in daily routine spying operations of Russian intelligence agents, by several different foreign intelligence services since 2015. Here is the article.
British spies were first to spot Trump team's links with Russia

For confirmation of Clapper's testimony scroll down this link to Feinstein questioning Clapper.
Full transcript: Sally Yates and James Clapper testify on Russian election interference


If Democrats win the house this coming Tuesday--they will impeach Trump. They will begin open public hearings and testimony, as soon as they're sworn in, in January 2019, and at that point, Sean Hannity nor anyone else is going to be able to protect Trump.

Nobody but you libtards are swayed by your FAKE NEWS...

Name one Trump lie bigger than

"If you like your doctor you can keep your doctor"

You can't because you are full of SHIT.....

Can't wait til Tuesday...…...
It's going the other direction Dip Shit...……...

No, it's not. The GOP is dead. It's Trump's party now, and in case you haven't noticed, your President is toast. Nobody wants to be seen with him. He's toxic.

Hate and fear is not sustainable. It's why ISIS is gone and it will be why Trump will be gone too. Fear, loathing and desperation and destructive and exhausting for the nation. People have had enough.

You are no doubt insane...

Trump is STOMPING your libtarded asses.....

4 more days to your doom...…….

Seriously dude, get a life. Trump is running scared, shitting his pants daily. He's sending 15,000 troops to the border because he's frightened of a group of poor, unarmed women and children, so much so that he's prepared to strip them of their right to claim asylum.

Up until now, Trump has had no congressional oversight, no witnesses who would show you what a dishonest hack you elected, have been called, and the
I can't wait til this rino pos is gone...……….

Is telling the truth about s
I can't wait til this rino pos is gone...……….

So then you would prefer to hear FALSE narratives to rally around, and when someone calls Trump out on his FALSE narratives they're a backstabber? Correct.

So basically what you're saying is you would prefer to remain DUMB & OBLIVIOUS to the role of the 3 branches of government, their powers and how they work.


Don't tell me you actually VOTE!

The 5th amendment to the Constitution is very clear.

The only way to change, rewrite, repeal, or add an amendment to the Constitution requires, 2/3's of the Senate, 2/3's of the House and then has to be ratified by 3/4's of the states. The President has no say whatsoever in this process.
What does it take to repeal a constitutional amendment? - National Constitution Center

Paul Ryan rejects Trump plan to end birthright citizenship with executive order: 'You obviously cannot do that'

False Narratives…

What a HOOT coming from a libtard….

It’s you on the left that undermine our 3 branches of government

with what you have done with the courts.

It’s you and yours that are DUMB and OBLIVIOUS………..

Yes, false narratives.

On one side we have Trump's ever-changing narrative which has morphed from:

"Nobody on our side met with Russians", until they were caught and then is was to "Well maybe we met with Russians but no collusion". And then on to "No collusion and even if there was, collusion is not illegal", and now on to "You can't indict a sitting President". Then there's "Russia was helping Hillary", which even Putin said was a lie when he said "Of course I wanted Trump to win".

All of Trump's appointees to the FBI, the CIA and the NSA have said that Russia interfered in the election to benefit Trump. Trump held a big press conference in the White House where they outlined what they were doing to prevent it from happening again.

The ONLY person promoting false narratives is Donald J. Trump and the Russian propaganda machine which supports him. You'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Evgeny?

Seriously girl….

You libtards are so ignorant of basic facts….

If these people were simply seeking asylum they

would stay in the first country they came through….

They want to come to the US because it’s the land of milk and honey.

I don’t blame them, but we have a process…

What is a Country without laws?

Congressional oversight, surely you jest,

did you sleep through obongos presidency?

Dishonest Hack, if you like your doctor you can keep him…

If you like your plan you can keep it…

You health care rate will go down $2,500.00 a month….

Show me a lie from Trump than can match those Whoppers from obongo…

You libtards are all so very full of SHIT….
“Could paul ryan be any more of a back stabber?”

Could the reprehensible right be any more authoritarian: everyone must conform, all dissent must be punished.

Everything you libtards accuse us of You do in SPADES…..

You are the NAZI’S…..
You are no doubt insane...

Trump is STOMPING your libtarded asses.....

4 more days to your doom...…….

Seriously dude, get a life. Trump is running scared, shitting his pants daily. He's sending 15,000 troops to the border because he's frightened of a group of poor, unarmed women and children, so much so that he's prepared to strip them of their right to claim asylum.

Up until now, Trump has had no congressional oversight, no witnesses who would show you what a dishonest hack you elected, have been called, and the
False Narratives…

What a HOOT coming from a libtard….

It’s you on the left that undermine our 3 branches of government

with what you have done with the courts.

It’s you and yours that are DUMB and OBLIVIOUS………..

Yes, false narratives.

On one side we have Trump's ever-changing narrative which has morphed from:

"Nobody on our side met with Russians", until they were caught and then is was to "Well maybe we met with Russians but no collusion". And then on to "No collusion and even if there was, collusion is not illegal", and now on to "You can't indict a sitting President". Then there's "Russia was helping Hillary", which even Putin said was a lie when he said "Of course I wanted Trump to win".

All of Trump's appointees to the FBI, the CIA and the NSA have said that Russia interfered in the election to benefit Trump. Trump held a big press conference in the White House where they outlined what they were doing to prevent it from happening again.

The ONLY person promoting false narratives is Donald J. Trump and the Russian propaganda machine which supports him. You'd know all about that, wouldn't you, Evgeny?

Seriously girl….

You libtards are so ignorant of basic facts….

If these people were simply seeking asylum they

would stay in the first country they came through….

They want to come to the US because it’s the land of milk and honey.

I don’t blame them, but we have a process…

What is a Country without laws?

Congressional oversight, surely you jest,

did you sleep through obongos presidency?

Dishonest Hack, if you like your doctor you can keep him…

If you like your plan you can keep it…

You health care rate will go down $2,500.00 a month….

Show me a lie from Trump than can match those Whoppers from obongo…

You libtards are all so very full of SHIT….

There have been over 1000 lies he's told just in the past week. Any one of which is a bigger lie than anything Obama ever said.

There was nothing in Obamacare that required you to change doctors. It was the doctors who said they wouldn't accept the insurance. Both the Republican Party and the Medical Industrial Complex did everything they possibly could to undermine the program.

But people like Obamacare a whole lot more than they like Trump. Trump was going to give you better, cheaper health care for all. What happened to that? Where are the rate reductions Trump promised?

But the biggest lie Trump told the American workers was that they would all get a $4000 a year raise from the big corporate tax cut. What did you do with your $4000 raise Ray?

You have a link to Trump saying that? I didn't think so.....

Yes, if Commie Care doesn't offer plans that cover your doctor or medical facility, you have no choice but to switch.

In Ohio, they only have one insurance company that covered my facility, the Cleveland Clinic. Every other company didn't cover the Clinic, and the Clinic is the biggest medical healthcare facility in the state.

Not only was there only one insurance company, but it was the most expensive policy (unaffordable) available.

If people liked Commie Care more than they liked Trump, Hillary would be President today.

No she wouldn’t. The 2016 election wasn’t about health care, but this one is. And Trump has nothing to offer. Nothing.

You have it backwards Ray. It wasn’t the insurers who forced you to change doctors, it was the doctors who refused to accept the reimbursement rates.

DL, you have it all wrong…..

The FAKE NEWS tells you it’s about health care

when it’s always about the economy.

Trump has given us the best economy in many of our lifetimes.

It’s you libtards that have nothing to offer other than hate…

My doctor told me that obongocare would have meant a 40%

decrease in pay for him.

You SOCIALIST are insane to think your policies will ever work in the real world…

You get what you pay for…..

obongo knew this all along….

The biggest lie from obongo was our rates would go down by 2,500.00

a year by adding 15 million uninsured to the system….

Only a fool would believe obongo about anything.

PS: We are going to kick your ass Tuesday..

Don’t waste your time voting……
Same old tough talk from old farts that have a hard time with a bowel movement.

You ever had an old fart whip your ass....

Unless you are quite a bit bigger than me

I would bet I could kick your ass if necessary.
You are an idiot.

This coming from a tard with a bart simpson avatar.....
At least I don't need to talk trash like your type.

I have to admit I do enjoy pissing libtards off...

It's one of my favorite hobby's in the morning and at night.
You couldn't stop pissing on yourself also.

It sounds like you have some problems..

But then again what libtard doesn’t.

We will all piss on you libtards on Tuesday……

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