Could Trump Actually Deport 11 Million People?

Why not just shoot this down with the easiest shot in the grab bag?

There is no state law defining an illegal alien. Consequently, no state court can deport an illegal alien, since under state law, there is no such thing as an illegal alien.

The states our sovereign entities which RETAINED the right to confer their citizenship upon whomever,

If you have HISTORICAL FACTS to dispute my assertion present them.


How about the fact that in the entire history of the USA, no state has every deported someone out of this country under the authority of that state alone?

How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

So fuck you now.


I appreciate your consession that there are no state laws against illegal immigration, and that all such laws are federal. It takes a big man to admit that he is wrong.



How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

So fuck you now.


Occasionally, I become curious of exactly what the hell you are talking about, but that soon fades......
The states our sovereign entities which RETAINED the right to confer their citizenship upon whomever,

If you have HISTORICAL FACTS to dispute my assertion present them.


How about the fact that in the entire history of the USA, no state has every deported someone out of this country under the authority of that state alone?

How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

So fuck you now.


I appreciate your consession that there are no state laws against illegal immigration, and that all such laws are federal. It takes a big man to admit that he is wrong.



How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

So fuck you now.


Occasionally, I become curious of exactly what the hell you are talking about, but that soon fades......
He lives in Puerto Rico

So it's probably island fever.
How about the fact that in the entire history of the USA, no state has every deported someone out of this country under the authority of that state alone?

How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

So fuck you now.


I appreciate your consession that there are no state laws against illegal immigration, and that all such laws are federal. It takes a big man to admit that he is wrong.



How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

So fuck you now.


Occasionally, I become curious of exactly what the hell you are talking about, but that soon fades......
He lives in Puerto Rico

So it's probably island fever.

Are you serious? The guy lives in Puerto Rico and is outraged by Mexicans taking financial advantage of the US? Come, on! You have to be making that up!
So true.
How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

So fuck you now.


I appreciate your consession that there are no state laws against illegal immigration, and that all such laws are federal. It takes a big man to admit that he is wrong.



How about the FACT that from 1800 to the mid 1890's there was NO FEDERAL IMMIGRATION LAW . Congress for the first time enacted a law to deport the Chinese because their presence here constituted a FUCKING EMERGENCY.

Was it an emergency because the Chinese were collecting too much welfare payments? FUCK NO.

It was an "emergency" because the Chinese wanted to work in the California Gold Mines competing against "our people" (wink, wink) read WHITE AMERICANS OF EUROPEAN DESCENT.

So fuck you now.


Occasionally, I become curious of exactly what the hell you are talking about, but that soon fades......
He lives in Puerto Rico

So it's probably island fever.

Are you serious? The guy lives in Puerto Rico and is outraged by Mexicans taking financial advantage of the US? Come, on! You have to be making that up!
Life is stranger than fiction.
I actually LIVED it, VAL. I WATCHED it and followed it in the news, I read about it in newspapers and in magazine articles. Dumbasses like you think if it isn't on the internet it didn't happen, as if everything on the internet is true.

Life is actually happening right now away from your computer / smart phone. If you really want to educate yourself go live life and experience some of it yourself.

And if you really want research on it get off your ass and learn how to use 'google'. Don't sit there and demand someone spoon-feeds your lazy ass. I have no problem leaving you fat, dumb, and lazy - if you don't care enough to make an effort I sure don't have a reason to?!

Thanks for demonstrating the 'lack of desire' I was talking about.

Easy, I live in Arizona. in fact, I live withing 30 miles of the Mexican boarder, and there was NO migration of illegals out of Arizona because of the law that AZ passed, which was quickly squashed by the feds as being out of the state jurisdiction.
There was NO migration, huh, VAL? REALLY?!

"The three major broadcast networks have ALL run dramatic stories proclaiming the great harm that will be done to small businesses in the wake of the enforcement of S.B. 1070, the new anti-immigration statute that is set to go into effect on July 29.

Particularly alarmist was the piece ran on ABC’s World News on Sunday. The correspondent wailed and the chorus chanted woe as one after another small business owner (alleged) predicted their imminent financial ruin as their most loyal customer base was washed away by the pounding tide of immigration enforcement.

One of the merchants featured in the ABC story was described as being distraught “about the quiet EXODUS — immigrant families already LEAVING THE STATE IN DROVES."

3 major news networks reported the story VAL says never happened...

Illegals leaving the state "IN DROVES"...but VAL never saw a thing, never happened.....

That's because VAL is either an ignorant dumbass or a liar. Which is it, VAL?


"S.B. 1070 is scheduled to go into full operational effect on Thursday. The EGRESS OF ILLEGALS FROM ARIZONA, as well as their ingress into American sanctuary cities should be of interest to all legal residents of the United States."

It SHOULD have been....but somehow liberals like VAL completely 'missed' the whole thing.....

Feel free to apologize for calling me a liar any time...pardon me if I don't hold my breath waiting for that to happen.

OH! it says so in the New American! I guess that I got a little distracted when reading their section asking for donations! Well, If the New American says that Illegals are fleeing AZ because of a law that has been voided as not being within the state' jurisdiction, who am I to deny it? I am sure that you know a whole lot more than I do, wherever the hell you live. I just get by on the local news from Tucson and Phoenix, As near as I can tell, they are in a state of pure hysteria because of the illegal immigrants who are here! (Or, is the entire crisis over, and AZ no longer has an illegal immigrant problem? Your choice, which is true? No, let me guess. All the illegal immigrants fled, and now they are back again, right?)

You are a hoot, Easy!
You get busted LYING...or being STUPID...and the best you have is 'I declare your source to be invalid'?! Yeah, I bet you do, VAL. It's the only way to save face.

Yes, Barry did step in and (try to) stop others from doing what he refuses to do - actually enforce immigration laws. Yes the 'exodus' stopped as a result, but you were just proved to be a LIAR or completely IGNORANT!

You said 'no migration' occurred, yet, as pointed out in the article, the 3 major networks reported on it. It would be easy enough - knowing that - to do more research on your own, but you would rather sit there with 'liar/ignorance' written on your forehead due to either laziness or - which is probably the truth - because you already know you lied / were wrong. No one from Az could NOT know about this story because it was huge. It captured the nation's attention at the time....except somehow, as you showed, liberals like you, even those claiming to live there, 'missed' the whole thing. LOL!

So, again, VAL, are you a liar or just stipid?

Easy, I did not mean to cause you to have a stroke. No more caffeine for you, fella! My Rx for you is to lay off the RW blogs that you are addicted to, take a valium, lose yourself in a fantasy movie....maybe something like Star Wars, where the Dark Side always loses in the end, and spend at least 30 minutes per day in medication at your Trump altar, while chanting, "Hail, Donald, full of grace, blessed is the fruit of thy rhetoric....."
The only thing you did was get caught in a lie, VAL. Are you even from Arizona? It's hard to believe that illegals were flowing out of Az, the 'big 3' networks were doing numerous stories about it, businesses were openly voicing concern about how it would negatively impact them, the Obama administration took action against Az to stop it....but you somehow 'missed' it all. Maybe you were busy 'dodging sniper fire'. :p
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Too bad it's a fixed fight and Hillary will be the nominee.
I think the DNC can fix the nomination for Hillary, but I can't shake the feeling she is fundamentally the All American Loser who's only in this race because she married "well."
That may be very true. Donnie and she are the most unpopular candidates in modern history to most likely become the nominees of their respective parties for the Presidency. What is stunning is that Bern would shellack donnie.
If you were wondering what they mean by "Make America Great AGAIN"...

"Make America Great Again!" is code for "Bring Back White America!'
No it means bring back the day when working for a living earns a living. Where EVERY AMERICAN could dream of owning their own home someday. Nobody gives a flying fuck about what color they are except a bunch of racists like yourself.
If you were wondering what they mean by "Make America Great AGAIN"...

"Make America Great Again!" is code for "Bring Back White America!'
No it means bring back the day when working for a living earns a living. Where EVERY AMERICAN could dream of owning their own home someday. Nobody gives a flying fuck about what color they are except a bunch of racists like yourself.
Sly, for a few deranged whites that is exactly how they interpret Trump's slogan.

And the left are every bit as good as the right in smearing the main group as somehow the same as the crazies.

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