Court Docs show the shooter hated christians, Trump, and was a registered democrat....

He cared more about getting obama care first passed, then do that he needed to control congress, and didn't want to lose members to anti-gun votes the way bill clinton did. He put his efforts into stacking the lower courts and the Supreme Court with anti-gun we see in the people he put on the 9th, 4th, and 2nd Courts of appeals and the other federal benches.....they have ignored the rulings in Heller, and MacDonald over and over again.....knowing that the Supreme Court was divided 4-4 on gun issues.....they would have fixed that if hilary had won...

You conspiracy theory gun nuts will will stretch credibility all out of shape to match your silly claims, won't you? Your attempt at an explanation is absurd on several levels.
More frivolous gun control laws....

What a stupid picture. You want to explain what it's supposed to mean? Or is it just more silliness to stir up the crazies?
The collective has no credibility, and has no right to force anybody into any type of collective....

If it collectively benefits the masses, it simply makes more sense.

Gun control doesn't seem to benefit the collective....

There's a ton of examples which prove gun control doesn't do squat to diminish murder, or crime.

Take Jamaica, they had a murder rate about the same as the USA in the 1970's, after 20 years of gun control, Jamaica's murder rate began to be about 10X higher than the USA.

Jamaica's entire crime rate is well above our crime rate. Gun crime has risen no more than other types of crime.
You conspiracy theory gun nuts will will stretch credibility all out of shape to match your silly claims, won't you? Your attempt at an explanation is absurd on several levels.
More frivolous gun control laws....

What a stupid picture. You want to explain what it's supposed to mean? Or is it just more silliness to stir up the crazies?
The collective has no credibility, and has no right to force anybody into any type of collective....

The collective? Are you talking about America? Yes, we have the right to pass laws, but if you don't think so, pack your shit and get out of my country you fucking traitor.

Extreme Gun control in the USA, would probably create a Civil War, if anything...

Who is wanting extreme gun control? For gun nuts, any type regulation is extreme. The majority of the country doesn't see it that way
More frivolous gun control laws....

What a stupid picture. You want to explain what it's supposed to mean? Or is it just more silliness to stir up the crazies?
The collective has no credibility, and has no right to force anybody into any type of collective....

The collective? Are you talking about America? Yes, we have the right to pass laws, but if you don't think so, pack your shit and get out of my country you fucking traitor.

Extreme Gun control in the USA, would probably create a Civil War, if anything...

Who is wanting extreme gun control? For gun nuts, any type regulation is extreme. The majority of the country doesn't see it that way
Firearm registration is unconstitutional...
You conspiracy theory gun nuts will will stretch credibility all out of shape to match your silly claims, won't you? Your attempt at an explanation is absurd on several levels.
More frivolous gun control laws....

What a stupid picture. You want to explain what it's supposed to mean? Or is it just more silliness to stir up the crazies?
The collective has no credibility, and has no right to force anybody into any type of collective....

The collective? Are you talking about America? Yes, we have the right to pass laws, but if you don't think so, pack your shit and get out of my country you fucking traitor.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded

Somehow, hearing that from an idiot gun nut just doesn't bother me as much as you might have hoped.
More frivolous gun control laws....

What a stupid picture. You want to explain what it's supposed to mean? Or is it just more silliness to stir up the crazies?
The collective has no credibility, and has no right to force anybody into any type of collective....

The collective? Are you talking about America? Yes, we have the right to pass laws, but if you don't think so, pack your shit and get out of my country you fucking traitor.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded

Somehow, hearing that from an idiot gun nut just doesn't bother me as much as you might have hoped.
The second amendment is here to stay… Mind your own business, someone else’s firearm ownership is none of yours...
What a stupid picture. You want to explain what it's supposed to mean? Or is it just more silliness to stir up the crazies?
The collective has no credibility, and has no right to force anybody into any type of collective....

The collective? Are you talking about America? Yes, we have the right to pass laws, but if you don't think so, pack your shit and get out of my country you fucking traitor.

Extreme Gun control in the USA, would probably create a Civil War, if anything...

Who is wanting extreme gun control? For gun nuts, any type regulation is extreme. The majority of the country doesn't see it that way
Firearm registration is unconstitutional...

No it's not dumb ass, but who is pushing for a federal registry?
What a stupid picture. You want to explain what it's supposed to mean? Or is it just more silliness to stir up the crazies?
The collective has no credibility, and has no right to force anybody into any type of collective....

The collective? Are you talking about America? Yes, we have the right to pass laws, but if you don't think so, pack your shit and get out of my country you fucking traitor.
Political correctness has made you fucking retarded

Somehow, hearing that from an idiot gun nut just doesn't bother me as much as you might have hoped.
The second amendment is here to stay… Mind your own business, someone else’s firearm ownership is none of yours...

Yes, the 2nd amendment is here to stay. I'm not sure what that has to do with the discussion, but you are right on that point.
So some kids got bullied, stole some guns and shot some people...

But Guns aren't the problem here... nosiree, not according to 2AGuy.

They used an axe and a crow bar to break into a safe to get the much for your safe storage laws stopping a mass public shooter...

Except no one said that they would.

Here's what stops mass shooters. Not allowing civilians to own guns, because they don't need them.

^ Exactly what dictators around the world love to hear.
/——/ We need to take your car away from you. 36,750 died from car accidents in 2018.

We need cars.

We don't need guns.

But I'd be fine if we regulated guns the way we regulate cars.

If every gun was licensed, registered, regulated and insured the way cars are, with the police having the ability to take your car on the spot if you engage in misconduct, then I'd have absolutely no problem with gun ownership.

"But, but, but,.... the Founding Slave Rapists said I can has me some guns, Cleetus".
/——/ We need to take your car away from you. 36,750 died from car accidents in 2018.

We need cars.

We don't need guns.

But I'd be fine if we regulated guns the way we regulate cars.

If every gun was licensed, registered, regulated and insured the way cars are, with the police having the ability to take your car on the spot if you engage in misconduct, then I'd have absolutely no problem with gun ownership.

"But, but, but,.... the Founding Slave Rapists said I can has me some guns, Cleetus".
/——-/ Guns are Constitutionally protected but cars are not. Give up your car now. Stop the slaughter of drunk drivers. of the shooters from a few weeks ago was in court and the documents show....

-hated Christians
-hated Trump
-loved obama
-registered democrat...

They used an axe and a crow bar to break into a safe to get the much for your safe storage laws stopping a mass public shooter.......

Transgender Colorado STEM Shooter Motivated by Revenge Over Pronouns, Bullying

Erickson, a registered Democrat, expressed hatred for Christians who uphold the biblical position on traditional sexuality. He also attacked Donald Trump and praised Barack Obama on social media.

"You know what I hate? All these Christians who hate gays, yet in the bible, it says in Deuteronomy 17:12-13, if someone doesn't do what their priest tells them to do, they are supposed to die. It has plenty of crazy stuff like that. But all they get out of it is 'ewwwwww gays,'" he wrote. (Read more on why this is not a contradiction, and why Christians oppose LGBT pride for theological and cultural reasons, not from a gut reaction.)


The teenagers confessed to breaking into a gun safe at Erickson's home before the shooting. McKinney told police she threatened Erickson with an ax to get him to help open the gun safe using the ax and a crowbar. They found three handguns and a rifle inside. Both have been charged with murder and attempted murder in the shooting. McKinney has been charged as an adult despite her age. Neither has yet entered a plea.

Hey how come no one is coming to us Christians and crying for the Christophobia and volunteering to look out for us???


The fact that there is ZERO of that puts lie to everything every liberal said on this thread so far
Maybe because this is one faith hating looney. Maybe because Christians happen to be around 75% of our population, representing a significant majority...enough to effect changes in our laws and rights as we speak. I found it hard to regard Christians as a victim class in this country with that large of a majority and that much political power.

One clearly mentally deranged person does not a movement make.

When being a victim is the pinnacle of social status...

Then you can only really victimize the people everyone agrees is no one's victim.

I hope you will think about that.
Guns are Constitutionally protected but cars are not.

Nope. Second Amendment is about Well Regulated Militias, not guns.
/——-/ You know you’re wrong wrong wrong: the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment applies to the states and reaffirmed its ruling under Heller that the right to keep and bear arms is an individual right guaranteed by the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The decision overturned United States v. Cruikshank, where the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment is an unincorporated right that applies only to the federal government and not to the states. mean like this guy?

“I don’t believe people should be able to own guns.”

President Barack Obama, during conversation with economist and author John Lott Jr. at the University of Chicago Law School in the 1990s

“If I could have outright ban – ‘Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns’ – I would have!”

Senator Diane Feinstein, author of the 1994 Assault Weapons Ban

“We’re bending the law as far as we can to ban an entirely new class of guns.”

Rahm Emmanuel, President Obama's former Chief of Staff and a senior advisor to President Bill Clinton

“Banning guns addresses a fundamental right of all Americans to feel safe.”

Sen. Dianne Feinstein

Talk about deception....quotes from the 90’ context....even Rahm’s quote is talking about banning a particular class of guns. Not all guns.
I Guess all the people on the left running for President that have said they want to ban all firearms are not Democrats and ,leaders of the party right MORON?

Now, you claim all the Democratic hopefuls for the nomination want to ban all guns. You got a link, or several links that show all those people want to ban all guns? You're making a lot of crazy claims, but haven't backed up any of them. Why not?
Again you liar I did not say all, I said a group of the more prominent ones have IN FACT said so. and you know it is true that is why you keep playing word games.

Come on you big bag of wind. You claim your guns are in danger of being confiscated, but you haven't shown any reason a sane person should believe that. Why not?

The democrat party leadership has stated they want to ban guns.....they appoint anti-gun judges to the court, in particular, Ruth Bader Ginsberg who intends on over turning Heller if she gets a chance...

The democrats learned in the 1990s that going directly for the 2nd Amendment with congressional action lost seats in now they attack the 2nd Amendment at the local and state level, and then use anti-gun judges in the Federal Courts of Appeal to uphold unConstitutional rulings....rulings that go against the 2nd Amendment and 2nd Amendment legal precedent......

So sell your crap somewhere else.....we know their strategy, you want to deny it....

Don't Apologize For Blurting Out The Truth, Justice Ginsburg

Furthermore, she also revealed that her mind is made up on possible future cases that could come before the Court. She wants a chance to overrule the big Second Amendment decision District of Columbia v. Heller, for one.
You know you’re wrong wrong wrong: the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment applies to the states and reaffirmed its ruling under Heller

Don't care. The court got it wrong. The Second Amendment is about militias.

Here's the thing. The Second Amendment might have made sense in 1787... it really doesn't make sense now.
Sounds like they suffered from mental illness... the rest mentioned doesn't matter, and is nothing but fodder and a sad attempt by certain people to take a tragic event and turn it into a political talking point.

For fuck's sake you really think someone was shooting people over pronouns? And Trump? And whatever else? :rolleyes:

If that were true there would be 10,000 shootings per day every day.

I'm AMAZED how super die hard over the line pro-gun people complain in one thread how liberals want to take away everyone's guns, and then turn around and create threads like this one about how violent people on the left are and how they have guns and shoot people. Which is it?!?! Even they want to get rid of EVERYONE'S guns then why do they have their own and are using them?
You know you’re wrong wrong wrong: the Supreme Court held that the Second Amendment applies to the states and reaffirmed its ruling under Heller

Don't care. The court got it wrong. The Second Amendment is about militias.

Here's the thing. The Second Amendment might have made sense in 1787... it really doesn't make sense now.

It makes even more sense after socialists murdered over 100 million, innocent, unarmed men, women and children for no other reason than they wanted to tell them how to live.......and keep doing it whenever they get total control over a country.....

So you are wrong, we need it now more than ever.
Sounds like they suffered from mental illness... the rest mentioned doesn't matter, and is nothing but fodder and a sad attempt by certain people to take a tragic event and turn it into a political talking point.

For fuck's sake you really think someone was shooting people over pronouns? And Trump? And whatever else? :rolleyes:

If that were true there would be 10,000 shootings per day every day.

I'm AMAZED how super die hard over the line pro-gun people complain in one thread how liberals want to take away everyone's guns, and then turn around and create threads like this one about how violent people on the left are and how they have guns and shoot people. Which is it?!?! Even they want to get rid of EVERYONE'S guns then why do they have their own and are using them?

Moron....please try to study history.....

The left takes guns away from the people they want to control, and those they eventually feel they need to kill to make their societies better. The socialists in charge of those governments made sure they had guns, and made sure their victims didn't have guns.... since 1917, over 100 million people murdered by their governments when socialists had total power....

They don't want to get rid of everyone's guns, you moron, only the people they want to control or murder.

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