Crazy Bernie demands Mandatory Unionism

Sanders Urges National Right-to-Work Ban

Independent (Socialist Democrat) senator Bernie Sanders (Vt.) pledged to end
“disastrous” state right-to-work laws if elected president in 2020.

Only a Socialist Democrat could claim an American citizen having the right to
walk down the road, apply for, and get a job at the local manufacturing plant so
she can make money to support her family WITHOUT being forced to belong to
a Union is 'disastrous'!

"Brothers and sisters, if we are serious about creating an economy that works for all of us, not just the top one percent, not only do we need to defeat Donald Trump and rollback his anti-union policies, we need to expand the trade union movement in America," Sanders told the audience."

'Comrades, if 'we' are serious about embracing Socialism and forcing Americans under the yoke of socialism then we must strip Americans of more of their right to make their own decisions. We must strip away more of their God-given liberties, like the freedom to go out and get a job anywhere they want on their own. We must force our control on their lives and force them to join a Union if they have any hope of getting a job anywhere in this country.'

Gee, where do we go from there?

If Americans want to own a house, want to buy a car, want to buy bread for their tables, we must force them to 'expand the union ranks in America'!?

Those who oppose 'the agenda', as Hillary publicly demonstrated / called for, must face an end to civility and an increase in violent intolerance. If they will not bend a knee willingly, they must be driven to them by force / liberal legislation....

The Bad Socialist says Freedom To Choose / To Live Your Way is BAD!


.Sanders Urges National Right-to-Work Ban

Sanders Urges National Right-to-Work Ban

Independent (Socialist Democrat) senator Bernie Sanders (Vt.) pledged to end
“disastrous” state right-to-work laws if elected president in 2020.

Only a Socialist Democrat could claim an American citizen having the right to
walk down the road, apply for, and get a job at the local manufacturing plant so
she can make money to support her family WITHOUT being forced to belong to
a Union is 'disastrous'!

"Brothers and sisters, if we are serious about creating an economy that works for all of us, not just the top one percent, not only do we need to defeat Donald Trump and rollback his anti-union policies, we need to expand the trade union movement in America," Sanders told the audience."

'Comrades, if 'we' are serious about embracing Socialism and forcing Americans under the yoke of socialism then we must strip Americans of more of their right to make their own decisions. We must strip away more of their God-given liberties, like the freedom to go out and get a job anywhere they want on their own. We must force our control on their lives and force them to join a Union if they have any hope of getting a job anywhere in this country.'

Gee, where do we go from there?

If Americans want to own a house, want to buy a car, want to buy bread for their tables, we must force them to 'expand the union ranks in America'!?

Those who oppose 'the agenda', as Hillary publicly demonstrated / called for, must face an end to civility and an increase in violent intolerance. If they will not bend a knee willingly, they must be driven to them by force / liberal legislation....

The Bad Socialist says Freedom To Choose / To Live Your Way is BAD!


.Sanders Urges National Right-to-Work Ban

Forced Unionization creates lazy unions.
Sanders Urges National Right-to-Work Ban

Independent (Socialist Democrat) senator Bernie Sanders (Vt.) pledged to end
“disastrous” state right-to-work laws if elected president in 2020.

Only a Socialist Democrat could claim an American citizen having the right to
walk down the road, apply for, and get a job at the local manufacturing plant so
she can make money to support her family WITHOUT being forced to belong to
a Union is 'disastrous'!

"Brothers and sisters, if we are serious about creating an economy that works for all of us, not just the top one percent, not only do we need to defeat Donald Trump and rollback his anti-union policies, we need to expand the trade union movement in America," Sanders told the audience."

'Comrades, if 'we' are serious about embracing Socialism and forcing Americans under the yoke of socialism then we must strip Americans of more of their right to make their own decisions. We must strip away more of their God-given liberties, like the freedom to go out and get a job anywhere they want on their own. We must force our control on their lives and force them to join a Union if they have any hope of getting a job anywhere in this country.'

Gee, where do we go from there?

If Americans want to own a house, want to buy a car, want to buy bread for their tables, we must force them to 'expand the union ranks in America'!?

Those who oppose 'the agenda', as Hillary publicly demonstrated / called for, must face an end to civility and an increase in violent intolerance. If they will not bend a knee willingly, they must be driven to them by force / liberal legislation....

The Bad Socialist says Freedom To Choose / To Live Your Way is BAD!


.Sanders Urges National Right-to-Work Ban

Forced Unionization creates lazy unions.
Lazy forced socialists.... I guess that's the 'up-side'. :p
Sanders Urges National Right-to-Work Ban

Independent (Socialist Democrat) senator Bernie Sanders (Vt.) pledged to end
“disastrous” state right-to-work laws if elected president in 2020.

Only a Socialist Democrat could claim an American citizen having the right to
walk down the road, apply for, and get a job at the local manufacturing plant so
she can make money to support her family WITHOUT being forced to belong to
a Union is 'disastrous'!

"Brothers and sisters, if we are serious about creating an economy that works for all of us, not just the top one percent, not only do we need to defeat Donald Trump and rollback his anti-union policies, we need to expand the trade union movement in America," Sanders told the audience."

'Comrades, if 'we' are serious about embracing Socialism and forcing Americans under the yoke of socialism then we must strip Americans of more of their right to make their own decisions. We must strip away more of their God-given liberties, like the freedom to go out and get a job anywhere they want on their own. We must force our control on their lives and force them to join a Union if they have any hope of getting a job anywhere in this country.'

Gee, where do we go from there?

If Americans want to own a house, want to buy a car, want to buy bread for their tables, we must force them to 'expand the union ranks in America'!?

Those who oppose 'the agenda', as Hillary publicly demonstrated / called for, must face an end to civility and an increase in violent intolerance. If they will not bend a knee willingly, they must be driven to them by force / liberal legislation....

The Bad Socialist says Freedom To Choose / To Live Your Way is BAD!


.Sanders Urges National Right-to-Work Ban
When no one works, because that happens in Socialism, will Bernie's next step is to force everyone to work at the point of a gun?
It scares me a little when a politician declares he / they want to exert more control on other people's lives. Many of the problems we face today are the result of what THEY have done or refuse to do, and their answer is always to give THEM more power and control. That should scare anyone a little...
It scares me a little when a politician declares he / they want to exert more control on other people's lives. Many of the problems we face today are the result of what THEY have done or refuse to do, and their answer is always to give THEM more power and control. That should scare anyone a little...

What scares me is that so many people listen to these politicians, and say "Yeah, I'd like government to have more power over my daily life."
Sanders Urges National Right-to-Work Ban

Independent (Socialist Democrat) senator Bernie Sanders (Vt.) pledged to end
“disastrous” state right-to-work laws if elected president in 2020.

Only a Socialist Democrat could claim an American citizen having the right to
walk down the road, apply for, and get a job at the local manufacturing plant so
she can make money to support her family WITHOUT being forced to belong to
a Union is 'disastrous'!

"Brothers and sisters, if we are serious about creating an economy that works for all of us, not just the top one percent, not only do we need to defeat Donald Trump and rollback his anti-union policies, we need to expand the trade union movement in America," Sanders told the audience."

'Comrades, if 'we' are serious about embracing Socialism and forcing Americans under the yoke of socialism then we must strip Americans of more of their right to make their own decisions. We must strip away more of their God-given liberties, like the freedom to go out and get a job anywhere they want on their own. We must force our control on their lives and force them to join a Union if they have any hope of getting a job anywhere in this country.'

Gee, where do we go from there?

If Americans want to own a house, want to buy a car, want to buy bread for their tables, we must force them to 'expand the union ranks in America'!?

Those who oppose 'the agenda', as Hillary publicly demonstrated / called for, must face an end to civility and an increase in violent intolerance. If they will not bend a knee willingly, they must be driven to them by force / liberal legislation....

The Bad Socialist says Freedom To Choose / To Live Your Way is BAD!


.Sanders Urges National Right-to-Work Ban

Forced Unionization creates lazy unions.
Lazy forced socialists.... I guess that's the 'up-side'. :p

My main issue has always been with public sector unions. Private sector unions perform a necessary service in some industries and locations.

But it should be up to the Unions to "sell" their benefits to the workers, not the government to require it.
Sanders Urges National Right-to-Work Ban

Independent (Socialist Democrat) senator Bernie Sanders (Vt.) pledged to end
“disastrous” state right-to-work laws if elected president in 2020.

Only a Socialist Democrat could claim an American citizen having the right to
walk down the road, apply for, and get a job at the local manufacturing plant so
she can make money to support her family WITHOUT being forced to belong to
a Union is 'disastrous'!

"Brothers and sisters, if we are serious about creating an economy that works for all of us, not just the top one percent, not only do we need to defeat Donald Trump and rollback his anti-union policies, we need to expand the trade union movement in America," Sanders told the audience."

'Comrades, if 'we' are serious about embracing Socialism and forcing Americans under the yoke of socialism then we must strip Americans of more of their right to make their own decisions. We must strip away more of their God-given liberties, like the freedom to go out and get a job anywhere they want on their own. We must force our control on their lives and force them to join a Union if they have any hope of getting a job anywhere in this country.'

Gee, where do we go from there?

If Americans want to own a house, want to buy a car, want to buy bread for their tables, we must force them to 'expand the union ranks in America'!?

Those who oppose 'the agenda', as Hillary publicly demonstrated / called for, must face an end to civility and an increase in violent intolerance. If they will not bend a knee willingly, they must be driven to them by force / liberal legislation....

The Bad Socialist says Freedom To Choose / To Live Your Way is BAD!


.Sanders Urges National Right-to-Work Ban

Forced Unionization creates lazy unions.

Getting in bed with government is what killed the unions.
Sanders Urges National Right-to-Work Ban

Independent (Socialist Democrat) senator Bernie Sanders (Vt.) pledged to end
“disastrous” state right-to-work laws if elected president in 2020.

Only a Socialist Democrat could claim an American citizen having the right to
walk down the road, apply for, and get a job at the local manufacturing plant so
she can make money to support her family WITHOUT being forced to belong to
a Union is 'disastrous'!

"Brothers and sisters, if we are serious about creating an economy that works for all of us, not just the top one percent, not only do we need to defeat Donald Trump and rollback his anti-union policies, we need to expand the trade union movement in America," Sanders told the audience."

'Comrades, if 'we' are serious about embracing Socialism and forcing Americans under the yoke of socialism then we must strip Americans of more of their right to make their own decisions. We must strip away more of their God-given liberties, like the freedom to go out and get a job anywhere they want on their own. We must force our control on their lives and force them to join a Union if they have any hope of getting a job anywhere in this country.'

Gee, where do we go from there?

If Americans want to own a house, want to buy a car, want to buy bread for their tables, we must force them to 'expand the union ranks in America'!?

Those who oppose 'the agenda', as Hillary publicly demonstrated / called for, must face an end to civility and an increase in violent intolerance. If they will not bend a knee willingly, they must be driven to them by force / liberal legislation....

The Bad Socialist says Freedom To Choose / To Live Your Way is BAD!


.Sanders Urges National Right-to-Work Ban
/----/ Which Unions has Bernie belonged to?
Industrial unions have been shrinking for decades due to automation and the loss of feather bedding contracts. The only place unions have been growing is in government. Without the SALT deduction that is blowing up for the Ds too. 2020 is do or die for the Ds. The witch hunt makes die the most likely outcome.
The Democrat Frontrunner would outlaw right to work laws that preserve the right of US workers to be employed even if they aren't dues paying members of Big Labor.

Good news for the folks in the La Cosa Nostra who control the US union scene.

Sanders calls for ban on state right-to-work laws
I look back to the days when unions really had a presence in big industries and I can't help thinking that's when America was great. They brought protections and benefits for workers. They grew the middle class. It can be argued that they became arrogant and corrupt but it can't be argued that they didn't made America a better place when they first started.
PRIVATE sector unions have been in decline for decades as workers realize they are a net loss and financial drain for them. Also companies can not maintain profitability with higher union costs and restrictive work rules.

The only unions that have grown and continue to grow are the PUBLIC sector unions which should be illegal due to the huger conflict of interest. The bargain AGAINST the taxpayer, and are totally controlled by Democrats. Our entire public sector workforce solely supports Democrats against half the country's will using our tax dollars to fund them.
Would the USSC uphold Bernie's Federal ban, assuming it would even pass (very doubtful), or States' Rights?

The Democrat Frontrunner would outlaw right to work laws that preserve the right of US workers to be employed even if they aren't dues paying members of Big Labor.

Good news for the folks in the La Cosa Nostra who control the US union scene.

Sanders calls for ban on state right-to-work laws

No way is that legal. Public Sector unions should be outlawed.

I look back to the days when unions really had a presence in big industries and I can't help thinking that's when America was great. They brought protections and benefits for workers. They grew the middle class. It can be argued that they became arrogant and corrupt but it can't be argued that they didn't made America a better place when they first started.

Unions were necessary when they first came to be, nowadays there's OSHA and the labor board and all that. Unions are no longer needed.
Industrial unions have been shrinking for decades due to automation and the loss of feather bedding contracts. The only place unions have been growing is in government. Without the SALT deduction that is blowing up for the Ds too. 2020 is do or die for the Ds. The witch hunt makes die the most likely outcome.
Unless the Democrats once again, cant seem to find working voting machines. Every election cycle, for some reason those Dem voting machines have troubles, so they must recount until they win. Maybe at the next recount session a few armed citizens show up and make sure the REAL votes count not those from dead, animals, or illegals get counted..

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