Damning new testimony that Michael Brown indeed "charged" at the cop...

Missouri Law authorizes officer to use deadly force when necessary
Section 563.046 authorizes a law enforcement officer to use “deadly force” “when he reasonably believes that such use of deadly force is immediately necessary to effect the arrest and also reasonably believes that the person to be arrested . . . has committed or attempted to commit a felony.”

Good shoot. Brown got what he deserved.
The cop will be crucified and have the conviction dismissed on appeal. This is just the normal race-pimping to make leftists feel self-righteous
The cop will be crucified and have the conviction dismissed on appeal. This is just the normal race-pimping to make leftists feel self-righteous

Aww thats cute. You think the cop with be convicted? Of anything? I wish I knew you I'd put some money on that
The cop will be crucified and have the conviction dismissed on appeal. This is just the normal race-pimping to make leftists feel self-righteous
I don't think he'll even go on trial..If eric (my people) holder forces a prosecution I doubt they'll get a conviction.
It was a good, legal shoot.
none of your narrative is relevant because none of it was known by the officer who shot and killed him for jaywalking.

you're welcome.

I really don't care what you think...jaywalking....MB didn't do anything else....really?
So the Officer asked him to stop "jaywalking" ( *cough cough* ) and MB got an attitude. Is that permissible? Charging at the cop....is that permissible?
Just hold your panties til the truth surfaces.
none of your narrative is relevant because none of it was known by the officer who shot and killed him for jaywalking.

you're welcome.

I'm sorry Jills....you must be in the "denial" stage...that's okay, its all part of the healing process
So someone 6'3 or 6'4 bends way over to "charge" an armed police officer who shoots and the bullet goes into the top of his head, out his chin and into his chest because he was bent over 90 degrees with his head down because his head could stop a bullet?
That makes even more sense than Martin straddling Zimmerman who had his arms pinned to his sides, but, while getting dozens of blows to the face, managed to reach behind his back, take out his gun, disengage the safety and then shoot Martin straight on into the middle of his chest all the while having his face beaten in which left no evidence.

Wow, if Republicans believe all that, no wonder they believe in magical creation, trickle down, forged birth certificates, WMD's and vaccines cause autism. Seems they only want to believe the crazy stuff and leave the sane alone.

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This event reminds me of Spike Lee's "Do the Right Thing", a great movie in which none of its characters actually do what's right.

Here you've got a young man who was in a store earlier and acted like a hooligan.

And then you've got a cop who goes up to two guys on the street and approaches them in a way that cops simply don't approach white people. I'm not sure I buy everything Brown's friend said, but how he described the cop's approach is something I've seen before, where they goad black guys and escalate the tension by doing things like driving up close to them and then opening the door and hitting them with it and acting like the kid hit his car.

If it's two white people like me and my friend, the police would kindly ask us to move to the sidewalk that's been provided to us. They would express this out of a sense of looking out for my safety.

What you see from the cop apologists is the kind of ignorance that comes from white privilege. "But but but, that annoying black kid was BLOCKING TRAFFIC!".

If you're white, they're looking out for your own safety; if you're black, HEY! STOP BLOCKING TRAFFIC YOU THUG!

I think it's some kind of major #FAIL on any cop who goes into an innocuous jaywalking situation and comes out of it having emptied his gun on an unarmed civilian. It's a huge fail that the last two shots came while Brown's torso was already parallel to the ground. That means the cop never stopped the way they're trained to do after just a first shot to evaluate whether the person they're shooting at is armed or not, or still a threat or not.

Two bullets traveling through his body entered Brown when he was already hunched over or down.

At this point, the cop and all his apologists are going to keep their fingers crossed that some gunpowder residue is found pretty soon on Brown because the story of Brown charging at the cop is just crumbling apart.

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I gave the victim the benefit of the doubt when this first took place, mostly due to the police state , ie overreach which colored my perception. I still think the police are way out of line with firing tear gas on the media but.. Now after having seen that clip of an eye witness, it sounds like to me that the law enforcement officer protected himself, of which he had every right to do.

we knew you'd come around lib.
WHAT did the cop gain by killing a young black man?
Well, he retained his life.

The negro punched him and broke his eye socket, and tried to take his gun.
That will get you killed in all 50 states. Try it sometime and see.
oh dammit, im so heartbroken you have more posts than me:(
What you are is an idiot.. and making enemies of of conservatives here with your constant insults.. Most of us NEVER do that.. but you're too fucking stooopid to know better.. Dig your hole, no one fucking cares. Now get the fuck off of my radar shitbreath and stay there.

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