Democrat "Slavers Party"

When was David Duke thrown out of the Republican Party?

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He was told he was not welcome in the party and would get no support from the RNC. This happened right after he switched from being a Democrat. No one can "force" him to not register in any particular party.
He ran as a republican in Louisiana.

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's the only way he could win.

And win a seat in the state senate he did.

When was David Duke thrown out of the Republican Party?

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He was told he was not welcome in the party and would get no support from the RNC. This happened right after he switched from being a Democrat. No one can "force" him to not register in any particular party.
He ran as a republican in Louisiana.

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What's your point? He's been publicly denounced by the GOP, what more can they do?
He was told he was not welcome in the party and would get no support from the RNC. This happened right after he switched from being a Democrat. No one can "force" him to not register in any particular party.
He ran as a republican in Louisiana.

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
What's your point? He's been publicly denounced by the GOP, what more can they do?
Do you have a link for that? I know he's been forbidden in several European countries.
David Duke already knows...he got kicked out of the Republican Party because of his racist views. That never happened with Robert Byrd (just one example), did it?
When was David Duke thrown out of the Republican Party?

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
He was told he was not welcome in the party and would get no support from the RNC. This happened right after he switched from being a Democrat. No one can "force" him to not register in any particular party.

That's ironic -- the exact same thing happened to Ray Nagin in the other party direction. You might mention that to Paulitician and 'splain how this works.

Then the two of you can go look up Edward L. Jackson Governor of Indiana. You'll be glad you did.
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I'll be sure to let David Duke know.

David Duke already knows...he got kicked out of the Republican Party because of his racist views. That never happened with Robert Byrd (just one example), did it?
When was David Duke thrown out of the Republican Party?

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you'd read your own link, you'd have seen it happened in 1991.

Now, when was William Fulbright repudiated by the Democrats? Jessie (Hymietown) Jackson? Bill (this guy (Obama) would have been carrying our bags) Clinton?
David Duke already knows...he got kicked out of the Republican Party because of his racist views. That never happened with Robert Byrd (just one example), did it?
When was David Duke thrown out of the Republican Party?

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you'd read your own link, you'd have seen it happened in 1991.

Now, when was William Fulbright repudiated by the Democrats? Jessie (Hymietown) Jackson? Bill (this guy (Obama) would have been carrying our bags) Clinton?
Edwards received 1,057,031 votes (61.2%). Duke's 671,009 votes represented 38.8% of the total. Duke claimed victory, saying: "I won my constituency. I won 55% of the white vote." Exit polls confirmed that he had.[17]
David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
When was David Duke thrown out of the Republican Party?

David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you'd read your own link, you'd have seen it happened in 1991.

Now, when was William Fulbright repudiated by the Democrats? Jessie (Hymietown) Jackson? Bill (this guy (Obama) would have been carrying our bags) Clinton?

Edwards received 1,057,031 votes (61.2%). Duke's 671,009 votes represented 38.8% of the total. Duke claimed victory, saying: "I won my constituency. I won 55% of the white vote." Exit polls confirmed that he had.[17]
David Duke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Surely you think you have a point, right? You think a minority of people in that district means the Republican Party didn't repudiate Duke, even though everyone knows it did? You're weird, man.
It's a hard job pinning slavery on the Democrats. I mean when did slavery begin, and who began importing slaves to the British colonies, and were there even Democrats or Republicans around at that time? In a way it's sort of like pinnng poverty on Republicans. Was there poverty before there were Republicans? The real question is why do Republicans believe people will believe something like this; what kind of people are Republicans hoping to convince with this sort of stuff that is so easy to see through.
Regent, Republicans are being routinely denigrated as racists by President Obama, when in fact, our party is the party of anti-slavery and pro-free people, regardless of color. Didn't you know that? We are against slavery, against inequality, and against bad stuff for minorities as well as majorities.

We've been painted by Democrats, who opposed the Anti-Slavery Amendment, opposed the right of all men to vote in an amendment, and leaders against inequality in housing, schooling, real estate, and pay for jobs doing the same things. The calumny against Rupublicans is so thick, you can't cut it with a knife, because the press is not doing its job of simply publishing the truth, and not lying through omission. I'm sorry, but we are not in our hearts as Democrats routinely paint us in order to take the onus off their latest foray into abolishing the strength of civil rights as stated in the US Constitution.

For example, it isn't fair to treat people who pay taxes on a different basis for any reason. Democrats who are wealthy require their base to ignore their wealth in order to paint Republicans, who work hard and earned their own way honestly, as filthy rich evil, which is not true. America has always traditionally been a country in which wealth was made possible by someone deciding to set goals to earn wealth by setting aside a little from each month's paycheck and investing it in people who are thought to be sincere in wanting an idea to succeed to make life better for other people. People vote with their paychecks for winning ideas as well as losing ones. Sometimes, you can't do what you want to do when one of your lesser ideas goes to the top of other people's popularity. Persecuting winners is not a founding American principle.

Some of our Republicans are very weary of being lied about for every single little idea that crosses the Democrat power-grab spin room. I think you should see things for what they are.

The KKK was comprised from Democrat Party committee meeting decisions. I cannot erase history because today's Democrats know that history does not favor their past decisions in quest for total power over all other human beings on this continent. If you erase the truth, you poison the well for decision-making in the future.

Thank you.
The difference in today's Democrats and the 19th century Democrats is, today's Democrats removed the color barrier to slavery, they want everyone except the ruling elite to be slaves of the PARTY.
Regent, Republicans are being routinely denigrated as racists by President Obama, when in fact, our party is the party of anti-slavery and pro-free people, regardless of color. Didn't you know that? We are against slavery, against inequality, and against bad stuff for minorities as well as majorities.

We've been painted by Democrats, who opposed the Anti-Slavery Amendment, opposed the right of all men to vote in an amendment, and leaders against inequality in housing, schooling, real estate, and pay for jobs doing the same things. The calumny against Rupublicans is so thick, you can't cut it with a knife, because the press is not doing its job of simply publishing the truth, and not lying through omission. I'm sorry, but we are not in our hearts as Democrats routinely paint us in order to take the onus off their latest foray into abolishing the strength of civil rights as stated in the US Constitution.

For example, it isn't fair to treat people who pay taxes on a different basis for any reason. Democrats who are wealthy require their base to ignore their wealth in order to paint Republicans, who work hard and earned their own way honestly, as filthy rich evil, which is not true. America has always traditionally been a country in which wealth was made possible by someone deciding to set goals to earn wealth by setting aside a little from each month's paycheck and investing it in people who are thought to be sincere in wanting an idea to succeed to make life better for other people. People vote with their paychecks for winning ideas as well as losing ones. Sometimes, you can't do what you want to do when one of your lesser ideas goes to the top of other people's popularity. Persecuting winners is not a founding American principle.

Some of our Republicans are very weary of being lied about for every single little idea that crosses the Democrat power-grab spin room. I think you should see things for what they are.

The KKK was comprised from Democrat Party committee meeting decisions. I cannot erase history because today's Democrats know that history does not favor their past decisions in quest for total power over all other human beings on this continent. If you erase the truth, you poison the well for decision-making in the future.

QUOTE] Good post, and perhaps our problem is that we use the words Republican and Democrat, when liberal-conservative would be more fitting? There is racism in the US and groups of people seem to support that racism and it's true that at one time most racism was to be found in the Democratic party.
The racists found the party of Lincoln distatesful so the "solid south" voted Democratic and held key postitions in the Democratic party. Then in the Thirties the Democratic party began easing racism out of the party. Losing all those votes from the Solid South meant a lot to lose but it was done. The racists now had a problem where to go politically, they tried creating their own party and that didn't work so where did they go?
Some republicans did denounce Duke, but the party did not.

How many times did Robert Byrd win a Senate seat again?
In 1997, Byrd told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics but also: "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena."[21] In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision—a jejune and immature outlook—seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions."[22] Byrd also said, in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."[11]

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David Duke has never apologized for his membership in the KKK.
Some republicans did denounce Duke, but the party did not.

How many times did Robert Byrd win a Senate seat again?
In 1997, Byrd told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics but also: "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena."[21] In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision—a jejune and immature outlook—seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions."[22] Byrd also said, in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."[11]

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David Duke has never apologized for his membership in the KKK.

I don't accept Byrd's excuses or apologies, he obvious made them for his own selfish political ambitions, that is made obvious by your quotes.
How many times did Robert Byrd win a Senate seat again?
In 1997, Byrd told an interviewer he would encourage young people to become involved in politics but also: "Be sure you avoid the Ku Klux Klan. Don't get that albatross around your neck. Once you've made that mistake, you inhibit your operations in the political arena."[21] In his last autobiography, Byrd explained that he was a KKK member because he "was sorely afflicted with tunnel vision—a jejune and immature outlook—seeing only what I wanted to see because I thought the Klan could provide an outlet for my talents and ambitions."[22] Byrd also said, in 2005, "I know now I was wrong. Intolerance had no place in America. I apologized a thousand times ... and I don't mind apologizing over and over again. I can't erase what happened."[11]

Robert Byrd - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

David Duke has never apologized for his membership in the KKK.

I don't accept Byrd's excuses or apologies, he obvious made them for his own selfish political ambitions, that is made obvious by your quotes.

Whatever Byrd's reasons for changing he seemed to have changed. Even America seems to have changed and is still changing. In just my lifetime I have witnessed a number of changes, racial, sexual, and so forth.
It's a hard job pinning slavery on the Democrats. I mean when did slavery begin, and who began importing slaves to the British colonies, and were there even Democrats or Republicans around at that time? In a way it's sort of like pinnng poverty on Republicans. Was there poverty before there were Republicans? The real question is why do Republicans believe people will believe something like this; what kind of people are Republicans hoping to convince with this sort of stuff that is so easy to see through.

It's really not that "Republicans" are hoping to convince with this sort of stuff; it's more that narrowminded history-hater demagogues like the OP are. This faction that wants to paint everybody into an us/them scenario poison our discourse, apparently with the goal of eliminating everybody who's not in lockstep with them, so that they can end up with a one-party monolithic state with no dissent whatsoever.

Obviously in order to do that you have to employ blanket generalizations and pretend that history is static, and pretend that the values of 2014 are the same as the values of 1945, are the same values as those of 1863 and so on, and further assume that being a "Republican" or a "Democrat" means the same thing today as it meant in 1945 or in 1863. Which is obviously insane. We know that attitudes toward the KKK were hardly the same in 1945 as sixty or even twenty years later. We know that David Duke is a racist and Abe Lincoln was not; we know that Woodrow Wilson was a racist while Bill Clinton isn't. Clearly there's no correlation, but those of limited rhetorical skills like to pretend.

I for one wouldn't want a world with only one side where nobody ever questioned anything. Maybe that 's just me.

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