Democrat Trump-Bashers Proven Wrong on North Korea

How interesting it is on August 25, 2017, to look back to August 10, and see what confident talking liberals were saying about President Trump's tough North Korea talk

On that day, on the PBS Charlie Rose talk show, a former advisor to Hillary Clinton, Jake Sullivan, criticized Trump's "fire & fury" words as too strong. He said this kind of talk was dangerous and could cause war. He said a better approach was to work with China to soften NK.

Other Democrats also condemned Trump's warnings as reckless saber rattling.

With the benefit of hindsight, we can see how wrong Sullivan was that day. We can now see how it was the tough talk of President Trump that caused NK to moderate, and not attack Guam, or anywhere else.

And if Trump had followed the plan of his Democrat critics, and followed Obama wimp diplomacy ? The results may have been catastrophic with South Korea, Guam, and maybe even Japan attacked, like countries were attacked after Chamberlain appeased Hitler.
And yet tRump has done nothing to backup his words.
How interesting it is on August 25, 2017, to look back to August 10, and see what confident talking liberals were saying about President Trump's tough North Korea talk

On that day, on the PBS Charlie Rose talk show, a former advisor to Hillary Clinton, Jake Sullivan, criticized Trump's "fire & fury" words as too strong. He said this kind of talk was dangerous and could cause war. He said a better approach was to work with China to soften NK.

Other Democrats also condemned Trump's warnings as reckless saber rattling.

With the benefit of hindsight, we can see how wrong Sullivan was that day. We can now see how it was the tough talk of President Trump that caused NK to moderate, and not attack Guam, or anywhere else.

And if Trump had followed the plan of his Democrat critics, and followed Obama wimp diplomacy ? The results may have been catastrophic with South Korea, Guam, and maybe even Japan attacked, like countries were attacked after Chamberlain appeased Hitler.
And yet tRump has done nothing to backup his words.
He's a blowhard like Kim of North Korea...
It's been 2 weeks, I don't see the point of declaring partisan victory.
There was almost certainly some back channel stuff going on. Rhetoric is an afterthought. If I had to guess, NK and US reps met, perhaps through an intermediary and agreed to ratchet their actions down. This freed up both sides to yammer their nonsense and bellicosity to the credulous. I would suspect we asked for no missile launch and they asked for the "command only" nature of the August joint military exercise to be loudly proclaimed by us to be "routine annual changeover" calibration and to move no hard military assets, all of which happened. The yammering class can focus on the rhetoric but the thinking man should focus on the details that made the deal. President Trump and Kim can play to their audiences by continuing their blather while the real diplomacy happens. There was probably an explicit discussion of continuing bellicose rhetoric by both sides in the same way that President Trump told the Mexican President that about the wall.
Nice speculation. No evidence.
I agree. No evidence. But in diplomacy there is ALWAYS more going on than is evident. Always. I'm speculating from tea leaves what it might be.
What kind of deal do you think the CIA and the KGB made to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis? Just sayin' Because no one else will.
That's well documented. We traded missiles in Turkey if I remember correctly.
A simple thing like that put us on the brink of World War III? Who was the loose cannon, Kennedy or Khrushchev? Who needed to play tough guy because of previous cowardice?
There was almost certainly some back channel stuff going on. Rhetoric is an afterthought. If I had to guess, NK and US reps met, perhaps through an intermediary and agreed to ratchet their actions down. This freed up both sides to yammer their nonsense and bellicosity to the credulous. I would suspect we asked for no missile launch and they asked for the "command only" nature of the August joint military exercise to be loudly proclaimed by us to be "routine annual changeover" calibration and to move no hard military assets, all of which happened. The yammering class can focus on the rhetoric but the thinking man should focus on the details that made the deal. President Trump and Kim can play to their audiences by continuing their blather while the real diplomacy happens. There was probably an explicit discussion of continuing bellicose rhetoric by both sides in the same way that President Trump told the Mexican President that about the wall.
Nice speculation. No evidence.
I agree. No evidence. But in diplomacy there is ALWAYS more going on than is evident. Always. I'm speculating from tea leaves what it might be.
What kind of deal do you think the CIA and the KGB made to resolve the Cuban Missile Crisis? Just sayin' Because no one else will.
That's well documented. We traded missiles in Turkey if I remember correctly.
A simple thing like that put us on the brink of World War III? Who was the loose cannon, Kennedy or Khrushchev? Who needed to play tough guy because of previous cowardice?

Trump is no Kennedy and Kim Jong Un is no Khrushchev. We could the retard version of the Cuban Missile Crisis.

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