Democrats Are Endangering America

Comment number 52 he states "Fergusion report". Boy is an idiot.
Yeah, I know. I smacked him down on that. (in Post # 57)

I'm talking about police brutality , not just ferguson . There where many examples over the last year . NY Cleveland , carolina , Baltimore come to mind .

The ferg report listed a history of bad police behavior in the department . Fergoson was more than just one incident .

What about all the crimes committed by the very people that make the claims of police brutality?
Can anyone dispute that Democrats are endangering the American people ? Why don't we count the ways this is happening ?

1. They argue in favor of gun-free zones. That opens up many places to be prime targets for terrorists, chock full of defenseless citizens. (as was the case in the Chattanoga recruiting center and armory shootings, and Fort Hood)

2. They want to take in tens of thousands of alleged refugees, of which, some are that, and some are ISIS fighters, finding a clear path into the US.

3. They stymie national security tightening every chance they get, typically arguing in favor of civil rights, which in too many cases, often involves giving terrorists openings to commit terrorism.

4. They oppose voter ID, designed to keep illegal voters from voting.

5. They bash cops, to feed Obama/Sharpton race hustler campaign.

6. They release dangerous criminals in the US and from Gitmo.

This is more than enough for a list, for me right now. I'll let the posters post others if they wish.

Excellent points and all the truth. how anyone can belong to a party who cares more for the ILLEGAL immigrant and now so called: refugees and for them if a few are terrorist. SO WHAT....

so the American LEGAL citizens are questioning all of these traitors moves by the that party and we get: .Obama and his nasty goons from his party going out and MOCKING everyone who doesn't BOW to their way of thinking
We'll then, America May not be the place for you . Try Saudi Arabia !
Sounds like a cemetary is the place for you. Going to invite ISIS over to have dinner with you tonight ? Got a spare bedroom ? I heard they're looking for a place to stay.
SHOT in the back.

are you asking for one? you are confusing us. :lmao:

repeating lies off the left wing hate sites is what they are asking everyone to believe. .Here's the little boy who was just minding his own business, don't ya know?
identified as “Big Mike” Brown.
Breaking: PHOTOS RELEASED of Suspect Michael Brown ROBBING STORE Before Shooting - The Gateway Pundit

So you didn't read the ferguson report . It wasn't just a mike brown thing you know . They way cops treated people it what was criminal .
We'll then, America May not be the place for you . Try Saudi Arabia !
Sounds like a cemetary is the place for you. Going to invite ISIS over to have dinner with you tonight ? Got a spare bedroom ? I heard they're looking for a place to stay.

Is that what worries you when u wake up . "Isis going to attack me today "?

Dude you are paranoid . The odds of being killed by a terrorist are minuscule . There are waaaY more things more likely to be worried about! Like lightning, or cougar attacks !
Actually Ferguson is run by Republicans. Not that that matters, I just know that from the last times you mental midgets that try to pretend cities are run by political spectra tried to run this shit before, got busted on it, and now here you come again expecting different results.
It was a Democrat governor (Jay Nixon) who allowed the Ferguson riots to take place. With the cops overwhelmed, he could have put the National Guard with bayonets and steel-tipped boots right there at the rioters. Instead, he hid them miles away, with the excuse they were guarding utility buildings (where no rioters were anywhere near)

Yuh huh.

So let's get this straight. One day among the items on the Governor's desk was the question of whether to "allow" a local riot to take place. Not sure which way to go, the Governor calls the head honchos of his political party (because that has SOOOO much to do with running a city), and his party advised him to vote "yes". So he then approves the riot.

You're the same moron who thinks the First Amendment doesn't matter arenchya? Figures.

Partisan hacks and the hoops they jump through -- it's like watching the damn circus.
Your response was right from the 4th grade or lower.
You should have kept quiet.

Can anyone dispute that republicans are endangering America?

1. They flood the country with guns, ensuring they get into the hands of criminals.

2. They want to send our soldiers to die for nothing on the other side of the planet, many wanting them to commit genocide.

3. They demand we surrender our freedoms for security

4. They demand that we create unnecessary obstacles to prevent citizens from voting.

5. They demand that we bestow unlimited power on the police.

6. They demand that we ignore human rights.

This is more than enough for a list, for me right now. I'll let the posters post others if they wish.
Well s0n, you make no sense at all with the above...:alcoholic:
So let's get this straight. One day among the items on the Governor's desk was the question of whether to "allow" a local riot to take place. Not sure which way to go, the Governor calls the head honchos of his political party (because that has SOOOO much to do with running a city), and his party advised him to vote "yes". So he then approves the riot.

You're the same moron who thinks the First Amendment doesn't matter arenchya? Figures.

Partisan hacks and the hoops they jump through -- it's like watching the damn circus.

With all the lunacy and brainwashing that liberals ingest, it's only fair that calling Nixon's National Guard ruse valid, ought to be part of it as well.

EARTH TO POGO: Being the one person who had the power to stop the riots in their tracks, and instead of doing that, then taking action which would allow them to proceed unhindered, we should not say that Nixon allowed the riots to occur ? Well, being of sound mind, and full integrity, I say of course he allowed them. He may not have wanted them, but he took action (moving the Guard away from the rioters) that allowed it to happen. This is called HISTORY. Duh!

As for your sacred 1st Amendment, sure it matters, but unlike the Supremacy Clause, it is very limited, has many exceptions, and of course doesn't not permit supremacisms, all outlawed by the Supremacy Clause.

Partisan hacks and the hoops they jump through -- it's like watching the damn circus. :badgrin:
See, right out of elementary school. You dig a hole and dig a deeper one.

Your response was right from the 4th grade or lower.
You should have kept quiet.

Can anyone dispute that republicans are endangering America?

1. They flood the country with guns, ensuring they get into the hands of criminals.

2. They want to send our soldiers to die for nothing on the other side of the planet, many wanting them to commit genocide.

3. They demand we surrender our freedoms for security

4. They demand that we create unnecessary obstacles to prevent citizens from voting.

5. They demand that we bestow unlimited power on the police.

6. They demand that we ignore human rights.

This is more than enough for a list, for me right now. I'll let the posters post others if they wish.
Well s0n, you make no sense at all with the above...:alcoholic:
Your response was right from the 4th grade or lower.
You should have kept quiet.
Oh...look... a funny dumbass supporting unfounded BS! Good to have you.... making an ass out of yourself...moron
..and whiteknighting too...:badgrin:
So let's get this straight. One day among the items on the Governor's desk was the question of whether to "allow" a local riot to take place. Not sure which way to go, the Governor calls the head honchos of his political party (because that has SOOOO much to do with running a city), and his party advised him to vote "yes". So he then approves the riot.

You're the same moron who thinks the First Amendment doesn't matter arenchya? Figures.

Partisan hacks and the hoops they jump through -- it's like watching the damn circus.

With all the lunacy and brainwashing that liberals ingest, it's only fair that calling Nixon's National Guard ruse valid, ought to be part of it as well.

EARTH TO POGO: Being the one person who had the power to stop the riots in their tracks, and instead of doing that, then taking action which would allow them to proceed unhindered, we should not say that Nixon allowed the riots to occur ? Well, being of sound mind, and full integrity, I say of course he allowed them. He may not have wanted them, but he took action (moving the Guard away from the rioters) that allowed it to happen. This is called HISTORY. Duh!

As for your sacred 1st Amendment, sure it matters, but unlike the Supremacy Clause, it is very limited, has many exceptions, and of course doesn't not permit supremacisms, all outlawed by the Supremacy Clause.

Partisan hacks and the hoops they jump through -- it's like watching the damn circus. :badgrin:

I see another profound point has sailed blissfully over another pointed head.

Secret decoder ring for the dense: the point was not what the Governor did or didn't do --- the point is your mindless partisan hackery that tries to pretend that what he did or didn't do was on account of his political party.

Get it yet, Hack?

That was the entire PREMISE this particular rhetorical rivulet was built on -- that political parties somehow dictate "riots". It's right there in the thread history, available to everybody. THAT is what I just shot down.

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