Democrats are harrassing Trump with civil lawsuits and criminal actions. Will this thwarting of democracy work?

Each time they set a new precedence, just means when President Trump gets back in office, he can then use the same tactics against the Marxists/Demofascists which is why the left is all hell bent on taking him out. One Marxists here even mentioned the kill word on making sure the 45th president doesnt become the 47th. I think at that time war will break out if such action happens against the former President.
What "precedence" (the word you are looking for is "precedent") is that? Holding someone accountable for their crimes?
You do realize that any Democrat Voter can now be charged with insurrection because of the Russian Collusion Hoax? That anyone with a cell phone registered to a Democrat, can be traced and found and incarcerated by the FBI because of what the Marxists/Demofascists did on Jan 6th and the Stalin Type Committee? What was once a pretty fair country has been turned into a 3rd world shithole because the Demofascists didnt like mean tweets....


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