Democrats: No bluff, Obama will go it alone on immigration

I've been outside for all of thirty seconds, but sweat is already starting to bead on my neck by the time I approach the gate to peer inside.

If the scene inside the station’s control room is bad, the view into the sally port is appalling.

At first, there doesn’t appear to be a floor. Then I realize that’s only because I can barely see it through the mass of bodies strewn across the massive space. There are people everywhere – lying down, standing, sitting, stepping over others in a strained attempt to move around. Border patrol agents mill about with clipboards, talking to various people and administering basic medicine.

The ?DREAM Act? I Saw: 'It Sure Doesn't Look Like Ellis Island' | CNS News

THIS IS LEFTIST AMERICA.. Filth, disease, the neglect of children
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Heartbreaking.. absolutely heartbreaking..

Even standing under the force of five jumbo fans and a strong Texas breeze, the stench of unwashed bodies and well-used toilets hangs heavy, stagnating under the sweltering 100-degree heat and making it hard to breathe.
Where are all the leftists shouting and demanding to break the law- to create an even worse Humanitarian crisis??? All that matters to you low life scum is power and your agenda..
Does anyone see one single BIG MOUTHED liberal in here who always demands that Conservatives adopt babies if they don't support abortion, VOLUNTEERING to take these children in??? There isn't ONE.. NOT ONE single leftist DINGBAT who created this despicable and appalling abuse.
Where are they now??? The feel your pain leftists who are all for hispanics, women, children????
Does anyone see one single BIG MOUTHED liberal in here who always demands that Conservatives adopt babies if they don't support abortion, VOLUNTEERING to take these children in??? There isn't ONE.. NOT ONE single leftist DINGBAT who created this despicable and appalling abuse.
It's not a animal shelter. You can't just walk in and adopt one if you promise to get it fixed.
Wow, this is an example of the ignorant left who doesn't have the first damn clue about the Separation of Powers and what powers are designated to the Executive that are CLEARLY defined. Try again liar.
It's US History, I didn't make it up.

You're making a complete FOOL of yourself.. You don't fucking know history.. you're just some big mouthed leftist who thinks your boy king can do whatever the hell he wants..

Does anyone see one single BIG MOUTHED liberal in here who always demands that Conservatives adopt babies if they don't support abortion, VOLUNTEERING to take these children in??? There isn't ONE.. NOT ONE single leftist DINGBAT who created this despicable and appalling abuse.
It's not a animal shelter. You can't just walk in and adopt one if you promise to get it fixed.

You're right.. ANIMAL SHELTERS LOOK BETTER than that hellhole you leftists have dumped these kids in.
It's US History, I didn't make it up.

You're making a complete FOOL of yourself.. You don't fucking know history.. you're just some big mouthed leftist who thinks your boy king can do whatever the hell he wants..


Well the far left will believe anything that they post it was actually 240 and it was because Regan faced a hostile far left Congress. He had to replace a lot of the FDR era judges.
The leftists flood the thread with nothing but asinine spews of Booooooosh while children are being treated like animals as they are used by this country's Socialists in a ponzi scheme of power.
You're making a complete FOOL of yourself.. You don't fucking know history.. you're just some big mouthed leftist who thinks your boy king can do whatever the hell he wants..


Well the far left will believe anything that they post it was actually 240 and it was because Regan faced a hostile far left Congress. He had to replace a lot of the FDR era judges.
REAGAN for the love of God. Regan worked for him.
Take a look at these pictures hosted by Business Insider who calls the situation APPALLING
Immigration Border Crisis Photos - Business Insider

Welcome to the prison planet. What do you think it would look if we start arresting everyone for deportation? That will make this look like they are staying at the Holiday Inn.

SOCIALIST^^^^ Note he doesn't give a shit that these children are treated like caged animals.. only the LEFTIST AGENDA.
Where are the leftist trolls on this forum who ALWAYS dogpile my threads?? You can run but you can't hide.
He is a far left Obama drone troll..

He never really has anything to add except some very boring commentary that can be read on any far left comment on any blog site.

The far left thinks they are being entertaining repeating the same old talking points over and over. When really they are not, but them they really believe that they are.
If you can find a talking point I wrote, do so. Good luck, you'll need it.

There are plenty and you continue to do it. If you choose to be a far left trolling poster that is your choice, but I guess you enjoy taking vacations form the board.

You are the perfect example of a far left Obama drone, so keep posting and show us all how far left you can go..
Sure thing, Obama drones always say the economy sucks and humans are a disease. Carry on...
Does anyone see one single BIG MOUTHED liberal in here who always demands that Conservatives adopt babies if they don't support abortion, VOLUNTEERING to take these children in??? There isn't ONE.. NOT ONE single leftist DINGBAT who created this despicable and appalling abuse.
It's not a animal shelter. You can't just walk in and adopt one if you promise to get it fixed.

You're right.. ANIMAL SHELTERS LOOK BETTER than that hellhole you leftists have dumped these kids in.

You "leftists"?

As you so love to point out, The House of Representatives, holds the power of the purse.

And right now? They've put a complete freeze on spending or..they are cutting budgets for various agencies. They've also frozen legislation.

Then? They yell "Scandal" like stuck pigs when things go wrong.

You can't have it both ways. Block the agenda then cry when nothing works.
The President of the United States plans to usurp the Constitution in order to maintain leftist power- LEFTIST power that runs Caged Detention Centers where disease is rampant.. Does anyone for a moment think that these rabid hate filled leftists wouldn't do this to anyone who dared speak out against their Police State Government, given the chance????? THEY WOULD DO IT IN A SECOND.

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