Democrats: No bluff, Obama will go it alone on immigration

At this point we could use a king, we might just get something done for a change.

And whatever he does will be within the law. He can do quite a bit but not nearly as much as he would like to I'm sure.

Then go move to fucking England you nitwit.
Currently my side is in power. Your side is the one that feels it no longer has a country which begs the question, why not start your own? During the revolution your kind fled to Canada. Let history be your guide...

i thought you were BANNED !!

you really should stop now, as the Lady pointed out before you prove your stupidity of American history.

ooooh ! BTW..........., :fu:
Then go move to fucking England you nitwit.
Currently my side is in power. Your side is the one that feels it no longer has a country which begs the question, why not start your own? During the revolution your kind fled to Canada. Let history be your guide...

i thought you were BANNED !!

you really should stop now, as the Lady pointed out before you prove your stupidity of American history.

ooooh ! BTW..........., :fu:
I was on vacation, at the Mods request, and I block all emoticons and signatures. They annoy me.
Democrats: No bluff, Obama will go it alone on immigration

Read more: Democrats: No bluff, Obama will go it alone on immigration | TheHill
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

It's past-time to impeach this bastard and the kook leftists who have no regard what so ever for the law. All of these big mouthed idiots in this story somehow think it's ok for this President to once again usurp the US Constitution. We are not going to sit idly by and allow it to happen..

Instead of always taking aim on Oblama, maybe you could lay the blame where it belongs, with Congress and their hand sitting abilities...
You can just hear the refrain can't you? "Phone, pen,, pen, Hitler"

Good Fox zombies!
Democrats: No bluff, Obama will go it alone on immigration

Read more: Democrats: No bluff, Obama will go it alone on immigration | TheHill
Follow us: [MENTION=27326]The[/MENTION]hill on Twitter | TheHill on Facebook

It's past-time to impeach this bastard and the kook leftists who have no regard what so ever for the law. All of these big mouthed idiots in this story somehow think it's ok for this President to once again usurp the US Constitution. We are not going to sit idly by and allow it to happen..

Instead of always taking aim on Oblama, maybe you could lay the blame where it belongs, with Congress and their hand sitting abilities...

I have no love for this Congress.. They're as worthless as this President but just because you liberal crybabies don't get your way on the LAW , doesn't mean you can just take a fucking pen and write whatever new laws you want. No Sir.. And I will promise you this much.. this country is a powder keg right now.. Almost 70% DOES NOT agree with this Immigration stunt you liberal desperado's are latching on to because you know your asses are gone..You're fucking history at the ballot box.. We won't stand by and allow it to happen..
I see the far left can not help themselves in promoting lies and propaganda from their far left programmed religious beliefs.
obama will take small steps by executive action toward the goal of eliminating the southern border. Which will likely have the effect of Canada completely closing the Northern border.
obama will take small steps by executive action toward the goal of eliminating the southern border. Which will likely have the effect of Canada completely closing the Northern border.

If Boehner has the balls to bring suit- it won't happen. The SCOTUS will be forced to review the case if any kangaroo court in this nation goes against the letter of the law, The US Constitution.
Obama's Detention Centers-

I don't care what side of the aisle you're on.. this is despicable and it's happening here in the United States.. Take a good look at SOCIALISM- Cloward-Piven.. the left owns it COMPLETELY.. the neglect and deaths of children , all of them..


  • $Obamasdetention.jpg
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An excerpt:

Beside each door, dozens of tanned faces press against glass windows, watching the movement on the open floor around them. Dozens more lie on the hard floor in the middle of the rooms, or on the wide benches attached to the walls.

Most of the visible faces belong to young children or teens; the adults are usually clustered in the back or tending to toddlers and infants.

The scene is devastating, and it’s only one of several windows into the illegal immigration crisis that’s sweeping across the Rio Grande Valley Sector of the U.S.-Mexico border. Since October 2013, more than 181,000 illegal immigrants have already crossed this 250-costal-mile area alone, and the McAllen, Texas station has been the hardest hit.
Let's continue -- Washington DC is stopping anyone from vewing, "Sally port."

They won’t let us in the sally port – the “folks in Washington” require a scheduled visit for that, they tell us. But they say we can stand outside the locked gates at the bus entrance and look.
Nahh, you did.. I'm beginning to think you're a major headcase.. Now stop derailing my thread..
I'm simply responding to whatever gets posted. Keep your thread interesting and it will stay on track.

If it isn't interesting why the fuck are you here?

He is a far left Obama drone troll..

He never really has anything to add except some very boring commentary that can be read on any far left comment on any blog site.

The far left thinks they are being entertaining repeating the same old talking points over and over. When really they are not, but them they really believe that they are.

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