Democrats were right! The President DID collude, and money changed hands! Republicans were duped!


Platinum Member
Apr 25, 2015
I hate to admit it, but the Democrats appear to be 1/2 correct...……..and it pains me to say it! They actually indicted people for illegal campaign contributions, that were involved with a Communist regime, all with the intent of affecting our Presidential election. And the Democrats were correct, it DID!

Leftist Democrats, take a victory lap! It is now all over the internet, it has been proven, and we Republicans apologize.

I am putting in the link where even a staunch supporter of this President ADMITS that he found collusion between a President, and the Communists.

I will NEVER forgive myself, for being so misled. I will have to now show this to everyone, along with all the other columns from different media outlets, that are singing the same tune.

Again, forgive me!

Byron York: When a foreign adversary meddled in a presidential election
"President Trump says AG Barr will be giving a press conference tomorrow when the Mueller report is released and says he may also do a press conference, in radio interview with “WMAL Larry O’Connor Show”"
I blame myself ...

You and I have a lot of soul searching to do Billy. How will we ever face the Left on here again?!

Clinton's gave China computer chip technology which they used to upgrade their missile systems.
Google it....elevate yourselves....
This was how China got rocket guidance technology.....way to go fucked us good...
This was how China got rocket guidance technology.....way to go fucked us good...

Yep, they couldn't get a rocket off the ground, then all of the sudden, CHINESE money pours in, they then are allowed our rocket technology, and here we are.

TALK ABOUT COLLUSION, and not only were these people indicted, they were CONVICTED!

See, the Left does know its stuff, they just get a few facts confused-) Never fear though, WE will straighten them out, and help them along-)
Bill traded rocket secrets to China and Hillary gave Russia our uranium....for money....can anyone name two bigger treats to our nation than these two morons?....and we spent 30 million dollars looking into Trump?????? they think we are stupid?....
Bill traded rocket secrets to China and Hillary gave Russia our uranium....for money....can anyone name two bigger treats to our nation than these two morons?....and we spent 30 million dollars looking into Trump?????? they think we are stupid?....

The 3rd biggest threat that Democrats are currently perpetuating is 'open borders'.
I can NOT understand why our Leftist friends don't want to take a victory lap; it makes no sense. All they have been talking about is COLLUSION, and campaign contributions, and being a puppet of a Communist regime for over 2 years.

Here I prove that they were correct, AND THAT THE 1st LADY KNEW, and they don't want to talk about it!

Does anybody understand this? They are so fickle, I thought for sure they would be all over this thread, as they are so intent on insuring no COLLUSION, or outside foreign interference EVER happens again, and yet they sit silent as a church mouse.

We must pass this on to the Trump campaign, that COLLUSION and taking money from foreign governments, is no longer important to them! We should pass that on to Mr Mueller also, and of course MSNBC, CNN, and Rachie Madcow. Now they will understand why their ratings went in the tank, and aren't you happy LEFTISTS, that we figured that out for your favorite networks-)
"President Trump says AG Barr will be giving a press conference tomorrow when the Mueller report is released and says he may also do a press conference, in radio interview with “WMAL Larry O’Connor Show”"

No Hannity?
Wait, wait, I know what the problem is, and FORGIVE me my Leftist fellow posters, you don't want a link from a crazy, right wing site. Now I feel really badly. I can understand your chagrin, and so I, the WHOSURE, will rectify the situation for you, and again, forgive me.

Below, I will post a link from the CHARMING AND DELIGHTFUL, Washington Post...……………..a source that YOU know and claim, is accurate. I would NEVER want to mislead you, and so you feel comfortable, please read what the Washington Post had to say-)

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