Did We Betray The Kurds For Trump Towers?

Is this one of those threads where the OP only wants to hammer Trump, not realizing that Obama did the same damn thing?
Every time Trump does something heinous
That's funny, Trump has done something "heinous?" Name one thing!
Oh yeah. I can think of one.
He beat the smelly pants off of your Hillary in 2016. :21:
Funny thing is, it really isn't the stupid Canuck's Hillary or Trump to worry about. Maybe Canada should step up.
I guess not getting involved in a possible conflict with a country that is still officially an ally is heinous.
As far as the Kurds, they fought ISIS in their own self interest and survival which matched ours at the time. They sure as hell didn't out of some heartfelt need to help the Americans.
Unreal that there are a dozen threads of liberals, and biased msm coverage basically calling for war with an ally.
One would almost think a narrative was being pushed.

Most telling is that for three years they've hollered to get ut of Syria. JUST LAST WEEK someone here was arguing we had no business being there!

The EU is blaming Turkey, calling their invasion and attack horrible.

Democrats here are attacking Trump, as if now he's the one leading Turkey into battle.

Like the stupid kids at the border who get separated so the adults can be processed for crimes in fenced areas built by Obama, you'd think that Trump himself was literally killing civilians.

The very same people who literally stood silent as MILLIONS died from ISIS as Obama fiddled away for two years.
Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers? | Editorial

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?
Are you people this dumb? It's like you've just decided to pay attention to this part of the world 8 minutes ago. Where was your concern for the Kurds, oh I don't know, forever? The Turks have been savaging the Kurds forever. And yes, even under the messiah Obama. Now we're going to pull out 50 people and you are suddenly concerned?

Ukraine? Why are you concerned, the prosecutor investigating Biden's son was fired a long time ago.
Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers? | Editorial

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?
Are you people this dumb? It's like you've just decided to pay attention to this part of the world 8 minutes ago. Where was your concern for the Kurds, oh I don't know, forever? The Turks have been savaging the Kurds forever. And yes, even under the messiah Obama. Now we're going to pull out 50 people and you are suddenly concerned?

Ukraine? Why are you concerned, the prosecutor investigating Biden's son was fired a long time ago.

Those of us who follow geopolitics understood the Kurd's situation, that they are our allies and the Commander-in-Chief tossed them under the bus without consulting anyone.

Trump is inept, incompetent and a dunce when it comes to foreign policy (and everything a Commander-in Chief & a President of the United States should know). That and the fact that he won't listen to anyone who does not tell him what he wants to hear, and we get what you elected, chaos.

Trump has put two million Kurdish Families in harms way, and he doesn't give a damn about their future.
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All the tears are flowing now. Funny how it was no big deal when O was kicking back watching our own personnel get slaughtered in benghazi............but now, they've grown a heart. Stuff your hypocrite tears.
Our allies, and those who would like to be our allies, now know for sure:

America will throw you under the bus on a whim.
Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers? | Editorial

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?
Are you people this dumb? It's like you've just decided to pay attention to this part of the world 8 minutes ago. Where was your concern for the Kurds, oh I don't know, forever? The Turks have been savaging the Kurds forever. And yes, even under the messiah Obama. Now we're going to pull out 50 people and you are suddenly concerned?

Ukraine? Why are you concerned, the prosecutor investigating Biden's son was fired a long time ago.

Those of us who follow geopolitics understood the Kurd's situation, that they are our allies and the Commander-in-Chief tossed them under the bus without consulting anyone.

Trump is inept, incompetent and a dunce when it comes to foreign policy (and everything a Commander-in Chief & a President of the United States should know). That and the fact that he won't listen to anyone who does not tell him what he wants to hear, and we get what you elected, chaos.

Trump has put two million Kurdish Families in harms way, and he doesn't give a damn about their future.
You apparently have not followed geopolitics for long. The travails of the Kurds very much predates Trump. They also predate Obama, who was no help to them. If you wish to truly side with the Kurds I'd suggest you listen to them at some point. I can assure you, Trump withdrawing 50 people will be quite low on the multi-decade complaint list they have. One of the first will probably be facing brand new US weapons, even from ISIS, for at least the last decade. Their true enemy are the Turks. the US siding with the Turks over the Kurds is hardly a Trump thing. Educate yourself on the subject.
Our allies, and those who would like to be our allies, now know for sure:

America will throw you under the bus on a whim.

Now know? We've been shifting tribes in the ME for decades. This is exactly why we shouldnt be over there.
Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers? | Editorial

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?

I know this is labeled as an "opinion piece" but for crying out loud.. .

No sources cited
Littered with quotes taken out of context
Littered with thinly veiled contempt for President Twitter

Who wrote this article one of the grade school children of the staff writers that work for NJ.com ? The "star-ledger editorial board" needs a good smack in the mouth for publishing this shoddy piece of trash that only a moron would take seriously.

LMAO Its G. You know. The guy who thinks he's the smartest guy in any room.

He's so full of shit he must spend all of his time on the shitter.

What a biased hack he is.
No sources cited
Well, except for Trump:

“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

Thanks, I was wondering when the Mayor of CluelessTopia would weigh in, however here on Planet Earth quotes taken out of context aren't considered valid source material by those of us that still have our objectivity intact. :rolleyes:

Now feel free go back to enjoying sucking down your biased bullshit propaganda.
Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers? | Editorial

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?
Sadly this is far from the first time we've fucked over the Kurds.
Did we betray the Kurds for Trump Towers? | Editorial

[F]ollowing another phone call between Trump and Turkey’s president, we are suddenly pulling back U.S. troops to make way for Turkey’s planned invasion to clear the Kurds out of the border zone in Syria.

It blindsided the Pentagon, and both houses of Congress: The Kurds were our strongest allies in taking back territory from ISIS. Yet Turkish dictator Recep Tayyip Erdogan considers them terrorists.

And astonishingly, Trump is now abandoning them to die.


“I have a little conflict of interest ’cause I have a major, major building in Istanbul,” Trump told Breitbart radio during his campaign. “It’s a tremendously successful job. It’s called Trump Towers—two towers, instead of one, not the usual one, it’s two.”

We withheld hundreds of millions of dollars in aid from Ukraine, potentially because Trump wanted the country to dig up some dirt on his 2020 rival. Are we now allowing Turkey to come in and massacre the Kurds, because of his business interests?
You betrayed your country for Hillary Rotten Clinton. That is all I know.

Now go back to your secret man crush with secret courts, secret accusers, secret accusations, secret transcripts, secret hearings, secret fake impeachment inquiries, secret affidavits, secret FISA courts, secret warrants, secret indictments, and you secret love of hairy man butt.
Wow dude. You have a very vivid imagination.
Marco Rubio is just like 90% of the GOP. He is a World Policer who loves providing military protections to foreign nations AT OUR EXPENSE without reimbursement.

I bet you hate Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard, don't you?

Tulsi Gabbard is a far left socialist wannabe. So yeah, I don't like her.

Rand Paul isn't half the man his father is. Ron Paul sticks to his principles. Rand Paul doesn't.
Marco Rubio is just like 90% of the GOP. He is a World Policer who loves providing military protections to foreign nations AT OUR EXPENSE without reimbursement.

I bet you hate Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard, don't you?

Tulsi Gabbard is a far left socialist wannabe. So yeah, I don't like her.

Rand Paul isn't half the man his father is.
Is Rand Paul wrong for wanting our military to stay TF out of all these foreign wars/entanglements?

I mean, fuck. Who is benefiting from fighting ISIS more? The U.S. or the Kurds? Who should do most of the fighting?

I remain curious about what the US or Trump got out of this betrayal.
Marco Rubio is just like 90% of the GOP. He is a World Policer who loves providing military protections to foreign nations AT OUR EXPENSE without reimbursement.

I bet you hate Rand Paul and Tulsi Gabbard, don't you?

Tulsi Gabbard is a far left socialist wannabe. So yeah, I don't like her.

Rand Paul isn't half the man his father is.
Is Rand Paul wrong for wanting our military to stay TF out of all these foreign wars/entanglements?

I mean, fuck. Who is benefiting from fighting ISIS more? The U.S. or the Kurds? Who should do most of the fighting?

It was a symbiotic relationship.

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