Do NOT Impeach Trump

Impeachment is there for a reason. IMO. Us letting a dictator, or whatever brand you would like to put on said person, do what they want makes us look worse.
This is a general statement. It isn't directed at anyone

Nixon was the last President to be faced with impeachment. Now I is no longer possible.

Oh my gosh! You are brilliant!
Trump could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue, and there are a lot of people on this forum who would defend him to the last. They are to be discounted in any conversation about Trump.

It is no secret I am no fan of the con man Trump, so I hope those of you who also can't stand the asshole will take a minute to listen to my plea for respite from all the hyperventilation which has been going on these past couple days.

I have been caught up in the excitement surrounding these alleged Comey revelations. But folks, everything we have been told has been relayed by anonymous sources.

Remember Benghazi? Who could forget...

During the immediate aftermath of Benghazi, there was an information vacuum. Human beings hate information vacuums. The result is that many political hacks will invent stories to fill that vacuum. And since those stories are written on the brains of partisans long, long before the facts come out, those made up stories become entrenched, and no amount of truth can displace them.

We are in danger of committing the same error. We do not have very many actual facts. So it is time to be patient and wait. Just...wait.


There is another important thing to remember, and it is going to require me to compliment Trump.

I know...I know...

Remember, "Because you'd be in jail"?

Remember, "Lock her up!"?

Trump hasn't done that. He did the right thing. Winners of elections throwing their opponents in jail is real Third World shit. It isn't America.

Trump let it go. And dammit, that shows some class.

Now let's think about Flynn. Why shouldn't he be given the same consideration? The man fucked up, and he got fired. That should be as far as it goes.

Trump is an incredibly vindictive asshole. But the opposite side of that coin is that he is incredibly loyal to his friends.

Trump saw Flynn as a friend, and he just wanted the guy to be able to ride off into the sunset without having to look over his shoulder.

And I get that. I totally get that. I don't just get it, I respect it a great deal.

I am just as loyal to my friends and family.

And that, my friends, is not something you impeach someone over. Not at all.

So sit back. Relax. Have an adult beverage, if that's your thing. And wait.



The sanity and safety of our country is at stake here. And that needs to come first.

No matter how much you hate Trump, no matter how much you think he will damage the country, impeachment would do much more harm.

Much more.

Another thing to remember. The pseudocons said Obama was going to destroy the country and they spent all their days trying to find reasons to impeach him.

Don't be like those guys.


That is all. Thank you.

Don't worry Brown Shirt, no one is going to impeach Trump.

You scumbag democrats will continue to fling shit each and every day until Jan. 20, 2025.
Trump could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue, and there are a lot of people on this forum who would defend him to the last. They are to be discounted in any conversation about Trump.

It is no secret I am no fan of the con man Trump, so I hope those of you who also can't stand the asshole will take a minute to listen to my plea for respite from all the hyperventilation which has been going on these past couple days.

I have been caught up in the excitement surrounding these alleged Comey revelations. But folks, everything we have been told has been relayed by anonymous sources.

Remember Benghazi? Who could forget...

During the immediate aftermath of Benghazi, there was an information vacuum. Human beings hate information vacuums. The result is that many political hacks will invent stories to fill that vacuum. And since those stories are written on the brains of partisans long, long before the facts come out, those made up stories become entrenched, and no amount of truth can displace them.

We are in danger of committing the same error. We do not have very many actual facts. So it is time to be patient and wait. Just...wait.


There is another important thing to remember, and it is going to require me to compliment Trump.

I know...I know...

Remember, "Because you'd be in jail"?

Remember, "Lock her up!"?

Trump hasn't done that. He did the right thing. Winners of elections throwing their opponents in jail is real Third World shit. It isn't America.

Trump let it go. And dammit, that shows some class.

Now let's think about Flynn. Why shouldn't he be given the same consideration? The man fucked up, and he got fired. That should be as far as it goes.

Trump is an incredibly vindictive asshole. But the opposite side of that coin is that he is incredibly loyal to his friends.

Trump saw Flynn as a friend, and he just wanted the guy to be able to ride off into the sunset without having to look over his shoulder.

And I get that. I totally get that. I don't just get it, I respect it a great deal.

I am just as loyal to my friends and family.

And that, my friends, is not something you impeach someone over. Not at all.

So sit back. Relax. Have an adult beverage, if that's your thing. And wait.



The sanity and safety of our country is at stake here. And that needs to come first.

No matter how much you hate Trump, no matter how much you think he will damage the country, impeachment would do much more harm.

Much more.

Another thing to remember. The pseudocons said Obama was going to destroy the country and they spent all their days trying to find reasons to impeach him.

Don't be like those guys.


That is all. Thank you.

Don't worry Brown Shirt, no one is going to impeach Trump.

You scumbag democrats will continue to fling shit each and every day until Jan. 20, 2025.
Enjoy the karma, baby.

Every benchmark set by you tards during the Obama Administration is snapping right back into your faces now.
Now let's think about Flynn. Why shouldn't he be given the same consideration? The man fucked up, and he got fired. That should be as far as it goes.

Trump is an incredibly vindictive asshole. But the opposite side of that coin is that he is incredibly loyal to his friends.

Trump saw Flynn as a friend, and he just wanted the guy to be able to ride off into the sunset without having to look over his shoulder.

And I get that. I totally get that. I don't just get it, I respect it a great deal.

I see it hasn't occurred to you that the possible reason Trump is so protective of Flynn is because Flynn has a lot to sing about when it comes to Trump.
Now let's think about Flynn. Why shouldn't he be given the same consideration? The man fucked up, and he got fired. That should be as far as it goes.

Trump is an incredibly vindictive asshole. But the opposite side of that coin is that he is incredibly loyal to his friends.

Trump saw Flynn as a friend, and he just wanted the guy to be able to ride off into the sunset without having to look over his shoulder.

And I get that. I totally get that. I don't just get it, I respect it a great deal.

LOL - has it ever occurred to you that the reason Trump is so protective of Flynn is because Flynn knows something Trump doesn't want him to share?
Yes, that has occurred to me, of course. It is upon this supposition which the entire "obstruction of justice" impeachment house has been built in the last 24 hours.

But it is probably a house built on bullshit. That Trump was just trying to get the partisan harpies off his friend's back so he could ride off into retirement in peace is a much more likely scenario.
Now let's think about Flynn. Why shouldn't he be given the same consideration? The man fucked up, and he got fired. That should be as far as it goes.

Trump is an incredibly vindictive asshole. But the opposite side of that coin is that he is incredibly loyal to his friends.

Trump saw Flynn as a friend, and he just wanted the guy to be able to ride off into the sunset without having to look over his shoulder.

And I get that. I totally get that. I don't just get it, I respect it a great deal.

LOL - has it ever occurred to you that the reason Trump is so protective of Flynn is because Flynn knows something Trump doesn't want him to share?
Yes, that has occurred to me, of course. It is upon this supposition which the entire "obstruction of justice" impeachment house has been built in the last 24 hours.

But it is probably bullshit. That Trump was just trying to get the harpies off his friend's back so he could ride off into retirement in peace is a much more likely scenario.

No it isn't. It could be as simple as Trump himself directing Flynn to talk to Russians. If he gets on Flynn's bad side that becomes public.
Men, it has been well said, think in herds; it will be seen that they go mad in herds, while they only recover their senses slowly, and one by one. - Charles Mackay
Now let's think about Flynn. Why shouldn't he be given the same consideration? The man fucked up, and he got fired. That should be as far as it goes.

Trump is an incredibly vindictive asshole. But the opposite side of that coin is that he is incredibly loyal to his friends.

Trump saw Flynn as a friend, and he just wanted the guy to be able to ride off into the sunset without having to look over his shoulder.

And I get that. I totally get that. I don't just get it, I respect it a great deal.

LOL - has it ever occurred to you that the reason Trump is so protective of Flynn is because Flynn knows something Trump doesn't want him to share?
Yes, that has occurred to me, of course. It is upon this supposition which the entire "obstruction of justice" impeachment house has been built in the last 24 hours.

But it is probably bullshit. That Trump was just trying to get the harpies off his friend's back so he could ride off into retirement in peace is a much more likely scenario.

No it isn't. It could be as simple as Trump himself directing Flynn to talk to Russians. If he gets on Flynn's bad side that becomes public.
Key words: "Could be".

And yet a lot of people are stating it as fact and demanding impeachment. And THAT is bullshit. Wishful thinking carrying hacks away on the wings of their fevered imaginations.

When you say "No, it isn't", you are wishfully thinking it is something criminal.
Now let's think about Flynn. Why shouldn't he be given the same consideration? The man fucked up, and he got fired. That should be as far as it goes.

Trump is an incredibly vindictive asshole. But the opposite side of that coin is that he is incredibly loyal to his friends.

Trump saw Flynn as a friend, and he just wanted the guy to be able to ride off into the sunset without having to look over his shoulder.

And I get that. I totally get that. I don't just get it, I respect it a great deal.

LOL - has it ever occurred to you that the reason Trump is so protective of Flynn is because Flynn knows something Trump doesn't want him to share?
Yes, that has occurred to me, of course. It is upon this supposition which the entire "obstruction of justice" impeachment house has been built in the last 24 hours.

But it is probably bullshit. That Trump was just trying to get the harpies off his friend's back so he could ride off into retirement in peace is a much more likely scenario.

No it isn't. It could be as simple as Trump himself directing Flynn to talk to Russians. If he gets on Flynn's bad side that becomes public.
Key words: "Could be".

And yet a lot of people are stating it as fact and demanding impeachment. And THAT is bullshit. Wishful thinking carrying hacks away on the wings of their fevered imaginations.

Yes, could be, just like your poorly supported musing about what an admirably loyal person Trump is to Flynn.

Trump makes assholes out of people that go out to spread his bs to the public almost daily. That is not very loyal.
Again, Flynn should be offered the exact same consideration as Trump gave to Hillary Clinton once the election was over.
Now let's think about Flynn. Why shouldn't he be given the same consideration? The man fucked up, and he got fired. That should be as far as it goes.

Trump is an incredibly vindictive asshole. But the opposite side of that coin is that he is incredibly loyal to his friends.

Trump saw Flynn as a friend, and he just wanted the guy to be able to ride off into the sunset without having to look over his shoulder.

And I get that. I totally get that. I don't just get it, I respect it a great deal.

LOL - has it ever occurred to you that the reason Trump is so protective of Flynn is because Flynn knows something Trump doesn't want him to share?
Yes, that has occurred to me, of course. It is upon this supposition which the entire "obstruction of justice" impeachment house has been built in the last 24 hours.

But it is probably bullshit. That Trump was just trying to get the harpies off his friend's back so he could ride off into retirement in peace is a much more likely scenario.

No it isn't. It could be as simple as Trump himself directing Flynn to talk to Russians. If he gets on Flynn's bad side that becomes public.
Key words: "Could be".

And yet a lot of people are stating it as fact and demanding impeachment. And THAT is bullshit. Wishful thinking carrying hacks away on the wings of their fevered imaginations.

Yes, could be, just like your poorly supported musing about what an admirably loyal person Trump is to Flynn.
I am saying Trump is more likely to not be acting criminally than the opposite.

You WISH he was a criminal, without a shred of evidence in view, and that is sheer partisan hackery.
Wait. For. Facts.

Or be caught acting the fool.

Just like the Benghazi-tards.
Better to have a stupid President than a criminal one.

Marginally better, but still better.
LOL - has it ever occurred to you that the reason Trump is so protective of Flynn is because Flynn knows something Trump doesn't want him to share?
Yes, that has occurred to me, of course. It is upon this supposition which the entire "obstruction of justice" impeachment house has been built in the last 24 hours.

But it is probably bullshit. That Trump was just trying to get the harpies off his friend's back so he could ride off into retirement in peace is a much more likely scenario.

No it isn't. It could be as simple as Trump himself directing Flynn to talk to Russians. If he gets on Flynn's bad side that becomes public.
Key words: "Could be".

And yet a lot of people are stating it as fact and demanding impeachment. And THAT is bullshit. Wishful thinking carrying hacks away on the wings of their fevered imaginations.

Yes, could be, just like your poorly supported musing about what an admirably loyal person Trump is to Flynn.
I am saying Trump is more likely to not be acting criminally than the opposite.

You WISH he was a criminal, and that is sheer partisan hackery.

You do not need to be acting criminally to be impeached - simply found by the congress of abusing your office and unfit to serve as president.

Plenty of evidence Trump abused his position by asking Comey to stop investigation of Flynn, asking him for loyalty and when Comey declined, firing him.

Plenty of evidence his is not fit for office as well, I think you'd agree on that.
Plenty of evidence Trump abused his office by asking Comey to stop investigation of Flynn

No evidence has been presented yet. Not even to Congress.

All that is out there are anonymous sources. Not even Comey himself has said it on record.

This is where your hackery goes off the rails.
Plenty of evidence Trump abused his office by asking Comey to stop investigation of Flynn

No evidence has been presented yet. Not even to Congress.

This is where your hackery goes off the rails.

Will that be your line when Comey's backdated Memos will get released to Congress?

I believe Comey and believe his account of Trump's conversations with him to be trustworthy. Do you?
LWMJ's got a fever......and the only prescription is more COWBELL!!


If Comey was investigating Flynn for something criminal, and if Trump knew Flynn had broken the law, and if Trump then asked Comey to stop his investigation, then and only then would Trump be obstructing an investigation and thus violating the law himself.

And so you hacks need to ask yourselves one very simple question.

If all of those suppositions are true, which you are claiming they are, then Comey would have been obligated to IMMEDIATELY report Trump's lawbreaking.

But he didn't.

So ask yourselves, "Why didn't he?"

The logical answer is that at least one of those "ifs" didn't happen. Which then breaks the chain, and Trump had not broken the law.

Otherwise, Comey would have made himself complicit in the lawbreaking.

Therefore, your "ifs" and suppositions are most likely a house built on bullshit.
Trump could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue, and there are a lot of people on this forum who would defend him to the last. They are to be discounted in any conversation about Trump.

It is no secret I am no fan of the con man Trump, so I hope those of you who also can't stand the asshole will take a minute to listen to my plea for respite from all the hyperventilation which has been going on these past couple days.

I have been caught up in the excitement surrounding these alleged Comey revelations. But folks, everything we have been told has been relayed by anonymous sources.

Remember Benghazi? Who could forget...

During the immediate aftermath of Benghazi, there was an information vacuum. Human beings hate information vacuums. The result is that many political hacks will invent stories to fill that vacuum. And since those stories are written on the brains of partisans long, long before the facts come out, those made up stories become entrenched, and no amount of truth can displace them.

We are in danger of committing the same error. We do not have very many actual facts. So it is time to be patient and wait. Just...wait.


There is another important thing to remember, and it is going to require me to compliment Trump.

I know...I know...

Remember, "Because you'd be in jail"?

Remember, "Lock her up!"?

Trump hasn't done that. He did the right thing. Winners of elections throwing their opponents in jail is real Third World shit. It isn't America.

Trump let it go. And dammit, that shows some class.

Now let's think about Flynn. Why shouldn't he be given the same consideration? The man fucked up, and he got fired. That should be as far as it goes.

Trump is an incredibly vindictive asshole. But the opposite side of that coin is that he is incredibly loyal to his friends.

Trump saw Flynn as a friend, and he just wanted the guy to be able to ride off into the sunset without having to look over his shoulder.

And I get that. I totally get that. I don't just get it, I respect it a great deal.

I am just as loyal to my friends and family.

And that, my friends, is not something you impeach someone over. Not at all.

So sit back. Relax. Have an adult beverage, if that's your thing. And wait.



The sanity and safety of our country is at stake here. And that needs to come first.

No matter how much you hate Trump, no matter how much you think he will damage the country, impeachment would do much more harm.

Much more.

Another thing to remember. The pseudocons said Obama was going to destroy the country and they spent all their days trying to find reasons to impeach him.

Don't be like those guys.


That is all. Thank you.

Don't worry Brown Shirt, no one is going to impeach Trump.

You scumbag democrats will continue to fling shit each and every day until Jan. 20, 2025.
Enjoy the karma, baby.

Every benchmark set by you tards during the Obama Administration is snapping right back into your faces now.

Sure, we call anyone who criticizes Trump a "racist," just as you fascists did under Obama... :eusa_whistle:
Plenty of evidence Trump abused his office by asking Comey to stop investigation of Flynn

No evidence has been presented yet. Not even to Congress.

This is where your hackery goes off the rails.

Will that be your line when Comey's backdated Memos will get released to Congress?

I believe Comey and believe his account of Trump's conversations with him to be trustworthy. Do you?
Show me Comey's account.


Show it to me.

Link, quote.

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