Do you support equal rights for all?

Do you support equal rights for all?

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Did we get the list of rights yet? Kind of waiting on that.
Yes, it's mentioned right here:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
List the rest of them.

Such a list would be infinite. That was the reason for the ninth amendment: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." They didn't want people to think that only the rights listed were to be protected by (and from) government. Maybe the should have underlined it, or printed it in bold or something.
...or they figured educated people knew how to read. :)
So you are a left wing nut bag.
Did we get the list of rights yet? Kind of waiting on that.
Yes, it's mentioned right here:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
List the rest of them.
An interesting request. You're not one of those fucking Liberals who believes the Constitution AKA "the Government" gives us our rights, are you?

It'd be easier to list what rights we don't have;
1) We don't have a right to deprive others of their rights.
2) Government doesn't have a right to deprive citizens of their rights without due process.
3) We can lose some or all of our rights through government due process. A power given to government through consent of "We, the People" and a power that can also be removed.
I'm actually trying to pin these nut bag liberals to a list of what rights we all have. Is it healthcare, food, housing. Where do they draw the line at rights?
Try rephrasing the question.

Do you have a right to live? Of course. Do you have a right to tax me so you can "live in style"? No, you don't.

Do you have a right to health care provided by your fellow American taxpayers? No, you don't.

Is it in the best interests of the United States to provide a basic level of health care? IMO, it is, but that's not a right. That's an interest for taxpayers to decide.
Did we get the list of rights yet? Kind of waiting on that.
Yes, it's mentioned right here:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
List the rest of them.

Such a list would be infinite. That was the reason for the ninth amendment: "The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people." They didn't want people to think that only the rights listed were to be protected by (and from) government. Maybe the should have underlined it, or printed it in bold or something.
...or they figured educated people knew how to read. :)
So you are a left wing nut bag.
Only according to RWNJs so far right they are severely in danger of going over the edge.

Sorry you don't agree with the Ninth Amendment of the Constitution, but most nutjobs, regardless of polarity, seek to shred the Constitution to fit their own views.

The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.
Did we get the list of rights yet? Kind of waiting on that.
Yes, it's mentioned right here:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
List the rest of them.
An interesting request. You're not one of those fucking Liberals who believes the Constitution AKA "the Government" gives us our rights, are you?

It'd be easier to list what rights we don't have;
1) We don't have a right to deprive others of their rights.
2) Government doesn't have a right to deprive citizens of their rights without due process.
3) We can lose some or all of our rights through government due process. A power given to government through consent of "We, the People" and a power that can also be removed.
I'm actually trying to pin these nut bag liberals to a list of what rights we all have. Is it healthcare, food, housing. Where do they draw the line at rights?
Try rephrasing the question.

Do you have a right to live? Of course. Do you have a right to tax me so you can "live in style"? No, you don't.

Do you have a right to health care provided by your fellow American taxpayers? No, you don't.

Is it in the best interests of the United States to provide a basic level of health care? IMO, it is, but that's not a right. That's an interest for taxpayers to decide.
The left, you I believe, want to make basic and even far reaching healthcare a right. It's not a right no matter how great you think it would be for the country. The best interest of the tax payers is to pay as little as possible. We are after all the ones paying for these new made up rights.
Yes, it's mentioned right here:

We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
List the rest of them.
An interesting request. You're not one of those fucking Liberals who believes the Constitution AKA "the Government" gives us our rights, are you?

It'd be easier to list what rights we don't have;
1) We don't have a right to deprive others of their rights.
2) Government doesn't have a right to deprive citizens of their rights without due process.
3) We can lose some or all of our rights through government due process. A power given to government through consent of "We, the People" and a power that can also be removed.
I'm actually trying to pin these nut bag liberals to a list of what rights we all have. Is it healthcare, food, housing. Where do they draw the line at rights?
Try rephrasing the question.

Do you have a right to live? Of course. Do you have a right to tax me so you can "live in style"? No, you don't.

Do you have a right to health care provided by your fellow American taxpayers? No, you don't.

Is it in the best interests of the United States to provide a basic level of health care? IMO, it is, but that's not a right. That's an interest for taxpayers to decide.
The left, you I believe, want to make basic and even far reaching healthcare a right. It's not a right no matter how great you think it would be for the country. The best interest of the tax payers is to pay as little as possible. We are after all the ones paying for these new made up rights.
The Left wants to make it a "right" to dip into the pockets of every American citizen in order to redistribute money as they see fit. It's Socialism and they fail to realize that Socialism doesn't work.

Do you disagree that a basic level of health care, such as vaccinations, is in the best interests of the United States? Not a "right", but an interest just like having a nuclear arsenal is in the best interests of the USA.
You sure sound like a Liberal......
Compared to fucking Nazis and the fucking Russians? I'm sure I do.

Explain how you're not a Liberal?
Sure, I'd l
After you explain why you aren't an antisemitic, Stormfront-supporting Nazi.

I'm anti-German, so how can I be a Nazi?

Germans have been a thorn in the side of Polish people, from the time of the Wendish Crusades at the turn of the millennium, to the Gdansk Massacre in the 1300's, to the Battle of Lubieszow Civil War in the 1500's, to the Partitions of Poland in the 1700's, the Silesian Uprisings following WW1, WW2 Nazi massacres of Poles like in the Wola Massacre, or now Merkel's Germany shoving Muslim refugee quotas down Poland's throat.
List the rest of them.
An interesting request. You're not one of those fucking Liberals who believes the Constitution AKA "the Government" gives us our rights, are you?

It'd be easier to list what rights we don't have;
1) We don't have a right to deprive others of their rights.
2) Government doesn't have a right to deprive citizens of their rights without due process.
3) We can lose some or all of our rights through government due process. A power given to government through consent of "We, the People" and a power that can also be removed.
I'm actually trying to pin these nut bag liberals to a list of what rights we all have. Is it healthcare, food, housing. Where do they draw the line at rights?
Try rephrasing the question.

Do you have a right to live? Of course. Do you have a right to tax me so you can "live in style"? No, you don't.

Do you have a right to health care provided by your fellow American taxpayers? No, you don't.

Is it in the best interests of the United States to provide a basic level of health care? IMO, it is, but that's not a right. That's an interest for taxpayers to decide.
The left, you I believe, want to make basic and even far reaching healthcare a right. It's not a right no matter how great you think it would be for the country. The best interest of the tax payers is to pay as little as possible. We are after all the ones paying for these new made up rights.
The Left wants to make it a "right" to dip into the pockets of every American citizen in order to redistribute money as they see fit. It's Socialism and they fail to realize that Socialism doesn't work.

Do you disagree that a basic level of health care, such as vaccinations, is in the best interests of the United States? Not a "right", but an interest just like having a nuclear arsenal is in the best interests of the USA.

Pure Socialism doesn't work, however a mixed economy works the best.
List the rest of them.
An interesting request. You're not one of those fucking Liberals who believes the Constitution AKA "the Government" gives us our rights, are you?

It'd be easier to list what rights we don't have;
1) We don't have a right to deprive others of their rights.
2) Government doesn't have a right to deprive citizens of their rights without due process.
3) We can lose some or all of our rights through government due process. A power given to government through consent of "We, the People" and a power that can also be removed.
I'm actually trying to pin these nut bag liberals to a list of what rights we all have. Is it healthcare, food, housing. Where do they draw the line at rights?
Try rephrasing the question.

Do you have a right to live? Of course. Do you have a right to tax me so you can "live in style"? No, you don't.

Do you have a right to health care provided by your fellow American taxpayers? No, you don't.

Is it in the best interests of the United States to provide a basic level of health care? IMO, it is, but that's not a right. That's an interest for taxpayers to decide.
The left, you I believe, want to make basic and even far reaching healthcare a right. It's not a right no matter how great you think it would be for the country. The best interest of the tax payers is to pay as little as possible. We are after all the ones paying for these new made up rights.
The Left wants to make it a "right" to dip into the pockets of every American citizen in order to redistribute money as they see fit. It's Socialism and they fail to realize that Socialism doesn't work.

Do you disagree that a basic level of health care, such as vaccinations, is in the best interests of the United States? Not a "right", but an interest just like having a nuclear arsenal is in the best interests of the USA.
I think vaccinations should be at the local level. Let the school and churches put it together. Maybe have a federal program that gets the shots at a good price. Maybe. No mandates or any other incentives to comply.
An interesting request. You're not one of those fucking Liberals who believes the Constitution AKA "the Government" gives us our rights, are you?

It'd be easier to list what rights we don't have;
1) We don't have a right to deprive others of their rights.
2) Government doesn't have a right to deprive citizens of their rights without due process.
3) We can lose some or all of our rights through government due process. A power given to government through consent of "We, the People" and a power that can also be removed.
I'm actually trying to pin these nut bag liberals to a list of what rights we all have. Is it healthcare, food, housing. Where do they draw the line at rights?
Try rephrasing the question.

Do you have a right to live? Of course. Do you have a right to tax me so you can "live in style"? No, you don't.

Do you have a right to health care provided by your fellow American taxpayers? No, you don't.

Is it in the best interests of the United States to provide a basic level of health care? IMO, it is, but that's not a right. That's an interest for taxpayers to decide.
The left, you I believe, want to make basic and even far reaching healthcare a right. It's not a right no matter how great you think it would be for the country. The best interest of the tax payers is to pay as little as possible. We are after all the ones paying for these new made up rights.
The Left wants to make it a "right" to dip into the pockets of every American citizen in order to redistribute money as they see fit. It's Socialism and they fail to realize that Socialism doesn't work.

Do you disagree that a basic level of health care, such as vaccinations, is in the best interests of the United States? Not a "right", but an interest just like having a nuclear arsenal is in the best interests of the USA.

Pure Socialism doesn't work, however a mixed economy works the best.
Kind of odd how the mixed always ends up with liberals demanding something from the government.
I'm actually trying to pin these nut bag liberals to a list of what rights we all have. Is it healthcare, food, housing. Where do they draw the line at rights?
Try rephrasing the question.

Do you have a right to live? Of course. Do you have a right to tax me so you can "live in style"? No, you don't.

Do you have a right to health care provided by your fellow American taxpayers? No, you don't.

Is it in the best interests of the United States to provide a basic level of health care? IMO, it is, but that's not a right. That's an interest for taxpayers to decide.
The left, you I believe, want to make basic and even far reaching healthcare a right. It's not a right no matter how great you think it would be for the country. The best interest of the tax payers is to pay as little as possible. We are after all the ones paying for these new made up rights.
The Left wants to make it a "right" to dip into the pockets of every American citizen in order to redistribute money as they see fit. It's Socialism and they fail to realize that Socialism doesn't work.

Do you disagree that a basic level of health care, such as vaccinations, is in the best interests of the United States? Not a "right", but an interest just like having a nuclear arsenal is in the best interests of the USA.

Pure Socialism doesn't work, however a mixed economy works the best.
Kind of odd how the mixed always ends up with liberals demanding something from the government.

40% of the Americans make incomes of $20,000 a year or less, is that a livable wage, really?
Try rephrasing the question.

Do you have a right to live? Of course. Do you have a right to tax me so you can "live in style"? No, you don't.

Do you have a right to health care provided by your fellow American taxpayers? No, you don't.

Is it in the best interests of the United States to provide a basic level of health care? IMO, it is, but that's not a right. That's an interest for taxpayers to decide.
The left, you I believe, want to make basic and even far reaching healthcare a right. It's not a right no matter how great you think it would be for the country. The best interest of the tax payers is to pay as little as possible. We are after all the ones paying for these new made up rights.
The Left wants to make it a "right" to dip into the pockets of every American citizen in order to redistribute money as they see fit. It's Socialism and they fail to realize that Socialism doesn't work.

Do you disagree that a basic level of health care, such as vaccinations, is in the best interests of the United States? Not a "right", but an interest just like having a nuclear arsenal is in the best interests of the USA.

Pure Socialism doesn't work, however a mixed economy works the best.
Kind of odd how the mixed always ends up with liberals demanding something from the government.

40% of the Americans make incomes of $20,000 a year or less, is that a livable wage, really?
It takes some effort to get above that. Is it up to me to hand them 50k a year or is it up to them to go earn it? I don't owe you a livable wage. You should want better.
The left, you I believe, want to make basic and even far reaching healthcare a right. It's not a right no matter how great you think it would be for the country. The best interest of the tax payers is to pay as little as possible. We are after all the ones paying for these new made up rights.
The Left wants to make it a "right" to dip into the pockets of every American citizen in order to redistribute money as they see fit. It's Socialism and they fail to realize that Socialism doesn't work.

Do you disagree that a basic level of health care, such as vaccinations, is in the best interests of the United States? Not a "right", but an interest just like having a nuclear arsenal is in the best interests of the USA.

Pure Socialism doesn't work, however a mixed economy works the best.
Kind of odd how the mixed always ends up with liberals demanding something from the government.

40% of the Americans make incomes of $20,000 a year or less, is that a livable wage, really?
It takes some effort to get above that. Is it up to me to hand them 50k a year or is it up to them to go earn it? I don't owe you a livable wage. You should want better.

I come from a household making over $200,000, and worth over $1.4 million.

But, I do care about those who work to live in poverty.

Social programs are actually good for the economy, most of that money is spent back into the economy, anyways.

I do however have an issue with low income families having kids though.
Try rephrasing the question.

Do you have a right to live? Of course. Do you have a right to tax me so you can "live in style"? No, you don't.

Do you have a right to health care provided by your fellow American taxpayers? No, you don't.

Is it in the best interests of the United States to provide a basic level of health care? IMO, it is, but that's not a right. That's an interest for taxpayers to decide.
The left, you I believe, want to make basic and even far reaching healthcare a right. It's not a right no matter how great you think it would be for the country. The best interest of the tax payers is to pay as little as possible. We are after all the ones paying for these new made up rights.
The Left wants to make it a "right" to dip into the pockets of every American citizen in order to redistribute money as they see fit. It's Socialism and they fail to realize that Socialism doesn't work.

Do you disagree that a basic level of health care, such as vaccinations, is in the best interests of the United States? Not a "right", but an interest just like having a nuclear arsenal is in the best interests of the USA.

Pure Socialism doesn't work, however a mixed economy works the best.
Kind of odd how the mixed always ends up with liberals demanding something from the government.

40% of the Americans make incomes of $20,000 a year or less, is that a livable wage, really?
Typical anti-American Nazi lie.

First, you make wild claims without supplying facts because you know you'll be proven to be a liar and/or deceiver.

Second, the claim, while wrong, doesn't differentiate between persons and households.

Lastly, and most importantly, it doesn't take into account age. A very important factor except for Socialists, Nazi or otherwise, who think High School graduates should be making $50K/year.

I'm anti-German, so how can I be a Nazi?....
Nice try, but it's not the same.

Pure Socialism doesn't work, however a mixed economy works the best.
Ahhh, such as Nationalsozialismus? No doubt you believe National Socialism is the best "mixed economy" long as they're all Aryans since that's what fucking Nazis believe.

I'm Fascist, but anti-Nazi.

Fascism has the best track record of economic growth.

Franco used Fascist elements to create the #1 fastest growth in Europe in the 20th century.

FDR used Fascist elements to create the #1 fastest growth in America in the 20th century.

Nazi Fascists had an economy with even faster economic growth than FDR.

Capitalism isn't the best, Fascism is.
The left, you I believe, want to make basic and even far reaching healthcare a right. It's not a right no matter how great you think it would be for the country. The best interest of the tax payers is to pay as little as possible. We are after all the ones paying for these new made up rights.
The Left wants to make it a "right" to dip into the pockets of every American citizen in order to redistribute money as they see fit. It's Socialism and they fail to realize that Socialism doesn't work.

Do you disagree that a basic level of health care, such as vaccinations, is in the best interests of the United States? Not a "right", but an interest just like having a nuclear arsenal is in the best interests of the USA.

Pure Socialism doesn't work, however a mixed economy works the best.
Kind of odd how the mixed always ends up with liberals demanding something from the government.

40% of the Americans make incomes of $20,000 a year or less, is that a livable wage, really?
Typical anti-American Nazi lie.

First, you make wild claims without supplying facts because you know you'll be proven to be a liar and/or deceiver.

Second, the claim, while wrong, doesn't differentiate between persons and households.

Lastly, and most importantly, it doesn't take into account age. A very important factor except for Socialists, Nazi or otherwise, who think High School graduates should be making $50K/year.


The latest figures from the Social Security Administration (SSA) reveal that nearly half of the country now makes less than $28,031 annually, while nearly 40 percent of the population makes less than $20,000 per year, which is well below the middle-class threshold.

To give you a better idea of what this means: An individual working a full-time job at $10 per hour makes roughly $20,000 a year. Most $10-per-hour jobs are in sectors like retail or fast food, which means that nearly half of all working-age individuals in America today are flipping burgers or selling clothes at the mall just to make a living.

Third World Plunge: Nearly 40 percent of Americans now make less than $20,000 a year
I'm Fascist, but anti-Nazi......

Agreed on the Fascist part. What separates you from the Nazis? You hate everyone who isn't Aryan. You hate the West. You hate Jews. You hate Blacks. You hate Muslims. Tell me, what makes you "anti-Nazi"? You don't believe in goose stepping? You don't wear black shirts? What?
I'm Fascist, but anti-Nazi......

Agreed on the Fascist part. What separates you from the Nazis? You hate everyone who isn't Aryan. You hate the West. You hate Jews. You hate Blacks. You hate Muslims. Tell me, what makes you "anti-Nazi"? You don't believe in goose stepping? You don't wear black shirts? What?

You're a Capitalist does that mean you support the British Empire Capitalists killing 10's of millions in Colonialism?

I might agree with the Nazis on quite a few things, but I also disagree with the Nazis on quite a few things.

I don't agree with Nazis on war, genocide, forced sterilizations, taking away voting rights, that Dolichocephalic people are superior, that Slavs are non-Aryan, that Germanic's are the Aryan master-race, I don't agree with Lebensraum, the Holocaust, Generalplan Ost, the Nazi slave laborers, or the Nazi government anti-Tobacco campaign.
The Left wants to make it a "right" to dip into the pockets of every American citizen in order to redistribute money as they see fit. It's Socialism and they fail to realize that Socialism doesn't work.

Do you disagree that a basic level of health care, such as vaccinations, is in the best interests of the United States? Not a "right", but an interest just like having a nuclear arsenal is in the best interests of the USA.

Pure Socialism doesn't work, however a mixed economy works the best.
Kind of odd how the mixed always ends up with liberals demanding something from the government.

40% of the Americans make incomes of $20,000 a year or less, is that a livable wage, really?
Typical anti-American Nazi lie.

First, you make wild claims without supplying facts because you know you'll be proven to be a liar and/or deceiver.

Second, the claim, while wrong, doesn't differentiate between persons and households.

Lastly, and most importantly, it doesn't take into account age. A very important factor except for Socialists, Nazi or otherwise, who think High School graduates should be making $50K/year.


The latest figures from the Social Security Administration (SSA) reveal that nearly half of the country now makes less than $28,031 annually, while nearly 40 percent of the population makes less than $20,000 per year, which is well below the middle-class threshold.

To give you a better idea of what this means: An individual working a full-time job at $10 per hour makes roughly $20,000 a year. Most $10-per-hour jobs are in sectors like retail or fast food, which means that nearly half of all working-age individuals in America today are flipping burgers or selling clothes at the mall just to make a living.

Third World Plunge: Nearly 40 percent of Americans now make less than $20,000 a year
A blog isn't fact. I could produce a blog stating all Nazis high on their own farts, but that doesn't make it true.

Your source, "Natural News" is a conspiracy theory website with gems like those below. It has no more veracity than any other website full of half (or less) truths:
Geoengineering (chemtrails) shredding ozone layer daily, putting all life on earth at risk

BOMBSHELL: Leading climate scientist admits geoengineering 'experiment' is going on right now

Boston Herald calls for government-run execution squads to MASS MURDER naturopaths, scientists and journalists who oppose mercury in immunizations

Barter will become the new economy after the global financial collapse, so make sure you have plenty of these items
...I don't agree with Nazis on war, genocide, forced sterilizations, taking away voting rights, that Dolichocephalic people are superior, that Slavs are non-Aryan, that Germanic's are the Aryan master-race, I don't agree with Lebensraum, the Holocaust, Generalplan Ost, the Nazi slave laborers, or the Nazi government anti-Tobacco campaign.
You posts against Jews, Blacks, Westerners and others are in conflict with your denials.

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