Does Biden and the Democrats know what harm they are doing?

Like Rally's are not proof enough.
Trump has untold Rally's with overflow crowds.Who
will even stand out in the rain for hours.
While this Biden at best can fill a small parking lot
with cars who honk out approval.
Again ... If only Rod Serling were around to make a
Twilight Zone episode.
Like Rally's are not proof enough.
Trump has untold Rally's with overflow crowds.Who
This means something...

No, really!
Not explanation enough.Even digesting what Eric Hoffer
explained in - True Believer - won't wash.
We are now fully ensconced in a diabolical attempt
to not merely " Transform " the United States.
But turn it into a extension of what Clive Barker was
driving at with - Hellraiser-{1987}
Dems and the left are hell bent on self destruction. There's no other logical analysis.
Yes there are. Way more. You can thank your Jesus huffing SC for fucking around with abortion. Women will put your party out to pasture
With Democrats it's not enough to Throw the Baby out with the
Bath water.It's Toss out the Bum { Fetus } who was never wanted
in the first place.
Real place for Americanism.Like I wrote.
Can't git any lower.
Virtual Underworld.That part of society engaged in and organized
for purposes of Crime and vice.
Aborting a Baby is now being popularized as if Sport.
Which begs the question: 81 million people supposedly voted for Biden. I don't believe it. And here we are, Economic and societal collapse brought on by liberal democrat policies. And now, persecution of political rivals. (Trump). Democrats are doing this. How do we address this? This has to end.

It is Republican right wing policies that are attacking our country's economic and societal collapse. You encourage lawlessness by claiming every legitimate prosecution is politically motivated. It was Trump who tried to pressure the Ukrainians to investigate a political rival. How does it end? Quit committing crimes.
With Democrats it's not enough to Throw the Baby out with the
Bath water.It's Toss out the Bum { Fetus } who was never wanted
in the first place.
Real place for Americanism.Like I wrote.
Can't git any lower.
Virtual Underworld.That part of society engaged in and organized
for purposes of Crime and vice.
Aborting a Baby is now being popularized as if Sport.
As Trump** so famously put it "It is what it is".
It does no good to piss women off. Write that down somewhere

Dems and the left are hell bent on self destruction. There's no other logical analysis.
I mean if ever in the history of Mankind is there need for
the next Sigmund Freud.But time is not on the side of
humanity any longer.What ever contagion is sweeping across this
once great Republic,is now legion.
Far mightier than any mere Legionnaires' Disease.
Far Mightier and popular than Mighty Mouse and
Popeye combined.At least Popeye dint engage with
Sputum.Or Mighty Mouse with mentally challenged
purposedfull confusion.
It is Republican right wing policies that are attacking our country's economic and societal collapse. You encourage lawlessness by claiming every legitimate prosecution is politically motivated. It was Trump who tried to pressure the Ukrainians to investigate a political rival. How does it end? Quit committing crimes.

That's a lie.
I understand that you will never accept that.
I don't need you to.
You have no value here.
As Trump** so famously put it "It is what it is".
It does no good to piss women off. Write that down somewhere

Each day in the United States women have become more
unfeminine and prone to mass hysteria.Ford long the mere
idea'r of Woman possessing any Pioneer spirit will be lost.
Any probably never regained.
Each day in the United States women have become more
unfeminine and prone to mass hysteria.Ford long the mere
idea'r of Woman possessing any Pioneer spirit will be lost.
Any probably never regained.
Cry me a river. Going after abortion was a miscalculation by the GOP. Now the bill comes due
I'd say that since they are out there telling everyone how great things are (even with high disapproval numbers and 70% of Americans saying the country is headed in the wrong direction), they don't have a fucking clue what they are doing.
The ones pulling Biden's marionette strings do. Every policy is crafted to do damage to the US.

The rank-and-file just go along with the dumb shit blindly.
As Trump** so famously put it "It is what it is".
It does no good to piss women off. Write that down somewhere

That may be true. Then more and more men will watch women e attacked physically, sexually and worth nothing. And that is happening. Women shitting over a nation that has spoiled them and then loving globalism thinking they will have all the comforts are stupid and destructive. They have promoted their children to be sexually abused in schools.
Things ARE doing GREAT on paper....definitely going in the right direction with slowing inflation, employment, the economy itself, and the stock market....

The problem is we, the everyday citizen, is not feeling it yet.... we are not feeling the effects of the numbers on paper.... The hope for Biden is that we will all feel the effect of the good paper numbers, by next spring...going in to the election, from what I've read on it....?
Ah! So you realize all the "Everything is going great!" stuff is utter bullshit, huh?

Because it is.
Could you also explain your societal collapse? Crime Rates are down
I'll show you why crime rates are down. Fuck the rest of your BS post.

"As of mid-2023, there are currently twenty-seven states that allow for Constitutional Carry. "

When you only have seconds, the police are just minutes away.
I don't know... why don't you expand upon that? ...why don't you tell us what will happen with "MY OWN" people?
Imprisonment will happen. People will go to prison if Trump is elected. If Biden is elected everyone will get away with their crimes.

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