Does God Exist?

Oh that's right, Fort Fun Indiana can't discuss primacy of mind because he has built his strawman argument of iron age fairy tales.

Yet another sign of his intellectual inferiority.
You just posted that you don't claim to be an expert yet you immediately ridicule anyone who disagrees with your point of view by pointing out that you agree with the expert.
excuse you... when you say hilariously dumb, false shit about evolution, you aren't "disagreeing with MY point of view". this is you, being a frauid again, in the same manner as your childish pursuit of ino on my credentials.

You tried to give the impression that scientists sit there like dumbasses and scratch their heads when asked if there are any possible explanations for a a "no matter state" became a state with matter. That was totally stupid garbage you invented to try to wedge in some iron aged religious dogma. And you have been doing this little red herring tap dance ever since.
Why would I have to study "zero-energy theory" when the Hypothesis starts off by showing you were incorrect?
Like this stupid lie.
You explicitly claimed that "zero-energy theory" is proof of "generating matter from a complete absence of matter".
And this one. 100% shameless lie.

you really are a shameless, embarrassing little liar.
All one has to do is read your posts; it;s the same every time.
Try understanding every word of an article before you tout it for something it isn't.
All anyone has to do is Google it or click on the supplied Link.
Nice lane change. You are a fraud. You intentionally misrepresent me and scientists.
You just posted that you don't claim to be an expert yet you immediately ridicule anyone who disagrees with your point of view by pointing out that you agree with the expert.
excuse you... when you say hilariously dumb, false shit about evolution, you aren't "disagreeing with MY point of view". this is you, being a frauid again, in the same manner as your childish pursuit of ino on my credentials.

You tried to give the impression that scientists sit there like dumbasses and scratch their heads when asked if there are any possible explanations for a a "no matter state" became a state with matter. That was totally stupid garbage you invented to try to wedge in some iron aged religious dogma. And you have been doing this little red herring tap dance ever since.
Why would I have to study "zero-energy theory" when the Hypothesis starts off by showing you were incorrect?
Like this stupid lie.
You explicitly claimed that "zero-energy theory" is proof of "generating matter from a complete absence of matter".
And this one. 100% shameless lie.

you really are a shameless, embarrassing little liar.
All one has to do is read your posts; it;s the same every time.
Try understanding every word of an article before you tout it for something it isn't.
All anyone has to do is Google it or click on the supplied Link.
Nice lane change. You are a fraud. You intentionally misrepresent me and scientists.
That's an example of your presenting your position? "Nah, nah, nah, nah, nah!
Why don't you just cry?
You don't process how you present your OPs and you don't process your responses.
Your existence revolves around you.
You are immature.
That's an example of your presenting your position?

On exactly what issue are you looking for my position? Use your big boy words. Be clear.
I'm starting to remember why I had you on Ignore for year.
Every time you post any scientific article touting a Theory or Hypothesis you state it's a fact.
When this fact is pointed out to you, you start with the ad hominems.
I know it's because you're an atheist and needs to believe anything a scientist states to bolster your "faith".
Grow up.
Fact...Every scientist on YouTube, when asked where the first piece of matter came about, always answers, "It's almost as though a god created it"


That is not a "fact". You literally just pulled that right out of your ass.
How many lectures on this subject and how many YouTube videos have you watched where someone asked this question.
It's a simple question...answer it.
I am not your assistant. Tell us the lie about "almost all" of the scientists again. That was a good one.
You haven't changed a bit in the last year.
Tell us again from which University you received your Science Degree.

This is how you frauds always act when you are caught in a silly lie. Ding, you, this newtonian fellow...all operating from the same charlatan playbook...

I didn't think Indeependent or Ding were quoting from the book "The Mystery of Life's Origin - reassessing current theories" by Charles B. Thaxton Walter L. Bradley Roger L. Olsen:

So, do you disagree with any of the evidence from chemistry presented in that book?
Yes, the entire book is a verbose, beguiling attempt at reiteration of hoyle's fallacy. Which is itself just a tired reiteration of zeno's paradoxes. These mysteries vanished when we learned how to sum infinite series. But the specious reasoning at it's heart did not, and clearly it still persists inside religious circles, just like other archaic, vestigial philosophy from the bronze age. But i am sure the people at the fraud clearinghouse Discovery Institute are quite amazed and beguiled. The global scientific community? Not so much.

Say what???

Job 26:7 is really remarkable because most people believed earth was supported by something while the verse says Earth is hung upon nothing in empty space.

An example is the beliefs about Atlas (not Rand McNally's) - that Earth rested on the shoulders of Atlas:

"About 3,500 years ago, the Bible stated that the earth is suspended “upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) This differed greatly from the myths that described the earth as floating on water or being carried by a giant tortoise. Some 1,100 years after the book of Job was written, people continued to believe that the earth could not just hang in midair; it had to have something to rest upon. Only three hundred years ago, in 1687, Isaac Newton published his work on gravity and explained that the earth is held in orbit by an invisible force. This scientific milestone confirmed what the Bible had stated more than 3,000 years earlier!"

"How the earth is suspended

The Bible describes the earth as suspended “upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) There is no mention of our planet resting on the shoulders of a giant or on the backs of elephants that stand on a turtle, as some popular myths of ancient times had it. Rather, the Bible leaves the door open to scientific discovery. In time, Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler described how the planets move around the sun driven by an invisible force. Isaac Newton later showed how gravitation governs the movement of all objects in space."
Concerning the Greek God Atlas - see Britannica here;


"In many works of art he was represented as carrying the heavens (in Classical art from the 6th century bce) or the celestial globe (in Hellenistic and Roman art).

Fact...Every scientist on YouTube, when asked where the first piece of matter came about, always answers, "It's almost as though a god created it"


That is not a "fact". You literally just pulled that right out of your ass.
How many lectures on this subject and how many YouTube videos have you watched where someone asked this question.
It's a simple question...answer it.
I am not your assistant. Tell us the lie about "almost all" of the scientists again. That was a good one.
You haven't changed a bit in the last year.
Tell us again from which University you received your Science Degree.

This is how you frauds always act when you are caught in a silly lie. Ding, you, this newtonian fellow...all operating from the same charlatan playbook...

I didn't think Indeependent or Ding were quoting from the book "The Mystery of Life's Origin - reassessing current theories" by Charles B. Thaxton Walter L. Bradley Roger L. Olsen:

So, do you disagree with any of the evidence from chemistry presented in that book?
Never heard of it let alone read it. Sounds interesting though.

And a good thing is that the entire book is available online for free here:

If you decide to read it and have any questions such as on chemistry - feel free to ask.

I already posted on the chemical reaction product proportions from Miller's famous experiment, from table 3-2 (from Miller) on p. 23, and from table 3-3 on page 25.

While it may seem reasonable that the amino acids Alanine and Glycine could somehow be selected out of the many other products - such as Formic Acid - the primary product - I don't see how unless by an intelligent chemist. And 20 amino acids are required for proteins which are required for life. Only 3 others are notable products: Aspartic Acid, Valine and Glutamic acid.

From table 3-3, with Formic Acid proportion being 1,000, Aspartic acid is proportion 2 and Glutamic acid is proportion 3. How does 2 out of 1,000 get selected if not by an intelligent chemist???

God is certainly a superior chemist - actually the supreme chemist!
Fact...Every scientist on YouTube, when asked where the first piece of matter came about, always answers, "It's almost as though a god created it"


That is not a "fact". You literally just pulled that right out of your ass.
How many lectures on this subject and how many YouTube videos have you watched where someone asked this question.
It's a simple question...answer it.
I am not your assistant. Tell us the lie about "almost all" of the scientists again. That was a good one.
You haven't changed a bit in the last year.
Tell us again from which University you received your Science Degree.

This is how you frauds always act when you are caught in a silly lie. Ding, you, this newtonian fellow...all operating from the same charlatan playbook...

I didn't think Indeependent or Ding were quoting from the book "The Mystery of Life's Origin - reassessing current theories" by Charles B. Thaxton Walter L. Bradley Roger L. Olsen:

So, do you disagree with any of the evidence from chemistry presented in that book?
Yes, the entire book is a verbose, beguiling attempt at reiteration of hoyle's fallacy. Which is itself just a tired reiteration of zeno's paradoxes. These mysteries vanished when we learned how to sum infinite series. But the specious reasoning at it's heart did not, and clearly it still persists inside religious circles, just like other archaic, vestigial philosophy from the bronze age. But i am sure the people at the fraud clearinghouse Discovery Institute are quite amazed and beguiled. The global scientific community? Not so much.

Say what???

Job 26:7 is really remarkable because most people believed earth was supported by something while the verse says Earth is hung upon nothing in empty space.

An example is the beliefs about Atlas (not Rand McNally's) - that Earth rested on the shoulders of Atlas:

"About 3,500 years ago, the Bible stated that the earth is suspended “upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) This differed greatly from the myths that described the earth as floating on water or being carried by a giant tortoise. Some 1,100 years after the book of Job was written, people continued to believe that the earth could not just hang in midair; it had to have something to rest upon. Only three hundred years ago, in 1687, Isaac Newton published his work on gravity and explained that the earth is held in orbit by an invisible force. This scientific milestone confirmed what the Bible had stated more than 3,000 years earlier!"

"How the earth is suspended

The Bible describes the earth as suspended “upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) There is no mention of our planet resting on the shoulders of a giant or on the backs of elephants that stand on a turtle, as some popular myths of ancient times had it. Rather, the Bible leaves the door open to scientific discovery. In time, Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler described how the planets move around the sun driven by an invisible force. Isaac Newton later showed how gravitation governs the movement of all objects in space."

Ummmm, lets be honest, here. The Bible is not 3,500 years old. Job is a part of Hebrew scripture, the Tanakh, which was stolen by Christianity and made a part of the Christian Bible.
Job 26:7 is really remarkable because most people believed earth was supported by something while the verse says Earth is hung upon nothing in empty space.

Meanwhile, 1 Samuel 2:8 says the opposite.

8 He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. “For the foundations of the earth are the LORD’s; on them he has set the world.

And there's Psalm 104:5
5 He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.

The Bible also describes the Earth as a flat circle, and the heavens as a dome above the flat circle.

Isaiah 40:22
22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

So, the Bible isn't looking very good in the science department.
Job 26:7 is really remarkable because most people believed earth was supported by something while the verse says Earth is hung upon nothing in empty space.

Meanwhile, 1 Samuel 2:8 says the opposite.

8 He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. “For the foundations of the earth are the LORD’s; on them he has set the world.

And there's Psalm 104:5
5 He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.

The Bible also describes the Earth as a flat circle, and the heavens as a dome above the flat circle.

Isaiah 40:22
22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

So, the Bible isn't looking very good in the science department.
Check out the Artscroll Talmud Sanhedrin...The description of how solar system revolves is pretty cool.

And you guys don't know how to read the Bible.
"Earth" is physicality.
"Foundation" is the relationship between man and God.

חוּג Chug...Since this verse is referring to humans, humans see the sky above them and not the entire globe.
Fact...Every scientist on YouTube, when asked where the first piece of matter came about, always answers, "It's almost as though a god created it"


That is not a "fact". You literally just pulled that right out of your ass.
How many lectures on this subject and how many YouTube videos have you watched where someone asked this question.
It's a simple question...answer it.
I am not your assistant. Tell us the lie about "almost all" of the scientists again. That was a good one.
You haven't changed a bit in the last year.
Tell us again from which University you received your Science Degree.

This is how you frauds always act when you are caught in a silly lie. Ding, you, this newtonian fellow...all operating from the same charlatan playbook...

I didn't think Indeependent or Ding were quoting from the book "The Mystery of Life's Origin - reassessing current theories" by Charles B. Thaxton Walter L. Bradley Roger L. Olsen:

So, do you disagree with any of the evidence from chemistry presented in that book?
Yes, the entire book is a verbose, beguiling attempt at reiteration of hoyle's fallacy. Which is itself just a tired reiteration of zeno's paradoxes. These mysteries vanished when we learned how to sum infinite series. But the specious reasoning at it's heart did not, and clearly it still persists inside religious circles, just like other archaic, vestigial philosophy from the bronze age. But i am sure the people at the fraud clearinghouse Discovery Institute are quite amazed and beguiled. The global scientific community? Not so much.

Say what???

Job 26:7 is really remarkable because most people believed earth was supported by something while the verse says Earth is hung upon nothing in empty space.

An example is the beliefs about Atlas (not Rand McNally's) - that Earth rested on the shoulders of Atlas:

"About 3,500 years ago, the Bible stated that the earth is suspended “upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) This differed greatly from the myths that described the earth as floating on water or being carried by a giant tortoise. Some 1,100 years after the book of Job was written, people continued to believe that the earth could not just hang in midair; it had to have something to rest upon. Only three hundred years ago, in 1687, Isaac Newton published his work on gravity and explained that the earth is held in orbit by an invisible force. This scientific milestone confirmed what the Bible had stated more than 3,000 years earlier!"

"How the earth is suspended

The Bible describes the earth as suspended “upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) There is no mention of our planet resting on the shoulders of a giant or on the backs of elephants that stand on a turtle, as some popular myths of ancient times had it. Rather, the Bible leaves the door open to scientific discovery. In time, Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler described how the planets move around the sun driven by an invisible force. Isaac Newton later showed how gravitation governs the movement of all objects in space."

Ummmm, lets be honest, here. The Bible is not 3,500 years old. Job is a part of Hebrew scripture, the Tanakh, which was stolen by Christianity and made a part of the Christian Bible.

The Bible contains 66 books (depending on how they are counted) with different writers and different dates of writing spanning about 1600 years. The book of Job is one of the oldest books of the Bible - written by Moses about the same time as the written Torah/Pentateuch about 1513 BCE.

Why do you say the Hebrew Scriptures were stolen by Christianity? Jesus was a Jew and the only Bible he quoted was the Hebrew Scriptures - he did not steal the Hebrew Scriptures!
Fact...Every scientist on YouTube, when asked where the first piece of matter came about, always answers, "It's almost as though a god created it"


That is not a "fact". You literally just pulled that right out of your ass.
How many lectures on this subject and how many YouTube videos have you watched where someone asked this question.
It's a simple question...answer it.
I am not your assistant. Tell us the lie about "almost all" of the scientists again. That was a good one.
You haven't changed a bit in the last year.
Tell us again from which University you received your Science Degree.

This is how you frauds always act when you are caught in a silly lie. Ding, you, this newtonian fellow...all operating from the same charlatan playbook...

I didn't think Indeependent or Ding were quoting from the book "The Mystery of Life's Origin - reassessing current theories" by Charles B. Thaxton Walter L. Bradley Roger L. Olsen:

So, do you disagree with any of the evidence from chemistry presented in that book?
Yes, the entire book is a verbose, beguiling attempt at reiteration of hoyle's fallacy. Which is itself just a tired reiteration of zeno's paradoxes. These mysteries vanished when we learned how to sum infinite series. But the specious reasoning at it's heart did not, and clearly it still persists inside religious circles, just like other archaic, vestigial philosophy from the bronze age. But i am sure the people at the fraud clearinghouse Discovery Institute are quite amazed and beguiled. The global scientific community? Not so much.

Say what???

Job 26:7 is really remarkable because most people believed earth was supported by something while the verse says Earth is hung upon nothing in empty space.

An example is the beliefs about Atlas (not Rand McNally's) - that Earth rested on the shoulders of Atlas:

"About 3,500 years ago, the Bible stated that the earth is suspended “upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) This differed greatly from the myths that described the earth as floating on water or being carried by a giant tortoise. Some 1,100 years after the book of Job was written, people continued to believe that the earth could not just hang in midair; it had to have something to rest upon. Only three hundred years ago, in 1687, Isaac Newton published his work on gravity and explained that the earth is held in orbit by an invisible force. This scientific milestone confirmed what the Bible had stated more than 3,000 years earlier!"

"How the earth is suspended

The Bible describes the earth as suspended “upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) There is no mention of our planet resting on the shoulders of a giant or on the backs of elephants that stand on a turtle, as some popular myths of ancient times had it. Rather, the Bible leaves the door open to scientific discovery. In time, Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler described how the planets move around the sun driven by an invisible force. Isaac Newton later showed how gravitation governs the movement of all objects in space."

Ummmm, lets be honest, here. The Bible is not 3,500 years old. Job is a part of Hebrew scripture, the Tanakh, which was stolen by Christianity and made a part of the Christian Bible.

The Bible contains 66 books (depending on how they are counted) with different writers and different dates of writing spanning about 1600 years. The book of Job is one of the oldest books of the Bible - written by Moses about the same time as the written Torah/Pentateuch about 1513 BCE.

Why do you say the Hebrew Scriptures were stolen by Christianity? Jesus was a Jew and the only Bible he quoted was the Hebrew Scriptures - he did not steal the Hebrew Scriptures!
Tanach was kidnapped and raped by the early self-hating Jews.
Take a year or two to read the Torah and this will be obvious.
But you won't.
Job 26:7 is really remarkable because most people believed earth was supported by something while the verse says Earth is hung upon nothing in empty space.

Meanwhile, 1 Samuel 2:8 says the opposite.

8 He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. “For the foundations of the earth are the LORD’s; on them he has set the world.

And there's Psalm 104:5
5 He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.

The Bible also describes the Earth as a flat circle, and the heavens as a dome above the flat circle.

Isaiah 40:22
22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

So, the Bible isn't looking very good in the science department.
Check out the Artscroll Talmud Sanhedrin...The description of how solar system revolves is pretty cool.

And you guys don't know how to read the Bible.
"Earth" is physicality.
"Foundation" is the relationship between man and God.

חוּג Chug...Since this verse is referring to humans, humans see the sky above them and not the entire globe.

I think you are mixing up Job 26:7 with Isaiah 40:22 which was written almost 800 years later.

Some people believe the Bible was written from a human viewpoint. The truth is the Jehovah is the author of the Bible and verses like Job 26:7 and Isaiah 40:22 are written from God's viewpoint. We are the grasshopers of Is. 40:22.

For example, from whatever direction God views planet earth it appears as a circle (Hebrew chuywg in Isaiah 20:22). That Hebrew word means circle in 2 dimensions and sphere in 3 dimensions.

Job could not have viewed planet earth to see it is hung upon nothing (Job 26:7).
Fact...Every scientist on YouTube, when asked where the first piece of matter came about, always answers, "It's almost as though a god created it"


That is not a "fact". You literally just pulled that right out of your ass.
How many lectures on this subject and how many YouTube videos have you watched where someone asked this question.
It's a simple question...answer it.
I am not your assistant. Tell us the lie about "almost all" of the scientists again. That was a good one.
You haven't changed a bit in the last year.
Tell us again from which University you received your Science Degree.

This is how you frauds always act when you are caught in a silly lie. Ding, you, this newtonian fellow...all operating from the same charlatan playbook...

I didn't think Indeependent or Ding were quoting from the book "The Mystery of Life's Origin - reassessing current theories" by Charles B. Thaxton Walter L. Bradley Roger L. Olsen:

So, do you disagree with any of the evidence from chemistry presented in that book?
Yes, the entire book is a verbose, beguiling attempt at reiteration of hoyle's fallacy. Which is itself just a tired reiteration of zeno's paradoxes. These mysteries vanished when we learned how to sum infinite series. But the specious reasoning at it's heart did not, and clearly it still persists inside religious circles, just like other archaic, vestigial philosophy from the bronze age. But i am sure the people at the fraud clearinghouse Discovery Institute are quite amazed and beguiled. The global scientific community? Not so much.

Say what???

Job 26:7 is really remarkable because most people believed earth was supported by something while the verse says Earth is hung upon nothing in empty space.

An example is the beliefs about Atlas (not Rand McNally's) - that Earth rested on the shoulders of Atlas:

"About 3,500 years ago, the Bible stated that the earth is suspended “upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) This differed greatly from the myths that described the earth as floating on water or being carried by a giant tortoise. Some 1,100 years after the book of Job was written, people continued to believe that the earth could not just hang in midair; it had to have something to rest upon. Only three hundred years ago, in 1687, Isaac Newton published his work on gravity and explained that the earth is held in orbit by an invisible force. This scientific milestone confirmed what the Bible had stated more than 3,000 years earlier!"

"How the earth is suspended

The Bible describes the earth as suspended “upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) There is no mention of our planet resting on the shoulders of a giant or on the backs of elephants that stand on a turtle, as some popular myths of ancient times had it. Rather, the Bible leaves the door open to scientific discovery. In time, Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler described how the planets move around the sun driven by an invisible force. Isaac Newton later showed how gravitation governs the movement of all objects in space."

Ummmm, lets be honest, here. The Bible is not 3,500 years old. Job is a part of Hebrew scripture, the Tanakh, which was stolen by Christianity and made a part of the Christian Bible.

The Bible contains 66 books (depending on how they are counted) with different writers and different dates of writing spanning about 1600 years. The book of Job is one of the oldest books of the Bible - written by Moses about the same time as the written Torah/Pentateuch about 1513 BCE.

Why do you say the Hebrew Scriptures were stolen by Christianity? Jesus was a Jew and the only Bible he quoted was the Hebrew Scriptures - he did not steal the Hebrew Scriptures!
The Bible contains two books, (depending upon how they are counted), the Hebrew Tanakh and the NT. Why would you say the Bible is 3,500 years old when Christianity stole the Hebrew Tanakh and incorporated it into Christian dogma?
Fact...Every scientist on YouTube, when asked where the first piece of matter came about, always answers, "It's almost as though a god created it"


That is not a "fact". You literally just pulled that right out of your ass.
How many lectures on this subject and how many YouTube videos have you watched where someone asked this question.
It's a simple question...answer it.
I am not your assistant. Tell us the lie about "almost all" of the scientists again. That was a good one.
You haven't changed a bit in the last year.
Tell us again from which University you received your Science Degree.

This is how you frauds always act when you are caught in a silly lie. Ding, you, this newtonian fellow...all operating from the same charlatan playbook...

I didn't think Indeependent or Ding were quoting from the book "The Mystery of Life's Origin - reassessing current theories" by Charles B. Thaxton Walter L. Bradley Roger L. Olsen:

So, do you disagree with any of the evidence from chemistry presented in that book?
Yes, the entire book is a verbose, beguiling attempt at reiteration of hoyle's fallacy. Which is itself just a tired reiteration of zeno's paradoxes. These mysteries vanished when we learned how to sum infinite series. But the specious reasoning at it's heart did not, and clearly it still persists inside religious circles, just like other archaic, vestigial philosophy from the bronze age. But i am sure the people at the fraud clearinghouse Discovery Institute are quite amazed and beguiled. The global scientific community? Not so much.

Say what???

Job 26:7 is really remarkable because most people believed earth was supported by something while the verse says Earth is hung upon nothing in empty space.

An example is the beliefs about Atlas (not Rand McNally's) - that Earth rested on the shoulders of Atlas:

"About 3,500 years ago, the Bible stated that the earth is suspended “upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) This differed greatly from the myths that described the earth as floating on water or being carried by a giant tortoise. Some 1,100 years after the book of Job was written, people continued to believe that the earth could not just hang in midair; it had to have something to rest upon. Only three hundred years ago, in 1687, Isaac Newton published his work on gravity and explained that the earth is held in orbit by an invisible force. This scientific milestone confirmed what the Bible had stated more than 3,000 years earlier!"

"How the earth is suspended

The Bible describes the earth as suspended “upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) There is no mention of our planet resting on the shoulders of a giant or on the backs of elephants that stand on a turtle, as some popular myths of ancient times had it. Rather, the Bible leaves the door open to scientific discovery. In time, Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler described how the planets move around the sun driven by an invisible force. Isaac Newton later showed how gravitation governs the movement of all objects in space."

Ummmm, lets be honest, here. The Bible is not 3,500 years old. Job is a part of Hebrew scripture, the Tanakh, which was stolen by Christianity and made a part of the Christian Bible.

The Bible contains 66 books (depending on how they are counted) with different writers and different dates of writing spanning about 1600 years. The book of Job is one of the oldest books of the Bible - written by Moses about the same time as the written Torah/Pentateuch about 1513 BCE.

Why do you say the Hebrew Scriptures were stolen by Christianity? Jesus was a Jew and the only Bible he quoted was the Hebrew Scriptures - he did not steal the Hebrew Scriptures!
Tanach was kidnapped and raped by the early self-hating Jews.
Take a year or two to read the Torah and this will be obvious.
But you won't.

See my thread on Genesis - we are going pretty slow. When I joined our ministry school in 1958 we were on the book of Job. We have read and studied the entire Bible in our assigned Bible reading many times since then - this time we are actually going quite slowly.

Btw - no one ever graduates that school - we just keep learning!

Can you document what you are referring to?
Job 26:7 is really remarkable because most people believed earth was supported by something while the verse says Earth is hung upon nothing in empty space.

Meanwhile, 1 Samuel 2:8 says the opposite.

8 He raises the poor from the dust and lifts the needy from the ash heap; he seats them with princes and has them inherit a throne of honor. “For the foundations of the earth are the LORD’s; on them he has set the world.

And there's Psalm 104:5
5 He set the earth on its foundations; it can never be moved.

The Bible also describes the Earth as a flat circle, and the heavens as a dome above the flat circle.

Isaiah 40:22
22 He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.

So, the Bible isn't looking very good in the science department.
Check out the Artscroll Talmud Sanhedrin...The description of how solar system revolves is pretty cool.

And you guys don't know how to read the Bible.
"Earth" is physicality.
"Foundation" is the relationship between man and God.

חוּג Chug...Since this verse is referring to humans, humans see the sky above them and not the entire globe.

I think you are mixing up Job 26:7 with Isaiah 40:22 which was written almost 800 years later.

Some people believe the Bible was written from a human viewpoint. The truth is the Jehovah is the author of the Bible and verses like Job 26:7 and Isaiah 40:22 are written from God's viewpoint. We are the grasshopers of Is. 40:22.

For example, from whatever direction God views planet earth it appears as a circle (Hebrew chuywg in Isaiah 20:22). That Hebrew word means circle in 2 dimensions and sphere in 3 dimensions.

Job could not have viewed planet earth to see it is hung upon nothing (Job 26:7).
God transmitted His desire how he wanted man to create a relationship with Him.
God cannot accomplish this by leaving man's POV out of the picture.
The structure Of Isaiah 20:22 starts with God's POV and then switches to man's POV and that's why the circle perspective is accurate.
Your mistake is summarizing the verse and not reading it word by word.

Job 26:7...Nothing physical can rely upon anything but God's will for it to exist.
Fact...Every scientist on YouTube, when asked where the first piece of matter came about, always answers, "It's almost as though a god created it"


That is not a "fact". You literally just pulled that right out of your ass.
How many lectures on this subject and how many YouTube videos have you watched where someone asked this question.
It's a simple question...answer it.
I am not your assistant. Tell us the lie about "almost all" of the scientists again. That was a good one.
You haven't changed a bit in the last year.
Tell us again from which University you received your Science Degree.

This is how you frauds always act when you are caught in a silly lie. Ding, you, this newtonian fellow...all operating from the same charlatan playbook...

I didn't think Indeependent or Ding were quoting from the book "The Mystery of Life's Origin - reassessing current theories" by Charles B. Thaxton Walter L. Bradley Roger L. Olsen:

So, do you disagree with any of the evidence from chemistry presented in that book?
Yes, the entire book is a verbose, beguiling attempt at reiteration of hoyle's fallacy. Which is itself just a tired reiteration of zeno's paradoxes. These mysteries vanished when we learned how to sum infinite series. But the specious reasoning at it's heart did not, and clearly it still persists inside religious circles, just like other archaic, vestigial philosophy from the bronze age. But i am sure the people at the fraud clearinghouse Discovery Institute are quite amazed and beguiled. The global scientific community? Not so much.

Say what???

Job 26:7 is really remarkable because most people believed earth was supported by something while the verse says Earth is hung upon nothing in empty space.

An example is the beliefs about Atlas (not Rand McNally's) - that Earth rested on the shoulders of Atlas:

"About 3,500 years ago, the Bible stated that the earth is suspended “upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) This differed greatly from the myths that described the earth as floating on water or being carried by a giant tortoise. Some 1,100 years after the book of Job was written, people continued to believe that the earth could not just hang in midair; it had to have something to rest upon. Only three hundred years ago, in 1687, Isaac Newton published his work on gravity and explained that the earth is held in orbit by an invisible force. This scientific milestone confirmed what the Bible had stated more than 3,000 years earlier!"

"How the earth is suspended

The Bible describes the earth as suspended “upon nothing.” (Job 26:7) There is no mention of our planet resting on the shoulders of a giant or on the backs of elephants that stand on a turtle, as some popular myths of ancient times had it. Rather, the Bible leaves the door open to scientific discovery. In time, Nicolaus Copernicus and Johannes Kepler described how the planets move around the sun driven by an invisible force. Isaac Newton later showed how gravitation governs the movement of all objects in space."

Ummmm, lets be honest, here. The Bible is not 3,500 years old. Job is a part of Hebrew scripture, the Tanakh, which was stolen by Christianity and made a part of the Christian Bible.

The Bible contains 66 books (depending on how they are counted) with different writers and different dates of writing spanning about 1600 years. The book of Job is one of the oldest books of the Bible - written by Moses about the same time as the written Torah/Pentateuch about 1513 BCE.

Why do you say the Hebrew Scriptures were stolen by Christianity? Jesus was a Jew and the only Bible he quoted was the Hebrew Scriptures - he did not steal the Hebrew Scriptures!
Tanach was kidnapped and raped by the early self-hating Jews.
Take a year or two to read the Torah and this will be obvious.
But you won't.

See my thread on Genesis - we are going pretty slow. When I joined our ministry school in 1958 we were on the book of Job. We have read and studied the entire Bible in our assigned Bible reading many times since then - this time we are actually going quite slowly.

Btw - no one ever graduates that school - we just keep learning!

Can you document what you are referring to?
The document is's called the verses.

Tanach is impossible to read without going to the yeshiva called Gemara.
The English translations are purposefully horrendous...
No Jew from the moment of the completion of the Septuagint could read it and believe for a second that it was faithful because each verse can be read in an overwhelming number of ways and the Genesis 1:1 is completely wrong.

The closet you will get is from the Pritzger Edition Zohar available from Amazon.
When I first read it many years ago I thought I got ripped off.
Then I started learning Hebrew and realized the Artscroll is sort of a much catering to the King James Crowd.
And a good thing is that the entire book is available online for free here:

And it's basically a long "evolution proceeds by chance" fallacy. It was written by a chemist who didn't understand biology.

That's the quick version. Here's one longer version.

Your link is on themodynamics, not chemistry. I was not posting on the section on thermodynamics. Have you found any errors Thaxton et al made on chemistry? For example, do you doubt that HCN reacts with water to form first formamide, and then with an additional H2O molecule: formic acid?

Can you explain why most peer reviewed scientific journals do not give the actual chemical reaction product proportions in MIller's famous experiment? Or why they leave out the fact that formic acid was Miller's primary chemical reaction product?

I have read the whole book - years ago. And I did study the part on thermodynamics too many years ago to remember the details. In fact, the only point I remember is that different environments makes certain results more likely in part due to thermodynamics in that environment.

I have posted that certain Amino acids prefer hot synthesis while others prefer cold.

You need to post something specific about thermodynamics and the origin of life before I will respond concerning that field of science (which is a separate field of study from both biology and chemistry).

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