Donald Gump is the voice every white person in this country has been waiting for....

Accurate list. I don't see how, as a white woman, with no "Negro" in her bed and no half-white grandchildren, I am supposed to approve of, and vote for, this kind of misconduct. A little thing called "values" is in play here. I also happen to be a pro-freedom, "liberty and justice" kind of American woman (citizen).
Here is a New York Time list from today..comprehensive
Donald Trump’s Racism:
The Definitive List
Donald Trump has been obsessed with race for the entire time he has been a public figure. He had a history of making racist comments as a New York real-estate developer in the 1970s and ‘80s. More recently, his political rise was built on promulgating the lie that the nation’s first black president was born in Kenya. He then launched his campaign with a speech describing Mexicans as rapists.
The media often falls back on euphemisms when describing Trump’s comments about race: racially loaded, racially charged, racially tinged, racially sensitive. And Trump himself has claimed that he is “the least racist person.” But here’s the truth: Donald Trump is a racist. He talks about and treats people differently based on their race. He has done so for years, and he is still doing so.
Here, we have attempted to compile a definitive list of his racist comments – or at least the publicly known ones.

Trump’s real-estate company tried to avoid renting apartments to African-Americans in the 1970s and gave preferential treatment to whites, according to the federal government.
Opinion | Donald Trump’s Racism: The Definitive List


The new favorite word of whites all over the country is............."shithole"!:up:

Ive told ya s0n.........bubble dwelling is ghey:2up:
Donald Gump? I hope such a name is considered a compliment because the real Mr.Gump was such a help. He could've left all them guys in Vietnam to be blown in half, but no, he was nice enough to get them out of there. :) :) :)

God bless you and our leader always!!!

Child, you need a hug......seriously!!
Keep in mind that you are the one who stuck our leader with such a name. :) :) :)

God bless you and him always!!!

The new favorite word of whites all over the country is............."shithole"!:up:

Ive told ya s0n.........bubble dwelling is ghey:2up:
I think the new favorite phrase is "Orange Shithole"

The content of his character: Trump epitomizes the personal failures he tries to pin on black folks

His racist attacks give us insight into his own shortcomings.

Republican pundit Steve Schmidt

Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES

Replying to @SteveSchmidtSES
The corrupted, rotten and complicit Republican majority that is abetting this Presidents damage to our institutions, national security and domestic tranquility must face electoral annihilation. A massive coalition of Democrats, independent and appalled Republicans must come 3.
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
Together to deliver a message to the world that the American people will defend our Republic and the inheritance bequeathed to us by previous generations. A righteous anger is building in this country and it must be channeled in to the 2018 elections. Enough. Defeat them all

3:55 PM - Jan 12, 2018
There is no Democratic political party. They legally admit they represent no one but themselves. They brag of ignoring their own voters.

Dems are adrift at sea with no representation. They might want to form a new party so their voices will be heard by someone who cares about them.

Republican pundit Steve Schmidt

Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES

Replying to @SteveSchmidtSES
The corrupted, rotten and complicit Republican majority that is abetting this Presidents damage to our institutions, national security and domestic tranquility must face electoral annihilation. A massive coalition of Democrats, independent and appalled Republicans must come 3.
Steve Schmidt @SteveSchmidtSES
Together to deliver a message to the world that the American people will defend our Republic and the inheritance bequeathed to us by previous generations. A righteous anger is building in this country and it must be channeled in to the 2018 elections. Enough. Defeat them all

3:55 PM - Jan 12, 2018

Steve Schmidt ran John McCain's presidential campaign.

No wonder the old fool lost to Obama.
Donald Gump is the voice every white person in this country has been waiting for....

Not every white person. Just Nazi’s. Kkk and others of that ilk.

Or as the world calls them, republicans.
Donald Gump is the voice every white person in this country has been waiting for....

Not every white person. Just Nazi’s. Kkk and others of that ilk.

Or as the world calls them, republicans.
There are no Democrats to oppose them. They're a private organization. Looks like you people are SOL.
Donald Gump is the voice every white person in this country has been waiting for....

Not every white person. Just Nazi’s. Kkk and others of that ilk.

Or as the world calls them, republicans.
There are no Democrats to oppose them. They're a private organization. Looks like you people are SOL.
Republicans are a private organization?

Maybe that’s why they are 90% white.
Donald Gump is the voice every white person in this country has been waiting for....

Not every white person. Just Nazi’s. Kkk and others of that ilk.

Or as the world calls them, republicans.
There are no Democrats to oppose them. They're a private organization. Looks like you people are SOL.
Republicans are a private organization?

Maybe that’s why they are 90% white.
Dems are. They said so in court. If you have knowledge you will understand.
tiger cant conceive that....the American born Mexicans i worked with were harder on illegal Mexicans being here than just about any white person,and the blacks i worked with were not to nice tiger only white people "hate" the the third worlders....
The Tiger, IS NOT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...BIG DAMNED DIFFERENCE. Just because you feel and think a certain way, does not render you the moral authority to harm others with your hatred. I live among many many many illegals. I work with lots of Asians and other immigrants...NUMBER ONE REASON OUR PAY STAYS LOW...WHAT WE WON'T DO, THEY WILL....yes immigrants, especially those from hardened countries hurt all our bottom lines...HOWEVER, MY OPINION IS MINE....GUMPS OPINION REFLECTS OUR NATION.
well then apparently trumps opinion is that of the majority of this why try and keep that a secret?...should we keep on telling people from the third world they are welcome here when apparently they are not?....isnt that called deceit?...
Haiti is a shit hole country, compliments of white invasion. Africa is a shit hole country, compliment of white invasion, you name the country, if its a shit hole, chances are white people made a visit at some point....just sayin!!
that had absolutely nothing to do with what i said.....and that white invasion was a long time ago,what has happened in the meantime?...why are many of them still shitholes?.....
What about facts can't you comprehend you idiot?
you mean the facts you cant accept?...
The Tiger, IS NOT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...BIG DAMNED DIFFERENCE. Just because you feel and think a certain way, does not render you the moral authority to harm others with your hatred. I live among many many many illegals. I work with lots of Asians and other immigrants...NUMBER ONE REASON OUR PAY STAYS LOW...WHAT WE WON'T DO, THEY WILL....yes immigrants, especially those from hardened countries hurt all our bottom lines...HOWEVER, MY OPINION IS MINE....GUMPS OPINION REFLECTS OUR NATION.
well then apparently trumps opinion is that of the majority of this why try and keep that a secret?...should we keep on telling people from the third world they are welcome here when apparently they are not?....isnt that called deceit?...
Haiti is a shit hole country, compliments of white invasion. Africa is a shit hole country, compliment of white invasion, you name the country, if its a shit hole, chances are white people made a visit at some point....just sayin!!
that had absolutely nothing to do with what i said.....and that white invasion was a long time ago,what has happened in the meantime?...why are many of them still shitholes?.....
What about facts can't you comprehend you idiot?
you mean the facts you cant accept?...
Fact, Trump is a gotdamn liar!!
well then apparently trumps opinion is that of the majority of this why try and keep that a secret?...should we keep on telling people from the third world they are welcome here when apparently they are not?....isnt that called deceit?...
Haiti is a shit hole country, compliments of white invasion. Africa is a shit hole country, compliment of white invasion, you name the country, if its a shit hole, chances are white people made a visit at some point....just sayin!!
that had absolutely nothing to do with what i said.....and that white invasion was a long time ago,what has happened in the meantime?...why are many of them still shitholes?.....
What about facts can't you comprehend you idiot?
you mean the facts you cant accept?...
Fact, Trump is a gotdamn liar!!
thats not the facts im talking did everything you could to avoid the question i asked you above.....and you also ran from the thread you started about that 50 dollar tax bonus that you said was a fact,but when pointed out to you that that was 2017 taxes not 2018,another kinda disappeared...not even big enough to acknowledge that you were what about facts cant you comprehend dipshit?...
tiger cant conceive that....the American born Mexicans i worked with were harder on illegal Mexicans being here than just about any white person,and the blacks i worked with were not to nice tiger only white people "hate" the the third worlders....
The Tiger, IS NOT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...BIG DAMNED DIFFERENCE. Just because you feel and think a certain way, does not render you the moral authority to harm others with your hatred. I live among many many many illegals. I work with lots of Asians and other immigrants...NUMBER ONE REASON OUR PAY STAYS LOW...WHAT WE WON'T DO, THEY WILL....yes immigrants, especially those from hardened countries hurt all our bottom lines...HOWEVER, MY OPINION IS MINE....GUMPS OPINION REFLECTS OUR NATION.
well then apparently trumps opinion is that of the majority of this why try and keep that a secret?...should we keep on telling people from the third world they are welcome here when apparently they are not?....isnt that called deceit?...
Haiti is a shit hole country, compliments of white invasion. Africa is a shit hole country, compliment of white invasion, you name the country, if its a shit hole, chances are white people made a visit at some point....just sayin!!
Rhodesia and South Africa were first rate nations under white control...why can't Africans keep that up? They are both 3rd world slums now.
What about poverty can't you understand. That prosperity you talk of, the wealth....was always there prior to white people...... however when they took over; they stripped the country of its wealth by oppressing blacks and mining all of its wealth.. when its all over, what prey tell was left, but an inpoverished nation. Stop being so gotdamned stupid. Diamonds are forever!!
Oh so it just vanished like POOF when white people were no longer in charge eh? Do tell how come blacks in Rhodesia can't run a simple farm? They are bringing whites back in to run the farms because they can't do fucking hard it to run a farm?!
The Tiger, IS NOT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...BIG DAMNED DIFFERENCE. Just because you feel and think a certain way, does not render you the moral authority to harm others with your hatred. I live among many many many illegals. I work with lots of Asians and other immigrants...NUMBER ONE REASON OUR PAY STAYS LOW...WHAT WE WON'T DO, THEY WILL....yes immigrants, especially those from hardened countries hurt all our bottom lines...HOWEVER, MY OPINION IS MINE....GUMPS OPINION REFLECTS OUR NATION.
well then apparently trumps opinion is that of the majority of this why try and keep that a secret?...should we keep on telling people from the third world they are welcome here when apparently they are not?....isnt that called deceit?...
Haiti is a shit hole country, compliments of white invasion. Africa is a shit hole country, compliment of white invasion, you name the country, if its a shit hole, chances are white people made a visit at some point....just sayin!!
Rhodesia and South Africa were first rate nations under white control...why can't Africans keep that up? They are both 3rd world slums now.
What about poverty can't you understand. That prosperity you talk of, the wealth....was always there prior to white people...... however when they took over; they stripped the country of its wealth by oppressing blacks and mining all of its wealth.. when its all over, what prey tell was left, but an inpoverished nation. Stop being so gotdamned stupid. Diamonds are forever!!
Oh so it just vanished like POOF when white people were no longer in charge eh? Do tell how come blacks in Rhodesia can't run a simple farm? They are bringing whites back in to run the farms because they can't do fucking hard it to run a farm?!
Pretty damn tough if you don't have the knowledge to operate one...
Haiti is a shit hole country, compliments of white invasion. Africa is a shit hole country, compliment of white invasion, you name the country, if its a shit hole, chances are white people made a visit at some point....just sayin!!
that had absolutely nothing to do with what i said.....and that white invasion was a long time ago,what has happened in the meantime?...why are many of them still shitholes?.....
What about facts can't you comprehend you idiot?
you mean the facts you cant accept?...
Fact, Trump is a gotdamn liar!!
thats not the facts im talking did everything you could to avoid the question i asked you above.....and you also ran from the thread you started about that 50 dollar tax bonus that you said was a fact,but when pointed out to you that that was 2017 taxes not 2018,another kinda disappeared...not even big enough to acknowledge that you were what about facts cant you comprehend dipshit?...
First off, I am never ever ever ever wrong Hary.......single people filing their taxes this year, the personal exemption only went up 50 bucks, I ever provided you with proof, what about that shit can't you understand? Secondly, 2017 is the year you ingrate we are filing, yes or no???????? Clearly you're too stupid to understand tax laws, yes? Secondly, all shit ho nations your president speaks of, all are victims of white society stripping these continents of their valuable resources and then leaving the people with nothing. Again, fact!!
Not only white people, racist.
tiger cant conceive that....the American born Mexicans i worked with were harder on illegal Mexicans being here than just about any white person,and the blacks i worked with were not to nice tiger only white people "hate" the the third worlders....

tigeered is a joke poster, and not even black, either. Just enjoy the bad ebonics imitations and laugh at the ineptitude.
well then apparently trumps opinion is that of the majority of this why try and keep that a secret?...should we keep on telling people from the third world they are welcome here when apparently they are not?....isnt that called deceit?...
Haiti is a shit hole country, compliments of white invasion. Africa is a shit hole country, compliment of white invasion, you name the country, if its a shit hole, chances are white people made a visit at some point....just sayin!!
Rhodesia and South Africa were first rate nations under white control...why can't Africans keep that up? They are both 3rd world slums now.
What about poverty can't you understand. That prosperity you talk of, the wealth....was always there prior to white people...... however when they took over; they stripped the country of its wealth by oppressing blacks and mining all of its wealth.. when its all over, what prey tell was left, but an inpoverished nation. Stop being so gotdamned stupid. Diamonds are forever!!
Oh so it just vanished like POOF when white people were no longer in charge eh? Do tell how come blacks in Rhodesia can't run a simple farm? They are bringing whites back in to run the farms because they can't do fucking hard it to run a farm?!
Pretty damn tough if you don't have the knowledge to operate one...

So all those black farm workers who worked the farms for decades can't remember anything from one day to the next? Are you saying they're stupid and can't be expected to know how?
Secondly, all shit ho nations your president speaks of, all are victims of white society stripping these continents of their valuable resources and then leaving the people with nothing. Again, fact!!

So ... what were they doing they previous 20,000 years or so, before 'whitey came in and screwed it all up'? lol lol lol yeah right, Whitey made them stupid and barbaric ... they have no responsibilities for anything, just like you don't.
The Tiger, IS NOT PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES...BIG DAMNED DIFFERENCE. Just because you feel and think a certain way, does not render you the moral authority to harm others with your hatred. I live among many many many illegals. I work with lots of Asians and other immigrants...NUMBER ONE REASON OUR PAY STAYS LOW...WHAT WE WON'T DO, THEY WILL....yes immigrants, especially those from hardened countries hurt all our bottom lines...HOWEVER, MY OPINION IS MINE....GUMPS OPINION REFLECTS OUR NATION.
well then apparently trumps opinion is that of the majority of this why try and keep that a secret?...should we keep on telling people from the third world they are welcome here when apparently they are not?....isnt that called deceit?...
Haiti is a shit hole country, compliments of white invasion. Africa is a shit hole country, compliment of white invasion, you name the country, if its a shit hole, chances are white people made a visit at some point....just sayin!!
Rhodesia and South Africa were first rate nations under white control...why can't Africans keep that up? They are both 3rd world slums now.
What about poverty can't you understand. That prosperity you talk of, the wealth....was always there prior to white people...... however when they took over; they stripped the country of its wealth by oppressing blacks and mining all of its wealth.. when its all over, what prey tell was left, but an inpoverished nation. Stop being so gotdamned stupid. Diamonds are forever!!
Oh so it just vanished like POOF when white people were no longer in charge eh? Do tell how come blacks in Rhodesia can't run a simple farm? They are bringing whites back in to run the farms because they can't do fucking hard it to run a farm?!
Trust me, idiot, long before you maggots emerged from your caves, people of color had been doing quite well. Listen, perhaps these people who have been side lined for decades, lost their zeal in are not gonna ever convince me or any one for that matter that white people are the beholders of high moral authority and brains, quite the deny people of color equal educated, equal access, strip them of their culture and linage and expect these same people to bounce back once given the opportunity. Get a fuckin clue, you mindless idiots, life just doesn't work that way.

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