Donald J. Trump Stands for the Worker Just Like FDR

From the President: NAFTA Must Work for Workers | UAW

The supporters’ story back then was that NAFTA promoted trade between the U.S., Canada and Mexico and living standards in all three countries would rise. But this isn’t what NAFTA was about and it’s not what happened. The U.S., Mexico and Canada had trade relationships with each other long before NAFTA. What NAFTA did was let U.S. corporations evade American laws that protected workers and the environment. According to the Economic Policy Institute, NAFTA resulted in the loss of approximately 700,000 jobs in the U.S. and wages and benefits have fallen behind worker productivity in all three countries ever since.

The UAW strongly supports renegotiating NAFTA because workers and domestic manufacturing have been hurt by the trade agreement. Over the last 20 years, corporations have taken the low-road approach to increasing profits by moving production to Mexico where workers are paid low wages and environmental protections are poorly enforced. This has led to a steady disinvestment in America’s workers, manufacturing capacity, and innovation. For NAFTA to be a good deal for working people it needs to create jobs in the United States and reverse our outrageous trade deficit. Because of this disinvestment, any effort to renegotiate NAFTA needs to be accompanied by a strong industrial policy focused on reinvestment, workforce development, support for advanced manufacturing and technologies, building a 21st century infrastructure, and creating penalties for companies that turn their backs on American workers.

Companies routinely used (and still use) the threat of moving to Mexico at the bargaining table to undercut labor unions’ collective bargaining power all the while Mexican workers make 30 percent of what American workers do. That’s wrong for all North American workers and we have to address workers’ rights when it comes to renegotiating NAFTA. For a new NAFTA to be a good trade agreement Mexico must, at a minimum, require independent and democratic unions, require workers to vote on contracts and union leadership, and require unions to represent its members. Furthermore, to help grow the Mexican middle class after decades of depressed wages, a new NAFTA should require Mexico to establish a Mexican manufacturing minimum wage.

Not only do we believe that a good trade agreement must include real labor and environmental standards, we believe real world proof of upgraded labor and environmental protections and enforcement must be in place before a renegotiated NAFTA could take effect. Alternatively, tariffs should be placed on non-complying countries until compliance can be proven.

A new NAFTA must include punitive duties for labor violations. We can’t allow labor violations to be settled using a weak dispute settlement system that fails to hold violators accountable. Taking into account the decades long suppression of labor rights in Mexico, labor violations should be subject to punitive duties, such as tariffs. Labor unions in all three countries should have standing to bring charges of labor abuses — regardless of whether the union represents the workers.

We support increased Rule of Origin requirements and eliminating loopholes in the existing standard. Countries that are not signatory to NAFTA are indirect beneficiaries to the agreement. It is important companies do not sidestep labor standards and environmental protections by producing their products in countries that do not meet these standards.

The current agreement with Mexico does EXACTLY what the UAW has been arguing for a long time now........More production here.......and forced Wage increases and Environmental standards in Mexico.......What's the problem libbies?????

Take Randall Troyer of Elkhart, Indiana, who voted for Trump because he said he would keep companies like his employer, CTS Corp, from sending his job to overseas. Unfortunately, in a few weeks, CTS will be closing down its Elkhart plant and sending Troyer’s job, along with others, to Mexico. And President Trump has done nothing, even though CTS was just awarded a federal contract.

“I voted for Donald Trump because he promised to save jobs. But my plant is moving to Mexico and he hasn’t stopped it,” Troyer said. “I’m 62 and worried about retirement. Who’s going to hire me at this age?”

Dave Green, in Trumbull County, Ohio feels the same way. He’s the local union president at the General Motors plant in Lordstown, Ohio, which went from 5,000 workers down to 1,500 in a series of recent layoffs. General Motors, which received $600 million in federal contracts from the Trump administration, announced the second layoff at the Lordstown plant earlier this summer -- on the same day, the company also announced plans to build the Chevy Blazer in Mexico.

Trump is failing to bring back American jobs
^^^^ LOL...three fuckin parrots in the same thread saying the same thing^^^^

I don't want him doing anything like FDR.

That's because it's a well known fact.
FDR can kiss my can Woodrow Wilson.........they set us on the path we are in money to anything we please............

Founders limited gov't for a prevent a corrupt gov't from lining it's pockets on the tax payers money............

They promoted dealing with these problems locally and via the States.........and allowed corrupt assholes to enrich themselves on the taxpayers dime.........
And how do you feel about deals like Foxconn?
Only one guy in Washington DC wants to bring jobs back to America, the only guy in 30 yeats that has stood by American workers...President Trump. “Make America Great Again!” Get tough on Canada... reworking NAFTA.

Trump had no problem signing the huge spending bill that has dramatically increased deficits and giving a huge tax break to corporations and the rich. But what does he say for regular workers?
Trump Says He’ll Eliminate Pay Raises for Civilian Federal Employees Next Year

Blah Blah Blah...........they get a raise......under Cola..........the argument is over Locality increases.......which is expected to cost 25 Billion...........

Your articles are put out out to deceive the American people...........make it sound like he killed all the raises...........which is BS..........They get the COLA.........PERIOD...........the argument is the extra cost of locality..........

Riddle me this...........which President FROZE their pay for 3 YEARS............News Flash libbies.......It wasn't was your HERO OBAMA.........and nary a word from you.

Again, he's had no problem spending like a drunken sailor. But when it comes to regular workers, he cuts.

I'm an independent, Obama no hero of mine.

3 million workers already getting COLA RAISES..........and a added 25 Billion in Localization increases..........Not to mention a 2.1 % raise to the military............This isn't chump change we are talking about...............and the Budget battle is in a month.............

Federal Civilian workers are going to get a 1.9% raise, while miltary get's a 2.1% raise.......

The article is MISLEADING..............makes it sound like they didn't get a raise at all...........Which is BS............Which is what the media is about anymore.........complete BS...........

Now tell me what all this costs..............and how to pay for it...........cut subsidies elsewhere to pay for it..................please continue. What is your solution...

Inflation is 2.9%.

And set by the Feds...........again.............we are not talking about small change here.............How do we pay for it.........They are all getting raises and have some of the best benefit packages in the country...........

Again...........they are getting raises....................

Where was your outrage when Obama froze their pay for 3 years.............
Trump had no problem signing the huge spending bill that has dramatically increased deficits and giving a huge tax break to corporations and the rich. But what does he say for regular workers?
Trump Says He’ll Eliminate Pay Raises for Civilian Federal Employees Next Year
Blah Blah Blah...........they get a raise......under Cola..........the argument is over Locality increases.......which is expected to cost 25 Billion...........

Your articles are put out out to deceive the American people...........make it sound like he killed all the raises...........which is BS..........They get the COLA.........PERIOD...........the argument is the extra cost of locality..........

Riddle me this...........which President FROZE their pay for 3 YEARS............News Flash libbies.......It wasn't was your HERO OBAMA.........and nary a word from you.
Again, he's had no problem spending like a drunken sailor. But when it comes to regular workers, he cuts.

I'm an independent, Obama no hero of mine.
3 million workers already getting COLA RAISES..........and a added 25 Billion in Localization increases..........Not to mention a 2.1 % raise to the military............This isn't chump change we are talking about...............and the Budget battle is in a month.............

Federal Civilian workers are going to get a 1.9% raise, while miltary get's a 2.1% raise.......

The article is MISLEADING..............makes it sound like they didn't get a raise at all...........Which is BS............Which is what the media is about anymore.........complete BS...........

Now tell me what all this costs..............and how to pay for it...........cut subsidies elsewhere to pay for it..................please continue. What is your solution...
Inflation is 2.9%.
And set by the Feds...........again.............we are not talking about small change here.............How do we pay for it.........They are all getting raises and have some of the best benefit packages in the country...........

Again...........they are getting raises....................

Where was your outrage when Obama froze their pay for 3 years.............
Raises lower than inflation. Pay for it? Well how about not giving huge tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy? How about not signing the huge spending bill? Nah, he'd rather go after the worker.
Inflation is 2.9%.

Which is why COLA went up.

Trumpers aren't smart enough to understand that COLA is indexed to inflation

And FDR not only pulled us out of the Great Depression and lead us through WWII...he set the conditions that built the middle class and provided the living standard the middle class now has (and that is deteriorating due to attacks on his New Deal policies)
From the President: NAFTA Must Work for Workers | UAW

The supporters’ story back then was that NAFTA promoted trade between the U.S., Canada and Mexico and living standards in all three countries would rise. But this isn’t what NAFTA was about and it’s not what happened. The U.S., Mexico and Canada had trade relationships with each other long before NAFTA. What NAFTA did was let U.S. corporations evade American laws that protected workers and the environment. According to the Economic Policy Institute, NAFTA resulted in the loss of approximately 700,000 jobs in the U.S. and wages and benefits have fallen behind worker productivity in all three countries ever since.

The UAW strongly supports renegotiating NAFTA because workers and domestic manufacturing have been hurt by the trade agreement. Over the last 20 years, corporations have taken the low-road approach to increasing profits by moving production to Mexico where workers are paid low wages and environmental protections are poorly enforced. This has led to a steady disinvestment in America’s workers, manufacturing capacity, and innovation. For NAFTA to be a good deal for working people it needs to create jobs in the United States and reverse our outrageous trade deficit. Because of this disinvestment, any effort to renegotiate NAFTA needs to be accompanied by a strong industrial policy focused on reinvestment, workforce development, support for advanced manufacturing and technologies, building a 21st century infrastructure, and creating penalties for companies that turn their backs on American workers.

Companies routinely used (and still use) the threat of moving to Mexico at the bargaining table to undercut labor unions’ collective bargaining power all the while Mexican workers make 30 percent of what American workers do. That’s wrong for all North American workers and we have to address workers’ rights when it comes to renegotiating NAFTA. For a new NAFTA to be a good trade agreement Mexico must, at a minimum, require independent and democratic unions, require workers to vote on contracts and union leadership, and require unions to represent its members. Furthermore, to help grow the Mexican middle class after decades of depressed wages, a new NAFTA should require Mexico to establish a Mexican manufacturing minimum wage.

Not only do we believe that a good trade agreement must include real labor and environmental standards, we believe real world proof of upgraded labor and environmental protections and enforcement must be in place before a renegotiated NAFTA could take effect. Alternatively, tariffs should be placed on non-complying countries until compliance can be proven.

A new NAFTA must include punitive duties for labor violations. We can’t allow labor violations to be settled using a weak dispute settlement system that fails to hold violators accountable. Taking into account the decades long suppression of labor rights in Mexico, labor violations should be subject to punitive duties, such as tariffs. Labor unions in all three countries should have standing to bring charges of labor abuses — regardless of whether the union represents the workers.

We support increased Rule of Origin requirements and eliminating loopholes in the existing standard. Countries that are not signatory to NAFTA are indirect beneficiaries to the agreement. It is important companies do not sidestep labor standards and environmental protections by producing their products in countries that do not meet these standards.

The current agreement with Mexico does EXACTLY what the UAW has been arguing for a long time now........More production here.......and forced Wage increases and Environmental standards in Mexico.......What's the problem libbies?????

Take Randall Troyer of Elkhart, Indiana, who voted for Trump because he said he would keep companies like his employer, CTS Corp, from sending his job to overseas. Unfortunately, in a few weeks, CTS will be closing down its Elkhart plant and sending Troyer’s job, along with others, to Mexico. And President Trump has done nothing, even though CTS was just awarded a federal contract.

“I voted for Donald Trump because he promised to save jobs. But my plant is moving to Mexico and he hasn’t stopped it,” Troyer said. “I’m 62 and worried about retirement. Who’s going to hire me at this age?”

Dave Green, in Trumbull County, Ohio feels the same way. He’s the local union president at the General Motors plant in Lordstown, Ohio, which went from 5,000 workers down to 1,500 in a series of recent layoffs. General Motors, which received $600 million in federal contracts from the Trump administration, announced the second layoff at the Lordstown plant earlier this summer -- on the same day, the company also announced plans to build the Chevy Blazer in Mexico.

Trump is failing to bring back American jobs
They were leaving already..............this Trade dispute is to try and bring them back................

You people are quite frankly IDIOTS................You demand he STOP THEM FROM LEAVING............Then he goes to bat.........Then you WHINE HE STARTED A TRADE WAR..............then go back to Trump SUCKS because my job is being OUTSOURCED.............

Make up your DAMNED MINDS............You either want to FIGHT TO SAVE JOBS or YOU DON'T.........

Where was the OUTRAGE when the other presidents sent our jobs south of the border..............hmmmm.

Make up your minds..............He just stopped more auto jobs from leaving and just gave workers in Mexico a PAY RAISE...........which will keep more jobs here.
^^^^ LOL...three fuckin parrots in the same thread saying the same thing^^^^

I don't want him doing anything like FDR.

That's because it's a well known fact.
FDR can kiss my can Woodrow Wilson.........they set us on the path we are in money to anything we please............

Founders limited gov't for a prevent a corrupt gov't from lining it's pockets on the tax payers money............

They promoted dealing with these problems locally and via the States.........and allowed corrupt assholes to enrich themselves on the taxpayers dime.........
And how do you feel about deals like Foxconn?
Blah Blah Blah...........they get a raise......under Cola..........the argument is over Locality increases.......which is expected to cost 25 Billion...........

Your articles are put out out to deceive the American people...........make it sound like he killed all the raises...........which is BS..........They get the COLA.........PERIOD...........the argument is the extra cost of locality..........

Riddle me this...........which President FROZE their pay for 3 YEARS............News Flash libbies.......It wasn't was your HERO OBAMA.........and nary a word from you.
Again, he's had no problem spending like a drunken sailor. But when it comes to regular workers, he cuts.

I'm an independent, Obama no hero of mine.
3 million workers already getting COLA RAISES..........and a added 25 Billion in Localization increases..........Not to mention a 2.1 % raise to the military............This isn't chump change we are talking about...............and the Budget battle is in a month.............

Federal Civilian workers are going to get a 1.9% raise, while miltary get's a 2.1% raise.......

The article is MISLEADING..............makes it sound like they didn't get a raise at all...........Which is BS............Which is what the media is about anymore.........complete BS...........

Now tell me what all this costs..............and how to pay for it...........cut subsidies elsewhere to pay for it..................please continue. What is your solution...
Inflation is 2.9%.
And set by the Feds...........again.............we are not talking about small change here.............How do we pay for it.........They are all getting raises and have some of the best benefit packages in the country...........

Again...........they are getting raises....................

Where was your outrage when Obama froze their pay for 3 years.............
Raises lower than inflation. Pay for it? Well how about not giving huge tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy? How about not signing the huge spending bill? Nah, he'd rather go after the worker.
COLA is set to inflation rates by OMB...........
From the President: NAFTA Must Work for Workers | UAW

The supporters’ story back then was that NAFTA promoted trade between the U.S., Canada and Mexico and living standards in all three countries would rise. But this isn’t what NAFTA was about and it’s not what happened. The U.S., Mexico and Canada had trade relationships with each other long before NAFTA. What NAFTA did was let U.S. corporations evade American laws that protected workers and the environment. According to the Economic Policy Institute, NAFTA resulted in the loss of approximately 700,000 jobs in the U.S. and wages and benefits have fallen behind worker productivity in all three countries ever since.

The UAW strongly supports renegotiating NAFTA because workers and domestic manufacturing have been hurt by the trade agreement. Over the last 20 years, corporations have taken the low-road approach to increasing profits by moving production to Mexico where workers are paid low wages and environmental protections are poorly enforced. This has led to a steady disinvestment in America’s workers, manufacturing capacity, and innovation. For NAFTA to be a good deal for working people it needs to create jobs in the United States and reverse our outrageous trade deficit. Because of this disinvestment, any effort to renegotiate NAFTA needs to be accompanied by a strong industrial policy focused on reinvestment, workforce development, support for advanced manufacturing and technologies, building a 21st century infrastructure, and creating penalties for companies that turn their backs on American workers.

Companies routinely used (and still use) the threat of moving to Mexico at the bargaining table to undercut labor unions’ collective bargaining power all the while Mexican workers make 30 percent of what American workers do. That’s wrong for all North American workers and we have to address workers’ rights when it comes to renegotiating NAFTA. For a new NAFTA to be a good trade agreement Mexico must, at a minimum, require independent and democratic unions, require workers to vote on contracts and union leadership, and require unions to represent its members. Furthermore, to help grow the Mexican middle class after decades of depressed wages, a new NAFTA should require Mexico to establish a Mexican manufacturing minimum wage.

Not only do we believe that a good trade agreement must include real labor and environmental standards, we believe real world proof of upgraded labor and environmental protections and enforcement must be in place before a renegotiated NAFTA could take effect. Alternatively, tariffs should be placed on non-complying countries until compliance can be proven.

A new NAFTA must include punitive duties for labor violations. We can’t allow labor violations to be settled using a weak dispute settlement system that fails to hold violators accountable. Taking into account the decades long suppression of labor rights in Mexico, labor violations should be subject to punitive duties, such as tariffs. Labor unions in all three countries should have standing to bring charges of labor abuses — regardless of whether the union represents the workers.

We support increased Rule of Origin requirements and eliminating loopholes in the existing standard. Countries that are not signatory to NAFTA are indirect beneficiaries to the agreement. It is important companies do not sidestep labor standards and environmental protections by producing their products in countries that do not meet these standards.

The current agreement with Mexico does EXACTLY what the UAW has been arguing for a long time now........More production here.......and forced Wage increases and Environmental standards in Mexico.......What's the problem libbies?????

Take Randall Troyer of Elkhart, Indiana, who voted for Trump because he said he would keep companies like his employer, CTS Corp, from sending his job to overseas. Unfortunately, in a few weeks, CTS will be closing down its Elkhart plant and sending Troyer’s job, along with others, to Mexico. And President Trump has done nothing, even though CTS was just awarded a federal contract.

“I voted for Donald Trump because he promised to save jobs. But my plant is moving to Mexico and he hasn’t stopped it,” Troyer said. “I’m 62 and worried about retirement. Who’s going to hire me at this age?”

Dave Green, in Trumbull County, Ohio feels the same way. He’s the local union president at the General Motors plant in Lordstown, Ohio, which went from 5,000 workers down to 1,500 in a series of recent layoffs. General Motors, which received $600 million in federal contracts from the Trump administration, announced the second layoff at the Lordstown plant earlier this summer -- on the same day, the company also announced plans to build the Chevy Blazer in Mexico.

Trump is failing to bring back American jobs
They were leaving already..............this Trade dispute is to try and bring them back................

You people are quite frankly IDIOTS................You demand he STOP THEM FROM LEAVING............Then he goes to bat.........Then you WHINE HE STARTED A TRADE WAR..............then go back to Trump SUCKS because my job is being OUTSOURCED.............

Make up your DAMNED MINDS............You either want to FIGHT TO SAVE JOBS or YOU DON'T.........

Where was the OUTRAGE when the other presidents sent our jobs south of the border..............hmmmm.

Make up your minds..............He just stopped more auto jobs from leaving and just gave workers in Mexico a PAY RAISE...........which will keep more jobs here.
You seem to have missed the point, it's obviously not working.
Only one guy in Washington DC wants to bring jobs back to America, the only guy in 30 yeats that has stood by American workers...President Trump. “Make America Great Again!” Get tough on Canada... reworking NAFTA.
FDR helped the workers by enslaving them and sending them overseas to get fucking slaughtered.
Inflation is 2.9%.

Which is why COLA went up.

Trumpers aren't smart enough to understand that COLA is indexed to inflation

And FDR not only pulled us out of the Great Depression and lead us through WWII...he set the conditions that built the middle class and provided the living standard the middle class now has (and that is deteriorating due to attacks on his New Deal policies)
And where the hell did you pull that data.......from your ass........LOL
^^^^ LOL...three fuckin parrots in the same thread saying the same thing^^^^

I don't want him doing anything like FDR.

That's because it's a well known fact.
FDR can kiss my can Woodrow Wilson.........they set us on the path we are in money to anything we please............

Founders limited gov't for a prevent a corrupt gov't from lining it's pockets on the tax payers money............

They promoted dealing with these problems locally and via the States.........and allowed corrupt assholes to enrich themselves on the taxpayers dime.........
And how do you feel about deals like Foxconn?
trump is all for the little guy, if you consider fucking the little guy over as being all for the little guy.
Why did he win so many votes with the working class? You people are idiots.
A lot of those working class people voted for racial hatred, Muslim hatred and more guns. I was a steelworker for 35 years and I know the mentality. Most jobs in the steel industry were lost to technology. When I was hired the plant had 3,200 workers, when I retired they had 900 and today they have 650 producing the same tonnage as the 3,200 did. These steelworkers know where the jobs went so why did they vote for Trump? I already told you.
Only one guy in Washington DC wants to bring jobs back to America, the only guy in 30 yeats that has stood by American workers...President Trump. “Make America Great Again!” Get tough on Canada... reworking NAFTA.

It's funny. All these people at the McCain funeral claiming America has always been great have all basically said that they believe America is just fine as it stands and has been. They are just fine with wages, taxes, competition, economy, trade, immigration, healthcare, infrastructure, and so on, so how are any of these people worth voting for to fix or improve anything? And what were they worth before when in office? You guessed it: NADDA. America has always been great . . . . for THEM.
Last edited:
Again, he's had no problem spending like a drunken sailor. But when it comes to regular workers, he cuts.

I'm an independent, Obama no hero of mine.
3 million workers already getting COLA RAISES..........and a added 25 Billion in Localization increases..........Not to mention a 2.1 % raise to the military............This isn't chump change we are talking about...............and the Budget battle is in a month.............

Federal Civilian workers are going to get a 1.9% raise, while miltary get's a 2.1% raise.......

The article is MISLEADING..............makes it sound like they didn't get a raise at all...........Which is BS............Which is what the media is about anymore.........complete BS...........

Now tell me what all this costs..............and how to pay for it...........cut subsidies elsewhere to pay for it..................please continue. What is your solution...
Inflation is 2.9%.
And set by the Feds...........again.............we are not talking about small change here.............How do we pay for it.........They are all getting raises and have some of the best benefit packages in the country...........

Again...........they are getting raises....................

Where was your outrage when Obama froze their pay for 3 years.............
Raises lower than inflation. Pay for it? Well how about not giving huge tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy? How about not signing the huge spending bill? Nah, he'd rather go after the worker.
COLA is set to inflation rates by OMB...........
And when trump is looking for cuts he goes after the worker.
^^^^ LOL...three fuckin parrots in the same thread saying the same thing^^^^

I don't want him doing anything like FDR.

That's because it's a well known fact.
FDR can kiss my can Woodrow Wilson.........they set us on the path we are in money to anything we please............

Founders limited gov't for a prevent a corrupt gov't from lining it's pockets on the tax payers money............

They promoted dealing with these problems locally and via the States.........and allowed corrupt assholes to enrich themselves on the taxpayers dime.........
Off topic deflection.
From the President: NAFTA Must Work for Workers | UAW

The supporters’ story back then was that NAFTA promoted trade between the U.S., Canada and Mexico and living standards in all three countries would rise. But this isn’t what NAFTA was about and it’s not what happened. The U.S., Mexico and Canada had trade relationships with each other long before NAFTA. What NAFTA did was let U.S. corporations evade American laws that protected workers and the environment. According to the Economic Policy Institute, NAFTA resulted in the loss of approximately 700,000 jobs in the U.S. and wages and benefits have fallen behind worker productivity in all three countries ever since.

The UAW strongly supports renegotiating NAFTA because workers and domestic manufacturing have been hurt by the trade agreement. Over the last 20 years, corporations have taken the low-road approach to increasing profits by moving production to Mexico where workers are paid low wages and environmental protections are poorly enforced. This has led to a steady disinvestment in America’s workers, manufacturing capacity, and innovation. For NAFTA to be a good deal for working people it needs to create jobs in the United States and reverse our outrageous trade deficit. Because of this disinvestment, any effort to renegotiate NAFTA needs to be accompanied by a strong industrial policy focused on reinvestment, workforce development, support for advanced manufacturing and technologies, building a 21st century infrastructure, and creating penalties for companies that turn their backs on American workers.

Companies routinely used (and still use) the threat of moving to Mexico at the bargaining table to undercut labor unions’ collective bargaining power all the while Mexican workers make 30 percent of what American workers do. That’s wrong for all North American workers and we have to address workers’ rights when it comes to renegotiating NAFTA. For a new NAFTA to be a good trade agreement Mexico must, at a minimum, require independent and democratic unions, require workers to vote on contracts and union leadership, and require unions to represent its members. Furthermore, to help grow the Mexican middle class after decades of depressed wages, a new NAFTA should require Mexico to establish a Mexican manufacturing minimum wage.

Not only do we believe that a good trade agreement must include real labor and environmental standards, we believe real world proof of upgraded labor and environmental protections and enforcement must be in place before a renegotiated NAFTA could take effect. Alternatively, tariffs should be placed on non-complying countries until compliance can be proven.

A new NAFTA must include punitive duties for labor violations. We can’t allow labor violations to be settled using a weak dispute settlement system that fails to hold violators accountable. Taking into account the decades long suppression of labor rights in Mexico, labor violations should be subject to punitive duties, such as tariffs. Labor unions in all three countries should have standing to bring charges of labor abuses — regardless of whether the union represents the workers.

We support increased Rule of Origin requirements and eliminating loopholes in the existing standard. Countries that are not signatory to NAFTA are indirect beneficiaries to the agreement. It is important companies do not sidestep labor standards and environmental protections by producing their products in countries that do not meet these standards.

The current agreement with Mexico does EXACTLY what the UAW has been arguing for a long time now........More production here.......and forced Wage increases and Environmental standards in Mexico.......What's the problem libbies?????

Take Randall Troyer of Elkhart, Indiana, who voted for Trump because he said he would keep companies like his employer, CTS Corp, from sending his job to overseas. Unfortunately, in a few weeks, CTS will be closing down its Elkhart plant and sending Troyer’s job, along with others, to Mexico. And President Trump has done nothing, even though CTS was just awarded a federal contract.

“I voted for Donald Trump because he promised to save jobs. But my plant is moving to Mexico and he hasn’t stopped it,” Troyer said. “I’m 62 and worried about retirement. Who’s going to hire me at this age?”

Dave Green, in Trumbull County, Ohio feels the same way. He’s the local union president at the General Motors plant in Lordstown, Ohio, which went from 5,000 workers down to 1,500 in a series of recent layoffs. General Motors, which received $600 million in federal contracts from the Trump administration, announced the second layoff at the Lordstown plant earlier this summer -- on the same day, the company also announced plans to build the Chevy Blazer in Mexico.

Trump is failing to bring back American jobs
They were leaving already..............this Trade dispute is to try and bring them back................

You people are quite frankly IDIOTS................You demand he STOP THEM FROM LEAVING............Then he goes to bat.........Then you WHINE HE STARTED A TRADE WAR..............then go back to Trump SUCKS because my job is being OUTSOURCED.............

Make up your DAMNED MINDS............You either want to FIGHT TO SAVE JOBS or YOU DON'T.........

Where was the OUTRAGE when the other presidents sent our jobs south of the border..............hmmmm.

Make up your minds..............He just stopped more auto jobs from leaving and just gave workers in Mexico a PAY RAISE...........which will keep more jobs here.
You seem to have missed the point, it's obviously not working.
They were leaving weren't they...........he has cut taxes.............he has brought back cash from Inversion........about 1.5 Trillion so far.......and ended the loop holes on it..............they can't avoid taxes in foreign countries now............He is fighting to stop the Trade deficits......

What the fuck did Obama or Bush do about it.............they sold our asses out......

Now your whining when he is actually taking the fight to them to try and stop it.

You surrendered before the fight even started.............and YOUR SOLUTION............

Under Obama...........there WAS NO SOLUTION.........JUST CONTINUE GETTING SCREWED.
3 million workers already getting COLA RAISES..........and a added 25 Billion in Localization increases..........Not to mention a 2.1 % raise to the military............This isn't chump change we are talking about...............and the Budget battle is in a month.............

Federal Civilian workers are going to get a 1.9% raise, while miltary get's a 2.1% raise.......

The article is MISLEADING..............makes it sound like they didn't get a raise at all...........Which is BS............Which is what the media is about anymore.........complete BS...........

Now tell me what all this costs..............and how to pay for it...........cut subsidies elsewhere to pay for it..................please continue. What is your solution...
Inflation is 2.9%.
And set by the Feds...........again.............we are not talking about small change here.............How do we pay for it.........They are all getting raises and have some of the best benefit packages in the country...........

Again...........they are getting raises....................

Where was your outrage when Obama froze their pay for 3 years.............
Raises lower than inflation. Pay for it? Well how about not giving huge tax cuts to corporations and the wealthy? How about not signing the huge spending bill? Nah, he'd rather go after the worker.
COLA is set to inflation rates by OMB...........
And when trump is looking for cuts he goes after the worker.
Stop with your idiotic one liners............they are getting RAISES.............PERIOD.......

Under Obama they got NO RAISES FOR 3 YEARS......derp.........

Continue your TDS elsewhere.........LOL
^^^^ LOL...three fuckin parrots in the same thread saying the same thing^^^^

I don't want him doing anything like FDR.

That's because it's a well known fact.
FDR can kiss my can Woodrow Wilson.........they set us on the path we are in money to anything we please............

Founders limited gov't for a prevent a corrupt gov't from lining it's pockets on the tax payers money............

They promoted dealing with these problems locally and via the States.........and allowed corrupt assholes to enrich themselves on the taxpayers dime.........
Off topic deflection.
FDR was in the topic.............Not off topic...............Now you tell me how to pay for his promises..........derp.

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