Donald Jr Is An American Hero

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Gold Member
Apr 2, 2009
As an American DJ had a duty to go find out what kind of anti-American plots Hillary might have.
As an American DJ had a duty to go find out what kind of anti-American plots Hillary might have.

How delusional can you get. Trump Jr is not .looking out for this country. He is looking out for the Trump interests.
Which one of the Presidential campaigns was working with: Saudia Arabia, Ukraine and Qatar?
Donald Trump Jr., like his father is a treasonous asshole. He and those with him put their political interests above the good of this nation. Who knows what they promised Putin in exchange for his help in securing the White House? I hope that Mueller can put the lot of them out of office and in prison.
LOL You call us Marxists, and you people are the one's kissing Russian ass. The fat senile old orange clown has only his interests in mind. And he is alienating our traditional allies, and setting us up for an economic debacle. And you treasonous assholes are doing everything you can to aid that.
As an American DJ had a duty to go find out what kind of anti-American plots Hillary might have.
LOLOLO....tank, you are nuts....just sayin.
Trump et al are commie lovers. Where the hell is McCarthy when you need him?
Psttt! Cold War is over comrade! Russia is capitalist not communist....time to move along.
Asshole, the Russians, under Putin, have no ideology other than raw power. Oppose them in Russia, and you die. Oppose them as a sovereign nation, and they will do all they can to destroy your nation.
How delusional can you get. Trump Jr is not .looking out for this country. He is looking out for the Trump interests.
Hillary has taken millions from Russian businessmen and politicians.

How much has Trump jr accepted?

Oh, thats right NOTHING!

Fuck off, moron.

The fact is that Trump has long had financial ties to Russia. In 2008, Donald Trump Jr bragged that the money was pouring in from Russia.
As an American DJ had a duty to go find out what kind of anti-American plots Hillary might have.

How delusional can you get. Trump Jr is not .looking out for this country. He is looking out for the Trump interests.
Trump's interests and the country's interests are one and the same, commie.

You are the commie lover. You put Trump's interests above that of the country. You are in-American.
As an American DJ had a duty to go find out what kind of anti-American plots Hillary might have.

How delusional can you get. Trump Jr is not .looking out for this country. He is looking out for the Trump interests.

Your delusional because you listen to Rachel Maddow, and watch CNN , oh that explains it.
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