Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

The same article references Tillersons moron comments. And of course Donny is always free to sue the New Yorker.
No one needs the likes of you telling us what our President can do.

What I'd like to hear about is how you and he ended up in a mens room standing a two urinals doing your business when the President recognizes you, turns toward you and pisses all over your leg.
And on what basis would you say that? I just want to see if you can manage to type "I can't believe Trump would say something so bombastic!" with a straight face.
by the same basis when CNN isn't bashing trump for it, it likely didn't happen. and when you have to some off the wall UK "pink" site yes, i have my doubts.

but like i say, you want to feed your fears so it must be true. whatever hateful shit trump "says" you will believe cause you hate him.

kinda fucked up but that's our world today.

The links I posted aren't from Pink News. They are from other news sites like NBC and the Guardian.

LOL NBC the pinnacle of true journalism

If you were to check the links I posted, you would see that they are three different news sites.

Well I'm not going to, it's all someone said Trump said Pence said....rubbish you toons buy into
"Well I'm not going to".......because trumpanzees want to remain ignorant.................the end.
Wasn't Pink News the one that gave the OP the now hilarious gay lion debacle?

That was priceless


I've met Vice President Pence, I have my doubts he ever said any such thing
Was his wife present?
Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to 'hang all the gays'

The sinister anti Gay agenda laid bare.

How have you let these people take power ?
And people like yourself and left wing politicians want to force everyone to accept gays. How do you expect to enforce such things, criminalize personal opinions ? That can't be done in a free society.
Is acceptance such a big hurdle ?
Your not asking for acceptance your asking for a complete change of personal values . Personally I don't give a shit what people do in the privacy of their own homes its none of my business.
Pink News.....LMAO

Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

Hanging is more humane than just throwing them off rooftops like the Leftists boyfriends the Islamists do :smoke:

It boggles the mind the left keeps forgetting that
It boggles the mind that trumpanzees keep pretending that the Left would forget that.

Ih look BoPete chimes in. Muzzies toss you loons off rooftops and not a peep, Pence "supposedly" says something and you lose your feeble minds. sit down lard ass
Speaking of "gleam in the eye" when talk of hanging gays or throwing them off roof tops comes up.......look who pops up.
Why are they so worked up when they would agree with the statement ?
Pink News.....LMAO

Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

Hanging is more humane than just throwing them off rooftops like the Leftists boyfriends the Islamists do :smoke:

It boggles the mind the left keeps forgetting that
It boggles the mind that trumpanzees keep pretending that the Left would forget that.

Ih look BoPete chimes in. Muzzies toss you loons off rooftops and not a peep, Pence "supposedly" says something and you lose your feeble minds. sit down lard ass
Speaking of "gleam in the eye" when talk of hanging gays or throwing them off roof tops comes up.......look who pops up.
I'd love to be the executioner of homos. Throwing them off roofs doesn't sound as fun as setting them loose in a forest and hunting them down though. We could set bear traps out there and make it even more fun.
These are going to be crazy questions, but I'm just wacky today.

- Is this on tape? Audio or video?
- If it is, is it possible he was being ironic, poking at liberals?

I'm no Trump fan, and I realize that hardcore partisans are more than willing to take rumor as gospel if it hurts the other "side", but I'm just curious.

And is curiosity still allowed, by the way?

That's what I'm thinking. If he said it (and that's a big if considering it's hearsay), what's the context? Sounds to me as if Trump was joking about the way Pence is portrayed by the media.

Well, the context is that it was Trump trying to be funny, and doing a piss poor job of it.

Donald Trump 'joked that Mike Pence wants to hang all gay people'

A staff member from Mr Trump’s campaign said that, when people met with Mr Trump after stopping by Mr Pence’s office, Mr Trump would ask them, “Did Mike make you pray?”

The president turned on Mr Pence during a meeting with a legal scholar regarding abortion, after the scholar said that states would likely legalise abortion on their own if it was overturned on a federal level by the Supreme Court. “You see?” Mr Trump reportedly asked Mr Pence. “You’ve wasted all this time and energy on it, and it’s not going to end abortion anyway.”

And two sources said that when the conversation turned to gay rights, Mr Trump motioned toward Mr Pence and joked: “Don’t ask that guy - he wants to hang them all!”

And..................if you're interested, there are lots of places that are talking about this...................

Trump joked Pence 'wants to hang' all gay people, New Yorker reports
Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

Hanging is more humane than just throwing them off rooftops like the Leftists boyfriends the Islamists do :smoke:

It boggles the mind the left keeps forgetting that
It boggles the mind that trumpanzees keep pretending that the Left would forget that.

Ih look BoPete chimes in. Muzzies toss you loons off rooftops and not a peep, Pence "supposedly" says something and you lose your feeble minds. sit down lard ass
Speaking of "gleam in the eye" when talk of hanging gays or throwing them off roof tops comes up.......look who pops up.
I'd love to be the executioner of homos. Throwing them off roofs doesn't sound as fun as setting them loose in a forest and hunting them down though. We could set bear traps out there and make it even more fun.
Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to 'hang all the gays'

The sinister anti Gay agenda laid bare.

How have you let these people take power ?
And people like yourself and left wing politicians want to force everyone to accept gays. How do you expect to enforce such things, criminalize personal opinions ? That can't be done in a free society.
Is acceptance such a big hurdle ?
Your not asking for acceptance your asking for a complete change of personal values . Personally I don't give a shit what people do in the privacy of their own homes its none of my business.
Your post contradicts your previous post. Its a lie.
Pathological altruism is when altruism is taken to an unhealthy extreme, and either harms the altruistic person, or well-intentioned actions cause more harm than good.

The term "pathological altruism" was popularised by the book Pathological Altruism.

Examples include depression and burnout seen in healthcare professionals, an unhealthy focus on others to the detriment of one's own needs, hoarding of animals, and ineffective philanthropic and social programs that ultimately worsen the situations they are meant to aid.

Mr. Lucy wrote a paper about Pathological Altruism, from a Psychological perspective those who are Pathologically Altruistic are doing what they do to boost their own low self esteem and therefore boost their own ego, so they are not being Altruistic out of empathy they are being Altruistic because of Egoism.

So Pathological Altruism is actually Psychological Egoism.

This is why I commented that the Leftist Maniacs are Pathologically Altruistic because they do what they do eg. the "poor refugees" thing because it makes them feel good about themselves, it boosts their own ego, they do not give a shit about the ultimate long term consequences of their Pathological Altruism.
Pathological altruism is when altruism is taken to an unhealthy extreme, and either harms the altruistic person, or well-intentioned actions cause more harm than good.

The term "pathological altruism" was popularised by the book Pathological Altruism.

Examples include depression and burnout seen in healthcare professionals, an unhealthy focus on others to the detriment of one's own needs, hoarding of animals, and ineffective philanthropic and social programs that ultimately worsen the situations they are meant to aid.

Mr. Lucy wrote a paper about Pathological Altruism, from a Psychological perspective those who are Pathologically Altruistic are doing what they do to boost their own low self esteem and therefore boost their own ego, so they are not being Altruistic out of empathy they are being Altruistic because of Egoism.

So Pathological Altruism is actually Psychological Egoism.

This is why I commented that the Leftist Maniacs are Pathologically Altruistic because they do what they do eg. the "poor refugees" thing because it makes them feel good about themselves, it boosts their own ego, they do not give a shit about the ultimate long term consequences of their Pathological Altruism.
How are ya, ma'am?
Pink News.....LMAO

Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

Hanging is more humane than just throwing them off rooftops like the Leftists boyfriends the Islamists do :smoke:

It boggles the mind the left keeps forgetting that
It boggles the mind that trumpanzees keep pretending that the Left would forget that.

Ih look BoPete chimes in. Muzzies toss you loons off rooftops and not a peep, Pence "supposedly" says something and you lose your feeble minds. sit down lard ass
Speaking of "gleam in the eye" when talk of hanging gays or throwing them off roof tops comes up.......look who pops up.
Pink News.....LMAO

Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

Hanging is more humane than just throwing them off rooftops like the Leftists boyfriends the Islamists do :smoke:

It boggles the mind the left keeps forgetting that
It boggles the mind that trumpanzees keep pretending that the Left would forget that.

Ih look BoPete chimes in. Muzzies toss you loons off rooftops and not a peep, Pence "supposedly" says something and you lose your feeble minds. sit down lard ass
Speaking of "gleam in the eye" when talk of hanging gays or throwing them off roof tops comes up.......look who pops up.
Says the poster who has never even Once condemned that Muslim practice.

Heck, idiots like you and tommy call people names like islamophobe if the do.
Pink News.....LMAO

Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

Hanging is more humane than just throwing them off rooftops like the Leftists boyfriends the Islamists do :smoke:
Only a fool would think Islam is Liberal.

Only a fool wouldn't realize the left coddles Islam
That's what trumpanzees keep putting out as their security blankie........islam is a loser religion just like all con-servative patriarchal religions....full of pedophiles, misogynists, and those who support them.
Pathological altruism is when altruism is taken to an unhealthy extreme, and either harms the altruistic person, or well-intentioned actions cause more harm than good.

The term "pathological altruism" was popularised by the book Pathological Altruism.

Examples include depression and burnout seen in healthcare professionals, an unhealthy focus on others to the detriment of one's own needs, hoarding of animals, and ineffective philanthropic and social programs that ultimately worsen the situations they are meant to aid.

Mr. Lucy wrote a paper about Pathological Altruism, from a Psychological perspective those who are Pathologically Altruistic are doing what they do to boost their own low self esteem and therefore boost their own ego, so they are not being Altruistic out of empathy they are being Altruistic because of Egoism.

So Pathological Altruism is actually Psychological Egoism.

This is why I commented that the Leftist Maniacs are Pathologically Altruistic because they do what they do eg. the "poor refugees" thing because it makes them feel good about themselves, it boosts their own ego, they do not give a shit about the ultimate long term consequences of their Pathological Altruism.
How are ya, ma'am?

I'm okay thanks, again you illustrate that you are a gentleman :smile:
Pink News.....LMAO

Donald Trump: Mike Pence wants to ‘hang all the gays’

Hanging is more humane than just throwing them off rooftops like the Leftists boyfriends the Islamists do :smoke:
Only a fool would think Islam is Liberal.

Only a fool wouldn't realize the left coddles Islam
That's what trumpanzees keep putting out as their security blankie........islam is a loser religion just like all con-servative patriarchal religions....full of pedophiles, misogynists, and those who support them.
What's wrong with misogyny?
This is the source article. The author has two sources for the story and it seems very credible.

The Danger of President Pence

In my view there are more damaging points raised about "Mike" Pence.

I heard Mike wants to start in the UK with his program.

The British have many many rooftops :omg:
Said with a gleam in her eye.

No I have already commented in this thread and also in other threads that I do not want gays killed. It would be good one time if a Leftist could explain how they can be fanatically pro-LGBTQ and also fanatically pro-Islam when Islam instructs that gays should be executed for being gay and unlike The Bible where modern Christians do not follow the most extreme sections of The Bible in it's most literal sense the Kebabs do follow The Qur'an as it was written in the 7th Century by the Paedophile Prophet ie. in Islamic nations gays are executed with the rope or the ISIS thing of throwing them off rooftops.

No Western nation executes gays for being gay, that only happens in the Middle East and Africa.

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