Dossier, Dossier, Dossier

Hillary never had anything to do with it

She paid for the dossier.

"The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump's connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said."

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

But just keep eating your leftist slop from the Democrat feeding bin like good little neo-Marxist piggies. Nice try little funny-boy.
Hillary never had anything to do with it

She paid for the dossier.

"The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump's connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said."

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

But you just keep eating your leftist slop from the Democrat feeding bin.

Helped fund research?
Hillary never had anything to do with it

She paid for the dossier.

"The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump's connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said."

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

But you just keep eating your leftist slop from the Democrat feeding bin.

Helped fund research?[/QUOTE]

Go ahead and grab any straw that supports your weak-kneed claim. I'm sure it makes you feel better, funny-boy.
Again, Comey doesn't cite the Steele Dossier once in the testimony.
No shit. Of course Comey does not cite it.

You really think he would expose the fact that Mueller, Oher/the DOJ, Brennan/the CIA, Clapper/the NIA, and the FBI were all using the Dossier, intentionally presenting the fake BS as legitimate Intel so they could illegally get warrants and get their political assassin appointed special counsel?

Again, Comey doesn't cite the Steele Dossier once in the testimony.
No shit. Of course Comey does not cite it.

You really think he would expose the fact that Mueller, Oher/the DOJ, Brennan/the CIA, Clapper/the NIA, and the FBI were all using the Dossier, intentionally presenting the fake BS as legitimate Intel so they could illegally get warrants and get their political assassin appointed special counsel?


Then you admit that Comey's testimony doesn't cite the Dossier once. Eliminating the Dossier as the basis of the Mueller investigation. As it was Comey's testimony that the Deputy AG cited when appointing the special counsel.

Once again, the bug of your imagination splatters on windsheild of the evidence. With your narrative contradicted by both Comey's testimony and the AG's order appointing the special counsel.
Then you admit that Comey's testimony doesn't cite the Dossier once. Eliminating the Dossier as the basis of the Mueller investigation.
The conspirator not admitting under oath that the heads of numerous Obama administration agencies were all in collusion / conspiracy by coordinating their actions in using the Dossier to write the ICR and ICA that were then used to lie to the FISA courts to obtain illegal warrants and lie to Congress to get an investigation started with Mueller being appointed special counsel does NOT mean the Dossier was not the basis for it all.

It means he lied / did not admit it. Criminals do that. McCabe already testified that Comey lied.

Oher already testified that Comey lied by confirming the Conspiracy exists by revealing he and Steele (the foreign spy pushing the Russian propaganda who was working for the FBI) were already communicating / working with Mueller in early 2016 BEFORE MUELLER WAS APPOINTED SPECIAN COUNSEL.
Then you admit that Comey's testimony doesn't cite the Dossier once. Eliminating the Dossier as the basis of the Mueller investigation.
The conspirator not admitting under oath that the heads of numerous Obama administration agencies were all in collusion / conspiracy by coordinating their actions in using the Dossier to write the ICR and ICA that were then used to lie to the FISA courts to obtain illegal warrants and lie to Congress to get an investigation started with Mueller being appointed special counsel does NOT mean the Dossier was not the basis for it all.

It means he lied / did not admit it. Criminals do that. McCabe already testified that Comey lied.

Oher already testified that Comey lied by confirming the Conspiracy exists by revealing he and Steele (the foreign spy pushing the Russian propaganda who was working for the FBI) were already communicating / working with Mueller in early 2016 BEFORE MUELLER WAS APPOINTED SPECIAN COUNSEL.

Again, says you citing your imagination. Remember, 30 members of congress have already seen all 421 pages of the FISA applications. It was a big bucket of nothing.

The entire 'conspiracy' narrative is just more of your hapless tin foil batshit, backed by nothing. With neither Comey's testimony before Congress nor the Deputy AG's order appointing the Special Counsel backing anything you've said.

But instead, actively disproving your bizarre pseudo-legal gibberish that the Dossier is somehow the 'basis' of the Mueller investigation.

Nope. It isn't.
Again, says you citing your imagination.
Like Mueller, you keep ignoring evidence while continuing to make false accusations!

Comey - one of the Secret Society already proven to have committed Obstruction, the FBI Director the US IG reportedly 'usurped the power of the DOJ and violated the separation of powers' by declaring Hillary had broken laws but would not be indicted, the conspirator who lied according to his Deputy Director - and his FBI agents (to include the foreign spy working for the FBI who provided the fake Dossier)...and Rosenstein / the DOJ (Oher) used the Dossier ... And the ICA ... written by CIA Director Brennan with help from FBI Counter-Intelligence Division agent Strzok to fool the FISA Court judges to illegally get their warrants.

All of this is recorded, documented, reported. Testimony, reports, and texts all confirm this.

Comey, the Director of the FBI, had hired foreign spy Steele who delivered the Russian-authored dossier...the same dossier Hillary bought from the foreign spy and the Russians...with help from DOJ agent Oher's wife's help (as she was working for Fusion GPS). When Coney & the FBI's connection to the foreign spy Hillary bought the dossier from he publicly fired Steele...for show...but continued to work with Steele on the dossier angle - according to Oher, who was the middleman between Coney/the FBI and Steele.

With just this alone you have undeniable evidence of collusion between the FBI, DOJ, Hillary, the foreign spy, and the Russian author...and at the center of it all is the Dossier.

Evidence also shows FBI agent Strzok working with Brennan/CIA and Clapper/NIA to write the ICR and ICA. BASED ON THE DOSSIER.

Official documents show Brennan briefed Congress on the ICA / Dossier, presenting the information intentionally falsely as 'Legitimate Intel', successfully convincing / manipulating Congress into agreeing to appointing conspirator Mueller (according to Oher) as Special Counsel.

Again, like Mueller, you are trying extremely hard to avoid acknowledging the facts, the evidence, the testimony, the texts....

The conspiracy has been exposed and the fact that the Dossier was not only the start of all of this but was, much like Strzok, at the center of everything has been proven with something Mueller desperately wants but does not have....EVIDENCE.

You can deny it until you are blue in the face, but the evidence is all that matters.
Again, says you citing your imagination.
Like Mueller, you keep ignoring evidence while continuing to make false accusations!

Which false accusation specifically?

Comey - one of the Secret Society already proven to have committed Obstruction, the FBI Director the US IG reportedly 'usurped the power of the DOJ and violated the separation of powers' by declaring Hillary had broken laws but would not be indicted, the conspirator who lied according to his Deputy Director - and his FBI agents (to include the foreign spy working for the FBI who provided the fake Dossier)...and Rosenstein / the DOJ (Oher) used the Dossier ... And the ICA ... written by CIA Director Brennan with help from FBI Counter-Intelligence Division agent Strzok to fool the FISA Court judges to illegally get their warrants.

A secret society that you imagine. With 'obstruction' that you imagine. You can't either factually. Again, your huffing conspiracy fantasy obsessively.

And 'usurping the separation of powers'? Blithering nonsense. The FBI is part of the executive branch. Its the executive branch the excercises prosecutorial discretion. With the IG finding that the FBI's conclusions were both reasonable and based in law and precedent.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. You're just throwing conspiracy batshit on the wall, hoping something sticks.

All of this is recorded, documented, reported. Testimony, reports, and texts all confirm this., it isn't. Show us anywhere that Comey is part of some 'secret society'.

You'll find you're just babbling in the wasteland of your imagination.
Hillary never had anything to do with it

She paid for the dossier.

"The Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democratic National Committee helped fund research that resulted in a now-famous dossier containing allegations about President Trump's connections to Russia and possible coordination between his campaign and the Kremlin, people familiar with the matter said."

Clinton campaign, DNC paid for research that led to Russia dossier

But just keep eating your leftist slop from the Democrat feeding bin like good little neo-Marxist piggies. Nice try little funny-boy.
paying for opposition research is legal.
But accepting a gift from foreign government isnt legal; its quid quo pro.
1. Central to the Mueller Farrago is the 'dossier.'

Without it, no FISA warrants to surveil Trump, et al......

No Comey leaks

No special prosecutor

Soooo....the dossier cannot be ignored.

And here's what it implies:

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.

2. As of this moment:
"FBI Couldn’t Find Trump-Russia Collusion, and Neither Could Bob Woodward
Justice turned on its head: “imposing the presumption of guilt upon a probe whose own originators had reason to doubt the strength of their evidence”

3. Buried amid all the anti-Trump “Russia, Russia, Russia” derangement are a couple of potentially explosive revelations.

Lisa Page, former FBI lawyer and mistress of former FBI agent Peter Strzok, admitted that the FBI couldn’t prove collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia at the time Robert Mueller took over the investigation, and Bob Woodward admits that after searching “hard” for two years, he found no evidence of collusion, either.

In response to questioning during a congressional interview, Page told Representative John Ratcliffe (R-TX) that as of May, 2017, the FBI had found no connection between Trump and Russia that pointed to collusion."
FBI Couldn't Find Trump-Russia Collusion, and Neither Could Bob Woodward

4. "To date, Lisa Page’s infamy has been driven mostly by the anti-Donald Trump text messages she exchanged with fellow FBI agent Peter Strzok as the two engaged in an affair while investigating the president for alleged election collusion with Russia.

Yet, when history judges the former FBI lawyer years from now, her most consequential pronouncement may not have been typed on her bureau-issued Samsung smartphone to her colleague and lover.

Rather, it might be eight simple words she uttered behind closed doors during a congressional interview a few weeks ago.

“It’s a reflection of us still not knowing,” Page told Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) when questioned about texts she and Strzok exchanged in May 2017 as Robert Mueller was being named a special prosecutor to take over the Russia investigation.

With that statement, Page acknowledged a momentous fact: After nine months of using some of the most awesome surveillance powers afforded to U.S. intelligence, the FBI still had not made a case connecting Trump or his campaign to Russia’s election meddling.

Page opined further, acknowledging “it still existed in the scope of possibility that there would be literally nothing” to connect Trump and Russia, no matter what Mueller or the FBI did.

“As far as May of 2017, we still couldn’t answer the question,” she said at another point." Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

5. Everything the Democrats/Liberals touch turns to ....mud.

They have altered the reputation of a once great institution, the FBI, to political backstabbers, no more than 'the gang that couldn't shoot straight,' and treacherous goons.

No more than handmaidens of the Democrats.


Your OP's always seem to lack something...'brevity'.

You seriously expect me to read through this (no doubt 'biased') morass? is too short.
Last edited:
Again, says you citing your imagination.
Like Mueller, you keep ignoring evidence while continuing to make false accusations!

Which false accusation specifically?

Comey - one of the Secret Society already proven to have committed Obstruction, the FBI Director the US IG reportedly 'usurped the power of the DOJ and violated the separation of powers' by declaring Hillary had broken laws but would not be indicted, the conspirator who lied according to his Deputy Director - and his FBI agents (to include the foreign spy working for the FBI who provided the fake Dossier)...and Rosenstein / the DOJ (Oher) used the Dossier ... And the ICA ... written by CIA Director Brennan with help from FBI Counter-Intelligence Division agent Strzok to fool the FISA Court judges to illegally get their warrants.

A secret society that you imagine. With 'obstruction' that you imagine. You can't either factually. Again, your huffing conspiracy fantasy obsessively.

And 'usurping the separation of powers'? Blithering nonsense. The FBI is part of the executive branch. Its the executive branch the excercises prosecutorial discretion. With the IG finding that the FBI's conclusions were both reasonable and based in law and precedent.

You clearly have no idea what you're talking about. You're just throwing conspiracy batshit on the wall, hoping something sticks.

All of this is recorded, documented, reported. Testimony, reports, and texts all confirm this., it isn't. Show us anywhere that Comey is part of some 'secret society'.

You'll find you're just babbling in the wasteland of your imagination.
Thank you for proving everythi g I said was true.

For instance, the Secret Society you said was only in my imagination? Strzok wrote about it in his texts to Page, how they did not want Trump to win and had already net to strategize. That's just one example of the evidence already exposed that you try to ignore and minimize by making your ignorant, BS, evidence-ignoring comments.

You are a joke, a walking talking propaganda machine. Talking to you is a waste of time.

Good luck with that....
Your OP's always seem to lack something...'brevity'.

You seriously expect me to read through this morass? is too short.
No one expects you to be able to read or, if you can, to read anything that does not parrot your own ignorant, evidence-ignoring opinion. God forbid you would read something and actually educate yourself.


This was the request: I asked for 2 or 3, knowing that you couldn't cite formative volumes.

I asked for the books that informed your political outlook.

Clearly, you still can't.
1. Central to the Mueller Farrago is the 'dossier.'

Without it, no FISA warrants to surveil Trump, et al......

No Comey leaks

No special prosecutor

Soooo....the dossier cannot be ignored.

And here's what it implies:

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.

2. As of this moment:
"FBI Couldn’t Find Trump-Russia Collusion, and Neither Could Bob Woodward
Justice turned on its head: “imposing the presumption of guilt upon a probe whose own originators had reason to doubt the strength of their evidence”

3. Buried amid all the anti-Trump “Russia, Russia, Russia” derangement are a couple of potentially explosive revelations.

Lisa Page, former FBI lawyer and mistress of former FBI agent Peter Strzok, admitted that the FBI couldn’t prove collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia at the time Robert Mueller took over the investigation, and Bob Woodward admits that after searching “hard” for two years, he found no evidence of collusion, either.

In response to questioning during a congressional interview, Page told Representative John Ratcliffe (R-TX) that as of May, 2017, the FBI had found no connection between Trump and Russia that pointed to collusion."
FBI Couldn't Find Trump-Russia Collusion, and Neither Could Bob Woodward

4. "To date, Lisa Page’s infamy has been driven mostly by the anti-Donald Trump text messages she exchanged with fellow FBI agent Peter Strzok as the two engaged in an affair while investigating the president for alleged election collusion with Russia.

Yet, when history judges the former FBI lawyer years from now, her most consequential pronouncement may not have been typed on her bureau-issued Samsung smartphone to her colleague and lover.

Rather, it might be eight simple words she uttered behind closed doors during a congressional interview a few weeks ago.

“It’s a reflection of us still not knowing,” Page told Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) when questioned about texts she and Strzok exchanged in May 2017 as Robert Mueller was being named a special prosecutor to take over the Russia investigation.

With that statement, Page acknowledged a momentous fact: After nine months of using some of the most awesome surveillance powers afforded to U.S. intelligence, the FBI still had not made a case connecting Trump or his campaign to Russia’s election meddling.

Page opined further, acknowledging “it still existed in the scope of possibility that there would be literally nothing” to connect Trump and Russia, no matter what Mueller or the FBI did.

“As far as May of 2017, we still couldn’t answer the question,” she said at another point." Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

5. Everything the Democrats/Liberals touch turns to ....mud.

They have altered the reputation of a once great institution, the FBI, to political backstabbers, no more than 'the gang that couldn't shoot straight,' and treacherous goons.

No more than handmaidens of the Democrats.


You know you are getting desperate when you try to change the subject.

That dossier has never been disproved.

I can help, ReallyReallyDumb.....but only if you can read English...

"After 18 months of steely-eyed investigation, the only parts of the dossier that have been "confirmed" are bland factual statements -- Moscow is a city in Russia -- while the untrue parts are anything having to do with Trump or his associates.

As New York Times national security reporter Matthew Rosenberg explained to MSNBC's easily excited Chris Hayes last March:

"Both journalists and others who had copies of it for a long time have not been able to report much of it out. We've heard that, you know, the FBI and the Intelligence Community believe about 30 percent of it may be accurate, but most of that 30 percent, if not all, has been non-Trump stuff."
February 7, 2018 - CARTER PAGE: AGENT 000

“Not one claim concerning Trump in the Steele Dossier has ever been verified by the FBI, according to Andrew McCabe himself in recent testimony to the House Intelligence Committee. The only confirmed fact is unsurprising: former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page traveled to Moscow on his own dime and met with various Russians—all perfectly legal.

Comey and then-CIA Director John Brennan laundered the Steele Dossier through the U.S. intelligence community to give it an aura of credibility and get it to the press. It was also used by the FBI and senior DOJ officials to secure wiretap warrants from a secret Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act (FISA) court. Then its contents, via court-authorized FISA warrants, were used to justify the illegal unmasking of the identities of wiretapped Trump officials.” The Politicization of the FBI
1. Central to the Mueller Farrago is the 'dossier.'

Without it, no FISA warrants to surveil Trump, et al......

No Comey leaks

No special prosecutor

Soooo....the dossier cannot be ignored.

And here's what it implies:

Russia is a dictatorship.
Nothing emanates from Moscow without Putin's imprimatur....
The 'information' in the infamous 'dossier' came from Russia.

Now.....if Putin wanted Trump to win.......would there have ever.......ever.....been a dossier?????

QED......the candidate of Vladimir Putin was Hillary Clinton and the Democrats.

If any collusion occurred, it was through Democrats, the only folks for whom we have actual evidence of collusion.

2. As of this moment:
"FBI Couldn’t Find Trump-Russia Collusion, and Neither Could Bob Woodward
Justice turned on its head: “imposing the presumption of guilt upon a probe whose own originators had reason to doubt the strength of their evidence”

3. Buried amid all the anti-Trump “Russia, Russia, Russia” derangement are a couple of potentially explosive revelations.

Lisa Page, former FBI lawyer and mistress of former FBI agent Peter Strzok, admitted that the FBI couldn’t prove collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia at the time Robert Mueller took over the investigation, and Bob Woodward admits that after searching “hard” for two years, he found no evidence of collusion, either.

In response to questioning during a congressional interview, Page told Representative John Ratcliffe (R-TX) that as of May, 2017, the FBI had found no connection between Trump and Russia that pointed to collusion."
FBI Couldn't Find Trump-Russia Collusion, and Neither Could Bob Woodward

4. "To date, Lisa Page’s infamy has been driven mostly by the anti-Donald Trump text messages she exchanged with fellow FBI agent Peter Strzok as the two engaged in an affair while investigating the president for alleged election collusion with Russia.

Yet, when history judges the former FBI lawyer years from now, her most consequential pronouncement may not have been typed on her bureau-issued Samsung smartphone to her colleague and lover.

Rather, it might be eight simple words she uttered behind closed doors during a congressional interview a few weeks ago.

“It’s a reflection of us still not knowing,” Page told Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) when questioned about texts she and Strzok exchanged in May 2017 as Robert Mueller was being named a special prosecutor to take over the Russia investigation.

With that statement, Page acknowledged a momentous fact: After nine months of using some of the most awesome surveillance powers afforded to U.S. intelligence, the FBI still had not made a case connecting Trump or his campaign to Russia’s election meddling.

Page opined further, acknowledging “it still existed in the scope of possibility that there would be literally nothing” to connect Trump and Russia, no matter what Mueller or the FBI did.

“As far as May of 2017, we still couldn’t answer the question,” she said at another point." Lisa Page bombshell: FBI couldn’t prove Trump-Russia collusion before Mueller appointment

5. Everything the Democrats/Liberals touch turns to ....mud.

They have altered the reputation of a once great institution, the FBI, to political backstabbers, no more than 'the gang that couldn't shoot straight,' and treacherous goons.

No more than handmaidens of the Democrats.


Your OP's always seem to lack something...'brevity'.

You seriously expect me to read through this (no doubt 'biased') morass? is too short.

You never read anything in government school, why would I expect that to change now?

This was the request: I asked for 2 or 3, knowing that you couldn't cite formative volumes.

I asked for the books that informed your political outlook.

Clearly, you still can't.

You clearly have a skewed idea of what politics is. Politics is made up of a lot more than just books about the KGB or someone's political philosophies. There is only one person you need to know when understanding modern day politics, and that is Machiavelli. People set goals to remain in power, and they do whatever they feel is needed to do so, no matter what that cost might be at other's expense. This is something I didn't understand at a younger age, and I let my family and environment in which I lived push me to label myself as a Republican. Yet as I grew to pay more attention to politics and the world around me, I began to realize and understand what Machiavellianism is, and that it wasn't the type of person I wanted to be. I think we as a people should live like Gandhi spoke, that we MUST look at ourselves and judge our being based on not how much we have, or what kind of status we have, but based on how we treat the most vulnerable people in our society.

This was the request: I asked for 2 or 3, knowing that you couldn't cite formative volumes.

I asked for the books that informed your political outlook.

Clearly, you still can't.

You clearly have a skewed idea of what politics is. Politics is made up of a lot more than just books about the KGB or someone's political philosophies. There is only one person you need to know when understanding modern day politics, and that is Machiavelli. People set goals to remain in power, and they do whatever they feel is needed to do so, no matter what that cost might be at other's expense. This is something I didn't understand at a younger age, and I let my family and environment in which I lived push me to label myself as a Republican. Yet as I grew to pay more attention to politics and the world around me, I began to realize and understand what Machiavellianism is, and that it wasn't the type of person I wanted to be. I think we as a people should live like Gandhi spoke, that we MUST look at ourselves and judge our being based on not how much we have, or what kind of status we have, but based on how we treat the most vulnerable people in our society.

What I intended to prove, and have done so, is that you have no background nor basis for understanding geopolitics.

The books you provided are merely vocational texts.

You can't even seem to understand the question that was asked.

I gave you three that really would help you a great deal.

Study of same, it seems, is out of the question for you.

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